package com.limegroup.gnutella.i18n; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; /** * Was used to convert certain keys in the old MessageBundle_** files. */ public class KeyConverter { @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final static Rule[] rules = new Rule[] { new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("DOWNLOAD_APPLY_NEW_THEME_START", "DOWNLOAD_APPLY_NEW_THEME_END", "{0}", "DOWNLOAD_APPLY_NEW_THEME"), new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("ERROR_BROWSE_HOST_FAILED_BEGIN_KEY", "ERROR_BROWSE_HOST_FAILED_END_KEY", " {0} ", "ERROR_BROWSE_HOST_FAILED"), new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("ERROR_CANT_RESUME_START", "ERROR_CANT_RESUME_END", " {0} ", "ERROR_CANT_RESUME"), new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("MESSAGE_UNABLE_TO_RENAME_FILE_START", "MESSAGE_UNABLE_TO_RENAME_FILE_END", " {0} ", "MESSAGE_UNABLE_TO_RENAME_FILE"), new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("MESSAGE_FILE_CORRUPT", "MESSAGE_CONTINUE_DOWNLOAD", " {0} ", "MESSAGE_FILE_CORRUPT"), new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("MESSAGE_SENSITIVE_SHARE_TOP", "MESSAGE_SENSITIVE_SHARE_BOTTOM", "\n\n{0}\n\n", "MESSAGE_SENSITIVE_SHARE"), new ConcatenateRule("SEARCH_VIRUS_MSG", "SEARCH_VIRUS_MSG_ONE", "SEARCH_VIRUS_MSG_TWO", "SEARCH_VIRUS_MSG_THREE") }; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Rule encodeMnemonics = new EncodeMnemonicAsAmpersAnd(); @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final Rule[] rules2 = new Rule[] { new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("STATISTICS_SHARING_TOOLTIP", "STATISTICS_FILES_TOOLTIP", " {0} ", "STATISTICS_SHARING_TOOLTIP_NEW"), new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("STATISTICS_SHARING_TOOLTIP", "STATISTICS_FILES_TOOLTIP_PENDING", " {0} ", "STATISTICS_SHARING_TOOLTIP_PENDING_NEW"), }; private static final Rule[] rules3 = new Rule[] { new ConcatenateAndInsertRule("DOWNLOAD_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REQUERY_START", "DOWNLOAD_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REQUERY_END", " {0}", "DOWNLOAD_STATUS_WAITING_FOR_REQUERY") }; /** * Call this in lib/messagebundles. */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { File dir = new File("."); LanguageLoader loader = new LanguageLoader(dir); Map<String, LanguageInfo> languages = loader.loadLanguages(); // apply conversions for (LanguageInfo language : languages.values()) { applyRules(language.getProperties(), rules3); } LanguageUpdater updater = new LanguageUpdater(dir, languages, loader .getEnglishLines()); updater.updateAllLanguages(); } private static void applyRules(Properties props, Rule...rules) { for (Rule rule : rules) { rule.apply(props); } } private interface Rule { void apply(Properties props); } /** * Concateantes first value and second value inserting <code>insert</code> * between them. */ private static class ConcatenateAndInsertRule implements Rule { private String firstKey; private String secondKey; private String insert; private String newKey; public ConcatenateAndInsertRule(String firstKey, String secondKey, String insert, String newKey) { this.firstKey = firstKey; this.secondKey = secondKey; this.insert = insert; this.newKey = newKey; } public void apply(Properties props) { String firstValue = props.getProperty(firstKey, null); String secondValue = props.getProperty(secondKey, null); if (firstValue != null && secondValue != null) { System.out.println(newKey + "=" + firstValue + insert + secondValue); props.setProperty(newKey, firstValue + insert + secondValue); } } } /** * Adds spaces between values. */ private static class ConcatenateRule implements Rule { private String newKey; private String[] keys; public ConcatenateRule(String newKey, String... keys) { this.newKey = newKey; this.keys = keys; } public void apply(Properties props) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (String key : keys) { String value = props.getProperty(key, null); if (value == null) { return; } builder.append(value); builder.append(" "); } builder.setLength(builder.length() - 1); System.out.println(newKey + "=" + builder.toString()); props.setProperty(newKey, builder.toString()); } } private static class EncodeMnemonicAsAmpersAnd implements Rule { public void apply(Properties props) { for (Enumeration<?> e = props.propertyNames(); e.hasMoreElements();) { String key = (String)e.nextElement(); if (key.endsWith("_MNEMONIC")) { // find corresponding label key String labelKey = key.substring(0, key.length() - "_MNEMONIC".length()); String label = props.getProperty(labelKey, null); if (label != null) { String mnemonic = props.getProperty(key); String replaced = label.replaceFirst(mnemonic, "&" + mnemonic); if (replaced.equals(label)) { replaced = label.replaceFirst(mnemonic.toLowerCase(), "&" + mnemonic.toLowerCase()); } System.out.println("Replaced: " + replaced); props.put(labelKey, replaced); } } } } } }