package com.limegroup.gnutella.connection; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import; import; import org.limewire.core.api.connection.ConnectionLifecycleEventType; import org.limewire.core.settings.ConnectionSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.MessageSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.SearchSettings; import org.limewire.inspection.Inspectable; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.listener.ListenerSupport; import org.limewire.listener.EventListener; import org.limewire.listener.EventListenerList; import org.limewire.logging.Log; import org.limewire.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.NBThrottle; import org.limewire.nio.Throttle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.ssl.SSLUtils; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Acceptor; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ApplicationServices; import com.limegroup.gnutella.BandwidthTrackerImpl; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionServices; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GuidMap; import com.limegroup.gnutella.GuidMapManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.InsufficientDataException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.MessageDispatcher; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkUpdateSanityChecker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkUpdateSanityChecker.RequestType; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ReplyHandler; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.SpamFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.SpamFilterFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.AsyncIncomingHandshaker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.AsyncOutgoingHandshaker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.BadHandshakeException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeObserver; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeResponder; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HandshakeResponderFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.Handshaker; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HeaderNames; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.HeadersFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.handshaking.NoGnutellaOkException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.MessageCounter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message.Network; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.MessageFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReplyFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequestFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.CapabilitiesVM; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.CapabilitiesVMFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.HopsFlowVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.MessagesSupportedVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.OOBProxyControlVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.PushProxyAcknowledgement; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.PushProxyRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.QueryStatusResponse; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.ReplyNumberVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.SimppRequestVM; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.TCPConnectBackVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.UDPConnectBackVendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.UpdateRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.VendorMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.PatchTableMessage; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.QueryRouteTable; import com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.ResetTableMessage; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.simpp.SimppManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.statistics.OutOfBandStatistics; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.DataUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeWireUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.version.UpdateHandler; /** * A Connection managed by a ConnectionManager. * * GnutellaConnection provides a sophisticated message buffering mechanism. When * you call send(Message), the message is not actually delivered to the socket; * instead it buffered in an application-level buffer. Periodically, messages * are read from the buffer and written to the network. Furthermore, * GnutellaConnection provides a simple form of flow control. If messages are * queued faster than they can be written to the network, they are dropped in * the following order: PingRequest, PingReply, QueryRequest, QueryReply, and * PushRequest. See the implementation notes below for more details. * <p> * * All GnutellaConnection have two underlying spam filters: a personal filter * (controls what I see) and a route filter (also controls what I pass along to * others). See SpamFilter for a description. You can change them with * setPersonalFilter and setRouteFilter. * <p> * * GnutellaConnection maintain a large number of statistics, such as the current * bandwidth for upstream & downstream. * <p> * * GnutellaConnection also takes care of various VendorMessage handling, in * particular Hops Flow, UDP ConnectBack, and TCP ConnectBack. See * handleVendorMessage(). * <p> * * This class implements ReplyHandler to route pongs and query replies that * originated from it. * <p> */ public class GnutellaConnection extends AbstractConnection implements ReplyHandler, MessageReceiver, SentMessageHandler, Shutdownable, Inspectable, RoutedConnection, ConnectionRoutingStatistics, ConnectionMessageStatistics, ListenerSupport<GnutellaConnectionEvent> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(GnutellaConnection.class); public enum EventType { IS_PUSH_PROXY } /** * The time to wait between route table updates for leaves, in milliseconds. */ private long LEAF_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME = 1000 * 60 * 5; // 5 minutes /** * The time to wait between route table updates for Ultrapeers, in * milliseconds. */ private long ULTRAPEER_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME = 1000 * 60; // 1 minute /** * The timeout to use when connecting, in milliseconds. This is NOT used for * bootstrap servers. */ private static final int CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 6000; // 6 seconds /** * The total amount of upstream messaging bandwidth for ALL connections in * BYTES (not bits) per second. */ private static final int TOTAL_OUTGOING_MESSAGING_BANDWIDTH = 8000; /** * Filter for filtering out messages that are considered spam. */ private volatile SpamFilter _routeFilter; /* * IMPLEMENTATION NOTE: this class uses the SACHRIFC algorithm described at * The basic idea is to use * one queue for each message type. Messages are removed from the queue in a * biased round-robin fashion. This prioritizes some messages types while * preventing any one message type from dominating traffic. Query replies * are further prioritized by "GUID volume", i.e., the number of bytes * already routed for that GUID. Other messages are sorted by time and * removed in a LIFO [sic] policy. This, coupled with timeouts, reduces * latency. */ /** A lock for QRP activity on this connection. */ private final Object QRP_LOCK = new Object(); /** Non-blocking throttle for outgoing messages. */ private final static Throttle _nbThrottle = new NBThrottle(true, TOTAL_OUTGOING_MESSAGING_BANDWIDTH, ConnectionSettings.NUM_CONNECTIONS.getValue(), CompositeQueue.QUEUE_TIME); /** The OutputRunner */ private volatile OutputRunner _outputRunner; /** Keeps track of sent/received [dropped] & bandwidth. */ private final ConnectionStats _connectionStats = new ConnectionStats(); /** * The next time I should send a query route table to this connection. */ private long _nextQRPForwardTime; /** * The bandwidth trackers for the up/downstream. These are not synchronized * and not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. */ private BandwidthTrackerImpl _upBandwidthTracker = new BandwidthTrackerImpl(); private BandwidthTrackerImpl _downBandwidthTracker = new BandwidthTrackerImpl(); /** * True iff this should not be policed by the ConnectionWatchdog, e.g., * because this is a connection to a Clip2 reflector. */ private boolean _isKillable = true; /** * Use this if a HopsFlowVM instructs us to stop sending queries below this * certain hops value.... */ private volatile int hopsFlowMax = -1; /** * This member contains the time beyond which, if this host is still busy * (hops flow==0), that we should consider him as "truly idle" and should * then remove his contributions last-hop QRTs. A value of -1 means that * either the leaf isn't busy, or he is busy, and his busy-ness was already * noticed by the MessageRouter, so we shouldn't 're-notice' him on the next * QRT update iteration. */ private volatile long _busyTime = -1; /** * Whether this connection is a push proxy for me. */ private volatile boolean myPushProxy; /** * Whether I am a push proxy for this connection. */ private volatile boolean pushProxyFor; /** * Variable for the <tt>QueryRouteTable</tt> received for this connection. */ private volatile QueryRouteTable _lastQRPTableReceived; /** * Variable for the <tt>QueryRouteTable</tt> sent for this connection. */ private volatile QueryRouteTable _lastQRPTableSent; /** * Whether or not this was a supernode <-> client connection when message * looping started. */ private boolean supernodeClientAtLooping = false; private volatile Deflater deflater; private volatile Inflater inflater; /** * The last clientGUID a Hops=0 QueryReply had. */ private volatile byte[] clientGUID = DataUtils.EMPTY_GUID; /** * Whether or not the HandshakeResponder should use locale preferencing * during handshaking. */ private volatile boolean _useLocalPreference; /** If we've received a capVM before. */ private boolean receivedCapVM = false; /** * The maximum protocol version for which OOB proxying has been turned off * by leaf peer. Defaults to 0 to allow all OOB versions to be proxied. */ private int _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion = 0; private final ConnectionManager connectionManager; private final NetworkManager networkManager; private final QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory; private final HeadersFactory headersFactory; private final HandshakeResponderFactory handshakeResponderFactory; private final QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory; private final MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher; private final NetworkUpdateSanityChecker networkUpdateSanityChecker; private final SearchResultHandler searchResultHandler; private final Provider<SimppManager> simppManager; private final Provider<UpdateHandler> updateHandler; private final Provider<ConnectionServices> connectionServices; private final GuidMapManager guidMapManager; private final SocketsManager socketsManager; private final GuidMap guidMap; private final MessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory; private final ApplicationServices applicationServices; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private final SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier; private final OutOfBandStatistics outOfBandStatistics; private final NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils; /** writers of statistics if any */ private static enum StatsWriters {TOP, DEFLATER, DELAYER, THROTTLE } private final Map<StatsWriters,StatisticGatheringWriter> statsWriters = new HashMap<StatsWriters,StatisticGatheringWriter>(); private volatile MessageCounter incoming, outgoing; private volatile long droppedBadHops, droppedBadAddress,droppedFW; private final EventListenerList<GnutellaConnectionEvent> listeners = new EventListenerList<GnutellaConnectionEvent>(); /** * Creates a new outgoing connection to the specified host on the specified * port, using the specified kind of ConnectType. * * @param host the address of the host we're connecting to * @param port the port the host is listening on * @param type the type of outgoing connection we want to make (TLS, PLAIN, * etc) */ public GnutellaConnection(String host, int port, ConnectType type, ConnectionManager connectionManager, NetworkManager networkManager, QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory, HeadersFactory headersFactory, HandshakeResponderFactory handshakeResponderFactory, QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory, MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher, NetworkUpdateSanityChecker networkUpdateSanityChecker, SearchResultHandler searchResultHandler, CapabilitiesVMFactory