/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.spatial.bbox; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import org.apache.lucene.queries.function.ValueSource; import org.apache.lucene.search.Explanation; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Rectangle; /** * The algorithm is implemented as envelope on envelope (rect on rect) overlays rather than * complex polygon on complex polygon overlays. * <p> * Spatial relevance scoring algorithm: * <DL> * <DT>queryArea</DT> <DD>the area of the input query envelope</DD> * <DT>targetArea</DT> <DD>the area of the target envelope (per Lucene document)</DD> * <DT>intersectionArea</DT> <DD>the area of the intersection between the query and target envelopes</DD> * <DT>queryTargetProportion</DT> <DD>A 0-1 factor that divides the score proportion between query and target. * 0.5 is evenly.</DD> * * <DT>queryRatio</DT> <DD>intersectionArea / queryArea; (see note)</DD> * <DT>targetRatio</DT> <DD>intersectionArea / targetArea; (see note)</DD> * <DT>queryFactor</DT> <DD>queryRatio * queryTargetProportion;</DD> * <DT>targetFactor</DT> <DD>targetRatio * (1 - queryTargetProportion);</DD> * <DT>score</DT> <DD>queryFactor + targetFactor;</DD> * </DL> * Additionally, note that an optional minimum side length {@code minSideLength} may be used whenever an * area is calculated (queryArea, targetArea, intersectionArea). This allows for points or horizontal/vertical lines * to be used as the query shape and in such case the descending order should have smallest boxes up front. Without * this, a point or line query shape typically scores everything with the same value since there is 0 area. * <p> * Note: The actual computation of queryRatio and targetRatio is more complicated so that it considers * points and lines. Lines have the ratio of overlap, and points are either 1.0 or 0.0 depending on whether * it intersects or not. * <p> * Originally based on Geoportal's * <a href="http://geoportal.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/geoportal/Geoportal/trunk/src/com/esri/gpt/catalog/lucene/SpatialRankingValueSource.java"> * SpatialRankingValueSource</a> but modified quite a bit. GeoPortal's algorithm will yield a score of 0 * if either a line or point is compared, and it doesn't output a 0-1 normalized score (it multiplies the factors), * and it doesn't support minSideLength, and it had dateline bugs. * * @lucene.experimental */ public class BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource extends BBoxSimilarityValueSource { private final boolean isGeo;//-180/+180 degrees (not part of identity; attached to parent strategy/field) private final Rectangle queryExtent; private final double queryArea;//not part of identity private final double minSideLength; private final double queryTargetProportion; //TODO option to compute geodetic area /** * * @param rectValueSource mandatory; source of rectangles * @param isGeo True if ctx.isGeo() and thus dateline issues should be attended to * @param queryExtent mandatory; the query rectangle * @param queryTargetProportion see class javadocs. Between 0 and 1. * @param minSideLength see class javadocs. 0.0 will effectively disable. */ public BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource(ValueSource rectValueSource, boolean isGeo, Rectangle queryExtent, double queryTargetProportion, double minSideLength) { super(rectValueSource); this.isGeo = isGeo; this.minSideLength = minSideLength; this.queryExtent = queryExtent; this.queryArea = calcArea(queryExtent.getWidth(), queryExtent.getHeight()); assert queryArea >= 0; this.queryTargetProportion = queryTargetProportion; if (queryTargetProportion < 0 || queryTargetProportion > 1.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("queryTargetProportion must be >= 0 and <= 1"); } /** Construct with 75% weighting towards target (roughly GeoPortal's default), geo degrees assumed, no * minimum side length. */ public BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource(ValueSource rectValueSource, Rectangle queryExtent) { this(rectValueSource, true, queryExtent, 0.25, 0.0); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!super.equals(o)) return false; BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource that = (BBoxOverlapRatioValueSource) o; if (Double.compare(that.minSideLength, minSideLength) != 0) return false; if (Double.compare(that.queryTargetProportion, queryTargetProportion) != 0) return false; if (!queryExtent.equals(that.queryExtent)) return