package org.limewire.ui.swing.util; import java.util.Locale; import org.limewire.util.BaseTestCase; import junit.framework.Test; public class I18nTest extends BaseTestCase { public I18nTest(String name) { super(name); } public static Test suite() { return buildTestSuite(I18nTest.class); } public void testQuoteNoArgs() { String result ="This is 'quoted'!"); assertEquals("This is 'quoted'!", result); } public void testArgsWithQuote() { String result ="This is 'quoted' {0} !", "hello"); assertEquals("This is 'quoted' hello !", result); } public void testSingularNoArgsQuote() { String result = I18n.trn("singular 'hi!'", "plural 'his!'", 1); assertEquals("singular 'hi!'", result); } public void testPluralNoArgsQuote() { String result = I18n.trn("singular 'hi!'", "plural 'his!'", 2); assertEquals("plural 'his!'", result); } public void testPluralArgsUsedForSubstitution() { String result = I18n.trn("you have 1 message", "you have {0} messages", 2); assertEquals("you have 2 messages", result); } public void testSingularArgsQuote() { String result = I18n.trn("singular 'hi!' {0}", "plural 'his!' {0}", 1, "yuck"); assertEquals("singular 'hi!' yuck", result); } public void testPluralArgsQuote() { String result = I18n.trn("singular 'hi!' {0}", "plural 'his!' {0}", 2, "yuck"); assertEquals("plural 'his!' yuck", result); } public void testTrcFallsBackToText() { I18n.setLocale(Locale.GERMAN); assertEquals("baobab", I18n.trc("baobab (the tree)", "baobab")); } }