/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.index; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.CodecUtil; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.document.StoredField; import org.apache.lucene.store.Directory; import org.apache.lucene.store.FilterDirectory; import org.apache.lucene.store.FlushInfo; import org.apache.lucene.store.IOContext; import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexInput; import org.apache.lucene.store.IndexOutput; import org.apache.lucene.store.MockDirectoryWrapper; import org.apache.lucene.store.NRTCachingDirectory; import org.apache.lucene.util.StringHelper; import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil; import org.apache.lucene.util.Version; /** * Abstract class to do basic tests for a compound format. * NOTE: This test focuses on the compound impl, nothing else. * The [stretch] goal is for this test to be * so thorough in testing a new CompoundFormat that if this * test passes, then all Lucene/Solr tests should also pass. Ie, * if there is some bug in a given CompoundFormat that this * test fails to catch then this test needs to be improved! */ public abstract class BaseCompoundFormatTestCase extends BaseIndexFileFormatTestCase { // test that empty CFS is empty public void testEmpty() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.emptySet()); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); assertEquals(0, cfs.listAll().length); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } /** * This test creates compound file based on a single file. * Files of different sizes are tested: 0, 1, 10, 100 bytes. */ public void testSingleFile() throws IOException { int data[] = new int[] { 0, 1, 10, 100 }; for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++) { String testfile = "_" + i + ".test"; Directory dir = newDirectory(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_" + i); createSequenceFile(dir, testfile, (byte) 0, data[i], si.getId(), "suffix"); si.setFiles(Collections.singleton(testfile)); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); IndexInput expected = dir.openInput(testfile, newIOContext(random())); IndexInput actual = cfs.openInput(testfile, newIOContext(random())); assertSameStreams(testfile, expected, actual); assertSameSeekBehavior(testfile, expected, actual); expected.close(); actual.close(); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } } /** * This test creates compound file based on two files. */ public void testTwoFiles() throws IOException { String files[] = { "_123.d1", "_123.d2" }; Directory dir = newDirectory(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); createSequenceFile(dir, files[0], (byte) 0, 15, si.getId(), "suffix"); createSequenceFile(dir, files[1], (byte) 0, 114, si.getId(), "suffix"); si.setFiles(Arrays.asList(files)); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); for (String file : files) { IndexInput expected = dir.openInput(file, newIOContext(random())); IndexInput actual = cfs.openInput(file, newIOContext(random())); assertSameStreams(file, expected, actual); assertSameSeekBehavior(file, expected, actual); expected.close(); actual.close(); } cfs.close(); dir.close(); } // test that a second call to close() behaves according to Closeable public void testDoubleClose() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; Directory dir = newDirectory(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); try (IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, IOContext.DEFAULT)) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(out, "Foo", 0, si.getId(), "suffix"); out.writeInt(3); CodecUtil.writeFooter(out); } si.setFiles(Collections.singleton(testfile)); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); assertEquals(1, cfs.listAll().length); cfs.close(); cfs.close(); // second close should not throw exception dir.close(); } // LUCENE-5724: things like NRTCachingDir rely upon IOContext being properly passed down public void testPassIOContext() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; final IOContext myContext = new IOContext(); Directory dir = new FilterDirectory(newDirectory()) { @Override public IndexOutput createOutput(String name, IOContext context) throws IOException { assertSame(myContext, context); return super.createOutput(name, context); } }; SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); try (IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, myContext)) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(out, "Foo", 0, si.getId(), "suffix"); out.writeInt(3); CodecUtil.writeFooter(out); } si.setFiles(Collections.singleton(testfile)); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, myContext); dir.close(); } // LUCENE-5724: actually test we play nice with NRTCachingDir and massive file public void testLargeCFS() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; IOContext context = new IOContext(new FlushInfo(0, 512*1024*1024)); Directory dir = new NRTCachingDirectory(newFSDirectory(createTempDir()), 2.0, 