package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Set; import org.limewire.collection.BitNumbers; import org.limewire.core.settings.FilterSettings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.rudp.RUDPUtils; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.NetworkManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Response; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ResponseFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.URN; import com.limegroup.gnutella.uploader.HTTPHeaderUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.DataUtils; /** * A query reply. Contains information about the responding host in addition to * an array of responses. These responses are not parsed until the getResponses * method is called. For efficiency reasons, bad query reply packets may not be * discovered until the getResponses methods are called. * <p> * * This class has partial support for BearShare-style query reply trailers. You * can extract the vendor code, push flag, and busy flag. These methods may * throw BadPacketException if the metadata cannot be extracted. Note that * BadPacketException does not mean that other data (namely responses) cannot be * read; MissingDataException might have been a better name. * <p> * This class also encapsulates xml metadata. See the description of the QHD * below for more details. */ public class QueryReplyImpl extends AbstractMessage implements QueryReply { // WARNING: see note in Message about IP addresses. /** The mask for extracting the push flag from the QHD common area. */ private static final byte PUSH_MASK = (byte) 0x01; /** The mask for extracting the busy flag from the QHD common area. */ private static final byte BUSY_MASK = (byte) 0x04; /** The mask for extracting the busy flag from the QHD common area. */ private static final byte UPLOADED_MASK = (byte) 0x08; /** The mask for extracting the busy flag from the QHD common area. */ private static final byte SPEED_MASK = (byte) 0x10; /** The mask for extracting the GGEP flag from the QHD common area. */ static final byte GGEP_MASK = (byte) 0x20; /** The mask for extracting the chat flag from the QHD private area. */ private static final byte CHAT_MASK = (byte) 0x01; /** Our static and final instance of the GGEPUtil helper class. */ private static final GGEPUtil _ggepUtil = new GGEPUtil(); /** the payload. */ private byte[] _payload; /** The raw ip address of the host returning the hit. */ private byte[] _address = new byte[4]; /** Whether or not this message has been verified as secure. */ private Status _secureStatus = Status.INSECURE; /** True if the responses and metadata have been extracted. */ private boolean _parsed = false; /** The parsed query reply data. */ private volatile QueryReplyData _data; // TODO move to QueryReply decorator? /** Whether or not this reply is allowed to have MCAST. */ private volatile boolean _multicastAllowed = false; /** The cached clientGUID. */ private byte[] clientGUID = null; private final NetworkManager networkManager; private final NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils; private final ResponseFactory responseFactory; private final boolean local; private volatile boolean badPacket; QueryReplyImpl(byte[] guid, byte ttl, byte hops, byte[] payload, Network network, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils, NetworkManager networkManager, ResponseFactory responseFactory) throws BadPacketException { super(guid, Message.F_QUERY_REPLY, ttl, hops, payload.length, network); this.networkManager = networkManager; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; this.responseFactory = responseFactory; this._payload = payload; this.badPacket = true; if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(getPort())) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid port"); } // 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L = Integer.MIN_VALUE * 2 if ((getSpeedFromPayload() & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000L) != 0) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid speed: " + getSpeedFromPayload()); } setAddress(); if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(getIPBytes())) { throw new BadPacketException("invalid address"); } this.local = false; // repOk(); } protected QueryReplyImpl(byte[] guid, byte ttl, int port, byte[] ip, long speed, Response[] responses, byte[] clientGUID, byte[] xmlBytes, boolean includeQHD, boolean needsPush, boolean isBusy, boolean finishedUpload, boolean measuredSpeed, boolean supportsChat, boolean supportsBH, boolean isMulticastReply, boolean supportsFWTransfer, Set<? extends IpPort> proxies, SecurityToken securityToken, NetworkInstanceUtils networkInstanceUtils, NetworkManager networkManager, ResponseFactory responseFactory) { super(guid, Message.F_QUERY_REPLY, ttl, (byte) 0, 