capabilitiesVMFactory, SocketsManager socketsManager, Acceptor acceptor, MessagesSupportedVendorMessage supportedVendorMessage, Provider<SimppManager> simppManager, Provider<UpdateHandler> updateHandler, Provider<ConnectionServices> connectionServices, GuidMapManager guidMapManager, SpamFilterFactory spamFilterFactory, MessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory, MessageFactory messageFactory, ApplicationServices applicationServices, SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier, OutOfBandStatistics outOfBandStatistics, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { super(host, port, type, capabilitiesVMFactory, supportedVendorMessage, networkManager, acceptor, networkInstanceUtils); this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.networkManager = networkManager; this.queryRequestFactory = queryRequestFactory; this.headersFactory = headersFactory; this.handshakeResponderFactory = handshakeResponderFactory; this.queryReplyFactory = queryReplyFactory; this.messageDispatcher = messageDispatcher; this.networkUpdateSanityChecker = networkUpdateSanityChecker; this.searchResultHandler = searchResultHandler; this.simppManager = simppManager; this.updateHandler = updateHandler; this.connectionServices = connectionServices; this.guidMapManager = guidMapManager; this.messageReaderFactory = messageReaderFactory; this.applicationServices = applicationServices; this.guidMap = guidMapManager.getMap(); this._routeFilter = spamFilterFactory.createRouteFilter(); this.secureMessageVerifier = secureMessageVerifier; this.socketsManager = socketsManager; this.outOfBandStatistics = outOfBandStatistics; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; } /** * Creates an incoming connection. ManagedConnections should only be * constructed within ConnectionManager. * * @requires the word "GNUTELLA " and nothing else has just been read from * socket * @effects wraps a connection around socket and does the rest of the * Gnutella handshake. */ public GnutellaConnection(Socket socket, ConnectionManager connectionManager, NetworkManager networkManager, QueryRequestFactory queryRequestFactory, HeadersFactory headersFactory, HandshakeResponderFactory handshakeResponderFactory, QueryReplyFactory queryReplyFactory, MessageDispatcher messageDispatcher, NetworkUpdateSanityChecker networkUpdateSanityChecker, SearchResultHandler searchResultHandler, CapabilitiesVMFactory capabilitiesVMFactory, Acceptor acceptor, MessagesSupportedVendorMessage supportedVendorMessage, Provider<SimppManager> simppManager, Provider<UpdateHandler> updateHandler, Provider<ConnectionServices> connectionServices, GuidMapManager guidMapManager, SpamFilterFactory spamFilterFactory, MessageReaderFactory messageReaderFactory, MessageFactory messageFactory, ApplicationServices applicationServices, SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier, OutOfBandStatistics outOfBandStatistics, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { super(socket, capabilitiesVMFactory, supportedVendorMessage, networkManager, acceptor, networkInstanceUtils); this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.networkManager = networkManager; this.queryRequestFactory = queryRequestFactory; this.headersFactory = headersFactory; this.handshakeResponderFactory = handshakeResponderFactory; this.queryReplyFactory = queryReplyFactory; this.messageDispatcher = messageDispatcher; this.networkUpdateSanityChecker = networkUpdateSanityChecker; this.searchResultHandler = searchResultHandler; this.simppManager = simppManager; this.updateHandler = updateHandler; this.connectionServices = connectionServices; this.guidMapManager = guidMapManager; this.messageReaderFactory = messageReaderFactory; this.applicationServices = applicationServices; this.guidMap = guidMapManager.getMap(); this._routeFilter = spamFilterFactory.createRouteFilter(); this.secureMessageVerifier = secureMessageVerifier; this.socketsManager = null; this.outOfBandStatistics = outOfBandStatistics; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#initialize(com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.GnetConnectObserver) */ public void initialize(GnetConnectObserver observer) throws IOException { if (observer == null && isOutgoing()) throw new NullPointerException("must have an observer if outgoing!"); Properties requestHeaders; HandshakeResponder responder; addListener(connectionManager); if (isOutgoing()) { String host = getAddress(); if (connectionServices.get().isSupernode()) { requestHeaders = headersFactory.createUltrapeerHeaders(host); responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createUltrapeerHandshakeResponder(host); } else { requestHeaders = headersFactory.createLeafHeaders(host); responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createLeafHandshakeResponder(host); } } else { String host = getSocket().getInetAddress().getHostAddress(); requestHeaders = null; if (connectionServices.get().isSupernode()) { responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createUltrapeerHandshakeResponder(host); } else { responder = handshakeResponderFactory.createLeafHandshakeResponder(host); } } // Establish the socket (if needed), handshake. initialize(requestHeaders, responder, CONNECT_TIMEOUT, observer); // Nothing else should be done here. All post-init-sequences // should be triggered from finishInitialize, which will be called // when the socket is connected (if it connects). } /** * Initialize the connection by doing the handshake. Throws IOException if * we were unable to establish a normal messaging connection for any reason. * Do not call send or receive if this happens. * * @param timeout for outgoing connections, the timeout in milliseconds to * use in establishing the socket, or 0 for no timeout. If the * platform does not support native timeouts, it will be emulated * with threads. * @exception IOException we were unable to connect to the host * @exception NoGnutellaOkException one of the participants responded with * an error code other than 200 OK (possibly after several rounds * of 401's) * @exception BadHandshakeException some other problem establishing the * connection, e.g., the server responded with HTTP, closed the * the connection during handshaking, etc. */ protected void initialize(Properties requestHeaders, HandshakeResponder responder, int timeout, GnetConnectObserver observer) throws