package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import junit.framework.Test; import org.limewire.core.settings.ConnectionSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.FilterSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.NetworkSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.UltrapeerSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.UploadSettings; import; import; import org.limewire.util.PrivilegedAccessor; import org.limewire.util.TestUtils; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader.PushDownloadManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.downloader.RemoteFileDescFactory; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.FileManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.library.FileManagerTestUtils; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messagehandlers.MessageHandler; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeTestCase; public class MulticastTest extends LimeTestCase { private final int DELAY = 1000; private FileManager fileManager; private MulticastHandler M_HANDLER; private UnicastedHandler U_HANDLER; private static final String FILE_NAME = "com/limegroup/gnutella/metadata/metadata.mp3"; private MessageRouterImpl messageRouter; private ConnectionServices connectionServices; private SearchServices searchServices; private PushDownloadManager pushDownloadManager; private DownloadServices downloadServices; private ForMeReplyHandler forMeReplyHandler; private LifecycleManager lifeCycleManager; private RemoteFileDescFactory remoteFileDescFactory; private TLSManager TLSManager; protected Injector injector; private PushEndpointFactory pushEndpointFactory; public MulticastTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(MulticastTest.class); } public static void main(String[] args) {; } private void setSettings() throws Exception { FilterSettings.BLACK_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES.setValue(new String[] { "*.*.*.*" }); // Set the local host to not be banned so pushes can go through String ip = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); FilterSettings.WHITE_LISTED_IP_ADDRESSES.setValue(new String[] { ip }); NetworkSettings.PORT.setValue(TEST_PORT); ConnectionSettings.CONNECT_ON_STARTUP.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.DO_NOT_BOOTSTRAP.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.EVER_ULTRAPEER_CAPABLE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.DISABLE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(false); UltrapeerSettings.FORCE_ULTRAPEER_MODE.setValue(true); UltrapeerSettings.MAX_LEAVES.setValue(1); ConnectionSettings.NUM_CONNECTIONS.setValue(3); ConnectionSettings.LOCAL_IS_PRIVATE.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.WATCHDOG_ACTIVE.setValue(false); ConnectionSettings.MULTICAST_PORT.setValue(9021); ConnectionSettings.ALLOW_MULTICAST_LOOPBACK.setValue(true); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { setSettings(); M_HANDLER = new MulticastHandler(); U_HANDLER = new UnicastedHandler(); injector = LimeTestUtils.createInjector(Stage.PRODUCTION); fileManager = injector.getInstance(FileManager.class); connectionServices = injector.getInstance(ConnectionServices.class); messageRouter = (MessageRouterImpl) injector.getInstance(MessageRouter.class); searchServices = injector.getInstance(SearchServices.class); pushDownloadManager = injector.getInstance(PushDownloadManager.class); downloadServices = injector.getInstance(DownloadServices.class); forMeReplyHandler = injector.getInstance(ForMeReplyHandler.class); lifeCycleManager = injector.getInstance(LifecycleManager.class); remoteFileDescFactory = injector.getInstance(RemoteFileDescFactory.class); TLSManager = injector.getInstance(NetworkManager.class); pushEndpointFactory = injector.getInstance(PushEndpointFactory.class); lifeCycleManager.start(); connectionServices.connect(); // MUST SLEEP TO LET THE FILE MANAGER INITIALIZE sleep(2000); // Set these after RouterService is started & MessageRouter // is initialized, or else they'll be erased. messageRouter.addMulticastMessageHandler(PushRequest.class, M_HANDLER); messageRouter.addMulticastMessageHandler(QueryRequest.class, M_HANDLER); messageRouter.addUDPMessageHandler(QueryReply.class, U_HANDLER); messageRouter.addUDPMessageHandler(PushRequest.class, U_HANDLER); FileManagerTestUtils.waitForLoad(fileManager,3000); File file = TestUtils.getResourceFile(FILE_NAME); assertNotNull(fileManager.getGnutellaFileList().add(file).get()); assertEquals("unexpected number of shared files", 1, fileManager.getGnutellaFileList().size() ); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { connectionServices.disconnect(); lifeCycleManager.shutdown(); } private static void sleep(int time) { try { Thread.sleep(time); } catch(InterruptedException ignore) {} } /** * Tests that a multicast message is sent by utilizing the 'loopback' * feature of multicast. Notably, we receive the message even if we * sent it. */ public void testQueryIsSentAndReceived() { byte[] guid = searchServices.newQueryGUID(); searchServices.query(guid, "sam"); // sleep to let the search go. sleep(DELAY); assertEquals( "unexpected number of multicast messages", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size() ); Message