package org.limewire.collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; /** * Provides a priority queue with bounded size in an * <a href="">AVL tree</a>. * <code>FixedsizePriorityQueue</code> guarantees the lowest priority element * is ejected when exceeding capacity. * <p> * <code>FixedsizePriorityQueue</code> provides {@link #extractMax()} to extract * the maximum element. <code>FixedsizePriorityQueue</code> requires an explicit * {@link Comparator}; <code>FixedsizePriorityQueue</code> won't use the natural * ordering of values. * <p> * Fetching the max element takes O(lg N) time, where N is the number of * elements. Also, extracting and adding elements is O(lg N) time. * <p> * This class is not thread-safe. <pre> FixedsizePriorityQueue<String> fpq = new FixedsizePriorityQueue<String>(Comparators.stringComparator(), 3); fpq.insert("Abby"); fpq.insert("Bob"); fpq.insert("Chris"); System.out.println(fpq); System.out.println("Inserting another String pushes out an element (" + fpq.insert("Dan") + ") since the max. size was reached."); System.out.println(fpq); System.out.println("Minimum element: " + fpq.getMin()); System.out.println("Maximum element: " + fpq.getMax()); fpq.extractMax(); System.out.println(fpq); Output: [Abby, Bob, Chris] Inserting another String pushes out an element (Abby) since the max. size was reached. [Bob, Chris, Dan] Minimum element: Bob Maximum element: Dan [Bob, Chris] </pre> */ public class FixedsizePriorityQueue<E> implements Iterable<E> { /** * The underlying data structure. * INVARIANT: tree.size()<=capacity * INVARIANT: all elements of tree instanceof Node */ private SortedList<E> tree; /** The maximum number of elements to hold. */ private int capacity; /** * Creates a new FixedsizePriorityQueue that will hold at most * <tt>capacity</tt> elements. * @param comparator expresses priority. Note that * comaparator.compareTo(a,b)==0 does not imply that a.equals(b). * @param capacity the maximum number of elements * @exception IllegalArgumentException capacity negative */ public FixedsizePriorityQueue(Comparator<? super E> comparator, int capacity) throws IllegalArgumentException { if (capacity<=0) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); tree=new SortedList<E>(comparator); this.capacity=capacity; } public void clear() { tree.clear(); } public boolean isFull() { return size() >= capacity(); } /** * Adds x to this, possibly removing some lower priority entry if necessary * to ensure this.size()<=this.capacity(). If this has capacity, x will be * added even if already in this (possibly with a different priority). * * @param x the entry to add * @return the element ejected, possibly x, or null if none */ public E insert(E x) { if (!isFull()) { //a) Size less than capacity. Just add x. boolean added=tree.add(x); assert added; return null; } else { //Ensure size does not exceed capacity. //Micro-optimizations are possible. E smallest = tree.first(); if (tree.comparator().compare(x,smallest)>0) { //b) x larger than smallest of this: remove smallest and add x tree.remove(smallest); boolean added=tree.add(x); assert added; return smallest; } else { //c) Otherwise do nothing. return x; } } } public E extractMax() { E e = getMax(); remove(e); return e; } /** * Returns the highest priority element of this. * @exception NoSuchElementException this.size()==0 */ public E getMax() throws NoSuchElementException { return tree.last(); } /** * Returns the lowest priority element of this. * @exception NoSuchElementException this.size()==0 */ public E getMin() throws NoSuchElementException { return tree.first(); } /** * Returns true if this contains o. Runs in O(N) time, where N is * number of elements in this. * * @param o this contains a x s.t. o.equals(x). Note that * priority is ignored in this operation. */ public boolean contains(E o) { return tree.contains(o); } /** * Removes the first occurrence of o. * * @return true this contained an x such that o.equals(x). */ public boolean remove(E o) { return tree.remove(o); } /** * Returns an iterator of the elements in this, from <b>worst to best</b>. */ public Iterator<E> iterator() { return tree.iterator(); } /** * Returns the number of elements in this. */ public int size() { return tree.size(); } /** * Returns the maximum number of elements this can hold. * @return the value passed to this constructor */ public int capacity() { return capacity; } @Override public String toString() { return tree.toString(); } }