package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import org.limewire.concurrent.ListeningExecutorService; import; import org.limewire.core.settings.SharingSettings; import; import org.limewire.util.CommonUtils; import org.limewire.util.FileUtils; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ApplicationServices; import com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadCallback; import com.limegroup.gnutella.DownloadManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.MessageRouter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AltLocManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.altlocs.AlternateLocationFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.auth.ContentManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.guess.OnDemandUnicaster; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.FileCollection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.GnutellaFiles; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.Library; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.UrnCache; import com.limegroup.gnutella.malware.DangerousFileChecker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequestFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.metadata.MetaDataFactory; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.spam.SpamManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.templates.StoreFileNameTemplateProcessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.templates.StoreSubDirectoryTemplateProcessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.templates.StoreTemplateProcessor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.templates.StoreTemplateProcessor.IllegalTemplateException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.tigertree.HashTreeCache; /** * Allows the rest of LimeWire to treat this as a regular download. Handles downloading * an item purchased off of the LimeWire Store (LWS) website */ class StoreDownloaderImpl extends ManagedDownloaderImpl implements StoreDownloader { /** * To succesfully use the download templates when saving Store Files. The MetaData * must be parsed after downloading has been completed. */ private final MetaDataFactory metaDataFactory; @Inject public StoreDownloaderImpl(SaveLocationManager saveLocationManager, DownloadManager downloadManager, @GnutellaFiles FileCollection gnutellaFileCollection, IncompleteFileManager incompleteFileManager, DownloadCallback downloadCallback, NetworkManager networkManager, AlternateLocationFactory alternateLocationFactory, RequeryManagerFactory requeryManagerFactory, QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory, OnDemandUnicaster onDemandUnicaster, DownloadWorkerFactory downloadWorkerFactory, AltLocManager altLocManager, ContentManager contentManager, SourceRankerFactory sourceRankerFactory, UrnCache urnCache, VerifyingFileFactory verifyingFileFactory, DiskController diskController, IPFilter ipFilter, @Named("backgroundExecutor") ScheduledExecutorService backgroundExecutor, Provider<MessageRouter> messageRouter, Provider<HashTreeCache> tigerTreeCache, ApplicationServices applicationServices, RemoteFileDescFactory remoteFileDescFactory, Provider<PushList> pushListProvider, SocketsManager socketsManager, MetaDataFactory metaDataFactory, @Named("downloadStateProcessingQueue") ListeningExecutorService downloadStateProcessingQueue, DangerousFileChecker dangerousFileChecker, SpamManager spamManager, Library library) { super(saveLocationManager, downloadManager, gnutellaFileCollection, incompleteFileManager, downloadCallback, networkManager, alternateLocationFactory, requeryManagerFactory, queryRequestFactory, onDemandUnicaster, downloadWorkerFactory, altLocManager, contentManager, sourceRankerFactory, urnCache, verifyingFileFactory, diskController, ipFilter, backgroundExecutor, messageRouter, tigerTreeCache, applicationServices, remoteFileDescFactory, pushListProvider, socketsManager, downloadStateProcessingQueue, dangerousFileChecker, spamManager, library); this.metaDataFactory = metaDataFactory; } // //////////////////////////// Requery Logic /////////////////////////// /** * Overrides ManagedDownloader to return quickly * since we can't requery the store */ @Override public QueryRequest newRequery() throws CantResumeException { return null; } /** * Overrides ManagedDownloader to never allow new sources to be * added */ @Override public boolean allowAddition(RemoteFileDesc other) { return false; } /** * Never send requires since there is only one location to download from, * the LWS. */ @Override public boolean canSendRequeryNow() { return false; } /** * Overridden to make sure it calls the super method only if * the filesize is known. */ @Override protected void initializeIncompleteFile() throws IOException { if (getContentLength() != -1) { super.initializeIncompleteFile(); } } /** * Can only connect to LWS on one socket */ @Override public int getNumberOfAlternateLocations() { return 0; } /** * Can only connect to LWS */ @Override public int getNumberOfInvalidAlternateLocations() { return 0; } /** * Use the file ID3 info to perform a lookup with the template to determine the * folder substructure for saving the file * * WARNING: this reads the id3 tags of the file. This can potentially be a blocking * method and should only be called from within its own thread */ @Override protected File getSuggestedSaveLocation(File defaultSaveFile, File newDownloadFile) throws IOException{ // if its not an mp3 its currently not from the store if (!newDownloadFile.