package org.limewire.promotion; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver; import; import; import org.limewire.promotion.containers.PromotionMessageContainer; import org.limewire.promotion.exceptions.PromotionException; import; import; import; import org.limewire.util.CommonUtils; import; import; @Singleton public class SearcherDatabaseImpl implements SearcherDatabase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(SearcherDatabaseImpl.class); private Connection connection; private final KeywordUtil keywordUtil; private final CipherProvider cipherProvider; private final KeyStoreProvider keyStoreProvider; private final CertificateVerifier certificateVerifier; /** Package for testing. */ static String getDBLocation() { return new File(CommonUtils.getUserSettingsDir(), "promotion/promodb").getAbsolutePath(); } @Inject public SearcherDatabaseImpl(final KeywordUtil keywordUtil, final CipherProvider cipherProvider, final KeyStoreProvider keyStoreProvider, final CertificateVerifier certificateVerifier) { this.keywordUtil = keywordUtil; this.cipherProvider = cipherProvider; this.keyStoreProvider = keyStoreProvider; this.certificateVerifier = certificateVerifier; } public void init() throws InitializeException { try { new jdbcDriver(); connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:hsqldb:file:" + getDBLocation(), "sa", ""); createDBIfNeeded(); } catch (SQLException sqlException) { throw new InitializeException(sqlException); } catch (DatabaseExecutionException e) { throw new InitializeException(e); } } public void shutDown() { if (connection != null) { try { executeUpdate("SHUTDOWN"); org.hsqldb.DatabaseManager.closeDatabases(0); } catch (DatabaseExecutionException ignore) { // ignore } } } /** * Creates a statement and runs the given SQL, then returns the resulting * affected row count. * * @see {@link java.sql.Statement#executeUpdate(String)} */ private int executeUpdate(final String sql, final Object... values) throws DatabaseExecutionException { try { final PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement(sql); try { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (values[i] instanceof Date) statement.setDate(i + 1, new java.sql.Date(((Date) values[i]).getTime())); else statement.setObject(i + 1, values[i]); } return statement.executeUpdate(); } finally { statement.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new DatabaseExecutionException(ex); } } /** * This represents a single SQL statement and values to fill in the holes. */ private final static class Stmt { private final static Object[] EMPTY_VALUES = new Object[0]; final String sql; final Object[] values; Stmt(String sql, Object[] values) { this.sql = sql; this.values = values; } Stmt(String sql) { this(sql, EMPTY_VALUES); } } /** * Shortcut for creating a {@link Stmt}. * * @param sql sql statement */ private static Stmt stmt(String sql) { return new Stmt(sql); } /** * Returns the total number of affected rows and executing multiple updates synchronously. * * @param stmts statements to execute * @return the total number of affected rows and executing multiple updates * synchronously. * @throws DatabaseExecutionException */ private synchronized int executeUpdates(Stmt... stmts) throws DatabaseExecutionException { int numAffectedRows = 0; for (Stmt stmt : stmts) { numAffectedRows += executeUpdate(stmt.sql, stmt.values); } return numAffectedRows; } /** * Creates a statement and runs the given SQL, then returns the results of a * call to "CALL IDENTITY()" * * @throws DatabaseExecutionException */ private long executeInsert(final String sql, final Object... values) throws DatabaseExecutionException { try { executeUpdate(sql, values); PreparedStatement statement = connection.prepareStatement("CALL IDENTITY()"); try { final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); try {; return rs.getLong(1); } finally { rs.close(); } } finally { statement.close(); } } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("SQLException during update", ex); } } private void createDBIfNeeded() throws DatabaseExecutionException { try { query("foo"); } catch (RuntimeException ignored) { // Looks like the db needs some work, try clearing it. clear(); } } public void clear() throws DatabaseExecutionException { executeUpdates( stmt("DROP TABLE keywords IF EXISTS"), stmt("DROP TABLE entries IF EXISTS"), stmt("DROP TABLE binders IF EXISTS"), stmt("CREATE CACHED TABLE entries (" + "entry_id IDENTITY, " + "unique_id BIGINT, " + "probability_num FLOAT, " + "type_byte TINYINT, " + "valid_start_dt DATETIME, " + "valid_end_dt DATETIME, entry_ggep BINARY )"), stmt("CREATE CACHED TABLE keywords (" + "keyword_id IDENTITY, " + "binder_unique_name VARCHAR(1000)," + "phrase VARCHAR," + "entry_id INTEGER, FOREIGN KEY (entry_id) REFERENCES entries (entry_id) ON DELETE CASCADE )"), stmt("CREATE CACHED TABLE binders (" + "binder_id IDENTITY, " + "binder_unique_name VARCHAR(1000), " + "binder_bucket_id INTEGER, " + "valid_end_dt DATETIME, " + "binder_blob BINARY)") ); } public void expungeExpired() throws DatabaseExecutionException { executeUpdates( stmt("DELETE FROM entries WHERE valid_end_dt < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"), stmt("DELETE FROM binders WHERE valid_end_dt < CURRENT_TIMESTAMP") ); } private synchronized void saveBinder(final PromotionBinder binder) throws DatabaseExecutionException { executeUpdate("DELETE FROM binders where binder_unique_name = ?", binder.getUniqueName()); executeInsert( "INSERT INTO binders (binder_unique_name, binder_bucket_id, valid_end_dt, binder_blob) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", new Object[] { binder.getUniqueName(), binder.getBucketNumber(), binder.getValidEnd(), binder.getEncoded() }); } public PromotionBinder getBinder(final String binderUniqueName) { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT binder_blob FROM " + "binders WHERE binder_unique_name = ? ORDER BY binder_id DESC"); statement.setString(1, binderUniqueName); final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { final PromotionBinder binder = new PromotionBinder(cipherProvider, keyStoreProvider, certificateVerifier); binder.initialize(rs.getBytes("binder_blob")); return binder; } return null; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("SQLException during query.", ex); } catch (PromotionException ex) { // ignore -- internal problem with the promotion, // and we'll notice the error on the server side. // most typical reason is the cert is invalid // (perhaps because DNS cached the cert hash, // but the bucket is signed using a newer cert) LOG.error("promotion error", ex); return null; } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } } public PromotionBinder getBinder(final int bucketNumber) { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT binder_blob FROM " + "binders WHERE binder_bucket_id = ? ORDER BY binder_id DESC"); statement.setInt(1, bucketNumber); final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { final PromotionBinder binder = new PromotionBinder(cipherProvider, keyStoreProvider, certificateVerifier); binder.initialize(rs.getBytes("binder_blob")); return binder; } return null; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("SQLException during query.", ex); } catch (PromotionException ex) { // // LWC-1452: This is only thrown when the binder has an invalid date // or is corrupt. In any case, do not show an exception // here, simply return null. By returning null we signal // that this binder needs to be re-ingested from the network. // return null; } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } } /** * Does the actual ingestion of the given promo entry, inserting it into the * db. Package-visible for testing. * * @throws DatabaseExecutionException */ synchronized void ingest(final PromotionMessageContainer promo, final String binderUniqueName) throws DatabaseExecutionException { executeUpdate("DELETE FROM entries WHERE unique_id = ?", promo.getUniqueID()); final long entryID = executeInsert( "INSERT INTO entries " + "(unique_id, probability_num, type_byte, valid_start_dt, valid_end_dt, entry_ggep) " + "values (?,?,?,?,?,?)", promo.getUniqueID(), promo.getProbability(), promo.getMediaType().getValue(), promo.getValidStart(), promo.getValidEnd(), promo .encode()); for (String keyword : keywordUtil.splitKeywords(promo.getKeywords())) executeInsert( "INSERT INTO keywords (phrase, binder_unique_name, entry_id) values (?,?,?)", keywordUtil.normalizeQuery(keyword), binderUniqueName, entryID); } public void ingest(final PromotionBinder binder) throws DatabaseExecutionException { for (PromotionMessageContainer promo : binder.getPromoMessageList()) ingest(promo, binder.getUniqueName()); saveBinder(binder); } public List<QueryResult> query(final String query) { final List<QueryResult> results = new ArrayList<QueryResult>(); PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("SELECT DISTINCT e.entry_id, k.binder_unique_name, e.probability_num FROM " + "keywords k JOIN entries e ON e.entry_id = k.entry_id WHERE " + "e.valid_start_dt <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND e.valid_end_dt >= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AND " + "k.phrase = ? ORDER BY e.probability_num DESC, RAND()"); statement.setString(1, keywordUtil.normalizeQuery(query)); final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); while ( { String binderUniqueName = rs.getString("binder_unique_name"); PromotionMessageContainer promo = getPromotionMessageContainer(rs .getLong("entry_id")); if (promo != null && binderUniqueName != null) results.add(new QueryResultImpl(binderUniqueName, promo, query)); } rs.close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("SQLException during query.", ex); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } return results; } /** * Loads and return the given entry id from the database, ignoring all the * fields except the entry_ggep, reparsing the ggep into a promotion entry. * * @param entryID entry ID to load * @return the given entry id from the database, ignoring all the fields * except the entry_ggep, reparsing the ggep into a promotion entry. */ PromotionMessageContainer getPromotionMessageContainer(final long entryID) { PreparedStatement statement = null; try { statement = connection .prepareStatement("select entry_ggep from entries where entry_id = ?"); statement.setLong(1, entryID); final ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); if ( { final byte[] ggep = rs.getBytes(1); final PromotionMessageContainer promo = new PromotionMessageContainer(); promo.decode(new GGEP(ggep, 0)); return promo; } rs.close(); // Couldn't find the given entry id. return null; } catch (SQLException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("SQLException during query.", ex); } catch (BadGGEPBlockException ex) { throw new RuntimeException("GGEPException during query.", ex); } finally { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException ignored) { } } } } private static class QueryResultImpl implements QueryResult { private final String binderUniqueName; private final Date creationDate = new Date(); private final PromotionMessageContainer promotionMessageContainer; private final String query; QueryResultImpl(final String binderUniqueName, final PromotionMessageContainer promo, final String query) { this.binderUniqueName = binderUniqueName; this.promotionMessageContainer = promo; this.query = query; } public String getBinderUniqueName() { return binderUniqueName; } public Date getDate() { return creationDate; } public PromotionMessageContainer getPromotionMessageContainer() { return promotionMessageContainer; } public String getQuery() { return query; } @Override public boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj instanceof QueryResultImpl) { final QueryResultImpl other = (QueryResultImpl) obj; return this.promotionMessageContainer.equals(other.promotionMessageContainer); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return promotionMessageContainer.hashCode(); } } }