package org.limewire.rudp; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel; import org.limewire.nio.AbstractNBSocket; import; import; /** * A reliable UDP connection. */ class UDPConnection extends AbstractNBSocket implements RUDPSocket { /** Channel backing the socket. */ private final UDPSocketChannel channel; /** The default read timeout. */ private int soTimeout = 1 * 60 * 1000; // default to 1 minute. /** The context surrounding this connection . */ private final RUDPContext context; /** * Creates an unconnected <code>UDPConnection</code>. You must call {@link #connect(SocketAddress) connect(...)} to connect. */ UDPConnection(RUDPContext context, UDPSocketChannel channel) { this.context = context; = channel; setInitialReader(); setInitialWriter(); } /** Returns the <code>UDPSocketChannel</code>, since it already implements * <code>InterestReadChannel</code>. */ @Override protected InterestReadableByteChannel getBaseReadChannel() { return channel; } /** Returns the <code>UDPSocketChannel</code>, since it already implements * <code>InterestWriteChannel</code>. */ @Override protected InterestWritableByteChannel getBaseWriteChannel() { return channel; } /** Doesn't do anything. */ @Override protected void shutdownImpl() { } /** Sets the read timeout this socket should use. */ @Override public void setSoTimeout(int timeout) { soTimeout = timeout; } /** Returns the timeout this socket uses when reading. */ @Override public int getSoTimeout() { return soTimeout; } /** Returns the local address this socket uses. */ @Override public InetAddress getLocalAddress() { return context.getUDPService().getStableListeningAddress(); } @Override public SocketAddress getRemoteSocketAddress() { return channel.getRemoteSocketAddress(); } @Override public InetAddress getInetAddress() { return ((InetSocketAddress)getRemoteSocketAddress()).getAddress(); } @Override public int getPort() { return ((InetSocketAddress)getRemoteSocketAddress()).getPort(); } @Override public int getLocalPort() { return context.getUDPService().getStableListeningPort(); } @Override public SocketAddress getLocalSocketAddress() { return new InetSocketAddress(getLocalAddress(), getLocalPort()); } @Override public SocketChannel getChannel() { return channel; } @Override public String toString() { return "UDPConnection:" + channel; } @Override public boolean isConnected() { return channel.isConnected(); } @Override public boolean isBound() { return true; } @Override public boolean isClosed() { return !channel.isOpen(); } @Override public boolean isInputShutdown() { return !channel.isOpen(); } @Override public boolean isOutputShutdown() { return !channel.isOpen(); } @Override public void bind(SocketAddress bindpoint) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public void setTcpNoDelay(boolean on) throws SocketException { // does nothing } @Override public boolean getTcpNoDelay() throws SocketException { return true; } @Override public void setSoLinger(boolean on, int linger) throws SocketException { // does nothing } @Override public int getSoLinger() throws SocketException { return -1; } @Override public void sendUrgentData(int data) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public void setOOBInline(boolean on) throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public boolean getOOBInline() throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public synchronized void setSendBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public synchronized int getSendBufferSize() throws SocketException { return UDPConnectionProcessor.DATA_CHUNK_SIZE * UDPConnectionProcessor.DATA_WINDOW_SIZE; } @Override public synchronized void setReceiveBufferSize(int size) throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public synchronized int getReceiveBufferSize() throws SocketException { return UDPConnectionProcessor.MAX_DATA_SIZE * UDPConnectionProcessor.DATA_WINDOW_SIZE; } @Override public void setKeepAlive(boolean on) throws SocketException { // ignore } @Override public boolean getKeepAlive() throws SocketException { return true; } @Override public void setTrafficClass(int tc) throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public int getTrafficClass() throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public void setReuseAddress(boolean on) throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public boolean getReuseAddress() throws SocketException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public void shutdownInput() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } @Override public void shutdownOutput() throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("not implemented"); } }