package com.limegroup.gnutella; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; /** * A sanity checker for many different in-network verification * requests. * * If we cannot verify the message as received from a number * of hosts from different areas, message the user to hit * the website as the installation may possible be corrupted. */ @Singleton public class NetworkUpdateSanityCheckerImpl implements NetworkUpdateSanityChecker { private static final Set<RequestType> allTypes = EnumSet.allOf(RequestType.class); private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(NetworkUpdateSanityCheckerImpl.class); private static final int MAXIMUM_FAILURES = 20; private static final String MASK = "/"; private final Map<RequestType, Map<ReplyHandler, Boolean>> requests = new HashMap<RequestType, Map<ReplyHandler, Boolean>>(RequestType.values().length); private final List<IP> failures = new ArrayList<IP>(MAXIMUM_FAILURES); private boolean finished = false; private final Set<RequestType> successes = EnumSet.noneOf(RequestType.class); private final Provider<ActivityCallback> activityCallback; @Inject public NetworkUpdateSanityCheckerImpl( Provider<ActivityCallback> activityCallback) { this.activityCallback = activityCallback; } /** * Stores knowledge that we've requested a network-updatable component * from the given source. */ public void handleNewRequest(ReplyHandler handler, RequestType type) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding request to handler: " + handler); synchronized(requests) { // We're done. if(finished) { LOG.debug("Already reached maximum failure point, ignoring."); return; } addRequest(handler, type); } } /** * Acknowledge we received a valid response from the source. */ public void handleValidResponse(ReplyHandler handler, RequestType type) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Received valid response from handler: " + handler + "of type: " + type); synchronized(requests) { if(!finished) { // If we've gotten all kinds of valid responses, // assume we're okay. successes.add(type); if(successes.containsAll(allTypes)) { LOG.debug("Received every kind of success!"); finished = true; requests.clear(); failures.clear(); } else { removeRequest(handler, type); } } } } /** * Acknowledge we received an invalid response from the source. */ public void handleInvalidResponse(ReplyHandler handler, RequestType type) { synchronized(requests) { // If we had a request for this handler... if(!finished && removeRequest(handler, type)) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Had a request from handler, adding as failure... " + handler); IP ip = new IP(handler.getAddress() + MASK); boolean contained = false; // See if we already had a failure in this range, if so // then ignore it. for(IP current : failures) { if(current.contains(ip)) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Already had a failure from range: " + current + ", ignoring handler ip: " + ip); contained = true; break; } } if(!contained) { // If no failure already here, add it. failures.add(ip); if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Current failure size: " + failures.size()); if(failures.size() == MAXIMUM_FAILURES) { LOG.debug("Reached failure threshold!"); finished = true; requests.clear(); failures.clear(); activityCallback.get().installationCorrupted(); } } } } if(handler instanceof Shutdownable) ((Shutdownable)handler).shutdown(); } /** Adds a single incoming request to the maps. */ private void addRequest(ReplyHandler handler, RequestType type) { Map<ReplyHandler, Boolean> inner = requests.get(type); if(inner == null) { inner = new WeakHashMap<ReplyHandler, Boolean>(); requests.put(type, inner); } inner.put(handler, Boolean.TRUE); } /** * Removes a request from the maps, returning an object if it was * contained. Null if it wasn't. */ private boolean removeRequest(ReplyHandler handler, RequestType type) { Map<ReplyHandler, Boolean> inner = requests.get(type); if(inner == null) return false; else return inner.remove(handler) != null; } }