IOException { responder.setLocalePreferencing(_useLocalPreference); if (isOutgoing()) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Outgoing connection to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + " with timeout " + timeout); } ConnectObserver connectObserver = new AsyncHandshakeConnecter(requestHeaders, responder, observer); InetSocketAddress host = new InetSocketAddress(getAddress(), getPort()); Socket socket = socketsManager .connect(host, timeout, connectObserver, getConnectType()); setSocket(socket); } else { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Incoming connection from " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort()); } startHandshake(requestHeaders, responder, observer); } } /** * Starts the handshake process. */ private void startHandshake(Properties requestHeaders, HandshakeResponder responder, GnetConnectObserver observer) throws IOException { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Shaking hands with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort()); initializeHandshake(); HandshakeWatcher shakeObserver = new HandshakeWatcher(observer); Handshaker shaker; if (isOutgoing()) shaker = new AsyncOutgoingHandshaker(requestHeaders, responder, getSocket(), shakeObserver); else shaker = new AsyncIncomingHandshaker(responder, getSocket(), shakeObserver); shakeObserver.setHandshaker(shaker); try { shaker.shake(); } catch (IOException iox) { ErrorService.error(iox); // impossible. } } /** * Starts out OutputRunners & notifies UpdateManager that this connection * may have an update on it. */ private void postHandshakeInitialize(Handshaker shaker) { handshakeInitialized(shaker); if (isWriteDeflated()) { deflater = new Deflater(); } if (isReadDeflated()) { inflater = new Inflater(); } getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().setCompressionOption(isWriteDeflated(), isReadDeflated(), new CompressionBandwidthTrackerImpl(inflater, deflater)); startOutput(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#resetQueryRouteTable(com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.ResetTableMessage) */ public void resetQueryRouteTable(ResetTableMessage rtm) { if (_lastQRPTableReceived == null) { _lastQRPTableReceived = new QueryRouteTable(rtm.getTableSize(), rtm.getInfinity()); } else { _lastQRPTableReceived.reset(rtm); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#patchQueryRouteTable(com.limegroup.gnutella.routing.PatchTableMessage) */ public void patchQueryRouteTable(PatchTableMessage ptm) { // we should always get a reset before a patch, but // allocate a table in case we don't if (_lastQRPTableReceived == null) { _lastQRPTableReceived = new QueryRouteTable(); } try { _lastQRPTableReceived.patch(ptm); } catch (BadPacketException e) { // not sure what to do here!! } } /** * Set's a leaf's busy timer to now, if bSet is true, else clears the flag. * * @param bSet whether to SET or CLEAR the busy timer for this host */ public void setBusy(boolean bSet) { if (bSet) { if (_busyTime == -1) _busyTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } else _busyTime = -1; } private byte getHopsFlowMax() { return (byte) hopsFlowMax; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#isBusyLeaf() */ public boolean isBusyLeaf() { if (!isSupernodeClientConnection()) return false; int hfm = getHopsFlowMax(); return hfm >= 0 && hfm < 3; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#shouldForwardQuery(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest) */ public boolean shouldForwardQuery(QueryRequest query) { // special what is queries have version numbers attached to them - make // sure that the remote host can answer the query.... if (query.isFeatureQuery()) { if (isSupernodeClientConnection()) return (getConnectionCapabilities().getRemoteHostFeatureQuerySelector() >= query .getFeatureSelector()); else if (getConnectionCapabilities().isSupernodeSupernodeConnection()) return getConnectionCapabilities().getRemoteHostSupportsFeatureQueries(); else return false; } return hitsQueryRouteTable(query); } /** * Determines whether or not this query hits the QRT. */ protected boolean hitsQueryRouteTable(QueryRequest query) { if (_lastQRPTableReceived == null) return false; return _lastQRPTableReceived.contains(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableReceived() */ public QueryRouteTable getQueryRouteTableReceived() { return _lastQRPTableReceived; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTablePercentFull() */ public double getQueryRouteTablePercentFull() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? 0 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getPercentFull(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableSize() */ public int getQueryRouteTableSize() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? 0 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getSize(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableEmptyUnits() */ public int getQueryRouteTableEmptyUnits() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? -1 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getEmptyUnits(); } private int getQueryRouteTableUnitsWithLoad(int load) { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? -1 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getUnitsWithLoad(load); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getQueryRouteTableUnitsInUse() */ public int getQueryRouteTableUnitsInUse() { return _lastQRPTableReceived == null ? -1 : _lastQRPTableReceived.getUnitsInUse(); } // //////////////////// Sending, Outgoing Flow Control // ////////////////////// /** Starts outgoing messages being sent. */ private void startOutput() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled())"Starting output to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort()); // add some heavier stats code in betas if (LimeWireUtils.isBetaRelease() || LimeWireUtils.isTestingVersion()) { statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.TOP,new StatisticGatheringWriter()); statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.DEFLATER, new StatisticGatheringWriter()); statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.DELAYER, new StatisticGatheringWriter()); statsWriters.put(StatsWriters.THROTTLE, new StatisticGatheringWriter()); outgoing = new MessageCounter(10); } else outgoing = new MessageCounter(1); MessageQueue queue; // Taking