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US).endsWith("mp3")) return defaultSaveFile; // parse the meta data of this file AudioMetaData metaData = null; try { metaData = (AudioMetaData) metaDataFactory.parse(newDownloadFile); } catch (IOException e) { // don't catch this exception, problem reading the ID3 tags, just // use default locations instead return defaultSaveFile; } // if there's no meta data, just return the current name and location if (metaData == null) return defaultSaveFile; // set up a mapping of template variables to real values // if the substitutions are null for some reason, return default file final Map<String, String> subs = new HashMap<String, String>(); if (!createSubstitutes(subs, metaData)) return defaultSaveFile; // First attempt to get new directory final File realOutputDir = getLWSDirectory(SharingSettings.getSaveLWSDirectory(), subs); // make sure it is writable if (!FileUtils.setWriteable(realOutputDir)) { return defaultSaveFile; } String fileName = getLWSFileName(defaultSaveFile, subs); try { File f = new File(realOutputDir, CommonUtils.convertFileName(realOutputDir, fileName)); return f; } catch(IOException e) { } // if the custom file name had problems, revert back to the default name return defaultSaveFile; } @Override public boolean isRelocatable() { return super.isRelocatable() || getState() == DownloadState.SAVING; } /** * Attempts to use the meta data associated with this audio file and a template * to create sub directories based on the meta data. If the meta data is missing or * no template has been selected, reverts to the default LWS save directory * * @return directory of where to save songs purchased from LimeWire Store */ private File getLWSDirectory(File directory, Map<String, String> subs) { final String template = SharingSettings.getSubDirectoryLWSTemplate(); // fail quickly if no template has been chosen for subdirectories if (template == null || template.length() == 0) return directory; File outDir = null; try { outDir = new StoreSubDirectoryTemplateProcessor().getOutputDirectory(template, subs, directory); } catch (IllegalTemplateException e) { return directory; } // if directory couldn't be made, return default location if (outDir == null) return directory; outDir.mkdirs(); FileUtils.setWriteable(outDir); if (!outDir.isDirectory() || !outDir.canRead() || !FileUtils.canWrite(outDir)) return directory; return outDir; } /** * Using a template and meta data, it creates a new file name by replacing the * template using the meta data associated with the file * * @param defaultSaveFile current file name * @param subs mapping of template variables to meta data values * @return new file name based on template, if something went wrong, return * current file name */ private String getLWSFileName(File defaultSaveFile, Map<String, String> subs) { String currentFileName = defaultSaveFile.getName(); final String template = SharingSettings.getFileNameLWSTemplate(); try { currentFileName = new StoreFileNameTemplateProcessor().getFileName(template, subs); if (currentFileName == null || currentFileName.length() == 0) return defaultSaveFile.getName(); } catch (IllegalTemplateException e) { return defaultSaveFile.getName(); } String ext = FileUtils.getFileExtension(defaultSaveFile); if (!ext.isEmpty()) return currentFileName + "." + ext; else // no extension, shouldn't happen return defaultSaveFile.getName(); } /** * Fills a map, mapping template variables to values retrieved from the meta data. * If values in the meta data don't exist, this returns false, otherwise returns * true and sanitizes all meta data to remove illegal characters that may exist * and filling the map * * @param subs map to hold the substitutions * @param metaData id3 information about the file * @return false if meta data is missing, otherwise return true */ private boolean createSubstitutes(Map<String, String> subs, AudioMetaData metaData) { String artist = metaData.getArtist(); String album = metaData.getAlbum(); String track = metaData.getTrack(); String title = metaData.getTitle(); // fail if we can't read artist or album or track or title data is corrupt or not available // this should never happen since the store writes all this data themselves. // if something is missing chances are something went wrong so just revert to // defaults if (artist == null || album == null || title == null || track == null) return false; // sanitize data to remove any illegal chars for file names/directories artist = CommonUtils.santizeString(artist); album = CommonUtils.santizeString(album); track = sanitizeTrack(track); title = CommonUtils.santizeString(title); subs.put(StoreTemplateProcessor.ARTIST_LABEL, artist); subs.put(StoreTemplateProcessor.ALBUM_LABEL, album); subs.put(StoreTemplateProcessor.TITLE_LABEL, title); subs.put(StoreTemplateProcessor.TRACK_LABEL, track); return true; } /** * Removes the number of tracks on the album and returns just the track number * of this song. If the song is a single digit, it adds a zero before it * * TODO: should modify tag reader to return track and total tracks seperately to * avoid needing to do this */ private static String sanitizeTrack(String track) { String[] subStrings = track.split("/"); String trackNumber = subStrings[0].trim(); if (trackNumber.length() == 1) trackNumber = 0 + trackNumber; return trackNumber; } /** * Store files aren't shared so don't bother saving the tree * hash of them */ @Override protected URN saveTreeHash(URN fileHash) { return null; } /** * Not sharing so do nothing */ @Override protected void shareSavedFile(File saveFile) { // Always load the resulting file in the FileManager library.add(saveFile); } @Override public DownloaderType getDownloadType() { return DownloaderType.STORE; } @Override protected boolean shouldPublishIFD() { return false; } }