25.0); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); try (IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, context)) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(out, "Foo", 0, si.getId(), "suffix"); byte[] bytes = new byte[512]; for(int i=0;i<1024*1024;i++) { out.writeBytes(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } CodecUtil.writeFooter(out); } si.setFiles(Collections.singleton(testfile)); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, context); dir.close(); } // Just tests that we can open all files returned by listAll public void testListAll() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); // riw should sometimes create docvalues fields, etc RandomIndexWriter riw = new RandomIndexWriter(random(), dir); Document doc = new Document(); // these fields should sometimes get term vectors, etc Field idField = newStringField("id", "", Field.Store.NO); Field bodyField = newTextField("body", "", Field.Store.NO); doc.add(idField); doc.add(bodyField); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { idField.setStringValue(Integer.toString(i)); bodyField.setStringValue(TestUtil.randomUnicodeString(random())); riw.addDocument(doc); if (random().nextInt(7) == 0) { riw.commit(); } } riw.close(); SegmentInfos infos = SegmentInfos.readLatestCommit(dir); for (SegmentCommitInfo si : infos) { if (si.info.getUseCompoundFile()) { try (Directory cfsDir = si.info.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si.info, newIOContext(random()))) { for (String cfsFile : cfsDir.listAll()) { try (IndexInput cfsIn = cfsDir.openInput(cfsFile, IOContext.DEFAULT)) { assert cfsIn != null; } } } } } dir.close(); } // test that cfs reader is read-only public void testCreateOutputDisabled() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.emptyList()); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); expectThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> { cfs.createOutput("bogus", IOContext.DEFAULT); }); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } // test that cfs reader is read-only public void testDeleteFileDisabled() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; Directory dir = newDirectory(); IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, IOContext.DEFAULT); out.writeInt(3); out.close(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.emptyList()); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); expectThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> { cfs.deleteFile(testfile); }); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } // test that cfs reader is read-only public void testRenameFileDisabled() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; Directory dir = newDirectory(); IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, IOContext.DEFAULT); out.writeInt(3); out.close(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.emptyList()); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); expectThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> { cfs.rename(testfile, "bogus"); }); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } // test that cfs reader is read-only public void testSyncDisabled() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; Directory dir = newDirectory(); IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, IOContext.DEFAULT); out.writeInt(3); out.close(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.emptyList()); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); expectThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> { cfs.sync(Collections.singleton(testfile)); }); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } // test that cfs reader is read-only public void testMakeLockDisabled() throws IOException { final String testfile = "_123.test"; Directory dir = newDirectory(); IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(testfile, IOContext.DEFAULT); out.writeInt(3); out.close(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.emptyList()); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); expectThrows(UnsupportedOperationException.class, () -> { cfs.obtainLock("foobar"); }); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } /** * This test creates a compound file based on a large number of files of * various length. The file content is generated randomly. The sizes range * from 0 to 1Mb. Some of the sizes are selected to test the buffering * logic in the file reading code. For this the chunk variable is set to * the length of the buffer used internally by the compound file logic. */ public void testRandomFiles() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); // Setup the test segment String segment = "_123"; int chunk = 1024; // internal buffer size used by the stream SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); byte[] segId = si.getId(); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".zero", 0, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".one", 1, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".ten", 10, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".hundred", 100, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big1", chunk, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big2", chunk - 1, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big3", chunk + 1, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big4", 3 * chunk, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big5", 3 * chunk - 1, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big6", 3 * chunk + 1, segId); createRandomFile(dir, segment + ".big7", 1000 * chunk, segId); List<String> files = new ArrayList<>(); for (String file : dir.listAll()) { if (file.startsWith(segment)) { files.add(file); } } si.setFiles(files); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); for (String file : files) { IndexInput check = dir.openInput(file, newIOContext(random())); IndexInput test = cfs.openInput(file, newIOContext(random())); assertSameStreams(file, check, test); assertSameSeekBehavior(file, check, test); test.close(); check.close(); } cfs.close(); dir.close(); } // Make sure we don't somehow use more than 1 descriptor // when reading a CFS with many subs: public void testManySubFiles() throws IOException { final MockDirectoryWrapper dir = newMockFSDirectory(createTempDir("CFSManySubFiles")); final int FILE_COUNT = atLeast(500); List<String> files = new ArrayList<>(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); for (int fileIdx = 0; fileIdx < FILE_COUNT; fileIdx++) { String file = "_123." + fileIdx; files.add(file); try (IndexOutput out = dir.createOutput(file, newIOContext(random()))) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(out, "Foo", 0, si.getId(), "suffix"); out.writeByte((byte) fileIdx); CodecUtil.writeFooter(out); } } assertEquals(0, dir.getFileHandleCount()); si.setFiles(files); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); final IndexInput[] ins = new IndexInput[FILE_COUNT]; for (int fileIdx = 0; fileIdx < FILE_COUNT; fileIdx++) { ins[fileIdx] = cfs.openInput("_123." + fileIdx, newIOContext(random())); CodecUtil.checkIndexHeader(ins[fileIdx], "Foo", 0, 0, si.getId(), "suffix"); } assertEquals(1, dir.getFileHandleCount()); for (int fileIdx = 0; fileIdx < FILE_COUNT; fileIdx++) { assertEquals((byte) fileIdx, ins[fileIdx].readByte()); } assertEquals(1, dir.getFileHandleCount()); for(int fileIdx=0;fileIdx<FILE_COUNT;fileIdx++) { ins[fileIdx].close(); } cfs.close(); dir.close(); } public void testClonedStreamsClosing() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Directory cr = createLargeCFS(dir); // basic clone IndexInput expected = dir.openInput("_123.f11", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput one = cr.openInput("_123.f11", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput two = one.clone(); assertSameStreams("basic clone one", expected, one); expected.seek(0); assertSameStreams("basic clone two", expected, two); // Now close the compound reader cr.close(); expected.close(); dir.close(); } /** This test opens two files from a compound stream and verifies that * their file positions are independent of each other. */ public void testRandomAccess() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Directory cr = createLargeCFS(dir); // Open two files IndexInput e1 = dir.openInput("_123.f11", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput e2 = dir.openInput("_123.f3", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput a1 = cr.openInput("_123.f11", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput a2 = dir.openInput("_123.f3", newIOContext(random())); // Seek the first pair e1.seek(100); a1.seek(100); assertEquals(100, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(100, a1.getFilePointer()); byte be1 = e1.readByte(); byte ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); // Now seek the second pair e2.seek(1027); a2.seek(1027); assertEquals(1027, e2.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1027, a2.getFilePointer()); byte be2 = e2.readByte(); byte ba2 = a2.readByte(); assertEquals(be2, ba2); // Now make sure the first one didn't move assertEquals(101, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(101, a1.getFilePointer()); be1 = e1.readByte(); ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); // Now more the first one again, past the buffer length e1.seek(1910); a1.seek(1910); assertEquals(1910, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1910, a1.getFilePointer()); be1 = e1.readByte(); ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); // Now make sure the second set didn't move assertEquals(1028, e2.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1028, a2.getFilePointer()); be2 = e2.readByte(); ba2 = a2.readByte(); assertEquals(be2, ba2); // Move the second set back, again cross the buffer size e2.seek(17); a2.seek(17); assertEquals(17, e2.