0, Network.UNKNOWN); this.networkManager = networkManager; this.networkInstanceUtils = networkInstanceUtils; this.responseFactory = responseFactory; this.local = true; this.badPacket = true; if (xmlBytes.length > XML_MAX_SIZE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("xml too large: " + StringUtils.getUTF8String(xmlBytes)); final int n = responses.length; if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(port)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid port: " + port); } else if (ip.length != 4) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid ip length: " + ip.length); } else if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(ip)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid address: " + NetworkUtils.ip2string(ip)); } else if ((speed & 0xFFFFFFFF00000000l) != 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid speed: " + speed); } else if (n >= 256) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid num responses: " + n); } _data = new QueryReplyData(); _data.setXmlBytes(xmlBytes); _data.setProxies(proxies); _data.setSupportsFWTransfer(supportsFWTransfer); _data.setSecurityToken(securityToken != null ? securityToken.getBytes() : null); boolean supportsTLS = networkManager.isIncomingTLSEnabled(); _data.setTLSCapable(supportsTLS); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { // Write beginning of payload. // Downcasts are OK, even if they go negative baos.write(n); ByteUtils.short2leb((short) port, baos); baos.write(ip, 0, ip.length); ByteUtils.int2leb((int) speed, baos); // Write each response for (int left = n; left > 0; left--) { Response r = responses[n - left]; r.writeToStream(baos); } // Write QHD if desired if (includeQHD || securityToken != null) { // a) vendor code. This is hard coded here for simplicity, // efficiency, and to prevent character decoding problems. If // you // change this, be sure to change CommonUtils.QHD_VENDOR_NAME as // well. baos.write(76); // 'L' baos.write(73); // 'I' baos.write(77); // 'M' baos.write(69); // 'E' // b) payload length baos.write(COMMON_PAYLOAD_LEN); // size of standard, no options, ggep block... int ggepLen = _ggepUtil.getQRGGEP(false, false, false, false, IpPort.EMPTY_SET, null).length; // c) PART 1: common area flags and controls. See format in // parseResults2. boolean hasProxies = (proxies != null) && (proxies.size() > 0); byte flags = (byte) ((needsPush && !isMulticastReply ? PUSH_MASK : 0) | BUSY_MASK | UPLOADED_MASK | SPEED_MASK | GGEP_MASK); byte controls = (byte) (PUSH_MASK | (isBusy && !isMulticastReply ? BUSY_MASK : 0) | (finishedUpload ? UPLOADED_MASK : 0) | (measuredSpeed || isMulticastReply ? SPEED_MASK : 0) | (supportsBH || isMulticastReply || hasProxies || supportsFWTransfer || securityToken != null || supportsTLS ? GGEP_MASK : (ggepLen > 0 ? GGEP_MASK : 0))); baos.write(flags); baos.write(controls); // d) PART 2: size of xmlBytes + 1. int xmlSize = xmlBytes.length + 1; if (xmlSize > XML_MAX_SIZE) xmlSize = XML_MAX_SIZE; // yes, truncate! ByteUtils.short2leb(((short) xmlSize), baos); // e) private area: one byte with flags // for chat support byte chatSupport = supportsChat ? CHAT_MASK : 0; baos.write(chatSupport); // f) the GGEP block byte[] ggepBytes = _ggepUtil.getQRGGEP(supportsBH, isMulticastReply, supportsFWTransfer, supportsTLS, proxies, securityToken); baos.write(ggepBytes, 0, ggepBytes.length); writeSecureGGEP(baos, xmlBytes); // g) actual xml. baos.write(xmlBytes, 0, xmlBytes.length); // write null after xml, as specified baos.write(0); } // Write footer baos.write(clientGUID, 0, 16); // setup payload params _payload = baos.toByteArray(); updateLength(_payload.length); } catch (IOException reallyBad) { ErrorService.error(reallyBad); } setAddress(); } public void validate() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); if (badPacket) { throw new BadPacketException(); } } /** Writes the 'secureGGEP' GGEP. */ protected void writeSecureGGEP(ByteArrayOutputStream out, byte[] xml) { // writes the secure ggep portion. // don't forget to secure the null after the XML also. } /** * Sets the IP address bytes. */ private void setAddress() { _address[0] = _payload[3]; _address[1] = _payload[4]; _address[2] = _payload[5]; _address[3] = _payload[6]; } public void setOOBAddress(InetAddress addr, int port) { _address = addr.getAddress(); ByteUtils.short2leb((short) port, _payload, 1); } /** * Sets the guid for this message. Is needed, when we want to cache query * replies or for some other reason want to change the GUID as per the guid * of query request. * * @param guid the guid to be set */ @Override public void setGUID(GUID guid) { super.setGUID(guid); } // inherit doc comment @Override public void writePayload(OutputStream out) throws IOException { out.write(_payload); } /** * Sets this reply to be considered a 'browse host' reply. */ public void