package com.limegroup.gnutella; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.limewire.collection.FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap; import org.limewire.core.settings.ApplicationSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.SharingSettings; import org.limewire.core.settings.UploadSettings; import org.limewire.inject.EagerSingleton; import; import; import; import; import; import org.limewire.lifecycle.ServiceScheduler; import; import; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.RoutedConnection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.filters.IPFilter; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.BadPacketException; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.Message; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PingReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.PushRequest; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.QueryReply; import com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor.SimppVM; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.LimeXMLDocument; import com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.LimeXMLDocumentHelper; import com.limegroup.gnutella.xml.LimeXMLUtils; /** * This is the class that goes in the route table when a request is * sent whose reply is for me. */ @EagerSingleton public class ForMeReplyHandler implements ReplyHandler, SecureMessageCallback { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ForMeReplyHandler.class); /** * Keeps track of what hosts have sent us PushRequests lately. */ private final Map<String, AtomicInteger> PUSH_REQUESTS = Collections.synchronizedMap(new FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap<String, AtomicInteger>(200)); private final Map<GUID, GUID> GUID_REQUESTS = Collections.synchronizedMap(new FixedsizeForgetfulHashMap<GUID, GUID>(200)); private final NetworkManager networkManager; private final SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier; private final Provider<ConnectionManager> connectionManager; private final Provider<SearchResultHandler> searchResultHandler; private final Provider<DownloadManager> downloadManager; private final Provider<PushManager> pushManager; private final ApplicationServices applicationServices; private final ConnectionServices connectionServices; private final LimeXMLDocumentHelper limeXMLDocumentHelper; private final Provider<IPFilter> ipFilterProvider; private final SpamServices spamServices; @Inject ForMeReplyHandler(NetworkManager networkManager, SecureMessageVerifier secureMessageVerifier, Provider<ConnectionManager> connectionManager, Provider<SearchResultHandler> searchResultHandler, Provider<DownloadManager> downloadManager, Provider<Acceptor> acceptor, Provider<PushManager> pushManager, ApplicationServices applicationServices, ConnectionServices connectionServices, LimeXMLDocumentHelper limeXMLDocumentHelper, Provider<IPFilter> ipFilterProvider, SpamServices spamServices) { this.networkManager = networkManager; this.secureMessageVerifier = secureMessageVerifier; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; this.searchResultHandler = searchResultHandler; this.downloadManager = downloadManager; this.pushManager = pushManager; this.applicationServices = applicationServices; this.connectionServices = connectionServices; this.limeXMLDocumentHelper = limeXMLDocumentHelper; this.ipFilterProvider = ipFilterProvider; this.spamServices = spamServices; } @Inject public void register(@Named("backgroundExecutor") ScheduledExecutorService backgroundExecutor, ServiceScheduler serviceScheduler) { //Clear push requests every 30 seconds. Runnable clearPushRequests = new Runnable() { public void run() { PUSH_REQUESTS.clear(); } }; serviceScheduler.scheduleWithFixedDelay("ForMeReplyHandler.Clear Push Requests", clearPushRequests, 30, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, backgroundExecutor); } public void handlePingReply(PingReply pingReply, ReplyHandler handler) { //Kill incoming connections that don't share. Note that we randomly //allow some freeloaders. (Hopefully they'll get some stuff and then //share!) Note that we only consider killing them on the first ping. //(Message 1 is their ping, message 2 is their reply to our ping.) if ((pingReply.getHops() <= 1) && (handler.getNumMessagesReceived() <= 2) && (!handler.isOutgoing()) && (handler.isKillable()) && (pingReply.getFiles() < SharingSettings.FREELOADER_FILES.getValue()) && ((int)(Math.random()*100.f) > SharingSettings.FREELOADER_ALLOWED.getValue()) && (handler