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(17, a2.getFilePointer()); be2 = e2.readByte(); ba2 = a2.readByte(); assertEquals(be2, ba2); // Finally, make sure the first set didn't move // Now make sure the first one didn't move assertEquals(1911, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1911, a1.getFilePointer()); be1 = e1.readByte(); ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); e1.close(); e2.close(); a1.close(); a2.close(); cr.close(); dir.close(); } /** This test opens two files from a compound stream and verifies that * their file positions are independent of each other. */ public void testRandomAccessClones() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Directory cr = createLargeCFS(dir); // Open two files IndexInput e1 = cr.openInput("_123.f11", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput e2 = cr.openInput("_123.f3", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput a1 = e1.clone(); IndexInput a2 = e2.clone(); // Seek the first pair e1.seek(100); a1.seek(100); assertEquals(100, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(100, a1.getFilePointer()); byte be1 = e1.readByte(); byte ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); // Now seek the second pair e2.seek(1027); a2.seek(1027); assertEquals(1027, e2.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1027, a2.getFilePointer()); byte be2 = e2.readByte(); byte ba2 = a2.readByte(); assertEquals(be2, ba2); // Now make sure the first one didn't move assertEquals(101, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(101, a1.getFilePointer()); be1 = e1.readByte(); ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); // Now more the first one again, past the buffer length e1.seek(1910); a1.seek(1910); assertEquals(1910, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1910, a1.getFilePointer()); be1 = e1.readByte(); ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); // Now make sure the second set didn't move assertEquals(1028, e2.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1028, a2.getFilePointer()); be2 = e2.readByte(); ba2 = a2.readByte(); assertEquals(be2, ba2); // Move the second set back, again cross the buffer size e2.seek(17); a2.seek(17); assertEquals(17, e2.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(17, a2.getFilePointer()); be2 = e2.readByte(); ba2 = a2.readByte(); assertEquals(be2, ba2); // Finally, make sure the first set didn't move // Now make sure the first one didn't move assertEquals(1911, e1.getFilePointer()); assertEquals(1911, a1.getFilePointer()); be1 = e1.readByte(); ba1 = a1.readByte(); assertEquals(be1, ba1); e1.close(); e2.close(); a1.close(); a2.close(); cr.close(); dir.close(); } public void testFileNotFound() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Directory cr = createLargeCFS(dir); // Open bogus file expectThrows(IOException.class, () -> { cr.openInput("bogus", newIOContext(random())); }); cr.close(); dir.close(); } public void testReadPastEOF() throws IOException { Directory dir = newDirectory(); Directory cr = createLargeCFS(dir); IndexInput is = cr.openInput("_123.f2", newIOContext(random())); is.seek(is.length() - 10); byte b[] = new byte[100]; is.readBytes(b, 0, 10); // Single byte read past end of file expectThrows(IOException.class, () -> { is.readByte(); }); is.seek(is.length() - 10); // Block read past end of file expectThrows(IOException.class, () -> { is.readBytes(b, 0, 50); }); is.close(); cr.close(); dir.close(); } /** Returns a new fake segment */ protected static SegmentInfo newSegmentInfo(Directory dir, String name) { Version minVersion = random().nextBoolean() ? null : Version.LATEST; return new SegmentInfo(dir, Version.LATEST, minVersion, name, 10000, false, Codec.getDefault(), Collections.emptyMap(), StringHelper.randomId(), new HashMap<>(), null); } /** Creates a file of the specified size with random data. */ protected static void createRandomFile(Directory dir, String name, int size, byte[] segId) throws IOException { Random rnd = random(); try (IndexOutput os = dir.createOutput(name, newIOContext(random()))) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(os, "Foo", 0, segId, "suffix"); for (int i=0; i<size; i++) { byte b = (byte) rnd.nextInt(256); os.writeByte(b); } CodecUtil.writeFooter(os); } } /** Creates a file of the specified size with sequential data. The first * byte is written as the start byte provided. All subsequent bytes are * computed as start + offset where offset is the number of the byte. */ protected static void createSequenceFile(Directory dir, String name, byte start, int size, byte[] segID, String segSuffix) throws IOException { try (IndexOutput os = dir.createOutput(name, newIOContext(random()))) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(os, "Foo", 0, segID, segSuffix); for (int i=0; i < size; i++) { os.writeByte(start); start ++; } CodecUtil.writeFooter(os); } } protected static void assertSameStreams(String msg, IndexInput expected, IndexInput test) throws IOException { assertNotNull(msg + " null expected", expected); assertNotNull(msg + " null test", test); assertEquals(msg + " length", expected.length(), test.length()); assertEquals(msg + " position", expected.getFilePointer(), test.getFilePointer()); byte expectedBuffer[] = new byte[512]; byte