m = M_HANDLER.multicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof( QueryRequest.class, m ); QueryRequest qr = (QueryRequest)m; assertEquals("unexpected query", "sam", qr.getQuery() ); assertTrue( "should be multicast", qr.isMulticast() ); assertTrue( "should not be firewalled", !qr.isFirewalledSource() ); // note it was hopped once. assertEquals("wrong ttl", 0, qr.getTTL()); assertEquals("wrong hops", 1, qr.getHops()); } public void testQueryRepliesIsFirewalled() throws Exception { testQueryReplies(false); } public void testQueryRepliesNotFirewalled() throws Exception { testQueryReplies(true); } /** * Tests that replies to multicast queries contain the MCAST GGEP header * and other appropriate info. */ public void testQueryReplies(boolean acceptedIncoming) throws Exception { byte[] guid = searchServices.newQueryGUID(); //searchServices = getSearchServices(acceptedIncoming); searchServices.query(guid, "metadata"); // search for the name // sleep to let the search process. sleep(DELAY); assertEquals( "unexpected number of multicast messages", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size() ); assertEquals( "unexpected number of replies", 1, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size() ); Message m = U_HANDLER.unicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof( QueryReply.class, m); QueryReply qr = (QueryReply)m; assertTrue("should have MCAST header", qr.isReplyToMulticastQuery()); assertTrue("should not need push", !qr.getNeedsPush()); assertTrue("should not be busy", !qr.getIsBusy()); assertEquals("should only have 1 result", 1, qr.getResultCount()); assertTrue("should be measured speed", qr.getIsMeasuredSpeed()); byte[] xml = qr.getXMLBytes(); assertNotNull("didn't have xml", xml); assertGreaterThan("xml too small", 10, xml.length); // remember it was hopped once assertEquals("wrong ttl", 0, qr.getTTL() ); assertEquals("wrong hops", 1, qr.getHops() ); // wipe out the address so the first addr == my addr check isn't used wipeAddress(qr); PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(injector.getInstance(Acceptor.class), "_acceptedIncoming", acceptedIncoming); assertEquals("wrong qos", 4, qr.calculateQualityOfService()); } /** * Tests that a push sent from a multicast RFD is sent via multicast * and includes the TLS flag. * This does NOT test that ManagedDownloader will actively push * multicast requests, nor does it check that we can parse * the incoming GIV. It also does not test to ensure that multicast * pushes are given priority over all other uploads. */ public void testPushSentThroughMulticastWithTLS() throws Exception { // first go through some boring stuff to get a correct QueryReply // that we can convert to an RFD. byte[] guid = searchServices.newQueryGUID(); searchServices.query(guid, "metadata"); sleep(DELAY); assertEquals("should have sent query", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size()); assertEquals("should have gotten reply", 1, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size()); Message m = U_HANDLER.unicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof( QueryReply.class, m); QueryReply qr = (QueryReply)m; // Because we're acting as both the sender & receiver, our // routing tables are a little confused, so we must reset // the push route table to map the guid to ForMeReplyHandler // from a UDPReplyHandler reroutePush(qr.getClientGUID()); // okay, now we have a QueryReply to convert to an RFD. List responses = qr.getResultsAsList(); assertEquals("should only have 1 response", 1, responses.size()); Response res = (Response)responses.get(0); RemoteFileDesc rfd = res.toRemoteFileDesc(qr, null, remoteFileDescFactory, pushEndpointFactory); assertTrue("rfd should be multicast", rfd.isReplyToMulticast()); // clear the data to make it easier to look at again... M_HANDLER.multicasted.clear(); U_HANDLER.unicasted.clear(); // Finally, we have the RFD we want to push. TLSManager.setIncomingTLSEnabled(true); pushDownloadManager.sendPush(rfd); // sleep to make sure the push goes through. sleep(DELAY); assertEquals("should have sent & received push", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size()); // should be a push. m = M_HANDLER.multicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof(PushRequest.class, m); PushRequest pr = (PushRequest)m; // note it was hopped. assertTrue(pr.isTLSCapable()); assertEquals("wrong ttl", 0, pr.getTTL()); assertEquals("wrong hops", 1, pr.getHops()); assertTrue("wrong client guid", Arrays.equals(rfd.getClientGUID(), pr.getClientGUID())); assertEquals("wrong index", rfd.getIndex(), pr.getIndex()); assertEquals("should not have unicasted anything", 0, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size()); } /** * Tests that a push sent from a multicast RFD is sent via multicast * and does not include the TLS flag. * This does NOT test that ManagedDownloader will actively push * multicast requests, nor does it check that we can parse * the incoming GIV. It also does not test to ensure that multicast * pushes are given priority over all other uploads. */ public void testPushSentThroughMulticastWithoutTLS() throws Exception { // first go through some boring stuff to get a correct QueryReply // that we can convert to an RFD. byte[] guid = searchServices.newQueryGUID(); searchServices.query(guid, "metadata"); sleep(DELAY); assertEquals("should have sent query", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size()); assertEquals("should have gotten reply", 1, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size()); Message m = U_HANDLER.unicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof( QueryReply.class, m); QueryReply qr = (QueryReply)m; // Because we're acting as both the sender & receiver, our // routing tables are a little confused, so we must reset // the push route table to map the guid to ForMeReplyHandler // from a UDPReplyHandler reroutePush(qr.getClientGUID()); // okay, now we have a QueryReply to convert to an RFD. List responses = qr.getResultsAsList(); assertEquals("should only have 1 response", 1, responses.size()); Response res = (Response)responses.get(0); RemoteFileDesc rfd = res.toRemoteFileDesc(qr, null, remoteFileDescFactory, pushEndpointFactory); assertTrue("rfd should be multicast", rfd.isReplyToMulticast()); // clear the data to make it easier to look at again... M_HANDLER.multicasted.clear(); U_HANDLER.unicasted.clear(); // Finally, we have the RFD we want to push. TLSManager.setIncomingTLSEnabled(false); pushDownloadManager.sendPush(rfd); // sleep to make sure the push goes through. sleep(DELAY); assertEquals("should have sent & received push", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size()); // should be a push. m = M_HANDLER.multicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof(PushRequest.class, m); PushRequest pr = (PushRequest)m; // note it was hopped. assertFalse(pr.isTLSCapable()); assertEquals("wrong ttl", 0, pr.getTTL()); assertEquals("wrong hops", 1, pr.getHops()); assertTrue("wrong client guid", Arrays.equals(rfd.getClientGUID(), pr.getClientGUID())); assertEquals("wrong index", rfd.getIndex(), pr.getIndex()); assertEquals("should not have unicasted anything", 0, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size()); } /** * Tests to ensure multicast requests are sent via push * and will upload regardless of the slots left. */ public void testPushesHaveUploadPriority() throws Exception { // Make it so a normal upload request would fail. UploadSettings.UPLOADS_PER_PERSON.setValue(0); // first go through some boring stuff to get a correct QueryReply // that we can convert to an RFD. byte[] guid = searchServices.newQueryGUID(); searchServices.query(guid, "metadata"); sleep(DELAY); assertEquals("should have sent query", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size()); assertEquals("should have gotten reply", 1, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size()); Message m = U_HANDLER.unicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof( QueryReply.class, m); QueryReply qr = (QueryReply)m; // Because we're acting as both the sender & receiver, our // routing tables are a little confused, so we must reset // the push route table to map the guid to ForMeReplyHandler // from a UDPReplyHandler reroutePush(qr.getClientGUID()); // okay, now we have a QueryReply to convert to an RFD. List responses = qr.getResultsAsList(); assertEquals("should only have 1 response", 1, responses.size()); Response res = (Response)responses.get(0); RemoteFileDesc rfd = res.toRemoteFileDesc(qr, null, remoteFileDescFactory, pushEndpointFactory); // clear the data to make it easier to look at again... M_HANDLER.multicasted.clear(); U_HANDLER.unicasted.clear(); assertFalse("file should not be saved yet", new File( _savedDir, "metadata.mp3").exists()); RemoteFileDesc[] { rfd }, false, new GUID(guid)); // sleep to make sure the download starts & push goes through. sleep(3000); assertEquals("should have sent & received push", 1, M_HANDLER.multicasted.size()); // should be a push. m = M_HANDLER.multicasted.get(0); assertInstanceof(PushRequest.class, m); assertEquals("should not have unicasted anything", 0, U_HANDLER.unicasted.size()); assertTrue("file should have been downloaded & saved", new File(_savedDir, "metadata.mp3").exists()); // Get rid of this file, so the -Dtimes=X option works properly... =) assertEquals("unexpected number of shared files", 2, fileManager.getGnutellaFileList().size()); File temp = new File(_savedDir, "metadata.mp3"); if (temp.exists()) { fileManager.getManagedFileList().remove(temp); temp.delete(); } sleep(2 * DELAY); assertFalse("file should have been deleted", temp.exists()); assertEquals("unexpected number of shared files", 1, fileManager.getGnutellaFileList().size()); } private static void wipeAddress(QueryReply qr) throws Exception { // TODO mock QueryReply PrivilegedAccessor.setValue(qr, "_address", new byte[4]); } private void reroutePush(byte[] guid) throws Exception { RouteTable rt = messageRouter.getPushRouteTable(); rt.routeReply(guid, forMeReplyHandler); } private static class MulticastHandler implements MessageHandler { List<Message> multicasted = new LinkedList<Message>(); public void handleMessage(Message msg, InetSocketAddress addr, ReplyHandler handler) { multicasted.add(msg); } } private static class UnicastedHandler implements MessageHandler { List<Message> unicasted = new LinkedList<Message>(); public void handleMessage(Message msg, InetSocketAddress addr, ReplyHandler handler) { unicasted.add(msg); } } }