/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.store; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.Random; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.MockAnalyzer; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.Field; import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader; import org.apache.lucene.index.RandomIndexWriter; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil; /** * Tests MMapDirectory's MultiMMapIndexInput * <p> * Because Java's ByteBuffer uses an int to address the * values, it's necessary to access a file > * Integer.MAX_VALUE in size using multiple byte buffers. */ public class TestMultiMMap extends BaseDirectoryTestCase { @Override protected Directory getDirectory(Path path) throws IOException { return new MMapDirectory(path, 1<<TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 10, 28)); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); assumeTrue(MMapDirectory.UNMAP_NOT_SUPPORTED_REASON, MMapDirectory.UNMAP_SUPPORTED); } public void testCloneSafety() throws Exception { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testCloneSafety")); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); io.writeVInt(5); io.close(); IndexInput one = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", IOContext.DEFAULT); IndexInput two = one.clone(); IndexInput three = two.clone(); // clone of clone one.close(); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { one.readVInt(); }); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { two.readVInt(); }); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { three.readVInt(); }); two.close(); three.close(); // test double close of master: one.close(); mmapDir.close(); } public void testCloneClose() throws Exception { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testCloneClose")); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); io.writeVInt(5); io.close(); IndexInput one = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", IOContext.DEFAULT); IndexInput two = one.clone(); IndexInput three = two.clone(); // clone of clone two.close(); assertEquals(5, one.readVInt()); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { two.readVInt(); }); assertEquals(5, three.readVInt()); one.close(); three.close(); mmapDir.close(); } public void testCloneSliceSafety() throws Exception { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testCloneSliceSafety")); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); io.writeInt(1); io.writeInt(2); io.close(); IndexInput slicer = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput one = slicer.slice("first int", 0, 4); IndexInput two = slicer.slice("second int", 4, 4); IndexInput three = one.clone(); // clone of clone IndexInput four = two.clone(); // clone of clone slicer.close(); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { one.readInt(); }); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { two.readInt(); }); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { three.readInt(); }); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { four.readInt(); }); one.close(); two.close(); three.close(); four.close(); // test double-close of slicer: slicer.close(); mmapDir.close(); } public void testCloneSliceClose() throws Exception { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testCloneSliceClose")); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); io.writeInt(1); io.writeInt(2); io.close(); IndexInput slicer = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput one = slicer.slice("first int", 0, 4); IndexInput two = slicer.slice("second int", 4, 4); one.close(); expectThrows(AlreadyClosedException.class, () -> { one.readInt(); }); assertEquals(2, two.readInt()); // reopen a new slice "another": IndexInput another = slicer.slice("first int", 0, 4); assertEquals(1, another.readInt()); another.close(); two.close(); slicer.close(); mmapDir.close(); } public void testSeekZero() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSeekZero"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("zeroBytes", newIOContext(random())); io.close(); IndexInput ii = mmapDir.openInput("zeroBytes", newIOContext(random())); ii.seek(0L); ii.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } public void testSeekSliceZero() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 31; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSeekSliceZero"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("zeroBytes", newIOContext(random())); io.close(); IndexInput slicer = mmapDir.openInput("zeroBytes", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput ii = slicer.slice("zero-length slice", 0, 0); ii.seek(0L); ii.close(); slicer.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } public void testSeekEnd() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSeekEnd"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte bytes[] = new byte[1<<i]; random().nextBytes(bytes); io.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length); io.close(); IndexInput ii = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte actual[] = new byte[1<<i]; ii.readBytes(actual, 0, actual.length); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes), new BytesRef(actual)); ii.seek(1<<i); ii.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } public void testSeekSliceEnd() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 17; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSeekSliceEnd"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte bytes[] = new byte[1<<i]; random().nextBytes(bytes); io.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length); io.close(); IndexInput slicer = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); IndexInput ii = slicer.slice("full slice", 0, bytes.length); byte actual[] = new byte[1<<i]; ii.readBytes(actual, 0, actual.length); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes), new BytesRef(actual)); ii.seek(1<<i); ii.close(); slicer.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } public void testSeeking() throws Exception { int numIters = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 10 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < numIters; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSeeking"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte bytes[] = new byte[1<<(i+1)]; // make sure we switch buffers random().nextBytes(bytes); io.