false; return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); long temp; result = 31 * result + queryExtent.hashCode(); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(minSideLength); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(queryTargetProportion); result = 31 * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } @Override protected String similarityDescription() { return queryExtent.toString() + "," + queryTargetProportion; } @Override protected double score(Rectangle target, AtomicReference<Explanation> exp) { // calculate "height": the intersection height between two boxes. double top = Math.min(queryExtent.getMaxY(), target.getMaxY()); double bottom = Math.max(queryExtent.getMinY(), target.getMinY()); double height = top - bottom; if (height < 0) { if (exp != null) { exp.set(Explanation.noMatch("No intersection")); } return 0;//no intersection } // calculate "width": the intersection width between two boxes. double width = 0; { Rectangle a = queryExtent; Rectangle b = target; if (a.getCrossesDateLine() == b.getCrossesDateLine()) { //both either cross or don't double left = Math.max(a.getMinX(), b.getMinX()); double right = Math.min(a.getMaxX(), b.getMaxX()); if (!a.getCrossesDateLine()) {//both don't if (left <= right) { width = right - left; } else if (isGeo && (Math.abs(a.getMinX()) == 180 || Math.abs(a.getMaxX()) == 180) && (Math.abs(b.getMinX()) == 180 || Math.abs(b.getMaxX()) == 180)) { width = 0;//both adjacent to dateline } else { if (exp != null) { exp.set(Explanation.noMatch("No intersection")); } return 0;//no intersection } } else {//both cross width = right - left + 360; } } else { if (!a.getCrossesDateLine()) {//then flip a = target; b = queryExtent; } //a crosses, b doesn't double qryWestLeft = Math.max(a.getMinX(), b.getMinX()); double qryWestRight = b.getMaxX(); if (qryWestLeft < qryWestRight) width += qryWestRight - qryWestLeft; double qryEastLeft = b.getMinX(); double qryEastRight = Math.min(a.getMaxX(), b.getMaxX()); if (qryEastLeft < qryEastRight) width += qryEastRight - qryEastLeft; if (qryWestLeft > qryWestRight && qryEastLeft > qryEastRight) { if (exp != null) { exp.set(Explanation.noMatch("No intersection")); } return 0;//no intersection } } } // calculate queryRatio and targetRatio double intersectionArea = calcArea(width, height); double queryRatio; if (queryArea > 0) { queryRatio = intersectionArea / queryArea; } else if (queryExtent.getHeight() > 0) {//vert line queryRatio = height / queryExtent.getHeight(); } else if (queryExtent.getWidth() > 0) {//horiz line queryRatio = width / queryExtent.getWidth(); } else { queryRatio = queryExtent.relate(target).intersects() ? 1 : 0;//could be optimized } double targetArea = calcArea(target.getWidth(), target.getHeight()); assert targetArea >= 0; double targetRatio; if (targetArea > 0) { targetRatio = intersectionArea / targetArea; } else if (target.getHeight() > 0) {//vert line targetRatio = height / target.getHeight(); } else if (target.getWidth() > 0) {//horiz line targetRatio = width / target.getWidth(); } else { targetRatio = target.relate(queryExtent).intersects() ? 1 : 0;//could be optimized } assert queryRatio >= 0 && queryRatio <= 1 : queryRatio; assert targetRatio >= 0 && targetRatio <= 1 : targetRatio; // combine ratios into a score double queryFactor = queryRatio * queryTargetProportion; double targetFactor = targetRatio * (1.0 - queryTargetProportion); double score = queryFactor + targetFactor; if (exp!=null) { String minSideDesc = minSideLength > 0.0 ? " (minSide="+minSideLength+")" : ""; exp.set(Explanation.match((float) score, this.getClass().getSimpleName()+": queryFactor + targetFactor", Explanation.match((float)intersectionArea, "IntersectionArea" + minSideDesc, Explanation.match((float)width, "width"), Explanation.match((float)height, "height"), Explanation.match((float)queryTargetProportion, "queryTargetProportion")), Explanation.match((float)queryFactor, "queryFactor", Explanation.match((float)targetRatio, "ratio"), Explanation.match((float)queryArea, "area of " + queryExtent + minSideDesc)), Explanation.match((float)targetFactor, "targetFactor", Explanation.match((float)targetRatio, "ratio"), Explanation.match((float)targetArea, "area of " + target + minSideDesc)))); } return score; } /** Calculates the area while applying the minimum side length. */ private double calcArea(double width, double height) { return Math.max(minSideLength, width) * Math.max(minSideLength, height); } }