this change out until we can safely handle attacks and // overflow // TODO: make a cheaper Queue that still prevents flooding of ultrapeer // and ensures that clogged leaf doesn't drop QRP messages. // if(isSupernodeSupernodeConnection()) queue = new CompositeQueue(); // else // queue = new BasicQueue(); // TODO: ensure socket is asynchronous! MessageWriter messager = new MessageWriter(_connectionStats, queue, this); _outputRunner = messager; ChannelWriter writer = messager; if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.TOP)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.TOP)); if (isWriteDeflated()) { writer = addWriter(writer, new DeflaterWriter(deflater)); if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.DEFLATER)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.DEFLATER)); } writer = addWriter(writer, new DelayedBufferWriter(1400)); if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.DELAYER)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.DELAYER)); writer = addWriter(writer, new ThrottleWriter(_nbThrottle)); if (statsWriters.containsKey(StatsWriters.THROTTLE)) writer = addWriter(writer, statsWriters.get(StatsWriters.THROTTLE)); ((NIOMultiplexor) getSocket()).setWriteObserver(messager); } private <T extends InterestWritableByteChannel & ChannelWriter> ChannelWriter addWriter(ChannelWriter chain, T newWriter) { chain.setWriteChannel(newWriter); return newWriter; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#send(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message) */ public void send(Message m) { if(m instanceof QueryRequest && !shouldSendQuery((QueryRequest)m)) return; _outputRunner.send(m); } /** * Default access for testing. * @return true if the query should be sent. */ boolean shouldSendQuery(QueryRequest query) { // if Hops Flow is in effect, and this is a QueryRequest, and the // hoppage is too biggage, discardage time... int smh = hopsFlowMax; if (smh > -1 && query.getHops() >= smh) return false; // if we are an ultrapeer sending a query to a leaf, check its firewall status boolean send = true; if (isSupernodeClientConnection() && MessageSettings.ULTRAPEER_FIREWALL_FILTERING.getValue()) { boolean incomingTCP = getConnectionCapabilities().canAcceptIncomingTCP(); boolean fwt = getConnectionCapabilities().canDoFWT(); // if either party can accept tcp, send. // otherwise send if both sides can do fwt. if (!incomingTCP && query.isFirewalledSource()) send = fwt && query.canDoFirewalledTransfer(); if (send) droppedFW++; } return send; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#originateQuery(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest) */ public void originateQuery(QueryRequest query) { query.originate(); if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { boolean leaf = getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection(); int control = getConnectionCapabilities().getSupportedOOBProxyControlVersion(); boolean disabled = SearchSettings.DISABLE_OOB_V2.getBoolean();"Originating query, leaf " + leaf + ", proxy control version " + control + ", OOBv2 disabled " + disabled); } if (getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection() && getConnectionCapabilities().getSupportedOOBProxyControlVersion() == -1 && SearchSettings.DISABLE_OOB_V2.getBoolean()) {"Creating do not proxy OOB query"); // don't proxy if we are a leaf and the ultrapeer // does not know OOB v3 and they would proxy for us query = queryRequestFactory.createDoNotProxyQuery(query); query.originate(); } send(query); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#shutdown() */ public void shutdown() { close(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#close() */ @Override protected void closeImpl() { IOUtils.close(deflater); IOUtils.close(inflater); if (_outputRunner != null) _outputRunner.shutdown(); // release pointer to our _guidMap so it can be gc()'ed guidMapManager.removeMap(guidMap); } // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Handles core Gnutella request/reply protocol. If asynchronous messaging * is supported, this immediately returns and messages are processed * asynchronously via processMessage calls. Otherwise, if reading blocks, * this will run until the connection is closed. * * @requires this is initialized * @modifies the network underlying this, manager * @effects receives request and sends appropriate replies. * * @throws IOException passed on from the receive call; failures to forward * or route messages are silently swallowed, allowing the message * loop to continue. */ public void startMessaging() { this.incoming = new Message.MessageCounter(LimeWireUtils.isBetaRelease() ? 10 : 1); supernodeClientAtLooping = isSupernodeClientConnection();"Starting asynchronous connection"); try { getSocket().setSoTimeout(0); // no timeout for reading. } catch (IOException iox) { // ignore for now... } MessageReader reader = messageReaderFactory.createMessageReader(this); if (isReadDeflated()) reader.setReadChannel(new InflaterReader(inflater)); ((NIOMultiplexor) getSocket()).setReadObserver(reader); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#messagingClosed() */ public void messagingClosed() { // we must run this in another thread, as manager.remove // obtains locks, but this can be called from the NIO thread if (connectionManager != null) { messageDispatcher.dispatch(new Runnable() { public void run() { connectionManager.remove(GnutellaConnection.this); } }); } } @Override public void processReadMessage(Message m) { super.processReadMessage(m); _connectionStats.addReceived(); incoming.countMessage(m); handleMessageInternal(m); } public void processSentMessage(Message m) { outgoing.countMessage(m); processWrittenMessage(m); } /** * Handles a message without updating appropriate statistics. */ private void handleMessageInternal(Message m) { // Run through the route spam filter and drop accordingly. if (isSpam(m)) { _connectionStats.addReceivedDropped(); } else { if (m instanceof QueryReply) { QueryReply reply = (QueryReply)m; _connectionStats.replyReceived(reply); if (m.getHops() == 0) clientGUID = reply.getClientGUID(); if (MessageSettings.RETURN_PATH_IN_REPLIES.getValue() && connectionManager.isActiveSupernode() && !reply.hasSecureData()) { m = queryReplyFactory.createWithReturnPathInfo(reply, myIp == null ? null : new IpPortImpl(myIp,networkManager.getPort()), this); } } else if (m instanceof PushProxyRequest && m.getHops() == 0) { PushProxyRequest pushProxyRequest = (PushProxyRequest)m; clientGUID = pushProxyRequest.getClientGUID().bytes(); } if (m instanceof QueryRequest) _connectionStats.queryReceived(); // special handling for proxying. if (supernodeClientAtLooping) { if (m instanceof QueryRequest) m = tryToProxy((QueryRequest) m); else if (m instanceof QueryStatusResponse) m = morphToStopQuery((QueryStatusResponse) m); } messageDispatcher.dispatchTCP(m, this); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionStatistics#getNumQueryReplies() */ public long getNumQueryReplies() { return _connectionStats.getRepliesReceived(); } public long getNumQueriesReceived() { return _connectionStats.getQueriesReceived(); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#getNetwork() */ public Network getNetwork() { return Network.TCP; } // raise access for MessageReceiver @Override public byte getSoftMax() { return super.getSoftMax(); } private QueryRequest tryToProxy(QueryRequest query) { // we must have the following qualifications: // 1) Leaf must be sending SuperNode a query // 2) Leaf must support Leaf Guidance // 3) Query must not be OOB. // 3.5) The query originator should not disallow proxying. // 4) We must be able to OOB and have great success rate. if (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsLeafGuidance() < 1) {"Not OOB proxying: remote host doesn't support leaf guidance"); return query; } if (query.desiresOutOfBandRepliesV3()) {"Not OOB proxying: query already requests OOBv3"); return query; } if (query.doNotProxy()) {"Not OOB proxying: query says no"); return query; } if (_maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion >= ReplyNumberVendorMessage.VERSION) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Not OOB proxying: disabled version is " + _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion); } return query; } else { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"query might be proxied for max disabled version " + _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion + " " + Arrays.toString(query.getGUID())); } } if(!networkManager.isOOBCapable()) {"Not OOB proxying: not OOB capable"); return query; } if(!outOfBandStatistics.isSuccessRateGreat()) {"Not OOB proxying: success rate isn't great"); return query; } if(!outOfBandStatistics.isOOBEffectiveForProxy()) {"Not OOB proxying: OOB isn't effective enough"); return query; } // everything is a go - we need to do the following: // 1) mutate the GUID of the query - you should maintain every param of // the query except the new GUID and the OOB minspeed flag // 2) set up mappings between the old guid and the new guid. // after that, everything is set. all you need to do is map the guids // of the replies back to the original guid. also, see if a you get a // QueryStatusResponse message and morph it... // THIS IS SOME MAJOR HOKERY-POKERY!!!"OOB proxying query"); // 1) mutate the GUID of the query byte[] origGUID = query.getGUID(); byte[] oobGUID = new byte[origGUID.length]; System.arraycopy(origGUID, 0, oobGUID, 0, origGUID.length); GUID.addressEncodeGuid(oobGUID, networkManager.getAddress(), networkManager.getPort()); if (MessageSettings.STAMP_QUERIES.getValue()) GUID.timeStampGuid(oobGUID); query = queryRequestFactory.createProxyQuery(query, oobGUID); // 2) set up mappings between the guids guidMap.addMapping(origGUID, oobGUID); outOfBandStatistics.addSentQuery(); return query; } private QueryStatusResponse morphToStopQuery(QueryStatusResponse resp) { GUID oobGUID = guidMap.getNewGUID(resp.getQueryGUID()); // if we had a match, then just construct a new one.... if (oobGUID != null) return new QueryStatusResponse(oobGUID, resp.getNumResults()); else return resp; } boolean isSpam(Message m) { if (!ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.getValue()) return !_routeFilter.allow(m); // leafs can only send hops == 0 if (isSupernodeClientConnection() && m.getHops() != 0) { droppedBadHops++; return true; } // replies with hops 0 must match the address. if (m instanceof QueryReply && m.getHops() == 0) { QueryReply reply = (QueryReply)m; byte [] ip = reply.getIPBytes(); if (!networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(ip) && !reply.hasSecureData() && !Arrays.equals(ip, getAddressBytes())) { droppedBadAddress++; return true; } } return !_routeFilter.allow(m); } public void countDroppedMessage() { LOG.trace("Dropped a message"); _connectionStats.addReceivedDropped(); } public void setRouteFilter(SpamFilter filter) { _routeFilter = filter; } public void handlePingReply(PingReply pingReply, ReplyHandler receivingConnection) { send(pingReply); } public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply queryReply, ReplyHandler receivingConnection) { boolean checkOOB = true; if (guidMap != null) { byte[] origGUID = guidMap.getOriginalGUID(queryReply.getGUID()); if (origGUID != null) { checkOOB = false; byte prevHops = queryReply.getHops(); queryReply = queryReplyFactory.createQueryReply(origGUID, queryReply); queryReply.setTTL((byte) 2); // we ttl 1 more than necessary queryReply.setHops(prevHops); } // --------------------- } // drop UDP replies that are not being proxied. if (checkOOB && queryReply.isUDP() && !queryReply.isReplyToMulticastQuery()) return; // if the remote side reported an ip and this reply is from us, make sure // its source ip matches. if (myIp != null && queryReply.isLocal() && !networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(queryReply.getIPBytes()) && !queryReply.hasSecureData()) // don't mess with signed results queryReply = queryReplyFactory.createWithNewAddress(myIp, queryReply); send(queryReply); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#getClientGUID() */ public byte[] getClientGUID() { return clientGUID; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see com.limegroup.gnutella.RoutedConnection#handlePushRequest(com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest, * com.limegroup.gnutella.ReplyHandler) */ public void handlePushRequest(PushRequest pushRequest, ReplyHandler receivingConnection) { send(pushRequest); } @Override public void handleVendorMessage(VendorMessage vm) { // let Connection do as needed.... super.handleVendorMessage(vm); // now i can process if (vm instanceof HopsFlowVendorMessage) { // update the softMaxHops value so it can take effect.... HopsFlowVendorMessage