package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import junit.framework.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManagerImpl; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionServices; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Endpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ExtendedEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.HostCatcher; import com.limegroup.gnutella.LimeTestUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NodeAssigner; import com.limegroup.gnutella.QueryUnicaster; import com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.ConnectionCheckerManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.RoutedConnectionFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.Network; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.CapabilitiesVMFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.simpp.SimppManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.NetworkManagerStub; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeTestCase; @SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "cast" } ) public class PingReplyTest extends LimeTestCase { /** * A non blank IP */ private final byte[] IP = new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }; private PingReplyFactory pingReplyFactory; private MessageFactory messageFactory; private NetworkManagerStub networkManagerStub; private HostCatcher hostCatcher; private TestConnectionManager testConnectionManager; private MACCalculatorRepositoryManager macManager; public PingReplyTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(PingReplyTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { networkManagerStub = new NetworkManagerStub(); networkManagerStub.setPort(5555); networkManagerStub.setAddress(new byte[] { 89, 1, 45, 54 }) ; networkManagerStub.setTls(true); networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(true); networkManagerStub.setOutgoingTLSEnabled(true); Injector injector = LimeTestUtils.createInjector(new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(NetworkManager.class).toInstance(networkManagerStub); bind(ConnectionManager.class).to(TestConnectionManager.class); } }); pingReplyFactory = injector.getInstance(PingReplyFactory.class); messageFactory = injector.getInstance(MessageFactory.class); hostCatcher = injector.getInstance(HostCatcher.class); testConnectionManager = (TestConnectionManager) injector.getInstance(ConnectionManager.class); macManager = injector.getInstance(MACCalculatorRepositoryManager.class); } /** * Tests the methods for getting the leaf and ultrapeer slots from the * pong. * * @throws Exception if an error occurs */ public void testHasFreeSlots() throws Exception { byte[] guid = GUID.makeGuid(); byte[] ip = {1,1,1,1}; PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create(guid, (byte)3, 6346, ip, (long)10, (long)10, true, 100, true); //All values are determined based on connection status, and because // we haven't set up connections yet, we don't have free anything. assertTrue("slots not empty", !pr.hasFreeSlots()); assertEquals("unexpected number leaf slots", 0, pr.getNumLeafSlots()); assertTrue("slots not empty", !pr.hasFreeLeafSlots()); assertTrue("slots not empty", !pr.hasFreeUltrapeerSlots()); assertEquals("slots not empty", 0, pr.getNumUltrapeerSlots()); // Switch ConnectionManager to report different values for free leaf // and ultrapeer slots. testConnectionManager.setNumFreeNonLeafSlots(7); testConnectionManager.setNumFreeLeafSlots(10); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(guid, (byte)3, 6346, ip, (long)10, (long)10, true, 100, true); assertTrue("no slots", pr.hasFreeSlots()); assertTrue("no slots", pr.hasFreeLeafSlots()); assertTrue("no slots", pr.hasFreeUltrapeerSlots()); // Should now have leaf slots assertEquals("unexpected number leaf slots", testConnectionManager.getNumFreeLimeWireLeafSlots(), pr.getNumLeafSlots()); assertEquals("unexpected number ultrapeer slots", testConnectionManager.getNumFreeLimeWireNonLeafSlots(), pr.getNumUltrapeerSlots()); } /** * Tests the method for creating a new pong with a changed GUID out * of an existing pong */ public void testMutateGUID() throws Exception { byte[] guid = new GUID().bytes(); byte ttl = 4; int port = 6444; byte[] ip = {1, 1, 1, 1}; long files = 500L; long kbytes = 75580L; boolean isUltrapeer = false; int dailyUptime = 10; boolean isGUESSCapable = false; PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create(guid, ttl, port, ip, files, kbytes, isUltrapeer, dailyUptime, isGUESSCapable); PingReply testPR = pingReplyFactory.mutateGUID(pr, new GUID().bytes()); assertNotEquals(pr.getGUID(), testPR.getGUID()); assertEquals(pr.getTTL(), testPR.getTTL()); assertEquals(pr.getPort(), testPR.getPort()); assertEquals(pr.getInetAddress(), testPR.getInetAddress()); assertEquals(pr.getFiles(), testPR.getFiles()); assertEquals(pr.getKbytes(), testPR.getKbytes()); assertEquals(pr.isUltrapeer(), testPR.isUltrapeer()); assertEquals(pr.getDailyUptime(), testPR.getDailyUptime()); assertEquals(pr.supportsUnicast(), testPR.supportsUnicast()); } /** * Tests the method for creating a pong from the network. */ public void testCreatePongFromNetwork() throws Exception { byte[] guid = new GUID().bytes(); byte[] payload = new byte[2]; // make sure we reject invalid payload sizes try { pingReplyFactory.createFromNetwork(guid, (byte)4, (byte)3, payload); fail("should have not accepted payload size"); } catch(BadPacketException e) { // expected because the payload size is invalid } // make sure we reject null guids payload = new byte[PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; addIP(payload); try { pingReplyFactory.createFromNetwork(null, (byte)4, (byte)3, payload); fail("should have not accepted null guid"); } catch(NullPointerException e) { // expected because the payload size is invalid } // make sure we reject null payloads try { pingReplyFactory.createFromNetwork(guid, (byte)4, (byte)3, null); fail("should have not accepted null payload"); } catch(NullPointerException e) { // expected because the payload size is invalid } // make sure we reject bad ggep GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); payload = new byte[3]; ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, payload); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ggep.write(baos); byte[] extensions = baos.toByteArray(); payload = new byte[PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE+extensions.length]; addIP(payload); System.arraycopy(extensions, 0, payload, PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE, extensions.length); try { pingReplyFactory.createFromNetwork(guid, (byte)4, (byte)3, payload); fail("should have not accepted bad GGEP in payload"); } catch(BadPacketException e) { // expected because the payload size is invalid } // test one that should go through fine payload = new byte[PingReply.STANDARD_PAYLOAD_SIZE]; payload[0] = 1; addIP(payload); // this one should go through pingReplyFactory.createFromNetwork(guid, (byte)4, (byte)3, payload); } public void testNewPong() { long u4=0x00000000FFFFFFFFl; int u2=0x0000FFFF; byte[] ip={(byte)0xFE, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x00, (byte)0x1}; PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)0, u2, ip, u4, u4); assertEquals(u2, pr.getPort()); assertEquals(u4, pr.getFiles()); long kbytes=pr.getKbytes(); assertEquals(Long.toHexString(kbytes), u4, kbytes); String ip2=pr.getAddress(); assertEquals("", ip2); assertTrue(! pr.isUltrapeer()); } //TODO: check construction from raw bytes public void testPongMarking() { PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.createExternal(new byte[16], (byte)2, 6346, IP, false); assertTrue(! pr.isUltrapeer()); // all pongs should have a GGEP extension now.... assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); pr = pingReplyFactory.createExternal(new byte[16], (byte)2, 6346, IP, true); assertTrue(pr.isUltrapeer()); // all pongs should have a GGEP extension now.... assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)2, 6346, IP, 5, 2348, false, 0, false); assertTrue(! pr.isUltrapeer()); assertEquals(2348, pr.getKbytes()); // all pongs should have a GGEP extension now.... assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)2, 6346, IP, 5, 2348, true, 0, true); assertTrue(pr.isUltrapeer()); // all pongs should have a GGEP extension now.... assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)2, 6346, IP, 5, 345882, false, 0, false); assertTrue(! pr.isUltrapeer()); // all pongs should have a GGEP extension now.... assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)2, 6346, IP, 5, 345882, true, -1, true); assertTrue(pr.isUltrapeer()); // after added unicast support, all Ultrapeer Pongs have GGEP extension assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); assertEquals("pong should not have a daily uptime", -1, pr.getDailyUptime()); } public void testPowerOf2() { assertTrue(! PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(-1)); assertTrue(! PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(0)); assertTrue(PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(1)); assertTrue(PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(2)); assertTrue(! PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(3)); assertTrue(PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(4)); assertTrue(PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(16)); assertTrue(! PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(18)); assertTrue(PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(64)); assertTrue(! PingReplyImpl.isPowerOf2(71)); } public void testNonGGEPBigPong() throws Exception { //Will this pass big pongs--even if the contents are not GGEP? byte[] payload = new byte[14+2]; //add the port payload[0] = 0x0F; payload[1] = 0x00;//port payload[2] = 0x10; payload[3] = 0x10; payload[4] = 0x10; payload[5] = 0x10;//ip = payload[6] = 0x0F;// payload[7] = 0x00;// payload[8] = 0x00;// payload[9] = 0x00;//15 files shared payload[10] = 0x0F;// payload[11] = 0x00;// payload[12] = 0x00;// payload[13] = 0x00;//15 KB //OK Now for the big pong part payload[14] = (byte) 65; payload[15] = (byte) 66; PingReply pr; pr = pingReplyFactory.createFromNetwork(new byte[16], (byte)2, (byte)4, payload); assertTrue(! pr.hasGGEPExtension()); assertEquals("pong should not have a daily uptime", -1, pr.getDailyUptime()); //Start testing assertEquals("wrong port", 15, pr.getPort()); String ip = pr.getAddress(); assertEquals("wrong