package org.limewire.inspection; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import org.limewire.inject.MoreScopes; import org.limewire.util.OSUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Gets the value of an object that implements {@link Inspectable} or an object * with an annotation of {@link InspectableForSize @InspectableForSize} or * {@link InspectablePrimitive @InspectablePrimitive}. * <p> * See the Lime Wire Wiki for sample code using the <a href=""> * org.limewire.inspection</a> package. * */ public class InspectionUtils { private static class InspectionData { String encodedField; boolean isStatic; Field field; List<Annotation> annotations; Class<?> lookupClass; Class<?> actualClass; Object fieldContainerInstance; Object fieldValue; } /** * * Inspects a field and returns a representation of that field. The field * must: * <p> * a) implement the <code>Inspectable</code> interface, in which case the * return value of the <code>inspect</code> method is returned, or else * <p> * b) be annotated with <code>@InspectablePrimitive</code>, in which case * the <code>String.valueOf</code> is returned, or else * <p> * c) be annotated with {@link InspectableForSize @InspectableForSize} and * have a <code>size</code> method in which case the return value of the * <code>size</code> method call is returned. * * @param encodedField - name of the field we want to get, starting with a * fully qualified class name, and followed by comma-separated field * names that will help us reach the target field. * * @return the object the field represents, or an Exception object if such * was thrown trying to get it. */ public static Object inspectValue(String encodedField, Injector injector, boolean collectUsageData) throws InspectionException { try { InspectionData data = createInspectionData(encodedField); validateField(data, collectUsageData); setFieldContainerInstance(data, injector); setFieldValue(data); return inspect(data); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof InspectionException) { throw (InspectionException) e; } else { throw new InspectionException(e); } } } private static InspectionData createInspectionData(String encodedField) throws Throwable { InspectionData data; if(encodedField.contains(":")) { data = getStaticField(encodedField); } else { data = getInjectedField(encodedField); } data.annotations = Arrays.asList(data.field.getAnnotations()); return data; } private static InspectionData getStaticField(String encodedField) throws Throwable { StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(encodedField, ":"); if (t.countTokens() != 2) { throw new InspectionException("invalid encoded field: " + encodedField); } Class clazz = Class.forName(t.nextToken()); Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(t.nextToken()); field.setAccessible(true); InspectionData data = new InspectionData(); data.encodedField = encodedField; data.isStatic = true; data.fieldValue = clazz; data.field = field; return data; } private static InspectionData getInjectedField(String encodedField) throws Throwable { InspectionData data = new InspectionData(); Class lookupClass = null; if(encodedField.contains("|")) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(encodedField, "|"); if(tokenizer.countTokens() != 2) { throw new InspectionException("invalid encoded field: " + encodedField); } lookupClass = Class.forName(tokenizer.nextToken()); encodedField = tokenizer.nextToken(); } StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(encodedField, ","); if(t.countTokens() != 2) { throw new InspectionException("invalid encoded field: " + encodedField); } Class clazz = Class.forName(t.nextToken()); Field field = clazz.getDeclaredField(t.nextToken()); field.setAccessible(true); data.encodedField = encodedField; data.lookupClass = lookupClass; data.actualClass = clazz; data.field = field; return data; } private static void validateField(InspectionData data, boolean collectUsageData) throws InspectionException { boolean valid = false; for(Annotation annotation : data.annotations) { if(annotation.annotationType() == InspectionPoint.class) { validateLimitations(((InspectionPoint)annotation).requires(), ((InspectionPoint)annotation).category(), data, collectUsageData); valid = true; break; } else if(annotation.annotationType() == InspectablePrimitive.class) { validateLimitations(((InspectablePrimitive)annotation).requires(), ((InspectablePrimitive)annotation).category(), data, collectUsageData); valid = true; break; } else if(annotation.annotationType() == InspectableForSize.class) { validateLimitations(((InspectableForSize)annotation).requires(), ((InspectableForSize)annotation).category(), data, collectUsageData); valid = true; break; } } if(!valid) { throw new InspectionException("field not annotated for inspection: " + data.field); } } private static void validateLimitations(InspectionRequirement[] limitations, DataCategory category, InspectionData data, boolean collectUsageData) throws InspectionException { validateOSLimitations(limitations, data); validateDataCategoryLimitations(category, data, collectUsageData); } private static void validateDataCategoryLimitations(DataCategory category, InspectionData data, boolean collectUsageData) throws InspectionException { if(category == DataCategory.USAGE && !collectUsageData) { throw new InspectionException("field " + data.field + " is usage data, but usage data collection not allowed"); } } private static void validateOSLimitations(InspectionRequirement[] limitations, InspectionData data) throws InspectionException { boolean