/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.util; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.TokenStream; // for javadocs /** * An AttributeSource contains a list of different {@link AttributeImpl}s, * and methods to add and get them. There can only be a single instance * of an attribute in the same AttributeSource instance. This is ensured * by passing in the actual type of the Attribute (Class<Attribute>) to * the {@link #addAttribute(Class)}, which then checks if an instance of * that type is already present. If yes, it returns the instance, otherwise * it creates a new instance and returns it. */ public class AttributeSource { /** * This class holds the state of an AttributeSource. * @see #captureState * @see #restoreState */ public static final class State implements Cloneable { AttributeImpl attribute; State next; @Override public State clone() { State clone = new State(); clone.attribute = attribute.clone(); if (next != null) { clone.next = next.clone(); } return clone; } } // These two maps must always be in sync!!! // So they are private, final and read-only from the outside (read-only iterators) private final Map<Class<? extends Attribute>, AttributeImpl> attributes; private final Map<Class<? extends AttributeImpl>, AttributeImpl> attributeImpls; private final State[] currentState; private final AttributeFactory factory; /** * An AttributeSource using the default attribute factory {@link AttributeFactory#DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY}. */ public AttributeSource() { this(AttributeFactory.DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE_FACTORY); } /** * An AttributeSource that uses the same attributes as the supplied one. */ public AttributeSource(AttributeSource input) { Objects.requireNonNull(input, "input AttributeSource must not be null"); this.attributes = input.attributes; this.attributeImpls = input.attributeImpls; this.currentState = input.currentState; this.factory = input.factory; } /** * An AttributeSource using the supplied {@link AttributeFactory} for creating new {@link Attribute} instances. */ public AttributeSource(AttributeFactory factory) { this.attributes = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.attributeImpls = new LinkedHashMap<>(); this.currentState = new State[1]; this.factory = Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "AttributeFactory must not be null"); } /** * returns the used AttributeFactory. */ public final AttributeFactory getAttributeFactory() { return this.factory; } /** Returns a new iterator that iterates the attribute classes * in the same order they were added in. */ public final Iterator<Class<? extends Attribute>> getAttributeClassesIterator() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(attributes.keySet()).iterator(); } /** Returns a new iterator that iterates all unique Attribute implementations. * This iterator may contain less entries that {@link #getAttributeClassesIterator}, * if one instance implements more than one Attribute interface. */ public final Iterator<AttributeImpl> getAttributeImplsIterator() { final State initState = getCurrentState(); if (initState != null) { return new Iterator<AttributeImpl>() { private State state = initState; @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public AttributeImpl next() { if (state == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); final AttributeImpl att = state.attribute; state = state.next; return att; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return state != null; } }; } else { return Collections.<AttributeImpl>emptySet().iterator(); } } /** a cache that stores all interfaces for known implementation classes for performance (slow reflection) */ private static final ClassValue<Class<? extends Attribute>[]> implInterfaces = new ClassValue<Class<? extends Attribute>[]>() { @Override protected Class<? extends Attribute>[] computeValue(Class<?> clazz) { final Set<Class<? extends Attribute>> intfSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); // find all interfaces that this attribute instance implements // and that extend the Attribute interface do { for (Class<?> curInterface : clazz.getInterfaces()) { if (curInterface != Attribute.class && Attribute.class.isAssignableFrom(curInterface)) { intfSet.add(curInterface.asSubclass(Attribute.class)); } } clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); } while (clazz != null); @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) final Class<? extends Attribute>[] a = intfSet.toArray(new Class[intfSet.size()]); return a; } }; static Class<? extends Attribute>[] getAttributeInterfaces(final Class<? extends AttributeImpl> clazz) { return implInterfaces.get(clazz); } /** <b>Expert:</b> Adds a custom AttributeImpl instance with one or more Attribute interfaces. * <p><b>NOTE:</b> It is not guaranteed, that <code>att</code> is added to * the <code>AttributeSource</code>, because the provided attributes may already exist. * You should always retrieve the wanted attributes