IP", "", ip); assertEquals("wrong files", 15, pr.getFiles()); assertEquals("Wrong share size", 15, pr.getKbytes()); ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(stream); byte[] op = stream.toByteArray(); byte[] big = new byte[2]; big[0] = op[op.length-2]; big[1] = op[op.length-1]; String out = new String(big); assertEquals("Big part of pong lost", "AB", out); //come this far means its OK } public void testBasicGGEP() throws Exception { networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(true); // create a pong PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.createExternal(new byte[16], (byte)3, 6349, IP, false); ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(baos); byte[] bytes=baos.toByteArray(); //Decode and check contents. Message ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), Network.TCP); PingReply pong=(PingReply)m; assertTrue(m instanceof PingReply); assertEquals(6349, pong.getPort()); assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); assertFalse(pong.supportsUnicast()); assertTrue(pong.isTLSCapable()); // make sure it's still capable if we turn our settings off. networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(false); assertTrue(pong.isTLSCapable()); // And try creating a new pong w/o TLS. // create a pong pr = pingReplyFactory.createExternal(new byte[16], (byte)3, 6349, IP, false); baos.reset(); pr.write(baos); bytes=baos.toByteArray(); ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), Network.TCP); pong=(PingReply)m; assertFalse(pong.isTLSCapable()); // make sure it's still off if we turn our settings on. networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(true); assertFalse(pong.isTLSCapable()); } /** Test the raw bytes of an encoded GGEP'ed pong. Then checks that * these can be decoded. Note that this will need to be changed if * more extensions are added. */ public void testGGEPEncodeDecode() throws Exception { PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)3, 6349, IP, 0l, 0l, true, 523, true); ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(baos); byte[] bytes=baos.toByteArray(); int duLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DAILY_AVERAGE_UPTIME.length(); int gueLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UNICAST_SUPPORT.length(); int upLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UP_SUPPORT.length(); int dhtLength = GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DHT_SUPPORT.length(); int tlsLength = GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE.length(); int ggepLength=1 //magic number +1 //"DUPTIME" extension flags +duLength //ID +1 //data length +2 //data bytes +1 //"GUE" extension flags +gueLength // ID +1 //data length +0 //data bytes +1 //"UP" extension flags +upLength // ID +1 // data length +3 // data bytes +1 //"DHT" extension flags +dhtLength +1 // data length +3 // data bytes +1 // "TLS" extension flags +tlsLength // ID +1; // EOGGEP. assertEquals(23+14+ggepLength, bytes.length); int offset=23+14; //GGEP offset assertEquals((byte)0xc3, bytes[offset]); //GGEP magic number assertEquals((byte)(dhtLength), bytes[offset+1]); //extension flags assertEquals((byte)'D', bytes[offset+2]); assertEquals((byte)'H', bytes[offset+3]); assertEquals((byte)'T', bytes[offset+4]); assertEquals((byte)'D', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5]); assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+6]); assertEquals((byte)0x0B, bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+8]); // little byte of 523 assertEquals((byte)0x02, bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+9]); // big byte of 523 assertEquals((byte)'G', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4]); assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+5]); assertEquals((byte)'E', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+6]); assertEquals((byte)'T', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+gueLength+2]); assertEquals((byte)'L', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+gueLength+3]); assertEquals((byte)'S', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+gueLength+4]); assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+gueLength+2+tlsLength+2]); assertEquals((byte)'P', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+gueLength+2+tlsLength+3]); //Decode and check contents. Message ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), Network.TCP); PingReply pong=(PingReply)m; assertTrue(m instanceof PingReply); assertEquals(6349, pong.getPort()); assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); assertEquals(523, pong.getDailyUptime()); assertTrue(pong.supportsUnicast()); assertTrue(pong.isTLSCapable()); } /** Test the raw bytes of an encoded GGEP'ed pong. Then checks that * these can be decoded. Note that this will need to be changed if * more extensions are added. */ public void testGGEPEncodeDecodeNoGUESS() throws Exception { PingReply pr=pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)3, 6349, IP, 0l, 0l, true, 523, false); ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(baos); byte[] bytes=baos.toByteArray(); int duLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DAILY_AVERAGE_UPTIME.length(); int upLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UP_SUPPORT.length(); int dhtLength = GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DHT_SUPPORT.length(); int tlsLength = GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE.length(); int ggepLength=1 //magic number +1 //"DUPTIME" extension flags +duLength //ID +1 //data length +2 //data bytes +1 //"UP" extension flags +upLength // ID +1 // data length +3 // data bytes +1 //"DHT" extension flags +dhtLength +1 // data length +3 // data bytes +1 // "TLS" extension flags +tlsLength // ID +1; // EOGGEP. assertEquals(23+14+ggepLength, bytes.length); int offset=23+14; //GGEP offset assertEquals((byte)0xc3, bytes[offset]); //GGEP magic number assertEquals((byte)(dhtLength), bytes[offset+1]); //extension flags assertEquals((byte)'D', bytes[offset+2]); assertEquals((byte)'H', bytes[offset+3]); assertEquals((byte)'T', bytes[offset+4]); assertEquals((byte)'D', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5]); assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+6]); assertEquals((byte)0x0B, bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+8]); // little byte of 523 assertEquals((byte)0x02, bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+9]); // big byte of 523 assertEquals((byte)'T', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4]); assertEquals((byte)'L', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+5]); assertEquals((byte)'S', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+6]); assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+tlsLength+2]); assertEquals((byte)'P', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4+tlsLength+3]); //Decode and check contents. Message ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), Network.TCP); PingReply pong=(PingReply)m; assertTrue(m instanceof PingReply); assertEquals(6349, pong.getPort()); assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); assertEquals(523, pong.getDailyUptime()); assertFalse(pong.supportsUnicast()); assertTrue(pong.isTLSCapable()); } /** Test the raw bytes of an encoded GGEP'ed pong. Then checks that * these can be decoded. Note that this will need to be changed if * more extensions are added. */ public void testGGEPEncodeDecodeNoTLS() throws Exception { networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(false); PingReply pr=pingReplyFactory.create(new byte[16], (byte)3, 6349, IP, 0l, 0l, true, 523, false); ByteArrayOutputStream baos=new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(baos); byte[] bytes=baos.toByteArray(); int duLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DAILY_AVERAGE_UPTIME.length(); int upLength=GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UP_SUPPORT.length(); int dhtLength = GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_DHT_SUPPORT.length(); int ggepLength=1 //magic number +1 //"DUPTIME" extension flags +duLength //ID +1 //data length +2 //data bytes +1 //"UP" extension flags +upLength // ID +1 // data length +3 // data bytes +1 //"DHT" extension flags +dhtLength +1 // data length +3; // data bytes assertEquals(23+14+ggepLength, bytes.length); int offset=23+14; //GGEP offset assertEquals((byte)0xc3, bytes[offset]); //GGEP magic number assertEquals((byte)(dhtLength), bytes[offset+1]); //extension flags assertEquals((byte)'D', bytes[offset+2]); assertEquals((byte)'H', bytes[offset+3]); assertEquals((byte)'T', bytes[offset+4]); assertEquals((byte)'D', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5]); assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+6]); assertEquals((byte)0x0B, bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+8]); // little byte of 523 assertEquals((byte)0x02, bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+9]); // big byte of 523 assertEquals((byte)'U', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+4]); assertEquals((byte)'P', bytes[offset+2+dhtLength+5+duLength+5]); //Decode and check contents. Message ByteArrayInputStream(bytes), Network.TCP); PingReply pong=(PingReply)m; assertTrue(m instanceof PingReply); assertEquals(6349, pong.getPort()); assertTrue("pong should have GGEP ext", pr.hasGGEPExtension()); assertEquals(523, pong.getDailyUptime()); assertFalse(pong.supportsUnicast()); assertFalse(pong.isTLSCapable()); } public void testPongTooSmall() throws Exception { byte[] bytes=new byte[23+25]; //one byte too small bytes[16]=Message.F_PING_REPLY; bytes[17]=(byte)3; //hops bytes[18]=(byte)3; //ttl bytes[19]=(byte)13; //payload length ByteArrayInputStream in=new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); try {, Network.TCP); fail("No exception thrown"); } catch (BadPacketException pass) { //Pass! } } public void testQueryKeyPong() throws Exception { byte[] randBytes = new byte[8]; (new Random()).nextBytes(randBytes); AddressSecurityToken qk; GUID guid = new GUID(GUID.makeGuid()); byte[] ip={(byte)18, (byte)239, (byte)3, (byte)144}; qk = new AddressSecurityToken(randBytes, macManager); PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.createQueryKeyReply(guid.bytes(), (byte) 1, 6346, ip, 2, 2, true, qk); assertTrue(pr.getQueryKey().equals(qk)); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); PingReply prStreamed = (PingReply), Network.TCP); assertTrue(prStreamed.getQueryKey().equals(qk)); } public