setBrowseHostReply(boolean isBH) { parseResults(); _data.setBrowseHostReply(isBH); } /** * Gets whether or not this reply is from a browse host request. */ public boolean isBrowseHostReply() { parseResults(); return _data.isBrowseHostReply(); } /** * Return the associated xml metadata string if the query reply contained * one. */ public byte[] getXMLBytes() { parseResults(); return _data.getXmlBytes(); } /** Return the number of results N in this query. */ public short getResultCount() { // The result of ubyte2int always fits in a short, so downcast is OK. return (short) ByteUtils.ubyte2int(_payload[0]); } public short getPartialResultCount() { parseResults(); return _data.getPartialResultCount(); } /** * @return the number of unique results (per SHA1) carried in this message */ public short getUniqueResultCount() { parseResults(); return _data.getUniqueResultURNs(); } public int getPort() { return ByteUtils.ushort2int(ByteUtils.leb2short(_payload, 1)); } /** * Returns the IP address of the responding host in standard dotted-decimal * format, e.g., "". */ public String getIP() { return NetworkUtils.ip2string(_address); // takes care of signs } /** * Accessor the IP address in byte array form. * * @return the IP address for this query hit as an array of bytes */ public byte[] getIPBytes() { return _address; } private long getSpeedFromPayload() { return ByteUtils.uint2long(ByteUtils.leb2int(_payload, 7)); } public int getSpeed() { // TODO move to QueryReply decorator? return isReplyToMulticastQuery() ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : ByteUtils .long2int(getSpeedFromPayload()); // safe cast; } /** * Returns the Response[]. Throws BadPacketException if this data couldn't * be extracted. */ public Response[] getResultsArray() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); Response[] responses = _data.getResponses(); if (responses == null) throw new BadPacketException(); return responses; } /** * Returns an iterator that will yield the results, each as an instance of * the Response class. Throws BadPacketException if this data couldn't be * extracted. */ public Iterator<Response> getResults() throws BadPacketException { return getResultsAsList().iterator(); } /** * Returns a List that will yield the results, each as an instance of the * Response class. Throws BadPacketException if this data couldn't be * extracted. */ public List<Response> getResultsAsList() throws BadPacketException { return Arrays.asList(getResultsArray()); } /** * Returns the name of this' vendor, all capitalized. Throws * BadPacketException if the data couldn't be extracted, either because it * is missing or corrupted. */ private String getVendorFromPayload() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); String vendor = _data.getVendor(); if (vendor == null) throw new BadPacketException(); return vendor; } public String getVendor() { // TODO move to QueryReply decorator? try { return getVendorFromPayload(); } catch (BadPacketException e) { return ""; } } /** * Returns true if this's push flag is set, i.e., a push download is needed. * Returns false if the flag is present but not set. Throws * BadPacketException if the flag couldn't be extracted, either because it * is missing or corrupted. */ public boolean getNeedsPush() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); switch (_data.getPushFlag()) { case UNDEFINED: throw new BadPacketException(); case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Bad value for push flag: " + _data.getPushFlag()); } } /** * Returns true if this has no more download slots. Returns false if the * busy bit is present but not set. Throws BadPacketException if the flag * couldn't be extracted, either because it is missing or corrupted. */ public boolean getIsBusy() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); switch (_data.getBusyFlag()) { case UNDEFINED: throw new BadPacketException(); case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Bad value for busy flag: " + _data.getBusyFlag()); } } /** * Returns true if this has successfully uploaded a complete file (bit set). * Returns false if the bit is not set. Throws BadPacketException if the * flag couldn't be extracted, either because it is missing or corrupted. */ public boolean getHadSuccessfulUpload() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); switch (_data.getUploadedFlag()) { case UNDEFINED: throw new BadPacketException(); case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Bad value for uploaded flag: " + _data.getUploadedFlag()); } } /** * Returns true if the speed in this QueryReply was measured (bit set). * Returns false if it was set by the user (bit unset). Throws * BadPacketException if the flag couldn't be extracted, either because it * is missing or corrupted. */ public boolean getIsMeasuredSpeed() throws BadPacketException { parseResults(); switch (_data.getMeasuredSpeedFlag()) { case UNDEFINED: throw new BadPacketException(); case TRUE: return true; case FALSE: return false; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Bad value for measured speed flag: " + _data.getMeasuredSpeedFlag()); } } /** Returns the bytes of the signature from the secure GGEP block. */ public byte[] getSecureSignature() { parseResults(); SecureGGEPData sg = _data.getSecureGGEP(); if (sg != null) { try { return sg.getGGEP().getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_SIGNATURE); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bgpe) { return null; } } else { return null; } } /** Passes in the appropriate bytes of the payload to the signature. */ public void updateSignatureWithSecuredBytes(Signature signature) throws SignatureException { parseResults(); SecureGGEPData sg = _data.getSecureGGEP(); if (sg != null) { signature.update(_payload, 0, sg.getStartIndex()); int end = sg.getEndIndex(); int length = _payload.length - 16 - end; signature.update(_payload, end, length); } } /** Determines if the message was verified. */ public synchronized Status getSecureStatus() { return _secureStatus; } /** Sets whether or not the message is verified. */ public synchronized void setSecureStatus(Status secureStatus) { this._secureStatus = secureStatus; } /** Returns true iff this client supports TLS. */ public boolean isTLSCapable() { parseResults(); return _data.isTLSCapable(); } private boolean getSupportsChatFromPayload() { parseResults(); return _data.isSupportsChat(); } /** * Returns true iff the client supports chat. */ public boolean getSupportsChat() { // TODO move to QueryReply decorator? boolean firewalled = isFirewalledHack(); return getSupportsChatFromPayload() && !firewalled; } private boolean isFirewalledHack() { // In theory, this method should be removed, // and callers should use isFirewalled(). // However, that code also takes into account whether // the message was multicast, whereas the legacy piece of // code that did the getSupportsChat logic did *not* // use that information; need to verify with the team // that replacing this with isFirewalled() is ok. boolean firewalled; try { firewalled = getNeedsPush() || networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(getIP()); } catch (BadPacketException e) { firewalled = true; } return firewalled; } /** * @return true if the remote host can firewalled transfers. */ public boolean getSupportsFWTransfer() { parseResults(); return _data.isSupportsFWTransfer(); } /** * @return 1 or greater if FW Transfer is supported, else 0. */ public byte getFWTransferVersion() { parseResults(); return _data.getFwTransferVersion(); } /** * Returns true iff the client supports browse host feature. */ public boolean getSupportsBrowseHost() { parseResults(); return _data.isSupportsBrowseHost(); } /** * Returns true iff the reply was sent in response to a multicast query. * * @return true, iff the reply was sent in response to a multicast query, * false otherwise * @exception Throws BadPacketException if the flag couldn't be extracted, * either because it is missing or corrupted. Typically this * exception is treated the same way as returning false. */ public boolean isReplyToMulticastQuery() { parseResults(); return _multicastAllowed && _data.isReplyToMulticast(); } /** Sets whether or not this reply is allowed to have an MCAST field. */ public void setMulticastAllowed(boolean allowed) { _multicastAllowed = allowed; } /** Returns true if this reply tried to fake an MCAST field. */ public boolean isFakeMulticast() { parseResults(); return !_multicastAllowed && _data.isReplyToMulticast(); } /** * @return null or a non-zero length array of PushProxy hosts. */ public Set<? extends IpPort> getPushProxies() { parseResults(); return _data.getProxies(); } /** * Returns the message authentication bytes that were sent along with this * query reply or null the none have been sent. */ public byte[] getSecurityToken() { parseResults(); return _data.getSecurityToken(); } /** * Determines if this result has secure data. This does NOT determine if the * result has been verified as secure. */ public boolean hasSecureData() { parseResults(); return _data.getSecureGGEP() != null; } /** * @modifies _data * @effects tries to extract responses from payload and store in responses. */ private synchronized void parseResults() { if (_parsed) return; _parsed = true; parseResults2(); } /** * Parses the individual results for the hit. If any one of the results is * invalid, none of them will be initialized, and the accessor methods for * this class will all throw <tt>BadPacketException</tt>. This is because a * single invalid response invalidates other invariants, such as the field * for the number of results matching the size of the result array. */ private void