package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import; import junit.framework.Test; import org.limewire.core.settings.ConnectionSettings; import; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.ssl.SSLUtils; import org.limewire.util.Base32; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.helpers.UrnHelper; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.FileManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequestImpl; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReplyFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequestFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.Network; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.MessagesSupportedVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.PushProxyAcknowledgement; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.PushProxyRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.ActivityCallbackStub; import com.limegroup.gnutella.stubs.NetworkManagerStub; /** * Checks whether (multi)leaves avoid forwarding messages to ultrapeers, do * redirects properly, etc. The test includes a leaf attached to 3 Ultrapeers. */ public class ClientSidePushProxyTest extends ClientSideTestCase { protected final int PORT = 6669; /** * static so the activity callback can access it. */ protected static int TIMEOUT = 1000; // should override super private FileManager fileManager; private ConnectionManager connectionManager; private QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory; private ApplicationServices applicationServices; private SearchServices searchServices; private ResponseFactory responseFactory; private QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory; private MyActivityCallback callback; private DownloadServices downloadServices; private NetworkManagerStub networkManagerStub; public ClientSidePushProxyTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(ClientSidePushProxyTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { networkManagerStub = new NetworkManagerStub(); networkManagerStub.setPort(PORT); Injector injector = LimeTestUtils.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION, MyActivityCallback.class, new LimeTestUtils.NetworkManagerStubModule(networkManagerStub)); super.setUp(injector); DownloadManagerImpl downloadManager = (DownloadManagerImpl)injector.getInstance(DownloadManager.class); fileManager = injector.getInstance(FileManager.class); connectionManager = injector.getInstance(ConnectionManager.class); queryRequestFactory = injector.getInstance(QueryRequestFactory.class); applicationServices = injector.getInstance(ApplicationServices.class); searchServices = injector.getInstance(SearchServices.class); responseFactory = injector.getInstance(ResponseFactory.class); queryReplyFactory = injector.getInstance(QueryReplyFactory.class); callback = (MyActivityCallback) injector.getInstance(ActivityCallback.class); downloadServices = injector.getInstance(DownloadServices.class); downloadManager.clearAllDownloads(); // Turn off by default, explicitly test elsewhere. networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(false); networkManagerStub.setOutgoingTLSEnabled(false); // duplicate queries are sent out each time, so avoid the DuplicateFilter Thread.sleep(2000); // send a MessagesSupportedMessage testUP[0].send(injector.getInstance(MessagesSupportedVendorMessage.class)); testUP[0].flush(); // we expect to get a PushProxy request Message m; do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT); } while (!(m instanceof PushProxyRequest)); // we should answer the push proxy request PushProxyAcknowledgement ack = new PushProxyAcknowledgement(InetAddress .getLocalHost(), 6355, new GUID(m.getGUID())); testUP[0].send(ack); testUP[0].flush(); } public void testQueryReplyHasProxiesAndCanGIVNoTLSSettingOff() throws Exception { // no tls nor setting, doesn't get TLS connection doQRPCGTest(false, false, false); } public void testQueryReplyHasProxiesAndCanGIVNoTLSSettingOn() throws Exception { // no tls but setting on, doesn't get TLS connection doQRPCGTest(false, true, false); } public void testQueryReplyHasProxiesAndCanGIVWithTLSNoSetting() throws Exception { // tls requested, but setting off, doesn't get TLS connection doQRPCGTest(true, false, false); } public void testQueryReplyHasProxiesAndCanGIVWithTLSAndSetting() throws Exception { // tls requested & setting on -- only time we'll get a TLS connection doQRPCGTest(true, true, true); } private void doQRPCGTest(boolean sendTLS, boolean settingOn, boolean listenTLS) throws Exception { if(settingOn) networkManagerStub.setOutgoingTLSEnabled(true); setAccepted(false); BlockingConnectionUtils.drain(testUP[0]); // make sure leaf is sharing assertEquals(2, fileManager.getGnutellaFileList().size()); assertEquals(1, connectionManager.getNumConnections()); // send a query that should be answered QueryRequest query = queryRequestFactory.createQueryRequest(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte) 1, "berkeley", null, null, null, false, Network.UNKNOWN, false, 0); testUP[0].send(query); testUP[0].flush(); // await a response Message m; do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT); } while (!