package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import junit.framework.Test; import org.jmock.Mockery; import org.limewire.collection.BitNumbers; import org.limewire.collection.Function; import org.limewire.collection.MultiIterable; import org.limewire.collection.Range; import org.limewire.gnutella.tests.LimeTestUtils; import org.limewire.gnutella.tests.NetworkManagerStub; import org.limewire.inject.Providers; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.NIOSocket; import org.limewire.util.PrivilegedAccessor; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.BandwidthManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.PushEndpointCache; import com.limegroup.gnutella.PushEndpointFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.SelfEndpoint; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AlternateLocation; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AlternateLocationFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.DirectAltLoc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.helpers.UrnHelper; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPConstants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.HTTPHeaderName; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.ProblemReadingHeaderException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.http.SimpleReadHeaderState; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.CreationTimeCache; import com.limegroup.gnutella.statistics.TcpBandwidthStatistics; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.IOStateObserverStub; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.ReadBufferChannel; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.ThexReaderFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.MockUtils; public class HTTPDownloaderTest extends org.limewire.gnutella.tests.LimeTestCase { private HTTPDownloaderFactory httpDownloaderFactory; private NetworkManager networkManager; private AlternateLocationFactory alternateLocationFactory; private DownloadManager downloadManager; private CreationTimeCache creationTimeCache; private BandwidthManager bandwidthManager; private PushEndpointCache pushEndpointCache; private VerifyingFileFactory verifyingFileFactory; private Mockery context; private PushEndpointFactory pushEndpointFactory; private RemoteFileDescFactory remoteFileDescFactory; private TcpBandwidthStatistics tcpBandwidthStatistics; private NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils; public HTTPDownloaderTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(HTTPDownloaderTest.class); } @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { context = new Mockery(); } private Injector setupInjector(Module... modules) { Injector injector = LimeTestUtils.createInjectorNonEagerly(modules); remoteFileDescFactory = injector.getInstance(RemoteFileDescFactory.class); networkManager = injector.getInstance(NetworkManager.class); alternateLocationFactory = injector.getInstance(AlternateLocationFactory.class); downloadManager = injector.getInstance(DownloadManager.class); creationTimeCache = injector.getInstance(CreationTimeCache.class); bandwidthManager = injector.getInstance(BandwidthManager.class); pushEndpointCache = injector.getInstance(PushEndpointCache.class); alternateLocationFactory = injector.getInstance(AlternateLocationFactory.class); verifyingFileFactory = injector.getInstance(VerifyingFileFactory.class); pushEndpointFactory = injector.getInstance(PushEndpointFactory.class); tcpBandwidthStatistics = injector.getInstance(TcpBandwidthStatistics.class); networkInstanceUtils = injector.getInstance(NetworkInstanceUtils.class); httpDownloaderFactory = new SocketlessHTTPDownloaderFactory(networkManager, alternateLocationFactory, downloadManager, creationTimeCache, bandwidthManager, Providers.of(pushEndpointCache), pushEndpointFactory, remoteFileDescFactory, injector.getInstance(ThexReaderFactory.class), tcpBandwidthStatistics, networkInstanceUtils); return injector; } /** * Tests if X-FW-Node-Info header is written. Must not have accepted an incoming * connection for this to happen. */ public void testFWNodeInfoHeaderIsWritten() throws Exception { final NetworkManagerStub networkManagerStub = new NetworkManagerStub(); networkManagerStub.setCanDoFWT(true); final ConnectionManager connectionManager = MockUtils.createConnectionManagerWithPushProxies(context); Injector injector = setupInjector(new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(ConnectionManager.class).toInstance(connectionManager); bind(NetworkManager.class).toInstance(networkManagerStub); } }); SelfEndpoint selfEndPpoint = injector.getInstance(SelfEndpoint.class); // precondition assertFalse(networkManager.acceptedIncomingConnection()); assertTrue(networkManager.canDoFWT()); Map<String, String> headers = getWrittenHeaders(new Function<HTTPDownloader, Void>() { public Void apply(HTTPDownloader dl) { return null; } }); assertEquals(selfEndPpoint.httpStringValue(), headers.get(HTTPHeaderName.FW_NODE_INFO .httpStringValue())); assertTrue(headers.get(HTTPHeaderName.FEATURES.httpStringValue()).contains(HTTPConstants.BROWSE_PROTOCOL)); // should be not set since node is firewalled assertNull(headers.get(HTTPHeaderName.NODE.httpStringValue())); context.assertIsSatisfied(); } /** * Tests that FWT-Node header is not written if client is not firewalled. */ public void testFWTNodeHeaderIsNotWritten() throws Exception { final NetworkManagerStub networkManagerStub = new NetworkManagerStub(); setupInjector(new AbstractModule() { @Override protected void configure() { bind(NetworkManager.class).toInstance(networkManagerStub); } }); networkManagerStub.setAcceptedIncomingConnection(true); networkManagerStub.setAddress(new byte[] { (byte) 129, 34, 4, 5 }); assertFalse(networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(networkManagerStub.getAddress())); Map<String, String> headers = getWrittenHeaders(new Function<HTTPDownloader, Void>() { public Void apply(HTTPDownloader dl) { return null; } }); assertNull(headers.get(HTTPHeaderName.FW_NODE_INFO.httpStringValue())); // should be there, since not firewalled and address not private assertNotNull(headers.get(HTTPHeaderName.NODE.httpStringValue())); } public void testWrittenAltHeadersWithTLS() throws Exception { setupInjector(); final Set<IpPort> sT, fT, sN, fN; sT = new IpPortSet(); fT = new IpPortSet(); sN = new IpPortSet(); fN = new IpPortSet(); Map<String, String> headers = getWrittenHeaders(new Function<HTTPDownloader, Void>() { public Void apply(HTTPDownloader dl) { try { // Add some alternate locations (succesful & not, TLS & // not). // Do it randomly, but force atleast 1 TLS in both failed & // success // (Go from 20 -> 40 so we all have the same # of digits.) for (int i = 20; i < 40; i++) { boolean tls = false; boolean failed = false; AlternateLocation loc; if (i == 25 || i == 30 || Math.random() < 0.5) { loc = alternateLocationFactory.create("1.2.3." + i, UrnHelper.URNS[0], true); tls = true; } else { loc = alternateLocationFactory.create("1.2.3." + i, UrnHelper.URNS[0], false); } if (i != 30 && (i == 25 || Math.random() < 0.5)) { failed = true; dl.addFailedAltLoc(loc); } else { dl.addSuccessfulAltLoc(loc); } IpPort host = ((DirectAltLoc) loc).getHost(); if (tls && failed) fT.add(host); else if (tls) sT.add(host); else if (failed) fN.add(host); else sN.add(host); } } catch (IOException iox) { throw new RuntimeException(iox); } return null; } }); // Verify NAlts has all the correct IPs. String nalts = headers.get("X-NAlt"); assertFalse("shouldn't have tls indexes!", nalts.contains("tls")); for (IpPort ipp : new MultiIterable<IpPort>(fT, fN)) { assertTrue("couldn't find: " + ipp + ", in: " + nalts, nalts.contains(ipp .getInetAddress().getHostAddress())); nalts = nalts.replace(ipp.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), ""); } // Remove all commas too... String removedCommas = nalts.replace(",", "").trim(); assertEquals("wrong nalts leftover! " + nalts, "", removedCommas); // Verify Alts has all the correct IPs String originalAlts = headers.get("X-Alt"); assertTrue("no tls indexes!", originalAlts.startsWith("tls=")); // Remove the TLS= index for right now.. String alts = originalAlts.substring(originalAlts.indexOf(",") + 1); // verify all the IPs exist for (IpPort ipp : new MultiIterable<IpPort>(sT, sN)) { assertTrue("couldn't find: " + ipp + ", in: " + originalAlts, alts.contains(ipp .getInetAddress().getHostAddress())); alts = alts.replace(ipp.getInetAddress().getHostAddress(), ""); } // Remove all commas too... removedCommas = alts.replace(",", "").trim(); assertEquals("wrong alts leftover! " + alts, "", removedCommas); // Verify the tls= index is correct... alts = originalAlts.substring(originalAlts.indexOf(",") + 1); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(alts, ","); List<IpPort> ips = new ArrayList<IpPort>(); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String ip = tokenizer.nextToken(); ips.add(new IpPortImpl(ip, 6346)); } BitNumbers bn = new BitNumbers(ips.size()); for (int i = 0; i < ips.size(); i++) { if (sT.contains(ips.get(i))) bn.set(i); } assertTrue(originalAlts.startsWith("tls=" + bn.toHexString())); } public void testReadXAltsWithTLS() throws Exception { setupInjector(); String str; HTTPDownloader dl; Collection<RemoteFileDesc> receivedLocations; str = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" + "X-Alt: tls=AB8,,,,,,,,,,\r\n"; dl = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); assertEquals(0, dl.getLocationsReceived().size()); readHeaders(dl); receivedLocations = dl.getLocationsReceived(); assertEquals(10, receivedLocations.size()); dl.stop(); Set<Connectable> tlsExpected = new StrictIpPortSet<Connectable>(new ConnectableImpl("", true), new ConnectableImpl("", true), new ConnectableImpl("", true), new ConnectableImpl("", true), new ConnectableImpl("", true), new ConnectableImpl("", true)); Set<Connectable> normalExpected = new StrictIpPortSet<Connectable>(new ConnectableImpl("", false), new ConnectableImpl( "", false), new ConnectableImpl("", false), new ConnectableImpl("", false)); Set<Address> allLocs = new HashSet<Address>(toAddresses(receivedLocations)); allLocs.retainAll(tlsExpected); assertEquals(allLocs, tlsExpected); for (Address address : allLocs) assertTrue(((Connectable)address).isTLSCapable()); allLocs = new HashSet<Address>(toAddresses(receivedLocations)); allLocs.retainAll(normalExpected); assertEquals(normalExpected, allLocs); for (Address address : allLocs) assertFalse(((Connectable)address).isTLSCapable()); allLocs = new HashSet<Address>(toAddresses(receivedLocations)); allLocs.removeAll(tlsExpected); allLocs.removeAll(normalExpected); assertTrue(allLocs.isEmpty()); } public void testRetryAfter() throws Exception { setupInjector(); String headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nRetry-After: 120\r\n"; HTTPDownloader dl = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(headers); readHeaders(dl); dl.stop(); assertWaitTime(120, dl.getContext()); } public void testMinRetryTime() throws Exception { setupInjector(); String headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nRetry-After: 50\r\n"; HTTPDownloader dl = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(headers); readHeaders(dl); dl.stop(); assertWaitTime(60, dl.getContext()); } public void testMaxRetryTime() throws Exception { setupInjector(); String headers = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nRetry-After: 3610\r\n"; HTTPDownloader dl = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(headers); readHeaders(dl); dl.stop(); assertWaitTime(3600, dl.getContext()); } private void assertWaitTime(int seconds, RemoteFileDescContext context) throws Exception { // RemoteFileDescContext.getWaitTime() adds a second, but we'll also // accept one second less because some time may have elapsed since // parsing the header int wait = context.getWaitTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); assertGreaterThan(seconds - 1, wait); assertLessThan(seconds + 2, wait); } private static Collection<? extends Address> toAddresses(Collection<? extends RemoteFileDesc> rfds) { List<Address> list = new ArrayList<Address>(); for (RemoteFileDesc rfd : rfds) { list.add(rfd.getAddress()); } return list; } public void testParseContentRange() throws Throwable { setupInjector(); int length = 1000; RemoteFileDesc rfd = remoteFileDescFactory.createRemoteFileDesc(new ConnectableImpl("", 1, false), 1, "file", length, new byte[16], 1, 2, false, null, URN.NO_URN_SET, false, "LIME", -1); File f = new File("sam"); VerifyingFile vf = verifyingFileFactory.createVerifyingFile(length);; HTTPDownloader dl = httpDownloaderFactory.create(null, new RemoteFileDescContext(rfd), vf, false); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(dl, "_amountToRead", new Long(rfd.getSize())); assertEquals(Range.createRange(1, 9), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range: bytes 1-9/10")); assertEquals(Range.createRange(1, 9), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes=1-9/10")); // should this work? the server says the size is 10, we think it's // 1000. throw IllegalArgumentException or ProblemReadingHeader? assertEquals(Range.createRange(0, 999), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes */10")); assertEquals(Range.createRange(0, 999), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes */*")); assertEquals(Range.createRange(1, 9), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes 1-9/*")); // expect exception for invalid header requests try { assertEquals(Range.createRange(0, 9), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes 1-10/10")); } catch (IOException ie) { assertInstanceof(ProblemReadingHeaderException.class, ie); } assertEquals(Range.createRange(0, 0), parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes 0-0/1")); try { parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes -1-9/10"); fail("Should have thrown exception"); } catch (ProblemReadingHeaderException ignored) { } Range iv = null; try { iv = parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes 1 10 10"); fail("Parsed invalid content range. Got: " + iv); } catch (ProblemReadingHeaderException ignored) { } // low is less than high try { iv = parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes 10-9/*"); fail("Parsed invalid content range. Got: " + iv); } catch (ProblemReadingHeaderException ignored) { } // negative values. try { iv = parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range: bytes -10--5/*"); fail("Parsed invalid content range. Got: " + iv); } catch (ProblemReadingHeaderException ignored) { } // negative high. try { iv = parseContentRange(dl, "Content-range:bytes 0--10/*"); fail("Parsed invalid content range. Got: " + iv); } catch (ProblemReadingHeaderException ignored) { } } public void testLegacy() throws Throwable { setupInjector(); // readHeaders tests String str; HTTPDownloader down; str = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); readHeaders(down); down.stop(); str = "HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently\r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown"); } catch (IOException e) { } str = "HTTP/1.1 300 Multiple Choices\r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown"); } catch (IOException e) { } str = "HTTP/1.1 404 File Not Found \r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } str = "HTTP/1.1 410 Not Sharing \r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown"); } catch (NotSharingException e) { } str = "HTTP/1.1 412 \r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown"); } catch (IOException e) { } str = "HTTP/1.1 503 \r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown"); } catch (TryAgainLaterException e) { } str = "HTTP/1.1 210 \r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); readHeaders(down); down.stop(); str = "HTTP/1.1 204 Partial Content\r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); readHeaders(down); down.stop(); str = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nUser-Agent: LimeWire\r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); readHeaders(down); down.stop(); str = "200 OK\r\n"; down = newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(str); try { readHeaders(down); down.stop(); fail("exception should have been thrown."); } catch (NoHTTPOKException e) { } } private static Range parseContentRange(HTTPDownloader dl, String s) throws Throwable { try { return (Range) PrivilegedAccessor.invokeMethod(dl, "parseContentRange", s); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.getCause() != null) throw e.getCause(); else throw e; } } private Map<String, String> getWrittenHeaders(Function<HTTPDownloader, Void> func) throws Exception { ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(); server.setReuseAddress(true); server.bind(new InetSocketAddress(0)); RemoteFileDesc rfd = remoteFileDescFactory.createRemoteFileDesc(new ConnectableImpl("", server.getLocalPort(), false), 1, "file", 1000, new byte[16], 1, 1, false, null, UrnHelper.URN_SETS[0], false, "TEST", -1); VerifyingFile vf = verifyingFileFactory.createVerifyingFile(1000); Socket socket = new NIOSocket("", server.getLocalPort()); Socket accept = server.accept(); HTTPDownloader dl = httpDownloaderFactory.create(socket, new RemoteFileDescContext(rfd), vf, false); func.apply(dl); dl.initializeTCP(); IOStateObserverStub observer = new IOStateObserverStub(); dl.connectHTTP(0, 500, true, observer); observer.waitForFinish(); InputStream in = accept.getInputStream(); byte[] read = new byte[5000]; int amtRead =; assertGreaterThan(0, amtRead); String headers = StringUtils.getASCIIString(read, 0, amtRead); return parseHeaders(headers, "GET /uri-res/N2R?" + UrnHelper.URNS[0].httpStringValue() + " HTTP/1.1"); } private Map<String, String> parseHeaders(String headers, String firstLine) throws Exception { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(headers)); String line = reader.readLine(); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); assertEquals("GET /uri-res/N2R?" + UrnHelper.URNS[0].httpStringValue() + " HTTP/1.1", line); while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && line.length() != 0) { int colon = line.indexOf(":"); assertNotEquals("couldn't find colon, line is: " + line, -1, colon); map.put(line.substring(0, colon).trim(), line.substring(colon + 1).trim()); } return map; } private HTTPDownloader newHTTPDownloaderWithHeader(String s) throws Exception { s += "\r\n"; SimpleReadHeaderState reader = new SimpleReadHeaderState(null, 100, 2048); reader.process(new ReadBufferChannel(StringUtils.toAsciiBytes(s)), ByteBuffer.allocate(1024)); RemoteFileDesc rfd = remoteFileDescFactory.createRemoteFileDesc(new ConnectableImpl("", 1, false), 1, "file", 1000, new byte[16], 1, 1, false, null, UrnHelper.URN_SETS[0], false, "TEST", -1); HTTPDownloader d = httpDownloaderFactory.create(null, new RemoteFileDescContext(rfd), null, false); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(d, "_headerReader", reader); return d; } private static void readHeaders(HTTPDownloader d) throws Exception { d.parseHeaders(); } }