package com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.limewire.listener.EventListener; import org.limewire.util.AssertComparisons; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Downloader; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Downloader.DownloadState; public class DownloadTestUtils { private DownloadTestUtils() {} /** Waits 1 second for the given state. */ public static void waitForState(Downloader downloader, DownloadState state) throws Exception { waitForState(downloader, state, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } /** Waits the duration for the given state. */ public static void waitForState(Downloader downloader, DownloadState state, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) throws Exception { timeout = unit.toMillis(timeout); while(timeout > 0 && downloader.getState() != state) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(50); timeout -= System.currentTimeMillis() - now; } AssertComparisons.assertEquals(state, downloader.getState()); } /** Waits for the given state, only allowing the allowed states while waiting. */ public static void strictWaitForState(Downloader downloader, DownloadState state, DownloadState... allowed) throws Exception { strictWaitForState(downloader, state, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, allowed); } /** Waits the duration for the given state, only allowing the allowed states while waiting. */ public static void strictWaitForState(Downloader downloader, DownloadState state, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, DownloadState... allowed) throws Exception { timeout = unit.toMillis(timeout); while(timeout > 0 && downloader.getState() != state) { DownloadState current = downloader.getState(); if(!Arrays.asList(allowed).contains(current)) {"Current state: " + current + ", not in allowed states: " + Arrays.asList(allowed)); } long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(200); timeout -= System.currentTimeMillis() - now; } AssertComparisons.assertEquals(state, downloader.getState()); } public static void pumpThroughStates(Downloader downloader, Runnable pump, DownloadState startState, DownloadState endState, DownloadState... middleStates) throws Exception { pumpThroughStates(downloader, pump, startState, endState, 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS, middleStates); } public static void pumpThroughStates(Downloader downloader, Runnable pump, DownloadState startState, DownloadState endState, long timeout, TimeUnit unit, DownloadState... middleStates) throws Exception { AssertComparisons.assertEquals(startState, downloader.getState()); timeout = unit.toMillis(timeout); // Jump out of the start state immediately. StateListener stateListener = new StateListener(); downloader.addListener(stateListener); timeout = waitForStatesToEnd(downloader, pump, timeout, startState); if(downloader.getState() == startState) { // If it's still in the start state, see if it ran through some states while getting there. if(stateListener.states.isEmpty()) { // This is an additional assertion incase start & end are the same, // in which case we want to be extra certain that some middle states are involved."Still in start state: " + startState); } else { // It had some intermediate states, let's make sure they were valid. for(DownloadState state : stateListener.states) { if(!Arrays.asList(middleStates).contains(state) && state != endState) {"Went to unexpected state: " + state + ", expected one of: " + endState + ", or: " + Arrays.asList(middleStates)); } } } } // Then loop through the middle states. // (We do the first one separate to ensure that we can cycle from start -> end even if start & end are the same) while(timeout > 0 && downloader.getState() != endState) { timeout = waitForStatesToEnd(downloader, pump, timeout, middleStates); if(!Arrays.asList(middleStates).contains(downloader.getState()) && downloader.getState() != endState) {"In unexpected state: " + downloader.getState() + ", expected one of: " + endState + ", or: " + Arrays.asList(middleStates)); } } if(downloader.getState() != endState) {"Invalid end state: " + downloader.getState() + ", required: " + endState); } } private static long waitForStatesToEnd(Downloader downloader, Runnable pump, long timeout, DownloadState... possibleStates) throws Exception { while(timeout > 0 && Arrays.asList(possibleStates).contains(downloader.getState())) { // System.out.println("timeout: " + timeout + ", possible: " + Arrays.asList(possibleStates) + ", current: " + downloader.getState()); long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); Thread.sleep(50); timeout -= System.currentTimeMillis() - now;; } // System.out.println("exited. timeout: " + timeout + ", possible: " + Arrays.asList(possibleStates) + ", current: " + downloader.getState()); return timeout; } private static class StateListener implements EventListener<DownloadStateEvent> { private final List<DownloadState> states = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<DownloadState>(); @Override public void handleEvent(DownloadStateEvent event) { states.add(event.getType()); } } }