/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.response; import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrException; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.context.SpatialContext; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.io.SupportedFormats; import org.locationtech.spatial4j.shape.Shape; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; public class TestGeoJSONResponseWriter extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass()); final ObjectMapper jsonmapper = new ObjectMapper(); @BeforeClass public static void beforeClass() throws Exception { initCore("solrconfig-basic.xml","schema-spatial.xml"); createIndex(); } public static void createIndex() { // <field name="srpt_geohash" type="srpt_geohash" multiValued="true" /> // <field name="" type="srpt_quad" multiValued="true" /> // <field name="" type="srpt_packedquad" multiValued="true" /> // <field name="" type="stqpt_geohash" multiValued="true" /> // multiple valued field assertU(adoc("id","H.A", "srpt_geohash","POINT( 1 2 )")); assertU(adoc("id","H.B", "srpt_geohash","POINT( 1 2 )", "srpt_geohash","POINT( 3 4 )")); assertU(adoc("id","H.C", "srpt_geohash","LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)")); assertU(adoc("id","Q.A", "srpt_quad","POINT( 1 2 )")); assertU(adoc("id","Q.B", "srpt_quad","POINT( 1 2 )", "srpt_quad","POINT( 3 4 )")); assertU(adoc("id","Q.C", "srpt_quad","LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)")); assertU(adoc("id","P.A", "srpt_packedquad","POINT( 1 2 )")); assertU(adoc("id","P.B", "srpt_packedquad","POINT( 1 2 )", "srpt_packedquad","POINT( 3 4 )")); assertU(adoc("id","P.C", "srpt_packedquad","LINESTRING (30 10, 10 30, 40 40)")); // single valued field assertU(adoc("id","R.A", "srptgeom","POINT( 1 2 )")); // non-spatial field assertU(adoc("id","S.X", "str_shape","POINT( 1 2 )")); assertU(adoc("id","S.A", "str_shape","{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[1,2]}")); assertU(commit()); } protected Map<String,Object> readJSON(String json) { try { return jsonmapper.readValue(json, Map.class); } catch(Exception ex) { log.warn("Unable to read GeoJSON From: {}", json); log.warn("Error", ex); fail("Unable to parse JSON GeoJSON Response"); } return null; } protected Map<String,Object> getFirstFeatureGeometry(Map<String,Object> json) { Map<String,Object> rsp = (Map<String,Object>)json.get("response"); assertEquals("FeatureCollection", rsp.get("type")); List<Object> vals = (List<Object>)rsp.get("features"); assertEquals(1, vals.size()); Map<String,Object> feature = (Map<String,Object>)vals.get(0); assertEquals("Feature", feature.get("type")); return (Map<String,Object>)feature.get("geometry"); } @Test public void testRequestExceptions() throws Exception { // Make sure we select the field try { h.query(req( "q","*:*", "wt","geojson", "fl","*")); fail("should Require a parameter to select the field"); } catch(SolrException ex) {} // non-spatial fields *must* be stored as JSON try { h.query(req( "q","id:S.X", "wt","geojson", "fl","*", "geojson.field", "str_shape")); fail("should complain about bad shape config"); } catch(SolrException ex) {} } @Test public void testGeoJSONAtRoot() throws Exception { // Try reading the whole resposne String json = h.query(req( "q","*:*", "wt","geojson", "rows","2", "fl","*", "geojson.field", "stqpt_geohash", "indent","true")); // Check that we have a normal solr response with 'responseHeader' and 'response' Map<String,Object> rsp = readJSON(json); assertNotNull(rsp.get("responseHeader")); assertNotNull(rsp.get("response")); json = h.query(req( "q","*:*", "wt","geojson", "rows","2", "fl","*", "omitHeader", "true", "geojson.field", "stqpt_geohash", "indent","true")); // Check that we have a normal solr response with 'responseHeader' and 'response' rsp = readJSON(json); assertNull(rsp.get("responseHeader")); assertNull(rsp.get("response")); assertEquals("FeatureCollection", rsp.get("type")); assertNotNull(rsp.get("features")); } @Test public void testGeoJSONOutput() throws Exception { // Try reading the whole resposne readJSON(h.query(req( "q","*:*", "wt","geojson", "fl","*", "geojson.field", "stqpt_geohash", "indent","true"))); // Multivalued Valued Point Map<String,Object> json = readJSON(h.query(req( "q","id:H.B", "wt","geojson", "fl","*", "geojson.field", "srpt_geohash", "indent","true"))); Map<String,Object> geo = getFirstFeatureGeometry(json); assertEquals( // NOTE: not actual JSON, it is Map.toString()! "{type=GeometryCollection, geometries=[" + "{type=Point, coordinates=[1, 2]}, " + "{type=Point, coordinates=[3, 4]}]}", ""+geo); // Check the same value encoded on different field types String[][] check = new String[][] { { "id:H.A", "srpt_geohash" }, { "id:Q.A", "srpt_quad" }, { "id:P.A", "srpt_packedquad" }, { "id:R.A", "srptgeom" }, { "id:S.A", "str_shape" }, }; for(String[] args : check) { json = readJSON(h.query(req( "q",args[0], "wt","geojson", "fl","*", "geojson.field", args[1]))); geo = getFirstFeatureGeometry(json); assertEquals( "Error reading point from: "+args[1] + " ("+args[0]+")", // NOTE: not actual JSON, it is Map.toString()! "{type=Point, coordinates=[1, 2]}", ""+geo); } } protected Map<String,Object> readFirstDoc(String json) { List docs = (List)((Map)readJSON(json).get("response")).get("docs"); return (Map)docs.get(0); } public static String normalizeMapToJSON(String val) { val = val.replace("\"", ""); // remove quotes val = val.replace(':', '='); val = val.replace(", ", ","); return val; } @Test public void testTransformToAllFormats() throws Exception { String wkt = "POINT( 1 2 )"; SupportedFormats fmts = SpatialContext.GEO.getFormats(); Shape shape = fmts.read(wkt); String[] check = new String[] { "srpt_geohash", "srpt_geohash", "srpt_quad", "srpt_packedquad", "srptgeom", // "str_shape", // NEEDS TO BE A SpatialField! }; String[] checkFormats = new String[] { "GeoJSON", "WKT", "POLY" }; for(String field : check) { // Add a document with the given field assertU(adoc("id","test", field, wkt)); assertU(commit()); for(String fmt : checkFormats) { String json = h.query(req( "q","id:test", "wt","json", "indent", "true", "fl","xxx:[geo f="+field+" w="+fmt+"]" )); Map<String,Object> doc = readFirstDoc(json); Object v = doc.get("xxx"); String expect = fmts.getWriter(fmt).toString(shape); if(!(v instanceof String)) { v = normalizeMapToJSON(v.toString()); expect = normalizeMapToJSON(expect); } assertEquals("Bad result: "+field+"/"+fmt, expect, v.toString()); } } } }