(m instanceof QueryReply)); // confirm it has proxy info QueryReply reply = (QueryReply) m; assertNotNull(reply.getPushProxies()); // check out PushProxy info Set proxies = reply.getPushProxies(); assertEquals(1, proxies.size()); Iterator iter = proxies.iterator(); IpPort ppi = (IpPort); assertEquals(ppi.getPort(), 6355); assertTrue(ppi.getInetAddress().equals(testUP[0].getInetAddress())); // set up a ServerSocket to get give on ServerSocket ss; if(listenTLS) { SSLContext context = SSLUtils.getTLSContext(); SSLServerSocket sslServer = (SSLServerSocket)context.getServerSocketFactory().createServerSocket(); sslServer.setNeedClientAuth(false); sslServer.setWantClientAuth(false); sslServer.setEnabledCipherSuites(new String[] {"TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"}); ss = sslServer; } else { ss = new ServerSocket(); } try { ss.setReuseAddress(true); ss.setSoTimeout(TIMEOUT); ss.bind(new InetSocketAddress(9000)); // test that the client responds to a PushRequest PushRequest pr = new PushRequestImpl(GUID.makeGuid(), (byte) 1, applicationServices.getMyGUID(), 0, InetAddress.getLocalHost().getAddress(), 9000, Network.TCP, sendTLS); // send the PR off testUP[0].send(pr); testUP[0].flush(); // we should get a incoming GIV Socket givSock = ss.accept(); try { assertNotNull(givSock); // start reading and confirming the HTTP request String currLine; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(givSock.getInputStream())); // confirm a GIV currLine = reader.readLine(); GUID guid = new GUID( applicationServices.getMyGUID()); String givLine = "GIV 0:" + guid.toHexString(); assertTrue(currLine.startsWith(givLine)); } finally { givSock.close(); } } finally { ss.close(); } } public void testHTTPRequestNoTLS() throws Exception { doHTTPRequestTest(false, false); } public void testHTTPRequestWithTLS() throws Exception { doHTTPRequestTest(true, true); } private void doHTTPRequestTest(boolean settingOn, boolean expectTLS) throws Exception { if(settingOn) networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(true); setAccepted(true); BlockingConnectionUtils.drain(testUP[0]); // some setup byte[] clientGUID = GUID.makeGuid(); // construct and send a query byte[] guid = GUID.makeGuid(); searchServices.query(guid, ""); // the testUP[0] should get it Message m; do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT); } while (!(m instanceof QueryRequest)); // set up a server socket ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(7000); try { ss.setReuseAddress(true); ss.setSoTimeout(25 * TIMEOUT); // send a reply with some PushProxy info Set<IpPort> proxies = new TreeSet<IpPort>(IpPort.COMPARATOR); proxies.add(new IpPortImpl("", 7000)); Response[] res = new Response[1]; res[0] = responseFactory.createResponse(10, 10, "", UrnHelper.SHA1); m = queryReplyFactory.createQueryReply(m.getGUID(), (byte) 1, 6355, myIP(), 0, res, clientGUID, new byte[0], true, false, true, true, false, false, proxies); testUP[0].send(m); testUP[0].flush(); // wait a while for Leaf to process result assertNotNull(callback.getRFD()); // tell the leaf to download the file, should result in push proxy // request Downloader download = RemoteFileDesc[] { callback.getRFD() }), true, new GUID(m.getGUID())); // wait for the incoming HTTP request Socket httpSock = ss.accept(); try { assertNotNull(httpSock); // start reading and confirming the HTTP request String currLine; BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(httpSock.getInputStream())); // confirm a GET/HEAD pushproxy request currLine = reader.readLine(); assertTrue(currLine.startsWith("GET /gnutella/push-proxy") || currLine.startsWith("HEAD /gnutella/push-proxy")); if(expectTLS) { assertTrue(currLine.contains("tls=true")); } else { assertFalse(currLine.contains("tls")); } // make sure it sends the correct client GUID int beginIndex = currLine.indexOf("ID=") + 3; String guidString = currLine.substring(beginIndex, beginIndex+26); GUID guidFromBackend = new GUID(clientGUID); GUID guidFromNetwork = new GUID(Base32.decode(guidString)); assertEquals(guidFromNetwork, guidFromBackend); // make sure the node sends the correct X-Node currLine = reader.readLine(); assertTrue(currLine.startsWith("X-Node:")); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(currLine, ":"); assertEquals(st.nextToken(), "X-Node"); InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(st.nextToken().trim()); Arrays.equals(addr.getAddress(), networkManagerStub.getAddress()); assertEquals(PORT, Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken())); // send back a 202 and make sure no PushRequest is sent via the normal // way BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(httpSock.getOutputStream())); writer.write("HTTP/1.1 202 gobbledygook"); writer.flush(); } finally { httpSock.close(); } try { do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT); assertTrue(!