/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.cloud.rule; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.rule.ImplicitSnitch; import org.apache.solr.common.cloud.rule.SnitchContext; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.Mockito; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class ImplicitSnitchTest { private ImplicitSnitch snitch; private SnitchContext context; private static final String IP_1 = "ip_1"; private static final String IP_2 = "ip_2"; private static final String IP_3 = "ip_3"; private static final String IP_4 = "ip_4"; @Before public void beforeImplicitSnitchTest() { snitch = new ImplicitSnitch(); context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, null, new HashMap<>(),null); } @Test public void testGetTags_withAllIPv4RequestedTags_with_omitted_zeros_returns_four_tags() throws Exception { String node = "5:8983_solr"; snitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_1, IP_2, IP_3, IP_4), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(4)); assertThat(tags.get(IP_1), is("5")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_2), is("0")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_3), is("0")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_4), is("0")); } @Test public void testGetTags_withAllIPv4RequestedTags_returns_four_tags() throws Exception { String node = ""; snitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_1, IP_2, IP_3, IP_4), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(4)); assertThat(tags.get(IP_1), is("2")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_2), is("1")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_3), is("168")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_4), is("192")); } @Test public void testGetTags_withIPv4RequestedTags_ip2_and_ip4_returns_two_tags() throws Exception { String node = ""; SnitchContext context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, node, new HashMap<>(),null); snitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_2, IP_4), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(2)); assertThat(tags.get(IP_2), is("1")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_4), is("192")); } @Test public void testGetTags_with_wrong_ipv4_format_ip_returns_nothing() throws Exception { String node = ""; SnitchContext context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, node, new HashMap<>(),null); snitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_1), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(0)); } @Test public void testGetTags_with_correct_ipv6_format_ip_returns_nothing() throws Exception { String node = "[0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1]:8983_solr"; SnitchContext context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, node, new HashMap<>(),null); snitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_1), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(0)); //This will fail when IPv6 is implemented } @Test public void testGetTags_withEmptyRequestedTag_returns_nothing() throws Exception { String node = ""; snitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(0)); } @Test public void testGetTags_withAllHostNameRequestedTags_returns_all_Tags() throws Exception { String node = "serv01.dc01.london.uk.apache.org:8983_solr"; SnitchContext context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, node, new HashMap<>(),null); //We need mocking here otherwise, we would need proper DNS entry for this test to pass ImplicitSnitch mockedSnitch = Mockito.spy(snitch); when(mockedSnitch.getHostIp(anyString())).thenReturn(""); mockedSnitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_1, IP_2, IP_3, IP_4), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(4)); assertThat(tags.get(IP_1), is("13")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_2), is("12")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_3), is("11")); assertThat(tags.get(IP_4), is("10")); } @Test public void testGetTags_withHostNameRequestedTag_ip3_returns_1_tag() throws Exception { String node = "serv01.dc01.london.uk.apache.org:8983_solr"; SnitchContext context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, node, new HashMap<>(),null); //We need mocking here otherwise, we would need proper DNS entry for this test to pass ImplicitSnitch mockedSnitch = Mockito.spy(snitch); when(mockedSnitch.getHostIp(anyString())).thenReturn(""); mockedSnitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet(IP_3), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(1)); assertThat(tags.get(IP_3), is("11")); } @Test public void testGetTags_withHostNameRequestedTag_ip99999_returns_nothing() throws Exception { String node = "serv01.dc01.london.uk.apache.org:8983_solr"; SnitchContext context = new ServerSnitchContext(null, node, new HashMap<>(),null); //We need mocking here otherwise, we would need proper DNS entry for this test to pass ImplicitSnitch mockedSnitch = Mockito.spy(snitch); when(mockedSnitch.getHostIp(anyString())).thenReturn(""); mockedSnitch.getTags(node, Sets.newHashSet("ip_99999"), context); Map<String, Object> tags = context.getTags(); assertThat(tags.entrySet().size(), is(0)); } @Test public void testIsKnownTag_ip1() throws Exception { assertFalse(snitch.isKnownTag("ip_0")); assertTrue(snitch.isKnownTag(IP_1)); assertTrue(snitch.isKnownTag(IP_2)); assertTrue(snitch.isKnownTag(IP_3)); assertTrue(snitch.isKnownTag(IP_4)); assertFalse(snitch.isKnownTag("ip_5")); } }