package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.metadata.MetaReader; import; /** * A metadata parser for files that are using the QuickTime File Format * to store metadata. Such files are .mov and .m4v (MPEG-4/Podcasts) for * example. * * */ public class MOVMetaData implements MetaReader { /** Length of File */ private long length = -1; @Override public VideoMetaData parse(File f) throws IOException { RandomAccessFile in = null; try { length = f.length(); in = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r"); VideoMetaData videoData = new VideoMetaData(); parseAtoms(videoData, in); return videoData; } finally { IOUtils.close(in); } } /** * Entry point for the parser */ private void parseAtoms(VideoMetaData videoData, DataInput in) throws IOException { Atom atom = null; while((atom = nextAtom(in)) != null) { if (atom.isType("moov")) { moov(videoData, atom, in); break; } skip(atom.remaining, in); } } /** * Movie Atom * * {@see <a href=" * chapter_3_section_2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-BBCGDJID">MOOV</a>} */ private void moov(VideoMetaData videoData, Atom moov, DataInput in) throws IOException { long length = 0L; Atom atom = null; while(length < moov.remaining && (atom = nextAtom(in)) != null) { if (atom.isType("mvhd")) { mvhd(videoData, atom, in); } else if (atom.isType("cmov")) { cmov(videoData, atom, in); } else if (atom.isType("trak")) { trak(videoData, atom, in); } else { skip(atom.remaining, in); } length += atom.size; } } /** * Movie Header Atom * * {@see <a href=" * chapter_3_section_2.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-25527">MVHD</a>} */ private void mvhd(VideoMetaData videoData, Atom mvhd, DataInput in) throws IOException { assert (mvhd.remaining == 100L); in.skipBytes(12); int timeScale = in.readInt(); int timeUnits = in.readInt(); int length = timeUnits/timeScale; if (length > videoData.getLength()) { videoData.setLength(length); } long toSkip = mvhd.remaining - 12 - 4 - 4; assert (toSkip == 80L); skip(toSkip, in); } /** * Compressed Movie Resources * * {@see <a href=" * chapter_3_section_6.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-BBCDACCD">CMOV</a>} */ private void cmov(VideoMetaData videoData, Atom cmov, DataInput in) throws IOException { long length = 0L; Atom atom = null; while(length < cmov.remaining && (atom = nextAtom(in)) != null) { if (atom.isType("cmvd")) { cmvd(videoData, atom, in); } else { skip(atom.remaining, in); } length += atom.size; } } /** * Compressed Video Data * * {@see <a href=" * #Decompressing_Compressed_moov_Atoms_With_zlib">ZLIB Compressed Atoms</a>} * * @see #cmov(com.limegroup.gnutella.metadata.MOVMetaData.Atom, DataInput) */ private void cmvd(VideoMetaData videoData, Atom cmvd, DataInput in) throws IOException { int decompressedSize = in.readInt(); if( cmvd == null || cmvd.remaining - 4 > Integer.MAX_VALUE || cmvd.remaining < 4 ) throw new IOException("File smaller than expected"); byte[] compressed = new byte[(int)(cmvd.remaining - 4)]; in.readFully(compressed); Inflater decompresser = new Inflater(); try { decompresser.setInput(compressed); if( decompressedSize > Integer.MAX_VALUE || decompressedSize < 0) throw new IOException("Illegal atom size"); byte[] decompressed = new byte[decompressedSize]; int num = -1; try { num = decompresser.inflate(decompressed); } catch (DataFormatException e) { throw new IOException(e.getMessage()); } finally { decompresser.end(); } if (num < decompressedSize) { throw new EOFException("Decompressed size is less than expected: " + num + " < " + decompressedSize); } ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(decompressed); DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais); try { parseAtoms(videoData, dis); } finally { dis.close(); } } finally { IOUtils.close(decompresser); } } /** * Track Atom * * {@see <a href=" * chapter_3_section_3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-BBCBEAIF">TRAK</a>} */ private void trak(VideoMetaData videoData, Atom trak, DataInput in) throws IOException { long length = 0L; Atom atom = null; while(length < trak.remaining && (atom = nextAtom(in)) != null) { if (atom.isType("tkhd")) { tkhd(videoData, atom, in); } else { skip(atom.remaining, in); } length += atom.size; } } /** * Track Header Atom * * {@see <a href=" * chapter_3_section_3.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40000939-CH204-25550">TKHD</a>} */ private void tkhd(VideoMetaData videoData, Atom tkhd, DataInput in) throws IOException { assert (tkhd.remaining == 84); skip(76, in); // Width and Height are Fixpoint Ints! int width = toTwoCompliant(in.readInt()); int height = toTwoCompliant(in.readInt()); if (width > videoData.getWidth()) { videoData.setWidth(width); } if (height > videoData.getHeight()) { videoData.setHeight(height); } } /** * Converts a fixpoint Integer to its two's compliant * representation */ private static int toTwoCompliant(int value) { return value / (0xFFFF + 1); } /** * Skips 'toSkip' bytes in the given DataInput */ private static long skip(long toSkip, DataInput in) throws IOException { long skipped = 0L; while (skipped < toSkip) { int s = (int)Math.min(toSkip-skipped, Integer.MAX_VALUE); int num = in.skipBytes(s); if (num != s) { throw new EOFException("Could not skip " + s + " bytes: " + num); } skipped += s; } return skipped; } /** * Reads the next Atom from the DataInput */ private Atom nextAtom(DataInput in) throws IOException { long size = in.readInt() & 0xFFFFFFFFL; if (size == 0L) { return null; } boolean extened = false; String atom = toAtomName(in.readInt()); if (size == 1L) { size = in.readLong(); extened = true; } if (size > length) { throw new IOException("Size is too big: " + size + " > " + length); } return new Atom(atom, size, extened); } /** * Converts an atomType to its String representation */ private static String toAtomName(int atomType) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { byte[] atomName = new byte[4]; atomName[0] = (byte)((atomType >> 24) & 0xFF); atomName[1] = (byte)((atomType >> 16) & 0xFF); atomName[2] = (byte)((atomType >> 8) & 0xFF); atomName[3] = (byte)((atomType ) & 0xFF); return new String(atomName, "8859_1"); } private static class Atom { /** Name of the Atom */ private final String name; /** * The total Size of the Atom (including the four bytes * of the name as well as the 4 or 8 bytes of the length) */ private final long size; /** * The size of the payload (i.e. without the four bytes * of the name and without the 4 or 8 bytes of the length) */ private final long remaining; private Atom(String name, long size, boolean extended) { = name; this.size = size; if (extended) { this.remaining = size - 16; } else { this.remaining = size - 8; } } public boolean isType(String name) { return; } @Override public String toString() { return name + "/" + size + "/" + Long.toHexString(size); } } @Override public String[] getSupportedExtensions() { return new String[] { "mov", "m4v", "mp4", "3gp" }; } }