parseResults2() { // index into payload to look for next response int i = 11; _data = new QueryReplyData(); // 1. Extract responses. These are not copied to this.responses until // they are verified. Note, however that the metai nformation need not be // verified for these to be acceptable. Also note that exceptions are // silently caught. int left = getResultCount(); // number of records left to get // sanity check if (left > FilterSettings.MAX_RESPONSES_PER_REPLY.getValue()) return; Response[] responses = new Response[left]; Set<URN> urns = new HashSet<URN>(responses.length); // set for the urns // carried in this // reply short uniqueURNs = 0; short partialURNs = 0; try { InputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(_payload, i, _payload.length - i); // For each record... for (; left > 0; left--) { Response r = responseFactory.createFromStream(bais); if (r.getRanges() != null && r.getRanges().getSize() > 0) partialURNs++; responses[responses.length - left] = r; i += r.getIncomingLength(); if (r.getUrns().isEmpty()) uniqueURNs++; else urns.addAll(r.getUrns()); } // All set. Accept parsed results. _data.setResponses(responses); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return; } catch (IOException e) { return; } // remember how many unique urns this reply carries uniqueURNs += (short) urns.size(); _data.setUniqueResultURNs(uniqueURNs); _data.setPartialResultCount((short) Math.min(uniqueURNs, partialURNs)); // 2. Extract BearShare-style meta information, if any. Any exceptions // are silently caught. The definitive reference for this format is at // Briefly, the format is // vendor code (4 bytes, case insensitive) // common payload length (4 byte, unsigned, always>0) // common payload (length given above. See below.) // vendor payload (length until clientGUID) // The normal 16 byte clientGUID follows, of course. // // The first byte of the common payload has a one in its 0'th bit* if we // should try a push. However, if there is a second byte, and if the // 0'th bit of this byte is zero, the 0'th bit of the first byte should // actually be interpreted as MAYBE. Unfortunately LimeWire 1.4 failed // to set this bit in the second byte, so it should be ignored when // parsing, though set on writing. // // The remaining bits of the first byte of the common payload area tell // whether the corresponding bits in the optional second byte is // defined. // The idea behind having two bits per flag is to distinguish between // YES, NO, and MAYBE. These bits are as followed: // bit 1* undefined, for historical reasons // bit 2 1 iff server is busy // bit 3 1 iff server has successfully completed an upload // bit 4 1 iff server's reported speed was actually measured, not // simply set by the user. // // GGEP Stuff // Byte 5 and 6, if the 5th bit is set, signal that there is a GGEP // block. The GGEP block will be after the common payload and will be // headed by the GGEP magic prefix (see the GGEP class for more details. // // If there is a GGEP block, then we look to see what is supported. // // *Here, we use 0-(N-1) numbering. So "0'th bit" refers to the least // significant bit. /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------- QHD * UPDATE 8/17/01 Here is an updated QHD spec. * * Byte 0-3 : Vendor Code Byte 4 : Public area size (COMMON_PAYLOAD_LEN) * Byte 5-6 : Public area (as described above) Byte 7-8 : Size of XML + * 1 (for a null), you need to count backward from the client GUID. Byte * 9 : private vendor flag Byte 10-X: GGEP area (may contain multiple * GGEP blocks) Byte X-beginning of xml : (new) private area Byte * (payload.length - 16 - xmlSize (above)) - (payload.length - 16 - 1) : * XML!! Byte (payload.length - 16 - 1) : NULL Last 16 Bytes: client * GUID. */ try { if (i >= (_payload.length - 16)) { // see above throw new BadPacketException("No QHD"); } // Attempt to verify. Results are not copied to this until verified. String vendorT = null; int pushFlagT = UNDEFINED; int busyFlagT = UNDEFINED; int uploadedFlagT = UNDEFINED; int measuredSpeedFlagT = UNDEFINED; boolean supportsChatT = false; boolean supportsBrowseHostT = false; boolean replyToMulticastT = false; Set<? extends IpPort> proxies = IpPort.EMPTY_SET; byte[] securityToken = null; boolean supportsTLST = false; // a) extract vendor code try { // Must use ISO encoding since characters are more than two // bytes on other platforms. vendorT = new String(_payload, i, 4, "ISO-8859-1"); assert vendorT.length() == 4 : "Vendor length wrong. Wrong character encoding?"; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("No support for ISO-8859-1 encoding"); } i += 4; // b) extract payload length int length = ByteUtils.ubyte2int(_payload[i]); if (length <= 0) throw new BadPacketException("Common payload length zero."); i++; if ((i + length) > (_payload.length - 16)) // 16 is trailing