hops = (HopsFlowVendorMessage) vm; if (isSupernodeClientConnection()) // If the connection is to a leaf, and it is busy (HF == 0) // then set the global busy leaf flag appropriately setBusy(hops.getHopValue() == 0); hopsFlowMax = hops.getHopValue(); } else if (vm instanceof PushProxyAcknowledgement) { // this connection can serve as a PushProxy, so note this.... PushProxyAcknowledgement ack = (PushProxyAcknowledgement) vm; if (Arrays.equals(ack.getGUID(), applicationServices.getMyGUID())) { myPushProxy = true; fireEvent(new GnutellaConnectionEvent(this, EventType.IS_PUSH_PROXY)); } // else mistake on the server side - the guid should be my client // guid - not really necessary but whatever } else if (vm instanceof CapabilitiesVM) { // we need to see if there is a new simpp version out there. CapabilitiesVM capVM = (CapabilitiesVM) vm; int smpV = capVM.supportsSIMPP(); if (smpV != -1 && (!receivedCapVM || smpV > simppManager.get().getVersion())) { // request the simpp message networkUpdateSanityChecker.handleNewRequest(this, RequestType.SIMPP); send(new SimppRequestVM()); } // see if there's a new update message. int latestId = updateHandler.get().getLatestId(); int currentId = capVM.supportsUpdate(); if (currentId != -1 && (!receivedCapVM || currentId > latestId)) { networkUpdateSanityChecker.handleNewRequest(this, RequestType.VERSION); send(new UpdateRequest()); } else if (currentId == latestId) { updateHandler.get().handleUpdateAvailable(this, currentId); } receivedCapVM = true; // fire a vendor event connectionManager.dispatchEvent(new ConnectionLifecycleEvent(this, ConnectionLifecycleEventType.CONNECTION_CAPABILITIES, this)); } else if (vm instanceof MessagesSupportedVendorMessage) { // If this is a ClientSupernodeConnection and the host supports // leaf guidance (because we have to tell them when to stop) // then see if there are any old queries that we can re-originate // on this connection. if (getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection() && (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsLeafGuidance() >= 0)) { List<QueryRequest> queries = searchResultHandler.getQueriesToReSend(); for (QueryRequest qr : queries) { send(qr); } } // see if you need a PushProxy - the remoteHostSupportsPushProxy // test incorporates my leaf status in it..... if (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsPushProxy() > -1) { // get the client GUID and send off a PushProxyRequest GUID clientGUID = new GUID(applicationServices.getMyGUID()); PushProxyRequest req = new PushProxyRequest(clientGUID); send(req); } // do i need to send any ConnectBack messages???? if (!networkManager.canReceiveUnsolicited() && connectionManager.canSendConnectBack(Network.UDP) && (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsUDPRedirect() > -1)) { GUID connectBackGUID = networkManager.getUDPConnectBackGUID(); Message udp = new UDPConnectBackVendorMessage(networkManager.getPort(), connectBackGUID); send(udp); connectionManager.connectBackSent(Network.UDP); } if (!networkManager.acceptedIncomingConnection() && connectionManager.canSendConnectBack(Network.TCP) && (getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsTCPRedirect() > -1)) { Message tcp = new TCPConnectBackVendorMessage(networkManager.getPort()); send(tcp); connectionManager.connectBackSent(Network.TCP); } // disable oobv2 explicitly. if (getConnectionCapabilities().isClientSupernodeConnection() && SearchSettings.DISABLE_OOB_V2.getBoolean() && getConnectionCapabilities().getSupportedOOBProxyControlVersion() != -1) { Message stopv2 = new OOBProxyControlVendorMessage( OOBProxyControlVendorMessage.Control.DISABLE_VERSION_2); send(stopv2); } } else if (vm instanceof OOBProxyControlVendorMessage) { _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion = ((OOBProxyControlVendorMessage) vm) .getMaximumDisabledVersion(); if(LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Max disabled OOB version set to " + _maxDisabledOOBProtocolVersion); } } } public void addListener(EventListener<GnutellaConnectionEvent> listener) { listeners.addListener(listener); } public boolean removeListener(EventListener<GnutellaConnectionEvent> listener) { return listeners.removeListener(listener); } private void fireEvent(GnutellaConnectionEvent event) { listeners.broadcast(event); } public int getNumMessagesSent() { return _connectionStats.getSent(); } public int getNumMessagesReceived() { return _connectionStats.getReceived(); } public int getNumSentMessagesDropped() { return _connectionStats.getSentDropped(); } public long getNumReceivedMessagesDropped() { return _connectionStats.getReceivedDropped(); } public void measureBandwidth() { _upBandwidthTracker.measureBandwidth(ByteUtils.long2int(getConnectionBandwidthStatistics() .getBytesSent())); _downBandwidthTracker.measureBandwidth(ByteUtils .long2int(getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().getBytesReceived())); } public float getMeasuredUpstreamBandwidth() { float retValue = 0; // initialize to default try { retValue = _upBandwidthTracker.getMeasuredBandwidth(); } catch (InsufficientDataException ide) { return 0; } return retValue; } public float getMeasuredDownstreamBandwidth() { float retValue = 0; try { retValue = _downBandwidthTracker.getMeasuredBandwidth(); } catch (InsufficientDataException ide) { return 0; } return retValue; } public long getNextQRPForwardTime() { return _nextQRPForwardTime; } public void incrementNextQRPForwardTime(long curTime) { if (isLeafConnection()) { _nextQRPForwardTime = curTime + LEAF_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME; } else { // otherwise, it's an Ultrapeer _nextQRPForwardTime = curTime + ULTRAPEER_QUERY_ROUTE_UPDATE_TIME; } } public boolean isKillable() { return _isKillable; } public QueryRouteTable getQueryRouteTableSent() { return _lastQRPTableSent; } public void setQueryRouteTableSent(QueryRouteTable qrt) { _lastQRPTableSent = qrt; } public boolean isMyPushProxy() { return myPushProxy; } public boolean isPushProxyFor() { return pushProxyFor; } public void setPushProxyFor(boolean pushProxyFor) { this.pushProxyFor = pushProxyFor; } public Object getQRPLock() { return QRP_LOCK; } public void setLocalePreferencing(boolean b) { _useLocalPreference = b; } public void reply(Message m) { send(m); } /** * A ConnectObserver that continues the handshaking process in the same * thread, expecting that