testBuffer[] = new byte[expectedBuffer.length]; long remainder = expected.length() - expected.getFilePointer(); while (remainder > 0) { int readLen = (int) Math.min(remainder, expectedBuffer.length); expected.readBytes(expectedBuffer, 0, readLen); test.readBytes(testBuffer, 0, readLen); assertEqualArrays(msg + ", remainder " + remainder, expectedBuffer, testBuffer, 0, readLen); remainder -= readLen; } } protected static void assertSameStreams(String msg, IndexInput expected, IndexInput actual, long seekTo) throws IOException { if (seekTo >= 0 && seekTo < expected.length()) { expected.seek(seekTo); actual.seek(seekTo); assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(mid)", expected, actual); } } protected static void assertSameSeekBehavior(String msg, IndexInput expected, IndexInput actual) throws IOException { // seek to 0 long point = 0; assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(0)", expected, actual, point); // seek to middle point = expected.length() / 2l; assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(mid)", expected, actual, point); // seek to end - 2 point = expected.length() - 2; assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(end-2)", expected, actual, point); // seek to end - 1 point = expected.length() - 1; assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(end-1)", expected, actual, point); // seek to the end point = expected.length(); assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(end)", expected, actual, point); // seek past end point = expected.length() + 1; assertSameStreams(msg + ", seek(end+1)", expected, actual, point); } protected static void assertEqualArrays(String msg, byte[] expected, byte[] test, int start, int len) { assertNotNull(msg + " null expected", expected); assertNotNull(msg + " null test", test); for (int i=start; i<len; i++) { assertEquals(msg + " " + i, expected[i], test[i]); } } /** * Setup a large compound file with a number of components, each of * which is a sequential file (so that we can easily tell that we are * reading in the right byte). The methods sets up 20 files - _123.0 to _123.19, * the size of each file is 1000 bytes. */ protected static Directory createLargeCFS(Directory dir) throws IOException { List<String> files = new ArrayList<>(); SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { createSequenceFile(dir, "_123.f" + i, (byte) 0, 2000, si.getId(), "suffix"); files.add("_123.f" + i); } si.setFiles(files); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); return cfs; } @Override protected void addRandomFields(Document doc) { doc.add(new StoredField("foobar", TestUtil.randomSimpleString(random()))); } @Override public void testMergeStability() throws Exception { assumeTrue("test does not work with CFS", true); } // LUCENE-6311: make sure the resource name inside a compound file confesses that it's inside a compound file public void testResourceNameInsideCompoundFile() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); String subFile = "_123.xyz"; SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); createSequenceFile(dir, subFile, (byte) 0, 10, si.getId(), "suffix"); si.setFiles(Collections.singletonList(subFile)); si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); Directory cfs = si.getCodec().compoundFormat().getCompoundReader(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT); IndexInput in = cfs.openInput(subFile, IOContext.DEFAULT); String desc = in.toString(); assertTrue("resource description hides that it's inside a compound file: " + desc, desc.contains("[slice=" + subFile + "]")); cfs.close(); dir.close(); } public void testMissingCodecHeadersAreCaught() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); String subFile = "_123.xyz"; // missing codec header try (IndexOutput os = dir.createOutput(subFile, newIOContext(random()))) { for (int i=0; i < 1024; i++) { os.writeByte((byte) i); } } SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); si.setFiles(Collections.singletonList(subFile)); Exception e = expectThrows(CorruptIndexException.class, () -> si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT)); assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("codec header mismatch")); dir.close(); } public void testCorruptFilesAreCaught() throws Exception { Directory dir = newDirectory(); String subFile = "_123.xyz"; // wrong checksum SegmentInfo si = newSegmentInfo(dir, "_123"); try (IndexOutput os = dir.createOutput(subFile, newIOContext(random()))) { CodecUtil.writeIndexHeader(os, "Foo", 0, si.getId(), "suffix"); for (int i=0; i < 1024; i++) { os.writeByte((byte) i); } // write footer w/ wrong checksum os.writeInt(CodecUtil.FOOTER_MAGIC); os.writeInt(0); long checksum = os.getChecksum(); os.writeLong(checksum+1); } si.setFiles(Collections.singletonList(subFile)); Exception e = expectThrows(CorruptIndexException.class, () -> si.getCodec().compoundFormat().write(dir, si, IOContext.DEFAULT)); assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("checksum failed (hardware problem?)")); dir.close(); } }