GUID // size throw new BadPacketException("Common payload length imprecise!"); _data.setQHDOffset(i - 1); // c) extract push and busy bits from common payload // REMEMBER THAT THE PUSH BIT IS SET OPPOSITE THAN THE OTHERS. // (The 'I understand' is the second bit, the Yes/No is the first) if (length > 1) { // BearShare 2.2.0+ byte control = _payload[i]; byte flags = _payload[i + 1]; if ((flags & PUSH_MASK) != 0) pushFlagT = (control & PUSH_MASK) == 1 ? TRUE : FALSE; if ((control & BUSY_MASK) != 0) busyFlagT = (flags & BUSY_MASK) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; if ((control & UPLOADED_MASK) != 0) uploadedFlagT = (flags & UPLOADED_MASK) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; if ((control & SPEED_MASK) != 0) measuredSpeedFlagT = (flags & SPEED_MASK) != 0 ? TRUE : FALSE; if ((control & GGEP_MASK) != 0 && (flags & GGEP_MASK) != 0) { GGEPParser parser = new GGEPParser(); parser.scanForGGEPs(_payload, i + 2); GGEP ggep = parser.getNormalGGEP(); if (ggep != null) { _data.setGGEPStart(parser.getNormalStartIndex()); _data.setGGEPEnd(parser.getNormalEndIndex()); try { supportsBrowseHostT = ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_BROWSE_HOST); if (ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_FW_TRANS)) { _data.setFwTransferVersion(ggep .getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_FW_TRANS)[0]); _data.setSupportsFWTransfer(_data.getFwTransferVersion() > 0); } replyToMulticastT = ggep .hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_MULTICAST_RESPONSE); proxies = _ggepUtil.getPushProxies(ggep); if (ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_SECURE_OOB)) { securityToken = ggep.getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_SECURE_OOB); if (securityToken == null || securityToken.length == 0) { throw new BadPacketException( "Message had empty OOB security token"); } } supportsTLST = ggep.hasKey(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bgpe) { } } // store the data about the secure result, if it's there. if (parser.getSecureGGEP() != null) { _data.setSecureGGEP(new SecureGGEPData(parser)); } } i += 2; // increment used bytes appropriately... } if (length > 2) { // expecting XML. // d) we need to get the xml stuff. // first we should get its size, then we have to look // backwards and get the actual xml... int a, b, temp; temp = ByteUtils.ubyte2int(_payload[i++]); a = temp; temp = ByteUtils.ubyte2int(_payload[i++]); b = temp << 8; int xmlSize = a | b; if (xmlSize > 1) { int xmlInPayloadIndex = _payload.length - 16 - xmlSize; byte[] xmlBytes = new byte[xmlSize - 1]; System.arraycopy(_payload, xmlInPayloadIndex, xmlBytes, 0, (xmlSize - 1)); _data.setXmlBytes(xmlBytes); } else _data.setXmlBytes(DataUtils.EMPTY_BYTE_ARRAY); } // Parse LimeWire's private area. Currently only a single byte // whose LSB is 0x1 if we support chat, or 0x0 if we do. // Shareaza also supports our chat, don't disclude them... int privateLength = _payload.length - i; if (privateLength > 0 && (vendorT.equals("LIME") || vendorT.equals("RAZA"))) { byte privateFlags = _payload[i]; supportsChatT = (privateFlags & CHAT_MASK) != 0; } if (i > _payload.length - 16) throw new BadPacketException("Common payload length too large."); // All set. Accept parsed values. _data.setVendor(vendorT.toUpperCase(Locale.US)); _data.setPushFlag(pushFlagT); _data.setBusyFlag(busyFlagT); _data.setUploadedFlag(uploadedFlagT); _data.setMeasuredSpeedFlag(measuredSpeedFlagT); _data.setSupportsChat(supportsChatT); _data.setSupportsBrowseHost(supportsBrowseHostT); _data.setReplyToMulticast(replyToMulticastT); _data.setProxies(proxies); _data.setSecurityToken(securityToken); _data.setTLSCapable(supportsTLST); badPacket = false; } catch (BadPacketException e) { return; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return; } } /** * Returns the 16 byte client ID (i.e., the "footer") of the responding * host. */ public byte[] getClientGUID() { if (clientGUID == null) { byte[] result = new byte[16]; // Copy the last 16 bytes of payload to result. Note that there may // be meta information before the client GUID. So it is not correct // to simply count after the last result record. int length = super.getLength(); System.arraycopy(_payload, length - 16, result, 0, 16); clientGUID = result; } return clientGUID; } public byte[] getPayload() { return _payload; } @Override public String toString() { return ("QueryReply::\r\n" + getResultCount() + " hits\r\n" + super.toString() + "\r\n" + "ip: " + getIP() + "\r\n"); } /** * This method calculates the quality of service for a given host. The * calculation is some function of whether or not the host is busy, whether * or not the host has ever received an incoming connection, etc. * <p> * Moved this code from SearchView to here permanently, so we avoid * duplication. It makes sense from