void testIpRequestPong() throws Exception { networkManagerStub.setAddress(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress()); // a pong carrying an ip:port Endpoint e = new Endpoint("",5); PingReply p = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(),(byte)1,e); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p.write(baos); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); PingReply fromNet = (PingReply), Network.TCP); assertEquals("",fromNet.getMyInetAddress().getHostAddress()); assertEquals(5,fromNet.getMyPort()); // a pong carrying invalid port e = new Endpoint("",5) { @Override public int getPort() { return 0; } }; p = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(),(byte)1,e); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p.write(baos); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); fromNet = (PingReply), Network.TCP); assertNull(fromNet.getMyInetAddress()); assertEquals(0,fromNet.getMyPort()); //a pong carrying private ip e = new Endpoint("",20); p = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(),(byte)1,e); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p.write(baos); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); fromNet = (PingReply), Network.TCP); assertNull(fromNet.getMyInetAddress()); assertEquals(0,fromNet.getMyPort()); // a pong not carrying ip:port p = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(),(byte)1); baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p.write(baos); bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray()); fromNet = (PingReply), Network.TCP); assertNull(fromNet.getMyInetAddress()); assertEquals(0,fromNet.getMyPort()); } public void testUDPHostCacheExtension() throws Exception { GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UDP_HOST_CACHE); PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, (long)0, (long)0, false, ggep); assertTrue(pr.isUDPHostCache()); assertEquals("", pr.getUDPCacheAddress()); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(out); byte[] b = out.toByteArray(); PingReply read = (PingReply) ByteArrayInputStream(b), Network.TCP); assertTrue(read.isUDPHostCache()); assertEquals("", read.getUDPCacheAddress()); ggep = new GGEP(); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UDP_HOST_CACHE, ""); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, (long)0, (long)0, false, ggep); assertTrue(pr.isUDPHostCache()); assertEquals("", pr.getUDPCacheAddress()); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(out); b = out.toByteArray(); read = (PingReply) ByteArrayInputStream(b), Network.TCP); assertTrue(read.isUDPHostCache()); assertEquals("", read.getUDPCacheAddress()); } public void testPackedIPsInPong() throws Exception { GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { (byte)0xFE, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0 } ); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, out.toByteArray()); PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); List l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(4, l.size()); IpPort ipp = (IpPort)l.get(0); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(1, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(1); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(2, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(2); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(3, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(3); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(4, ipp.getPort()); // Try with invalid list of IPs (invalid by not being multiple of 6) ggep = new GGEP(); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, /* no port */ } ); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, out.toByteArray()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertTrue(l.isEmpty()); // Try with invalid IPs (invalid by invalid IP addr) ggep = new GGEP(); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out.write(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 0 } ); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, out.toByteArray()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertTrue(l.isEmpty()); // Try with invalid IPs (invalid by invalid port) ggep = new GGEP(); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 0 } ); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, out.toByteArray()); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertTrue(l.isEmpty()); // Make sure the extension works with other GGEP flags (like UDP Host Cache) ggep = new GGEP(); out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { (byte)0xFE, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0 } ); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, out.toByteArray()); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_UDP_HOST_CACHE); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); assertTrue(pr.isUDPHostCache()); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(4, l.size()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(0); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(1, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(1); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(2, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(2); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(3, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(3); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(4, ipp.getPort()); // and