package com.limegroup.gnutella; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Set; import org.limewire.collection.BitNumbers; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPConstants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.uploader.HTTPHeaderUtils; /** * Abstract class that does not store any values but provides default implementations * for methods that produce a common format. */ public abstract class AbstractPushEndpoint implements PushEndpoint { public byte[] toBytes(boolean includeTLS) { Set<? extends IpPort> proxies = getProxies(); int payloadSize = getSizeBytes(proxies, includeTLS); IpPort addr = getValidExternalAddress(); int FWTVersion = getFWTVersion(); if (addr != null && FWTVersion > 0) payloadSize+=6; byte [] ret = new byte[payloadSize]; toBytes(ret,0,proxies,addr,FWTVersion, includeTLS); return ret; } public void toBytes(byte[] where, int offset, boolean includeTLS) { toBytes(where, offset, getProxies(), getValidExternalAddress(),getFWTVersion(), includeTLS); } protected void toBytes(byte []where, int offset, Set<? extends IpPort> proxies, IpPort address, int FWTVersion, boolean includeTLS) { int neededSpace = getSizeBytes(proxies, includeTLS); if (address != null) { if (FWTVersion > 0) neededSpace+=6; } else { FWTVersion = 0; } if (where.length-offset < neededSpace) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("target array too small"); int featureIdx = offset; // store the number of proxies where[offset] = (byte)(Math.min(MAX_PROXIES,proxies.size()) | getFeatures() | FWTVersion << 3); // store the guid System.arraycopy(getClientGUID(),0,where,++offset,16); offset+=16; // if we know the external address, store that too // if its valid and not private and port is valid if (address != null && FWTVersion > 0) { byte [] addr = address.getInetAddress().getAddress(); int port = address.getPort(); System.arraycopy(addr,0,where,offset,4); offset+=4; ByteUtils.short2leb((short)port,where,offset); offset+=2; } // If we're including TLS, then add a byte for which proxies support it. int pptlsIdx = offset; int i=0; if(includeTLS) { // If any of the proxies are TLS-capable, increment the offset for(IpPort ppi : proxies) { if(i >= MAX_PROXIES) break; if(ppi instanceof Connectable && ((Connectable)ppi).isTLSCapable()) { offset++; break; } i++; } } // store the push proxies i=0; for(IpPort ppi : proxies) { if(i >= MAX_PROXIES) break; byte [] addr = ppi.getInetAddress().getAddress(); short port = (short)ppi.getPort(); System.arraycopy(addr,0,where,offset,4); offset+=4; ByteUtils.short2leb(port,where,offset); offset+=2; i++; } // insert the tls indices & turn the feature on if TLS should be included BitNumbers bn = includeTLS ? HTTPHeaderUtils.getTLSIndices(proxies, (Math.min(proxies.size(), MAX_PROXIES))) : BitNumbers.EMPTY_BN; if(!bn.isEmpty()) { byte[] tlsIndexes = bn.toByteArray(); assert tlsIndexes.length == 1; where[pptlsIdx] = tlsIndexes[0]; where[featureIdx] |= PPTLS_BINARY; } else { where[featureIdx] &= ~PPTLS_BINARY; // make sure its not in the features! } } @Override public final boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof PushEndpoint) { return Arrays.equals(getClientGUID(), ((PushEndpoint)obj).getClientGUID()); } return false; } @Override public final int hashCode() { return new GUID(getClientGUID()).hashCode(); } public String httpStringValue() { GUID guid = new GUID(getClientGUID()); StringBuilder httpString =new StringBuilder(guid.toHexString()).append(";"); //if version is not 0, append it to the http string int fwtVersion=getFWTVersion(); if (fwtVersion!=0) { httpString.append(HTTPConstants.FW_TRANSFER) .append("/") .append(fwtVersion) .append(";"); // append the external address of this endpoint if such exists // and is valid, non-private and if the port is valid as well. IpPort address = getValidExternalAddress(); if (address!=null) { String addr = address.getAddress(); int port = address.getPort(); if (!addr.equals(RemoteFileDesc.BOGUS_IP) && NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)){ httpString.append(port) .append(":") .append(addr) .append(";"); } } } Set<? extends IpPort> proxies = getProxies(); if (!proxies.isEmpty()) { httpString.append(HTTPHeaderUtils.encodePushProxies(proxies, ";", PushEndpoint.MAX_PROXIES)); } else { //trim the ; at the end httpString.deleteCharAt(httpString.length()-1); } return httpString.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { String ret = "PE [FEATURES:"+getFeatures()+",\nFWT Version:"+getFWTVersion()+ ",\nGUID:"+ new GUID(getClientGUID()) +", address: "+ getAddress()+":"+getPort()+",\nproxies:{ "; for (IpPort ppi : getProxies()) { ret = ret+ppi.getInetAddress()+":"+ppi.getPort()+"\n"; } ret = ret+ "}]"; return ret; } /** * @param proxies the set of proxies for this PE * @return how many bytes a PE will use when serialized. */ public static int getSizeBytes(Set<? extends IpPort> proxies, boolean includeTLS) { boolean hasTLS = false; if(includeTLS) { int i = 0; for(IpPort ipp : proxies) { if(i >= MAX_PROXIES) break; if(ipp instanceof ConnectableImpl && ((Connectable)ipp).isTLSCapable()) { hasTLS = true; break; } i++; } } return HEADER_SIZE + (hasTLS ? 1 : 0 ) + Math.min(proxies.size(),MAX_PROXIES) * PROXY_SIZE; } }