valid = false; if(limitations != null && limitations.length > 0) { for(InspectionRequirement limitation : limitations) { switch(limitation) { case OS_LINUX: valid |= OSUtils.isLinux(); break; case OS_OSX: valid |= OSUtils.isMacOSX(); break; case OS_WINDOWS: valid |= OSUtils.isWindows(); break; } } } else { valid = true; } if(!valid) { List<InspectionRequirement> requires = Arrays.asList(limitations); throw new InspectionException("invalid limitations: " + requires + " on field: " + data.field, requires); } } private static void setFieldContainerInstance(InspectionData data, Injector injector) throws Throwable { // no container instance for static data. if(!data.isStatic) { if(data.lookupClass == null) { // if the container had an enclosing class and it's not static, make sure the lookup // points to the enclosing class. if(data.actualClass.getEnclosingClass() != null && !Modifier.isStatic(data.actualClass.getModifiers())) { data.lookupClass = data.actualClass.getEnclosingClass(); } } // check if this is an enclosed class if (data.lookupClass == null) { Binding<?> binding = injector.getBinding(data.actualClass); validateBindingIsSingleton(injector, binding); data.fieldContainerInstance = binding.getProvider().get(); } else { // inner classes must be annotated properly Binding<?> binding = injector.getBinding(data.lookupClass); validateBindingIsSingleton(injector, binding); Object lookupObj = binding.getProvider().get(); // If this was an enclosed class, validate that it has InspectableContainer. if(data.actualClass.getEnclosingClass() != null && !Modifier.isStatic(data.actualClass.getModifiers())) { if (data.actualClass.getAnnotation(InspectableContainer.class) == null) { throw new InspectionException("container must be annotated with InspectableContainer"); } Constructor[] constructors = data.actualClass.getDeclaredConstructors(); if (constructors.length != 1) { throw new InspectionException("wrong constructors length: " + constructors.length); } Class[] parameters = constructors[0].getParameterTypes(); if (parameters.length != 1 || !data.lookupClass.isAssignableFrom(parameters[0])) { throw new InspectionException("wrong parameter count or type for constructor"); } constructors[0].setAccessible(true); data.fieldContainerInstance = constructors[0].newInstance(lookupObj); } else { data.fieldContainerInstance = lookupObj; } } } } private static void setFieldValue(InspectionData data) throws Throwable { if (data.isStatic) { data.fieldValue = data.field.get(null); } else { data.fieldValue = data.field.get(data.fieldContainerInstance); } } private static void validateBindingIsSingleton(Injector injector, Binding<?> binding) throws InspectionException { binding = resolveBinding(injector, binding); boolean singleton = binding.acceptScopingVisitor(new BindingScopingVisitor<Boolean>() { public Boolean visitEagerSingleton() { return true; } public Boolean visitNoScoping() { return false; } public Boolean visitScope( scope) { return scope == Scopes.SINGLETON || scope == MoreScopes.LAZY_SINGLETON || scope == MoreScopes.EAGER_SINGLETON; } public Boolean visitScopeAnnotation(java.lang.Class<? extends Annotation> scopeAnnotation) { return false; } }); if(!singleton) { throw new InspectionException("must be singleton or lazysingleton or eagerSingleton annotation or be interface!"); } } /** Resolves a binding to the ultimate destination, ensuring we can check the scope of the proper link. */ private static Binding<?> resolveBinding(final Injector injector, final Binding<?> binding) { return binding.acceptTargetVisitor(new BindingTargetVisitor<Object, Binding<?>>() { @Override public Binding<?> visit(InstanceBinding<? extends Object> link) { return binding; } @Override public Binding<?> visit(ProviderInstanceBinding<? extends Object> link) { return binding; } @Override public Binding<?> visit(ProviderKeyBinding<? extends Object> link) { return resolveBinding(injector, injector.getBinding(link.getProviderKey())); } @Override public Binding<?> visit(LinkedKeyBinding<? extends Object> link) { return resolveBinding(injector, injector.getBinding(link.getLinkedKey())); } @Override public Binding<?> visit(ExposedBinding<? extends Object> link) { return binding; } @Override public Binding<?> visit(UntargettedBinding<? extends Object> link) { return binding; } @Override public Binding<?> visit(ConstructorBinding<? extends Object> link) { return binding; } @Override public Binding<?> visit(ConvertedConstantBinding<? extends Object> link) { return binding; } @Override public Binding<?> visit(ProviderBinding<? extends Object> link) { return resolveBinding(injector, injector.getBinding(link.getProvidedKey())); } }); } /** * Gets a string representation of an object. * * @param o the object to be inspected * @param annotations annotations that were found in the last field traversed * while looking for this object * @return a String representation taken either from Inspectable.inspect(), * String.valueOf or size() depending on the annotation or type of the field. */ private static Object inspect(InspectionData data) throws Exception { if (data.fieldValue instanceof Inspectable) { Inspectable i = (Inspectable)data.fieldValue; return i.inspect(); } for (Annotation a : data.annotations) { if (a instanceof InspectablePrimitive) return String.valueOf(data.fieldValue); if (a instanceof InspectableForSize) { Method m = data.fieldValue.getClass().getMethod("size", new Class[0]); m.setAccessible(true); return m.invoke(data.fieldValue).toString(); } } throw new InspectionException("no valid Inspectable annotation!"); } }