make sure we can read from network data. out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(out); pr = (PingReply) ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()), Network.TCP); assertTrue(pr.isUDPHostCache()); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(4, l.size()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(0); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(1, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(1); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(2, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(2); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(3, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(3); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(4, ipp.getPort()); // Try with one of the constructors. l = new LinkedList(l); l.add(new Endpoint("", 5)); pr = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, l, null); assertFalse(pr.isUDPHostCache()); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(5, l.size()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(0); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(1, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(1); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(2, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(2); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(3, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(3); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(4, ipp.getPort()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(4); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(5, ipp.getPort()); // Assert none of them supported TLS for(Object o : l ) { // right now only TLS-capable hosts become ExtendedEndpoints. assertNotInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, o); } } public void testTLSPackedIPPorts() throws Exception { List l = new LinkedList(); // every % 6 add an endpoint that directly implements HostInfo, // every % 3 add an endpoint that doesn't, but give HostCatcher a capable for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { if(i % 6 == 0) { ExtendedEndpoint ep = new ExtendedEndpoint("1.2.3." + i, i+1); ep.setTLSCapable(true); l.add(ep); assertTrue(hostCatcher.isHostTLSCapable(ep)); } else { l.add(new IpPortImpl("1.2.3." + i, i+1)); if(i % 3 == 0) { ExtendedEndpoint ep = new ExtendedEndpoint("1.2.3." + i, i+1); ep.setTLSCapable(true); hostCatcher.add(ep, true); } assertEquals(i%3==0, hostCatcher.isHostTLSCapable(new IpPortImpl("1.2.3." + i, i+1))); } } PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, l, null); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(10, l.size()); for(int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { IpPort ipp = (IpPort)l.get(i-1); assertEquals("1.2.3." + i, ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(i+1, ipp.getPort()); // These are the TLS hosts if(i%3==0) { assertInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); assertTrue(((ExtendedEndpoint)ipp).isTLSCapable()); } else { assertNotInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); } } } public void testNetworkTLSPackedIpPorts() throws Exception { GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { 3, 4, 2, 3, 3, 0 } ); out.write(new byte[] { (byte)0xFE, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0 } ); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS, out.toByteArray()); // mark the second & third items as TLS (and the fifth, just to see if it will ignore it) ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_IPPORTS_TLS, (0x40 | 0x20 | 0x8)); PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); List l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(4, l.size()); IpPort ipp = (IpPort)l.get(0); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(1, ipp.getPort()); assertNotInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(1); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(2, ipp.getPort()); assertInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); assertTrue(((ExtendedEndpoint)ipp).isTLSCapable()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(2); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(3, ipp.getPort()); assertInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); assertTrue(((ExtendedEndpoint)ipp).isTLSCapable()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(3); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(4, ipp.getPort()); assertNotInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); // and make sure we can read from network data. out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); pr.write(out); pr = (PingReply) ByteArrayInputStream(out.toByteArray()), Network.TCP); l = pr.getPackedIPPorts(); assertEquals(4, l.size()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(0); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(1, ipp.getPort()); assertNotInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(1); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(2, ipp.getPort()); assertInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); assertTrue(((ExtendedEndpoint)ipp).isTLSCapable()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(2); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(3, ipp.getPort()); assertInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); assertTrue(((ExtendedEndpoint)ipp).isTLSCapable()); ipp = (IpPort)l.get(3); assertEquals("", ipp.getAddress()); assertEquals(4, ipp.getPort()); assertNotInstanceof(ExtendedEndpoint.class, ipp); } public void testPackedHostCachesInPong() throws Exception { // test with compression. GGEP ggep = new GGEP(); List addrs = new LinkedList(); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); addrs.add("¬hing=this"); ggep.putCompressed(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES, toBytes(addrs)); PingReply pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); Set s = new TreeSet(IpPort.COMPARATOR); s.addAll(pr.getPackedUDPHostCaches()); assertEquals(4, s.size()); IpPort ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 81); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 6379); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 6346); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 1); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); assertEquals(0, s.size()); // test without compression ggep = new GGEP(); addrs.clear(); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); addrs.add("¬hing=this"); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES, toBytes(addrs)); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); s.clear(); s.addAll(pr.getPackedUDPHostCaches()); assertEquals(4, s.size()); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 81); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 6379); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 6346); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 1); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); assertEquals(0, s.size()); ggep = new GGEP(); addrs.clear(); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); addrs.add(""); ggep.putCompressed(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES, toBytes(addrs)); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); s.addAll(pr.getPackedUDPHostCaches()); assertEquals(1, s.size()); ipp = new IpPortImpl("", 6346); assertContains(s, ipp); s.remove(ipp); assertEquals(0, s.size()); ggep = new GGEP(); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES, new byte[0]); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); assertEquals(0, pr.getPackedUDPHostCaches().size()); ggep = new GGEP(); ggep.putCompressed(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 } ); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); assertEquals(0, pr.getPackedUDPHostCaches().size()); ggep = new GGEP(); ggep.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PACKED_HOSTCACHES, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 } ); pr = pingReplyFactory.create( GUID.makeGuid(), (byte)1, 1, new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, 0, 0, false, ggep); assertEquals(0, pr.getPackedUDPHostCaches().size()); } private byte[] toBytes(List l) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { sb.append(; if(i.hasNext()) sb.append("\n"); } return sb.toString().getBytes(); } private void addIP(byte[] payload) { // fill up the ip so its not blank. payload[2] = 1; payload[3] = 1; payload[4] = 1; payload[5] = 1; } /** * Utility class that overrides ConnectionManager methods for getting the * number of free leaf and ultrapeer slots. */ @Singleton private static class TestConnectionManager extends ConnectionManagerImpl { private int NUM_FREE_NON_LEAF_SLOTS; private int NUM_FREE_LEAF_SLOTS; @Inject public TestConnectionManager(NetworkManager networkManager, Provider<HostCatcher> hostCatcher, @Named("global") Provider<ConnectionDispatcher> connectionDispatcher, @Named("backgroundExecutor") ScheduledExecutorService backgroundExecutor, Provider<SimppManager> simppManager, CapabilitiesVMFactory capabilitiesVMFactory, RoutedConnectionFactory managedConnectionFactory, Provider<QueryUnicaster> queryUnicaster, SocketsManager socketsManager, ConnectionServices connectionServices, Provider<NodeAssigner> nodeAssigner, Provider<IPFilter> ipFilter, ConnectionCheckerManager connectionCheckerManager, PingRequestFactory pingRequestFactory, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { super(networkManager, hostCatcher, connectionDispatcher, backgroundExecutor, simppManager, capabilitiesVMFactory, managedConnectionFactory, queryUnicaster, socketsManager, connectionServices, nodeAssigner, ipFilter, connectionCheckerManager, pingRequestFactory, networkInstanceUtils); } @Override public int getNumFreeNonLeafSlots() { return NUM_FREE_NON_LEAF_SLOTS != 0 ? NUM_FREE_NON_LEAF_SLOTS : super.getNumFreeNonLeafSlots(); } public void setNumFreeNonLeafSlots(int numFreeNonLeafSlots) { NUM_FREE_NON_LEAF_SLOTS = numFreeNonLeafSlots; } @Override public int getNumFreeLeafSlots() { return NUM_FREE_LEAF_SLOTS != 0 ? NUM_FREE_LEAF_SLOTS : super.getNumFreeLeafSlots(); } public void setNumFreeLeafSlots(int numFreeLeafSlots) { NUM_FREE_LEAF_SLOTS = numFreeLeafSlots; } } // TODO: build a test to test multiple GGEP blocks in the payload!! the // implementation does not cover this it seems, so it should fail ;) }