/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.index; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.OffsetAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.analysis.tokenattributes.PayloadAttribute; import org.apache.lucene.codecs.TermVectorsWriter; import org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef; final class TermVectorsConsumerPerField extends TermsHashPerField { private TermVectorsPostingsArray termVectorsPostingsArray; final TermVectorsConsumer termsWriter; boolean doVectors; boolean doVectorPositions; boolean doVectorOffsets; boolean doVectorPayloads; OffsetAttribute offsetAttribute; PayloadAttribute payloadAttribute; boolean hasPayloads; // if enabled, and we actually saw any for this field public TermVectorsConsumerPerField(FieldInvertState invertState, TermVectorsConsumer termsWriter, FieldInfo fieldInfo) { super(2, invertState, termsWriter, null, fieldInfo); this.termsWriter = termsWriter; } /** Called once per field per document if term vectors * are enabled, to write the vectors to * RAMOutputStream, which is then quickly flushed to * the real term vectors files in the Directory. */ @Override void finish() { if (!doVectors || bytesHash.size() == 0) { return; } termsWriter.addFieldToFlush(this); } void finishDocument() throws IOException { if (doVectors == false) { return; } doVectors = false; final int numPostings = bytesHash.size(); final BytesRef flushTerm = termsWriter.flushTerm; assert numPostings >= 0; // This is called once, after inverting all occurrences // of a given field in the doc. At this point we flush // our hash into the DocWriter. TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = termVectorsPostingsArray; final TermVectorsWriter tv = termsWriter.writer; final int[] termIDs = sortPostings(); tv.startField(fieldInfo, numPostings, doVectorPositions, doVectorOffsets, hasPayloads); final ByteSliceReader posReader = doVectorPositions ? termsWriter.vectorSliceReaderPos : null; final ByteSliceReader offReader = doVectorOffsets ? termsWriter.vectorSliceReaderOff : null; for(int j=0;j<numPostings;j++) { final int termID = termIDs[j]; final int freq = postings.freqs[termID]; // Get BytesRef termBytePool.setBytesRef(flushTerm, postings.textStarts[termID]); tv.startTerm(flushTerm, freq); if (doVectorPositions || doVectorOffsets) { if (posReader != null) { initReader(posReader, termID, 0); } if (offReader != null) { initReader(offReader, termID, 1); } tv.addProx(freq, posReader, offReader); } tv.finishTerm(); } tv.finishField(); reset(); fieldInfo.setStoreTermVectors(); } @Override boolean start(IndexableField field, boolean first) { assert field.fieldType().indexOptions() != IndexOptions.NONE; if (first) { if (bytesHash.size() != 0) { // Only necessary if previous doc hit a // non-aborting exception while writing vectors in // this field: reset(); } bytesHash.reinit(); hasPayloads = false; doVectors = field.fieldType().storeTermVectors(); if (doVectors) { termsWriter.hasVectors = true; doVectorPositions = field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions(); // Somewhat confusingly, unlike postings, you are // allowed to index TV offsets without TV positions: doVectorOffsets = field.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets(); if (doVectorPositions) { doVectorPayloads = field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads(); } else { doVectorPayloads = false; if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads()) { // TODO: move this check somewhere else, and impl the other missing ones throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads without term vector positions (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } } } else { if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector offsets when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector positions when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cannot index term vector payloads when term vectors are not indexed (field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } } } else { if (doVectors != field.fieldType().storeTermVectors()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectors changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (doVectorPositions != field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPositions()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectorPositions changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (doVectorOffsets != field.fieldType().storeTermVectorOffsets()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectorOffsets changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } if (doVectorPayloads != field.fieldType().storeTermVectorPayloads()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("all instances of a given field name must have the same term vectors settings (storeTermVectorPayloads changed for field=\"" + field.name() + "\")"); } } if (doVectors) { if (doVectorOffsets) { offsetAttribute = fieldState.offsetAttribute; assert offsetAttribute != null; } if (doVectorPayloads) { // Can be null: payloadAttribute = fieldState.payloadAttribute; } else { payloadAttribute = null; } } return doVectors; } void writeProx(TermVectorsPostingsArray postings, int termID) { if (doVectorOffsets) { int startOffset = fieldState.offset + offsetAttribute.startOffset(); int endOffset = fieldState.offset + offsetAttribute.endOffset(); writeVInt(1, startOffset - postings.lastOffsets[termID]); writeVInt(1, endOffset - startOffset); postings.lastOffsets[termID] = endOffset; } if (doVectorPositions) { final BytesRef payload; if (payloadAttribute == null) { payload = null; } else { payload = payloadAttribute.getPayload(); } final int pos = fieldState.position - postings.lastPositions[termID]; if (payload != null && payload.length > 0) { writeVInt(0, (pos<<1)|1); writeVInt(0, payload.length); writeBytes(0, payload.bytes, payload.offset, payload.length); hasPayloads = true; } else { writeVInt(0, pos<<1); } postings.lastPositions[termID] = fieldState.position; } } @Override void newTerm(final int termID) { TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = termVectorsPostingsArray; postings.freqs[termID] = 1; postings.lastOffsets[termID] = 0; postings.lastPositions[termID] = 0; writeProx(postings, termID); } @Override void addTerm(final int termID) { TermVectorsPostingsArray postings = termVectorsPostingsArray; postings.freqs[termID]++; writeProx(postings, termID); } @Override public void newPostingsArray() { termVectorsPostingsArray = (TermVectorsPostingsArray) postingsArray; } @Override ParallelPostingsArray createPostingsArray(int size) { return new TermVectorsPostingsArray(size); } static final class TermVectorsPostingsArray extends ParallelPostingsArray { public TermVectorsPostingsArray(int size) { super(size); freqs = new int[size]; lastOffsets = new int[size]; lastPositions = new int[size]; } int[] freqs; // How many times this term occurred in the current doc int[] lastOffsets; // Last offset we saw int[] lastPositions; // Last position where this term occurred @Override ParallelPostingsArray newInstance(int size) { return new TermVectorsPostingsArray(size); } @Override void copyTo(ParallelPostingsArray toArray, int numToCopy) { assert toArray instanceof TermVectorsPostingsArray; TermVectorsPostingsArray to = (TermVectorsPostingsArray) toArray; super.copyTo(toArray, numToCopy); System.arraycopy(freqs, 0, to.freqs, 0, size); System.arraycopy(lastOffsets, 0, to.lastOffsets, 0, size); System.arraycopy(lastPositions, 0, to.lastPositions, 0, size); } @Override int bytesPerPosting() { return super.bytesPerPosting() + 3 * Integer.BYTES; } } }