using {@link #getAttribute} after adding * with this method and cast to your class. * The recommended way to use custom implementations is using an {@link AttributeFactory}. * </p> */ public final void addAttributeImpl(final AttributeImpl att) { final Class<? extends AttributeImpl> clazz = att.getClass(); if (attributeImpls.containsKey(clazz)) return; // add all interfaces of this AttributeImpl to the maps for (final Class<? extends Attribute> curInterface : getAttributeInterfaces(clazz)) { // Attribute is a superclass of this interface if (!attributes.containsKey(curInterface)) { // invalidate state to force recomputation in captureState() this.currentState[0] = null; attributes.put(curInterface, att); attributeImpls.put(clazz, att); } } } /** * The caller must pass in a Class<? extends Attribute> value. * This method first checks if an instance of that class is * already in this AttributeSource and returns it. Otherwise a * new instance is created, added to this AttributeSource and returned. */ public final <T extends Attribute> T addAttribute(Class<T> attClass) { AttributeImpl attImpl = attributes.get(attClass); if (attImpl == null) { if (!(attClass.isInterface() && Attribute.class.isAssignableFrom(attClass))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "addAttribute() only accepts an interface that extends Attribute, but " + attClass.getName() + " does not fulfil this contract." ); } addAttributeImpl(attImpl = this.factory.createAttributeInstance(attClass)); } return attClass.cast(attImpl); } /** Returns true, iff this AttributeSource has any attributes */ public final boolean hasAttributes() { return !this.attributes.isEmpty(); } /** * The caller must pass in a Class<? extends Attribute> value. * Returns true, iff this AttributeSource contains the passed-in Attribute. */ public final boolean hasAttribute(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass) { return this.attributes.containsKey(attClass); } /** * Returns the instance of the passed in Attribute contained in this AttributeSource * <p> * The caller must pass in a Class<? extends Attribute> value. * * @return instance of the passed in Attribute, or {@code null} if this AttributeSource * does not contain the Attribute. It is recommended to always use * {@link #addAttribute} even in consumers of TokenStreams, because you cannot * know if a specific TokenStream really uses a specific Attribute. * {@link #addAttribute} will automatically make the attribute available. * If you want to only use the attribute, if it is available (to optimize * consuming), use {@link #hasAttribute}. */ public final <T extends Attribute> T getAttribute(Class<T> attClass) { return attClass.cast(attributes.get(attClass)); } private State getCurrentState() { State s = currentState[0]; if (s != null || !hasAttributes()) { return s; } State c = s = currentState[0] = new State(); final Iterator<AttributeImpl> it = attributeImpls.values().iterator(); c.attribute = it.next(); while (it.hasNext()) { c.next = new State(); c = c.next; c.attribute = it.next(); } return s; } /** * Resets all Attributes in this AttributeSource by calling * {@link AttributeImpl#clear()} on each Attribute implementation. */ public final void clearAttributes() { for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = state.next) { state.attribute.clear(); } } /** * Resets all Attributes in this AttributeSource by calling * {@link AttributeImpl#end()} on each Attribute implementation. */ public final void endAttributes() { for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = state.next) { state.attribute.end(); } } /** * Removes all attributes and their implementations from this AttributeSource. */ public final void removeAllAttributes() { attributes.clear(); attributeImpls.clear(); } /** * Captures the state of all Attributes. The return value can be passed to * {@link #restoreState} to restore the state of this or another AttributeSource. */ public final State captureState() { final State state = this.getCurrentState(); return (state == null) ? null : state.clone(); } /** * Restores this state by copying the values of all attribute implementations * that this state contains into the attributes implementations of the targetStream. * The targetStream must contain a corresponding instance for each argument * contained in this state (e.g. it is not possible to restore the state of * an AttributeSource containing a TermAttribute into a AttributeSource using * a Token instance as implementation). * <p> * Note that this method does not affect attributes of the targetStream * that are not contained in this state. In other words, if for example * the targetStream contains an OffsetAttribute, but this state doesn't, then * the value of the OffsetAttribute remains unchanged. It might be desirable to * reset its value to the default, in which case the caller should first * call {@link TokenStream#clearAttributes()} on the targetStream. */ public final void restoreState(State state) { if (state == null) return; do { AttributeImpl targetImpl = attributeImpls.get(state.attribute.getClass()); if (targetImpl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("State contains AttributeImpl of type " + state.attribute.getClass().getName() + " that is not in in this AttributeSource"); } state.attribute.copyTo(targetImpl); state = state.next; } while (state != null); } @Override public int hashCode() { int code = 0; for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = state.next) { code = code * 31 + state.attribute.hashCode(); } return code; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == this) { return true; } if (obj instanceof AttributeSource) { AttributeSource other = (AttributeSource) obj; if (hasAttributes()) { if (!other.hasAttributes()) { return false; } if (this.attributeImpls.size() != other.attributeImpls.size()) { return false; } // it is only equal if all attribute impls are the same in the same order State thisState = this.getCurrentState(); State otherState = other.getCurrentState(); while (thisState != null && otherState != null) { if (otherState.attribute.getClass() != thisState.attribute.getClass() || !otherState.attribute.equals(thisState.attribute)) { return false; } thisState = thisState.next; otherState = otherState.next; } return true; } else { return !other.hasAttributes(); } } else return false; } /** * This method returns the current attribute values as a string in the following format * by calling the {@link #reflectWith(AttributeReflector)} method: * * <ul> * <li><em>iff {@code prependAttClass=true}:</em> {@code "AttributeClass#key=value,AttributeClass#key=value"} * <li><em>iff {@code prependAttClass=false}:</em> {@code "key=value,key=value"} * </ul> * * @see #reflectWith(AttributeReflector) */ public final String reflectAsString(final boolean prependAttClass) { final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); reflectWith(new AttributeReflector() { @Override public void reflect(Class<? extends Attribute> attClass, String key, Object value) { if (buffer.length() > 0) { buffer.append(','); } if (prependAttClass) { buffer.append(attClass.getName()).append('#'); } buffer.append(key).append('=').append((value == null) ? "null" : value); } }); return buffer.toString(); } /** * This method is for introspection of attributes, it should simply * add the key/values this AttributeSource holds to the given {@link AttributeReflector}. * * <p>This method iterates over all Attribute implementations and calls the * corresponding {@link AttributeImpl#reflectWith} method.</p> * * @see AttributeImpl#reflectWith */ public final void reflectWith(AttributeReflector reflector) { for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = state.next) { state.attribute.reflectWith(reflector); } } /** * Performs a clone of all {@link AttributeImpl} instances returned in a new * {@code AttributeSource} instance. This method can be used to e.g. create another TokenStream * with exactly the same attributes (using {@link #AttributeSource(AttributeSource)}). * You can also use it as a (non-performant) replacement for {@link #captureState}, if you need to look * into / modify the captured state. */ public final AttributeSource cloneAttributes() { final AttributeSource clone = new AttributeSource(this.factory); if (hasAttributes()) { // first clone the impls for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = state.next) { clone.attributeImpls.put(state.attribute.getClass(), state.attribute.clone()); } // now the interfaces for (Entry<Class<? extends Attribute>, AttributeImpl> entry : this.attributes.entrySet()) { clone.attributes.put(entry.getKey(), clone.attributeImpls.get(entry.getValue().getClass())); } } return clone; } /** * Copies the contents of this {@code AttributeSource} to the given target {@code AttributeSource}. * The given instance has to provide all {@link Attribute}s this instance contains. * The actual attribute implementations must be identical in both {@code AttributeSource} instances; * ideally both AttributeSource instances should use the same {@link AttributeFactory}. * You can use this method as a replacement for {@link #restoreState}, if you use * {@link #cloneAttributes} instead of {@link #captureState}. */ public final void copyTo(AttributeSource target) { for (State state = getCurrentState(); state != null; state = state.next) { final AttributeImpl targetImpl = target.attributeImpls.get(state.attribute.getClass()); if (targetImpl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("This AttributeSource contains AttributeImpl of type " + state.attribute.getClass().getName() + " that is not in the target"); } state.attribute.copyTo(targetImpl); } } /** * Returns a string consisting of the class's simple name, the hex representation of the identity hash code, * and the current reflection of all attributes. * @see #reflectAsString(boolean) */ @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getSimpleName() + '@' + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this)) + " " + reflectAsString(false); } }