(m instanceof PushRequest)); } while (true) ; } catch (InterruptedIOException ignore) {} // now make a connection to the leaf to confirm that it will send a // correct download request Socket push = new Socket(InetAddress.getLocalHost(), PORT); try { BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(push.getOutputStream())); writer.write("GIV "); writer.flush(); LimeTestUtils.waitForNIO(); // the PUSH request is not matched in PushList.getBestHost() if // this is set to false: the RemoteFileDesc contains the IP // but since we are connecting from a different IP // it is not matched but it'll accept it this is set to true and // both IPs are private ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(true); writer.write("0:" + new GUID(clientGUID).toHexString() + "/\r\n"); writer.write("\r\n"); writer.flush(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(push.getInputStream())); String currLine = reader.readLine(); assertEquals(MessageFormat.format("GET /uri-res/N2R?{0} HTTP/1.1", UrnHelper.SHA1), currLine); } finally { push.close(); } download.stop(false); } finally { ss.close(); } } public void testNoProxiesSendsPushNormalNoTLS() throws Exception { doNormalTest(false, false); } public void testNoProxiesSendsPushNormalWithTLS() throws Exception { doNormalTest(true, true); } private void doNormalTest(boolean settingOn, boolean expectTLS) throws Exception { setAccepted(true); if(settingOn) networkManagerStub.setIncomingTLSEnabled(true); BlockingConnectionUtils.drain(testUP[0]); // some setup byte[] clientGUID = GUID.makeGuid(); // construct and send a query byte[] guid = GUID.makeGuid(); searchServices.query(guid, "golf is awesome"); // the testUP[0] should get it Message m; do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT); } while (!(m instanceof QueryRequest)); // send a reply with NO PushProxy info Response[] res = new Response[1]; res[0] = responseFactory.createResponse(10, 10, "golf is awesome", UrnHelper.SHA1); m = queryReplyFactory.createQueryReply(m.getGUID(), (byte) 1, 6355, myIP(), 0, res, clientGUID, new byte[0], false, false, true, true, false, false, null); testUP[0].send(m); testUP[0].flush(); // wait a while for Leaf to process result assertNotNull(callback.getRFD()); // tell the leaf to download the file, should result in normal TCP // PushRequest Downloader downloader = (new RemoteFileDesc[] { callback.getRFD() }), true, new GUID(m.getGUID())); // await a PushRequest do { m = testUP[0].receive(25 * TIMEOUT); } while (!(m instanceof PushRequest)); PushRequest pr = (PushRequest)m; assertNotNull(pr); assertEquals(expectTLS, pr.isTLSCapable()); assertEquals(clientGUID, pr.getClientGUID()); assertEquals(networkManagerStub.getAddress(), pr.getIP()); assertEquals(networkManagerStub.getPort(), pr.getPort()); assertEquals(10, pr.getIndex()); assertFalse(pr.isFirewallTransferPush()); downloader.stop(false); } public void testCanReactToBadPushProxy() throws Exception { // assume client accepted connections from the outside successfully setAccepted(true); BlockingConnectionUtils.drain(testUP[0]); // some setup byte[] clientGUID = GUID.makeGuid(); // construct and send a query byte[] guid = GUID.makeGuid(); searchServices.query(guid, ""); // the testUP[0] should get it Message m; do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT); } while (!(m instanceof QueryRequest)); // set up a server socket ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(7000); try { ss.setReuseAddress(true); ss.setSoTimeout(25 * TIMEOUT); // send a reply with some BAD PushProxy info // PushProxyInterface[] proxies = new // QueryReply.PushProxyContainer[2]; Set<IpPort> proxies = new TreeSet<IpPort>(IpPort.COMPARATOR); proxies.add(new IpPortImpl("", 7000)); proxies.add(new IpPortImpl("", 8000)); Response[] res = new Response[1]; res[0] = responseFactory.createResponse(10, 10, "", UrnHelper.SHA1); m = queryReplyFactory.createQueryReply(m.getGUID(), (byte) 1, 6355, myIP(), 0, res, clientGUID, new byte[0], true, false, true, true, false, false, proxies); testUP[0].send(m); testUP[0].flush(); // wait a while for Leaf to process result assertNotNull(callback.getRFD()); // tell the leaf to download the file, should result in push proxy // request downloadServices .download( (new RemoteFileDesc[] { callback.getRFD() }), true, new GUID((m.getGUID()))); // wait for the incoming HTTP request Socket httpSock = ss.accept(); try { // send back an error and make sure the PushRequest is sent via // the normal way BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(httpSock.getOutputStream())); writer.write("HTTP/1.1 410 gobbledygook"); writer.flush(); } finally { httpSock.close(); } // await a PushRequest do { m = testUP[0].receive(TIMEOUT * 8); } while (!(m instanceof PushRequest)); } finally { ss.close(); } } @Override public int getNumberOfPeers() { return 1; } private static byte[] myIP() { return new byte[] { (byte) 192, (byte) 168, 0, 1 }; } @Singleton public static class MyActivityCallback extends ActivityCallbackStub { private Lock rfdLock = new ReentrantLock(); private Condition rfdCondition = rfdLock.newCondition(); private RemoteFileDesc rfd = null; public RemoteFileDesc getRFD() throws InterruptedException { rfdLock.lock(); try { if (rfd == null) { rfdCondition.await(120, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } finally { rfdLock.unlock(); } return rfd; } @Override public void handleQueryResult(RemoteFileDesc rfd, QueryReply queryReply, Set locs) { rfdLock.lock(); try { this.rfd = rfd; rfdCondition.signal(); } finally { rfdLock.unlock(); } } public void cleanup() { rfd = null; } } private void setAccepted(boolean accepted) throws Exception { networkManagerStub.setAcceptedIncomingConnection(accepted); } }