package; import; import java.util.Iterator; import; import; import org.jaudiotagger.tag.Tag; import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.AbstractID3v2Frame; import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.AbstractID3v2Tag; import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.ID3v1Tag; import org.jaudiotagger.tag.id3.ID3v24Frames; import; /** * Reads MetaData from MP3 files. This extends AudioDataReader which also * handles this format. However, store files need to get checked and parsed * correctly so we do that here. */ public class MP3Reader extends AudioDataReader { @Override protected void readTag(AudioMetaData audioData, AudioFile audioFile, Tag tag) { MP3File mp3File = ((MP3File)audioFile); mp3File.getID3v1Tag(); AbstractID3v2Tag v2Tag = mp3File.getID3v2Tag(); ID3v1Tag v1Tag = mp3File.getID3v1Tag(); // check v2 tags first if they exist if( v2Tag != null ) readV2Tag(audioData, v2Tag); // check v1 tags next if( v1Tag != null ) readV1Tag(audioData, v1Tag); } /** * Reads v1 tags from the mp3. Only writes the field to the AudioData if * it has not been filled in by v2 tags */ private void readV1Tag(AudioMetaData audioData, ID3v1Tag tag){ if( audioData.getTitle() == null || audioData.getTitle().length() == 0) audioData.setTitle(tag.getFirstTitle()); if( audioData.getArtist() == null || audioData.getArtist().length() == 0) audioData.setArtist(tag.getFirstArtist()); if( audioData.getAlbum() == null || audioData.getAlbum().length() == 0) audioData.setAlbum(tag.getFirstAlbum()); if( audioData.getYear() == null || audioData.getYear().length() == 0) audioData.setYear(tag.getFirstYear()); if( audioData.getComment() == null || audioData.getComment().length() == 0) audioData.setComment(tag.getFirstComment()); if( audioData.getGenre() == null || audioData.getGenre().length() == 0) audioData.setGenre(tag.getFirstGenre()); if( audioData.getTrack() == null || audioData.getTrack().length() == 0) { try { audioData.setTrack(tag.getFirstTrack()); } catch(UnsupportedOperationException e) { // id3v1.0 tags dont have tracks } } } /** * Reads v2 tags from the mp3. */ private void readV2Tag(AudioMetaData audioData, AbstractID3v2Tag tag) { audioData.setTitle(tag.getFirstTitle()); audioData.setArtist(tag.getFirstArtist()); audioData.setAlbum(tag.getFirstAlbum()); audioData.setYear(tag.getFirstYear()); audioData.setComment(tag.getFirstComment()); audioData.setGenre(parseGenre(tag.getFirstGenre())); audioData.setTrack(tag.getFirstTrack()); audioData.setLicense(tag.getFirst(ID3v24Frames.FRAME_ID_COPYRIGHTINFO)); Iterator iter = tag.iterator(); while(iter.hasNext()) { if( audioData.getLicenseType() != null && audioData.getLicenseType().equals(MAGIC_KEY) ) return; Object nextFrame =; if( !(nextFrame instanceof AbstractID3v2Frame)) continue; AbstractID3v2Frame o = (AbstractID3v2Frame)nextFrame; if( !(o.getId().equals("TIT2") || o.getId().equals("TALB") || o.getId().equals("TOAL") || o.getId().equals("TOPE") || o.getId().equals("TPE1") || o.getId().equals("TPE2") || o.getId().equals("TPE3") || o.getId().equals("TPE4")) ) if( o.getBody().getObject("Text") != null ) checkLWS(audioData, o.getBody().getObject("Text").toString()); else isRawCheck(audioData, o.getRawContent()); } } /** * Checks a raw content field for the magic String. This is always in UTF-8 encoding so use the * content byte array instead. */ private void isRawCheck(AudioMetaData audioDatas, byte[] contentBytes) { try { String content = new String(contentBytes,"UTF-8"); checkLWS(audioDatas, content); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { } } /** * If the song is not a LWS already, do a substring search to see if * it is a LWS song * @param content - ID3 tag to scan for a substring */ private void checkLWS(AudioMetaData audioData, String content) { if( audioData.getLicenseType() == null || !audioData.getLicenseType().equals(MAGIC_KEY)) if( content.indexOf(MAGIC_KEY) != -1) { audioData.setLicenseType(MAGIC_KEY); } } /** * Some genres in ID3v2 tags are displaying (XXX) numbers along side the genre. * If this exists it hides the number from the user */ private String parseGenre(String genre){ if( genre == null || genre.length() <= 0) return genre; String cleanGenre = genre; if( genre.charAt(0) == '(') { int startIndex = 0; for(int i = 0; i < genre.length(); i++) { if( genre.charAt(i) == ')') { startIndex = i + 1; } } cleanGenre = genre.substring(startIndex); } return cleanGenre; } @Override public String[] getSupportedExtensions() { return new String[] { "mp3" }; } }