a data point of view, but this method * isn't really essential an essential method. * * @return a int from -1 to 3, with -1 for "never work" and 3 for "always * work". Typically a return value of N means N+1 stars will be * displayed in the GUI. */ public int calculateQualityOfService() { boolean iFirewalled = !networkManager.acceptedIncomingConnection(); // TODO change to an enum final int YES = 1; final int MAYBE = 0; final int NO = -1; /* Is the remote host busy? */ int busy; try { busy = this.getIsBusy() ? YES : NO; } catch (BadPacketException e) { busy = MAYBE; } boolean isMCastReply = this.isReplyToMulticastQuery(); /* Is the remote host firewalled? */ int heFirewalled; if (isMCastReply) { iFirewalled = false; heFirewalled = NO; } else if (networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(this.getIPBytes())) { heFirewalled = YES; } else { try { heFirewalled = this.getNeedsPush() ? YES : NO; } catch (BadPacketException e) { heFirewalled = MAYBE; } } /* Push Proxy availability? */ boolean hasPushProxies = false; if ((this.getPushProxies() != null) && (this.getPushProxies().size() > 1)) hasPushProxies = true; if (getSupportsFWTransfer() && networkManager.canDoFWT()) { iFirewalled = false; heFirewalled = NO; } /* * In the old days, busy hosts were considered bad. Now they're OK (but * not great) because of alternate locations. WARNING: before changing * this method, take a look at isFirewalledQuality! */ if (Arrays.equals(_address, networkManager.getAddress())) { return 3; // same address -- display it } else if (isMCastReply) { return 4; // multicast, maybe busy (but doesn't matter) } else if (iFirewalled && heFirewalled == YES) { return -1; // both firewalled; transfer impossible } else if (busy == MAYBE || heFirewalled == MAYBE) { return 0; // * older client; can't tell } else if (busy == YES) { assert heFirewalled == NO || !iFirewalled; if (heFirewalled == YES) return 0; // * busy, push else return 1; // ** busy, direct connect } else if (busy == NO) { assert heFirewalled == NO || !iFirewalled; if (heFirewalled == YES && !hasPushProxies) return 2; // *** not busy, no/not many proxies, old push else return 3; // **** not busy, has proxies or direct connect } else { assert false : "Unexpected case!"; return -1; } } /** * Utility method for determining whether or not the given "quality" score * for a <tt>QueryReply</tt> denotes that the host is firewalled or not. * * @param quality the quality, or score, in question * @return <tt>true</tt> if the quality denotes that the host is firewalled, * otherwise <tt>false</tt> */ public static boolean isFirewalledQuality(int quality) { return quality == 0 || quality == 2; } public boolean isFirewalled() { // TODO move to QueryReply decorator? boolean firewalled; try { firewalled = getNeedsPush() || networkInstanceUtils.isPrivateAddress(getIP()); } catch (BadPacketException e) { firewalled = true; } return firewalled && !isReplyToMulticastQuery(); } /** * Handles all our GGEP stuff. Caches potential GGEP blocks for efficiency. */ static class GGEPUtil { /** * The standard GGEP block for a LimeWire QueryReply. Currently has no * keys. */ private final byte[] _standardGGEP; /** A GGEP block that has the 'Browse Host' extension. */ private final byte[] _bhGGEP; /** A GGEP Block with BH & TLS */ private final byte[] _bhTLSGGEP; /** * A GGEP block that has the 'Multicast Source' extension. Useful for * Query Replies for a Query from a multicast source. */ private final byte[] _mcGGEP; /** A GGEP Block with MC + TLS. */ private final byte[] _mcTLSGGEP; /** A GGEP Block with BH & MC. */ private final byte[] _bhAndMC; /** A GGEP Block with BH, MC & TLS. */ private final byte[] _bhMCAndTLS; /** A TLS GGEP Block only. */ private final byte[] _tlsGGEP; public GGEPUtil() { ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); _standardGGEP = create(out); _bhGGEP = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_BROWSE_HOST); _mcGGEP = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_MULTICAST_RESPONSE); _mcTLSGGEP = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_MULTICAST_RESPONSE, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); _bhAndMC = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_BROWSE_HOST, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_MULTICAST_RESPONSE); _bhTLSGGEP = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_BROWSE_HOST, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); _bhMCAndTLS = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_BROWSE_HOST, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_MULTICAST_RESPONSE, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); _tlsGGEP = create(out, GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); } private byte[] create(ByteArrayOutputStream out, String... headers) { out.reset(); GGEP combo = new