/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.lucene.store; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import org.apache.lucene.store.RateLimiter.SimpleRateLimiter; import org.apache.lucene.util.LuceneTestCase; import org.apache.lucene.util.TestUtil; import org.apache.lucene.util.ThreadInterruptedException; /** * Simple testcase for RateLimiter.SimpleRateLimiter */ public final class TestRateLimiter extends LuceneTestCase { // LUCENE-6075 public void testOverflowInt() throws Exception { Thread t = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { new SimpleRateLimiter(1).pause((long) (1.5*Integer.MAX_VALUE*1024*1024/1000)); fail("should have been interrupted"); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException tie) { // expected } } }; t.start(); Thread.sleep(10); t.interrupt(); } public void testThreads() throws Exception { double targetMBPerSec = 10.0 + 20 * random().nextDouble(); final SimpleRateLimiter limiter = new SimpleRateLimiter(targetMBPerSec); final CountDownLatch startingGun = new CountDownLatch(1); Thread[] threads = new Thread[TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 3, 6)]; final AtomicLong totBytes = new AtomicLong(); for(int i=0;i<threads.length;i++) { threads[i] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { startingGun.await(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new ThreadInterruptedException(ie); } long bytesSinceLastPause = 0; for(int i=0;i<500;i++) { long numBytes = TestUtil.nextInt(random(), 1000, 10000); totBytes.addAndGet(numBytes); bytesSinceLastPause += numBytes; if (bytesSinceLastPause > limiter.getMinPauseCheckBytes()) { limiter.pause(bytesSinceLastPause); bytesSinceLastPause = 0; } } } }; threads[i].start(); } long startNS = System.nanoTime(); startingGun.countDown(); for(Thread thread : threads) { thread.join(); } long endNS = System.nanoTime(); double actualMBPerSec = (totBytes.get()/1024/1024.)/((endNS-startNS)/1000000000.0); // TODO: this may false trip .... could be we can only assert that it never exceeds the max, so slow jenkins doesn't trip: double ratio = actualMBPerSec/targetMBPerSec; // Only enforce that it wasn't too fast; if machine is bogged down (can't schedule threads / sleep properly) then it may falsely be too slow: assumeTrue("actualMBPerSec=" + actualMBPerSec + " targetMBPerSec=" + targetMBPerSec, 0.9 <= ratio); assertTrue("targetMBPerSec=" + targetMBPerSec + " actualMBPerSec=" + actualMBPerSec, ratio <= 1.1); } }