/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.solr.search.join; import org.apache.solr.SolrTestCaseJ4; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class GraphQueryTest extends SolrTestCaseJ4 { @BeforeClass public static void beforeTests() throws Exception { initCore("solrconfig.xml","schema-graph.xml"); } @Test public void testGraph() throws Exception { // 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> ( 4 5 ) // 7 -> 1 // 8 -> ( 1 2 ) assertU(adoc("id", "doc_1", "node_id", "1", "edge_id", "2", "text", "foo", "title", "foo10")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_2", "node_id", "2", "edge_id", "3", "text", "foo")); assertU(commit()); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_3", "node_id", "3", "edge_id", "4", "edge_id", "5", "table", "foo")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_4", "node_id", "4", "table", "foo")); assertU(commit()); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_5", "node_id", "5", "edge_id", "7", "table", "bar")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_6", "node_id", "6", "edge_id", "3" )); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_7", "node_id", "7", "edge_id", "1" )); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_8", "node_id", "8", "edge_id", "1", "edge_id", "2" )); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_9", "node_id", "9")); assertU(commit()); // update docs so they're in a new segment. assertU(adoc("id", "doc_1", "node_id", "1", "edge_id", "2", "text", "foo")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_2", "node_id", "2", "edge_id", "3", "edge_id", "9", "text", "foo11")); assertU(commit()); // a graph for testing traversal filter 10 - 11 -> (12 | 13) assertU(adoc("id", "doc_10", "node_id", "10", "edge_id", "11", "title", "foo")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_11", "node_id", "11", "edge_id", "12", "edge_id", "13", "text", "foo11")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_12", "node_id", "12", "text", "foo10")); assertU(adoc("id", "doc_13", "node_id", "13", "edge_id", "12", "text", "foo10")); assertU(commit()); // Now we have created a simple graph // start traversal from node id to edge id String gQuery = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\"}id:doc_1"; SolrQueryRequest qr = createRequest(gQuery); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='7']"); String g2Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"true\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"false\"}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g2Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='8']"); String g3Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"false\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"false\"}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g3Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='7']"); String g4Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"true\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"false\" traversalFilter=\"text:foo11\"}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g4Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='2']"); String g5Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"true\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"false\" maxDepth=0}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g5Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='1']"); String g6Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"true\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"false\" maxDepth=1}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g6Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='3']"); String g7Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"false\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"false\" maxDepth=1}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g7Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='2']"); String g8Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=\"false\" returnOnlyLeaf=\"true\" maxDepth=2}id:doc_8"; qr = createRequest(g8Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='1']"); String g9Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" maxDepth=1}id:doc_1"; qr = createRequest(g9Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='2']"); String g10Query = "{!graph from=\"node_id\" to=\"edge_id\" returnRoot=false maxDepth=1}id:doc_1"; qr = createRequest(g10Query); assertQ(qr,"//*[@numFound='1']"); } private SolrQueryRequest createRequest(String query) { SolrQueryRequest qr = req(query); NamedList<Object> par = qr.getParams().toNamedList(); par.add("debug", "true"); par.add("rows", "10"); par.add("fl", "id,node_id,edge_id"); par.remove("qt"); SolrParams newp = SolrParams.toSolrParams(par); qr.setParams(newp); return qr; } }