package org.limewire.ui.swing.table; import org.limewire.ui.swing.settings.TablesHandler; /** * Keeps state about a given column. Contains the model index, unique id, default and saved values regarding * order, visibility and width. */ public class ColumnStateInfo { private final int modelIndex; private final String id; private final String name; private final int defaultWidth; private final int maxWidth; private final boolean isShownAtStartup; private final boolean isHideable; private int preferredIndex; private final boolean isDefaultlyShown; public ColumnStateInfo(int modelIndex, String id, String name, int defaultWidth, boolean isShownAtStartup, boolean isHideable) { this(modelIndex, id, name, defaultWidth, -1, isShownAtStartup, isHideable); } public ColumnStateInfo(int modelIndex, String id, String name, int defaultWidth, int maxWidth, boolean isShownAtStartup, boolean isHideable) { = id; = name; this.isHideable = isHideable; this.isDefaultlyShown = isShownAtStartup; this.modelIndex = modelIndex; this.isShownAtStartup = TablesHandler.getVisibility(id, isShownAtStartup).getValue(); this.defaultWidth = TablesHandler.getWidth(id, defaultWidth).getValue(); this.maxWidth = maxWidth; this.preferredIndex = TablesHandler.getOrder(id, modelIndex).getValue(); } /** * Returns the model index for this column. */ public int getModelIndex() { return modelIndex; } /** * Returns the preferred ViewIndex in the ColumnModel. If the column is not visible * this value is meaningless. If the column is in its default position, this value * will be the same as the ModelIndex. */ public int getPreferredViewIndex() { return preferredIndex; } /** * Unique identifier to read/write to disk with. */ public String getId() { return id; } /** * Name to display in the column header. */ public String getName() { return name; } public int getDefaultWidth() { return defaultWidth; } public int getMaxWidth() { return maxWidth; } /** * Returns the current visibility state of this column. */ public boolean isShown() { return isShownAtStartup; } /** * Returns true if this column can be hidden, false otherwise. */ public boolean isHideable() { return isHideable; } /** * Returns the default visibility state for this column. */ public boolean isDefaultlyShown() { return isDefaultlyShown; } public void setPreferredViewIndex(int i) { preferredIndex = i; } }