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length); io.close(); IndexInput ii = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte actual[] = new byte[1<<(i+1)]; // first read all bytes ii.readBytes(actual, 0, actual.length); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes), new BytesRef(actual)); for (int sliceStart = 0; sliceStart < bytes.length; sliceStart++) { for (int sliceLength = 0; sliceLength < bytes.length - sliceStart; sliceLength++) { byte slice[] = new byte[sliceLength]; ii.seek(sliceStart); ii.readBytes(slice, 0, slice.length); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes, sliceStart, sliceLength), new BytesRef(slice)); } } ii.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } // note instead of seeking to offset and reading length, this opens slices at the // the various offset+length and just does readBytes. public void testSlicedSeeking() throws Exception { int numIters = TEST_NIGHTLY ? 10 : 1; for (int i = 0; i < numIters; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSlicedSeeking"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte bytes[] = new byte[1<<(i+1)]; // make sure we switch buffers random().nextBytes(bytes); io.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length); io.close(); IndexInput ii = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte actual[] = new byte[1<<(i+1)]; // first read all bytes ii.readBytes(actual, 0, actual.length); ii.close(); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes), new BytesRef(actual)); IndexInput slicer = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); for (int sliceStart = 0; sliceStart < bytes.length; sliceStart++) { for (int sliceLength = 0; sliceLength < bytes.length - sliceStart; sliceLength++) { assertSlice(bytes, slicer, 0, sliceStart, sliceLength); } } slicer.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } public void testSliceOfSlice() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testSliceOfSlice"), 1<<i); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte bytes[] = new byte[1<<(i+1)]; // make sure we switch buffers random().nextBytes(bytes); io.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length); io.close(); IndexInput ii = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte actual[] = new byte[1<<(i+1)]; // first read all bytes ii.readBytes(actual, 0, actual.length); ii.close(); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes), new BytesRef(actual)); IndexInput outerSlicer = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); final int outerSliceStart = random().nextInt(bytes.length / 2); final int outerSliceLength = random().nextInt(bytes.length - outerSliceStart); IndexInput innerSlicer = outerSlicer.slice("parentBytesSlice", outerSliceStart, outerSliceLength); for (int sliceStart = 0; sliceStart < outerSliceLength; sliceStart++) { for (int sliceLength = 0; sliceLength < outerSliceLength - sliceStart; sliceLength++) { assertSlice(bytes, innerSlicer, outerSliceStart, sliceStart, sliceLength); } } innerSlicer.close(); outerSlicer.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } private void assertSlice(byte[] bytes, IndexInput slicer, int outerSliceStart, int sliceStart, int sliceLength) throws IOException { byte slice[] = new byte[sliceLength]; IndexInput input = slicer.slice("bytesSlice", sliceStart, slice.length); input.readBytes(slice, 0, slice.length); input.close(); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes, outerSliceStart + sliceStart, sliceLength), new BytesRef(slice)); } public void testRandomChunkSizes() throws Exception { int num = TEST_NIGHTLY ? atLeast(10) : 3; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { assertChunking(random(), TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 20, 100)); } } private void assertChunking(Random random, int chunkSize) throws Exception { Path path = createTempDir("mmap" + chunkSize); MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(path, chunkSize); // we will map a lot, try to turn on the unmap hack if (MMapDirectory.UNMAP_SUPPORTED) mmapDir.setUseUnmap(true); MockDirectoryWrapper dir = new MockDirectoryWrapper(random, mmapDir); RandomIndexWriter writer = new RandomIndexWriter(random, dir, newIndexWriterConfig(new MockAnalyzer(random)).setMergePolicy(newLogMergePolicy())); Document doc = new Document(); Field docid = newStringField("docid", "0", Field.Store.YES); Field junk = newStringField("junk", "", Field.Store.YES); doc.add(docid); doc.add(junk); int numDocs = 100; for (int i = 0; i < numDocs; i++) { docid.setStringValue("" + i); junk.setStringValue(TestUtil.randomUnicodeString(random)); writer.addDocument(doc); } IndexReader reader = writer.getReader(); writer.close(); int numAsserts = atLeast(100); for (int i = 0; i < numAsserts; i++) { int docID = random.nextInt(numDocs); assertEquals("" + docID, reader.document(docID).get("docid")); } reader.close(); dir.close(); } public void testImplementations() throws Exception { for (int i = 2; i < 12; i++) { final int chunkSize = 1<<i; MMapDirectory mmapDir = new MMapDirectory(createTempDir("testImplementations"), chunkSize); IndexOutput io = mmapDir.createOutput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); int size = random().nextInt(chunkSize * 2) + 3; // add some buffer of 3 for slice tests byte bytes[] = new byte[size]; random().nextBytes(bytes); io.writeBytes(bytes, bytes.length); io.close(); IndexInput ii = mmapDir.openInput("bytes", newIOContext(random())); byte actual[] = new byte[size]; // first read all bytes ii.readBytes(actual, 0, actual.length); assertEquals(new BytesRef(bytes), new BytesRef(actual)); // reinit: ii.seek(0L); // check impl (we must check size < chunksize: currently, if size==chunkSize, we get 2 buffers, the second one empty: assertTrue((size < chunkSize) ? (ii instanceof ByteBufferIndexInput.SingleBufferImpl) : (ii instanceof ByteBufferIndexInput.MultiBufferImpl)); // clone tests: assertSame(ii.getClass(), ii.clone().getClass()); // slice test (offset 0) int sliceSize = random().nextInt(size); IndexInput slice = ii.slice("slice", 0, sliceSize); assertTrue((sliceSize < chunkSize) ? (slice instanceof ByteBufferIndexInput.SingleBufferImpl) : (slice instanceof ByteBufferIndexInput.MultiBufferImpl)); // slice test (offset > 0 ) int offset = random().nextInt(size - 1) + 1; sliceSize = random().nextInt(size - offset + 1); slice = ii.slice("slice", offset, sliceSize); //System.out.println(offset + "/" + sliceSize + " chunkSize=" + chunkSize + " " + slice.getClass()); if (offset % chunkSize + sliceSize < chunkSize) { assertTrue(slice instanceof ByteBufferIndexInput.SingleBufferImpl); } else { assertTrue(slice instanceof ByteBufferIndexInput.MultiBufferImpl); } ii.close(); mmapDir.close(); } } }