GGEP(true); for (String header : headers) combo.put(header); try { combo.write(out); } catch (IOException writeError) { } byte[] data = out.toByteArray(); assert data != null; return data; } /** * @return the appropriate byte[] corresponding to the GGEP block you * desire. */ public byte[] getQRGGEP(boolean supportsBH, boolean isMulticastResponse, boolean supportsFWTransfer, boolean supportsTLS, Set<? extends IpPort> proxies, SecurityToken securityToken) { byte[] retGGEPBlock = _standardGGEP; // we have specific field values so we can't use precached ggeps if ((proxies != null && !proxies.isEmpty()) || securityToken != null) { if (proxies == null) proxies = Collections.emptySet(); final int MAX_PROXIES = 4; GGEP retGGEP = new GGEP(true); // write easy extensions if applicable if (supportsBH) retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_BROWSE_HOST); if (isMulticastResponse) retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_MULTICAST_RESPONSE); if (supportsTLS) retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_TLS_CAPABLE); if (supportsFWTransfer) retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_FW_TRANS, new byte[] { RUDPUtils.VERSION }); if (securityToken != null) { retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_SECURE_OOB, securityToken.getBytes()); } // if a PushProxyInterface is valid, write up to MAX_PROXIES ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int numWritten = 0; BitNumbers bn = HTTPHeaderUtils.getTLSIndices(proxies, Math.min(MAX_PROXIES, proxies.size())); if (!proxies.isEmpty()) { Iterator<? extends IpPort> iter = proxies.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext() && (numWritten < MAX_PROXIES)) { IpPort ppi =; try { baos .write(NetworkUtils.getBytes(ppi, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)); numWritten++; } catch (IOException ignored) { } // cannot happen on ByteArrayOutputStream } } try { // add the PushProxies if (numWritten > 0) { retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PUSH_PROXY, baos.toByteArray()); // add the TLS push proxies info, if any. if (!bn.isEmpty()) retGGEP.put(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PUSH_PROXY_TLS, bn.toByteArray()); } // set up return value baos.reset(); retGGEP.write(baos); retGGEPBlock = baos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException ignored) { } // cannot happen on ByteArrayOutputStream } // else if (supportsBH && supportsFWTransfer && // isMulticastResponse), since supportsFWTransfer is only helpful // if we have proxies else if (supportsBH && isMulticastResponse && supportsTLS) retGGEPBlock = _bhMCAndTLS; else if (supportsBH && isMulticastResponse) retGGEPBlock = _bhAndMC; else if (supportsBH && supportsTLS) retGGEPBlock = _bhTLSGGEP; else if (supportsBH) retGGEPBlock = _bhGGEP; else if (isMulticastResponse && supportsTLS) retGGEPBlock = _mcTLSGGEP; else if (isMulticastResponse) retGGEPBlock = _mcGGEP; else if (supportsTLS) retGGEPBlock = _tlsGGEP; else retGGEPBlock = _standardGGEP; return retGGEPBlock; } /** * @return a <tt>Set</tt> of <tt>IpPortCombo</tt> instances, which can be * empty but is guaranteed not to be <tt>null</tt>, as described * by the GGEP blocks * * @param ggeps the array of GGEP extensions that may or may not contain * push proxy data */ public Set<? extends IpPort> getPushProxies(GGEP ggep) { Set<IpPort> proxies = null; BitNumbers bn = null; // First try and get the bits for which PPs support TLS. if (ggep.hasValueFor(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PUSH_PROXY_TLS)) { try { bn = new BitNumbers(ggep.getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PUSH_PROXY_TLS)); } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bad) { } } if (ggep.hasValueFor(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PUSH_PROXY)) { try { byte[] proxyBytes = ggep.getBytes(GGEPKeys.GGEP_HEADER_PUSH_PROXY); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(proxyBytes); int i = 0; while (bais.available() > 0) { byte[] combo = new byte[6]; if (, 0, combo.length) == combo.length) { try { if (proxies == null) proxies = new IpPortSet(); IpPort ipp = NetworkUtils.getIpPort(combo, java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); // make it a connectable if the TLS bit is set. if (bn != null && bn.isSet(i)) ipp = new ConnectableImpl(ipp, true); proxies.add(ipp); } catch (InvalidDataException malformedPair) { } } i++; } } catch (BadGGEPPropertyException bad) { } } return proxies != null ? proxies : IpPort.EMPTY_SET; } } @Override public Class<? extends Message> getHandlerClass() { return QueryReply.class; } public boolean isLocal() { return local; } int getGGEPStart() { parseResults(); return _data.getGGEPStart(); } int getGGEPEnd() { parseResults(); return _data.getGGEPEnd(); } int getQHDOffset() { parseResults(); return _data.getQHDOffset(); } }