performHandshake(...) callback to the observer. */ private class AsyncHandshakeConnecter implements ConnectObserver { private Properties requestHeaders; private HandshakeResponder responder; private GnetConnectObserver observer; AsyncHandshakeConnecter(Properties requestHeaders, HandshakeResponder responder, GnetConnectObserver observer) { this.requestHeaders = requestHeaders; this.responder = responder; = observer; } public void handleConnect(Socket s) throws IOException { // _socket may not really have been set yet, this ensures it is. setSocket(s); if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Connected to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } startHandshake(requestHeaders, responder, observer); } public void shutdown() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Shutting down connection to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } observer.shutdown(); } // ignored. public void handleIOException(IOException iox) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { + ", " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } } } /** * A HandshakeObserver that notifies the GnetConnectObserver when * handshaking finishes. */ private class HandshakeWatcher implements HandshakeObserver { private Handshaker shaker; private GnetConnectObserver observer; HandshakeWatcher(GnetConnectObserver observer) { = observer; } void setHandshaker(Handshaker shaker) { this.shaker = shaker; } public void shutdown() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Shutting down connection to " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } setHeaders(shaker.getReadHeaders(), shaker.getWrittenHeaders()); close(); observer.shutdown(); } public void handleHandshakeFinished(Handshaker shaker) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Finished handshake with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } postHandshakeInitialize(shaker); observer.handleConnect(); } public void handleBadHandshake() { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Bad handshake with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } setHeaders(shaker.getReadHeaders(), shaker.getWrittenHeaders()); close(); observer.handleBadHandshake(); } public void handleNoGnutellaOk(int code, String msg) { if(LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"No Gnutella OK in handshake with " + getAddress() + ":" + getPort() + ", TLS " + SSLUtils.isTLSEnabled(socket)); } setHeaders(shaker.getReadHeaders(), shaker.getWrittenHeaders()); close(); observer.handleNoGnutellaOk(code, msg); } } // TODO: re-add @Override public Map<String, Object> inspect() { // get all kinds of data Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>(); data.put("hfm", getHopsFlowMax()); data.put("mdb", getMeasuredDownstreamBandwidth()); data.put("mub", getMeasuredUpstreamBandwidth()); data.put("qrpft", getNextQRPForwardTime()); data.put("nmr", getNumMessagesReceived()); data.put("nms", getNumMessagesSent()); _connectionStats.addStats(data); Inspectable or = _outputRunner; if (or != null) data.put("or", or.inspect()); data.put("nrmd", getNumReceivedMessagesDropped()); data.put("nsmd", getNumSentMessagesDropped()); data.put("qrteu", getQueryRouteTableEmptyUnits()); data.put("qrtul1", getQueryRouteTableUnitsWithLoad(1)); data.put("qrtul2", getQueryRouteTableUnitsWithLoad(2)); data.put("qrtul3", getQueryRouteTableUnitsWithLoad(3)); data.put("qrtul4", getQueryRouteTableUnitsWithLoad(4)); data.put("qrtpf", getQueryRouteTablePercentFull()); data.put("qrtue", getQueryRouteTableUnitsInUse()); data.put("qrts", getQueryRouteTableSize()); data.put("bl", isBusyLeaf()); data.put("k", isKillable()); data.put("pp", isPushProxyFor()); data.put("rhsi", getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsInspections()); data.put("tlsc", isTLSCapable()); data.put("tlse", isTLSEncoded()); data.put("br", getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().getBytesReceived()); data.put("bs", getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().getBytesSent()); data.put("ct", getConnectionTime()); data.put("lp", getListeningPort()); data.put("lpref", getLocalePref()); data.put("ubr", getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().getUncompressedBytesReceived()); data.put("ubs", getConnectionBandwidthStatistics().getUncompressedBytesSent()); data.put("ua", getConnectionCapabilities().getUserAgent()); data.put("v", getConnectionCapabilities().getVersion()); // only one should be true, but include all three to detect bugs data.put("pln", getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostIsPassiveLeafNode()); data.put("pdn", getConnectionCapabilities().remostHostIsPassiveDHTNode()); data.put("pan", getConnectionCapabilities().remostHostIsActiveDHTNode()); data.put("myip", getConnectionCapabilities().getHeadersRead().props().getProperty(HeaderNames.REMOTE_IP)); data.put("cguid",getClientGUID()); // add the writer stats if they exist for (StatsWriters name : statsWriters.keySet()) data.put(name.toString(),statsWriters.get(name).inspect()); // message counters data.put("incoming",incoming.inspect()); data.put("outgoing",outgoing.inspect()); // dropped replies data.put("badHops",droppedBadHops); data.put("badAddr",droppedBadAddress); // dropped queries data.put("fwdrop",droppedFW); return data; } public ConnectionRoutingStatistics getRoutedConnectionStatistics() { return this; } // all ReplyHandler things, to override, override from // ConnectionCapabilities... final public boolean isGoodLeaf() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isGoodLeaf(); } final public boolean isGoodUltrapeer() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isGoodUltrapeer(); } final public boolean isHighDegreeConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isHighDegreeConnection(); } final public boolean isLeafConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isLeafConnection(); } final public boolean isSupernodeClientConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isSupernodeClientConnection(); } final public boolean isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection() { return getConnectionCapabilities().isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection(); } final public boolean supportsPongCaching() { return getConnectionCapabilities().supportsPongCaching(); } final public ConnectionMessageStatistics getConnectionMessageStatistics() { return this; } }