package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.RemoteFileDesc; /** Keeps track of who needs a push, and who should be notified of of success or failure. */ public class PushList { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(PushList.class); /** Map of clientGUID -> List of potential pushes with that GUID. */ private final TreeMap<byte[], List<Push>> pushers = new TreeMap<byte[], List<Push>>(GUID.GUID_BYTE_COMPARATOR); private final NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils; @Inject public PushList(NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils) { this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; } /** Adds a host that wants to be notified of a push. */ public void addPushHost(PushDetails details, HTTPConnectObserver observer) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Adding observer for details: " + details); synchronized(pushers) { byte[] clientGUID = details.getClientGUID(); List<Push> perGUID = pushers.get(clientGUID); if(perGUID == null) { perGUID = new LinkedList<Push>(); pushers.put(clientGUID, perGUID); } perGUID.add(new Push(details, observer)); } } /** Returns the exact observer that was added with this PushDetails. */ public HTTPConnectObserver getExactHostFor(PushDetails details) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Retrieving exact match for details: " + details); synchronized(pushers) { byte[] clientGUID = details.getClientGUID(); List<Push> perGUID = pushers.get(clientGUID); if(perGUID == null) { LOG.debug("No pushes waiting on those exact details."); return null; } else { Push best = getExactHost(perGUID, details); if(perGUID.isEmpty()) pushers.remove(clientGUID); if(best != null) return; else return null; } } } /** Returns an HTTPConnectObserver for the given clientGUID & Socket. */ public HTTPConnectObserver getHostFor(byte[] clientGUID, String address) { if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Retrieving best match for address: " + address + ", guid: " + new GUID(clientGUID)); synchronized(pushers) { List<Push> perGUID = pushers.get(clientGUID); if(perGUID == null) { LOG.debug("No pushes waiting on that GUID."); return null; } else { Push best = getBestHost(perGUID, address); if(perGUID.isEmpty()) pushers.remove(clientGUID); if(best != null) return; else return null; } } } /** Returns all existing HTTPConnectObservers and clears the list. */ public List<HTTPConnectObserver> getAllAndClear() { List<HTTPConnectObserver> allConnectors = new LinkedList<HTTPConnectObserver>(); synchronized(pushers) { for(List<Push> list : pushers.values()) { if(list != null) { for(Push next : list) { allConnectors.add(; } } } pushers.clear(); } return allConnectors; } /** Returns the first matching Push in the list, or a random one if none match. */ private Push getBestHost(List<? extends Push> hosts, String address) { if(hosts.isEmpty()) return null; // First try to find one that exactly matches the IP address. for(Iterator<? extends Push> i = hosts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Push next =; if(next.details.getAddress().equals(address)) { LOG.debug("Found an exact match!"); i.remove(); return next; } } // Then try and find the first private address. LOG.debug("No exact match, using first private|bogus address."); for(Iterator<? extends Push> i = hosts.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { Push next =; if(networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(next.details.getAddress()) || next.details.getAddress().equals(RemoteFileDesc.BOGUS_IP)) { i.remove(); return next; } } LOG.debug("No private address to use!"); return null; } /** Returns the exact Push in the list. */ private Push getExactHost(List<? extends Push> hosts, PushDetails details) { if(hosts.isEmpty()) return null; // First try to find one that exactly matches the IP address. for(Iterator<? extends Push> i = hosts.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Push next =; if(next.details.equals(details)) { i.remove(); return next; } } LOG.debug("No exact match!"); return null; } /** A push-type struct. */ private static class Push { private final PushDetails details; private final HTTPConnectObserver observer; Push(PushDetails details, HTTPConnectObserver observer) { this.details = details; = observer; } } }