instanceof RoutedConnection) && (handler.isStable())) { connectionManager.get().remove((RoutedConnection)handler); } } public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply reply, ReplyHandler handler) { handleQueryReply(reply, handler, null); } /** * Handles a query reply locally. * * @param address can be null, if not null overrides the address info in <code>reply</code> */ public void handleQueryReply(QueryReply reply, ReplyHandler handler, Address address) { // do not allow a faked multicast reply. if(reply.isFakeMulticast()) { LOG.trace("Dropping fake multicast reply"); return; } // Drop if it's a reply to mcast and conditions aren't met ... if(reply.isReplyToMulticastQuery()) { if(reply.isTCP()) { LOG.trace("Dropping TCP reply to multicast query"); return; // shouldn't be on TCP. } if(reply.getHops() != 1 || reply.getTTL() != 0) { LOG.trace("Dropping multi-hop reply to multicast query"); return; // should only have hopped once. } } // XML must be added to the response first, so that // whomever calls toRemoteFileDesc on the response // will create the cachedRFD with the correct XML. boolean validResponses = addXMLToResponses(reply, limeXMLDocumentHelper); // responses invalid? exit. if(!validResponses) { LOG.trace("Dropping reply without valid responses"); return; } // check for unwanted results after xml has been constructed if(spamServices.isPersonalSpam(reply)) { LOG.trace("Dropping spam reply"); return; } if(reply.hasSecureData() && ApplicationSettings.USE_SECURE_RESULTS.getValue()) { LOG.trace("Verifying secure reply"); secureMessageVerifier.verify(reply, this); } else { LOG.trace("Reply looks OK, routing it internally"); routeQueryReplyInternal(reply, address); } } /** Notification that a message is secure. Currently only possible for a QueryReply. */ public void handleSecureMessage(SecureMessage sm, boolean passed) { if (passed) routeQueryReplyInternal((QueryReply) sm, null); } /** Passes the QueryReply off to where it should go. */ private void routeQueryReplyInternal(QueryReply reply, Address address) { searchResultHandler.get().handleQueryReply(reply, address); downloadManager.get().handleQueryReply(reply, address); } /** * Adds XML to the responses in a QueryReply. */ public static boolean addXMLToResponses(QueryReply qr, LimeXMLDocumentHelper limeXMLDocumentHelper) { // get xml collection string, then get dis-aggregated docs, then // in loop // you can match up metadata to responses String xmlCollectionString = ""; try { LOG.trace("Trying to do uncompress XML....."); byte[] xmlCompressed = qr.getXMLBytes(); if (xmlCompressed.length > 1) { byte[] xmlUncompressed = LimeXMLUtils.uncompress(xmlCompressed); xmlCollectionString = new String(xmlUncompressed,"UTF-8"); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException use) { //b/c this should never happen, we will show and error //if it ever does for some reason. //we won't throw a BadPacketException here but we will show it. //the uee will effect the xml part of the reply but we could //still show the reply so there shouldn't be any ill effect if //xmlCollectionString is "" ErrorService.error(use); } catch (IOException ignored) { } // valid response, no XML in EQHD. if(xmlCollectionString.equals("")) return true; Response[] responses; int responsesLength; try { responses = qr.getResultsArray(); responsesLength = responses.length; } catch(BadPacketException bpe) { LOG.trace("Unable to get responses", bpe); return false; } if(LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("xmlCollectionString = " + xmlCollectionString); List<LimeXMLDocument[]> allDocsArray = limeXMLDocumentHelper.getDocuments(xmlCollectionString, responsesLength); for(int i = 0; i < responsesLength; i++) { Response response = responses[i]; LimeXMLDocument[] metaDocs; for(int schema = 0; schema < allDocsArray.size(); schema++) { metaDocs = allDocsArray.get(schema); // If there are no documents in this schema, try another. if(metaDocs == null) continue; // If this schema had a document for this response, use it. if(metaDocs[i] != null) { response.setDocument(metaDocs[i]); break; // we only need one, so break out. } } } return true; } /** * If there are problems with the request, just ignore it. * There's no point in sending them a GIV to have them send a GET * just to return a 404 or Busy or Malformed Request, etc.. */ public void handlePushRequest(PushRequest pushRequest, ReplyHandler handler){ if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("push: " + pushRequest + "\nfrom: " + handler); } //Ignore push request from banned hosts. if (spamServices.isPersonalSpam(pushRequest)) { LOG.debug("discarded as personal spam"); return; } byte[] ip = pushRequest.getIP(); String host = NetworkUtils.ip2string(ip); // check whether we serviced this push request already GUID guid = new GUID(pushRequest.getGUID()); if (GUID_REQUESTS.put(guid, guid) != null) { LOG.debug("already serviced"); return; } // make sure the guy isn't hammering us AtomicInteger i = PUSH_REQUESTS.get(host); if(i == null) { i = new AtomicInteger(1); PUSH_REQUESTS.put(host, i); } else { i.addAndGet(1); // if we're over the max push requests for this host, exit. if(i.get() > UploadSettings.MAX_PUSHES_PER_HOST.getValue()) { LOG.debug("over max pushes per host"); return; } } // if the IP is banned, don't accept it if (!ipFilterProvider.get().allow(ip)) { LOG.debug("blocked by ip filter"); return; } int port = pushRequest.getPort(); // if invalid port, exit if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddressAndPort(host, port) ) { LOG.debug("invalid host or port"); return; } try { Connectable address = new ConnectableImpl(host, port, pushRequest.isTLSCapable()); pushManager.get().acceptPushUpload(address, new GUID(pushRequest.getClientGUID()), pushRequest.isMulticast(), // force accept pushRequest.isFirewallTransferPush()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public boolean isOpen() { //I'm always ready to handle replies. return true; } public int getNumMessagesReceived() { return 0; } public void countDroppedMessage() {} // inherit doc comment public boolean isSupernodeClientConnection() { return false; } public boolean isPersonalSpam(Message m) { return false; } public void updateHorizonStats(PingReply pingReply) { // TODO:: we should probably actually update the stats with this pong } public boolean isOutgoing() { return false; } // inherit doc comment public boolean isKillable() { return false; } /** * Implements <tt>ReplyHandler</tt> interface. Returns whether this * node is a leaf or an Ultrapeer. * * @return <tt>true</tt> if this node is a leaf node, otherwise * <tt>false</tt> */ public boolean isLeafConnection() { return !connectionServices.isSupernode(); } /** * Returns whether or not this connection is a high-degree connection, * meaning that it maintains a high number of intra-Ultrapeer connections. * Because this connection really represents just this node, it always * returns <tt>false</tt>/ * * @return <tt>false</tt>, since this reply handler signifies only this * node -- its connections don't matter. */ public boolean isHighDegreeConnection() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt>, since this connection is me, and it's not * possible to pass query routing tables to oneself. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, since you cannot pass query routing tables * to yourself */ public boolean isUltrapeerQueryRoutingConnection() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a "connection" * in the first place, and so could never have sent the requisite * headers. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a real connection */ public boolean isGoodUltrapeer() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a "connection" * in the first place, and so could never have sent the requisite * headers. * * @return <tt>false</tt>, as this node is not a real connection */ public boolean isGoodLeaf() { return false; } /** * Returns <tt>true</tt>, since we always support pong caching. * * @return <tt>true</tt> since this node always supports pong * caching (since it's us) */ public boolean supportsPongCaching() { return true; } /** * Returns whether or not to allow new pings from this <tt>ReplyHandler</tt>. * Since this ping is from us, we'll always allow it. * * @return <tt>true</tt> since this ping is from us */ public boolean allowNewPings() { return true; } // inherit doc comment public InetAddress getInetAddress() { try { return InetAddress. getByName(NetworkUtils.ip2string(networkManager.getAddress())); } catch(UnknownHostException e) { // may want to do something else here if we ever use this! return null; } } public InetSocketAddress getInetSocketAddress() { return new InetSocketAddress(getInetAddress(), getPort()); } public int getPort() { return networkManager.getPort(); } public String getAddress() { return NetworkUtils.ip2string(networkManager.getAddress()); } public void handleSimppVM(SimppVM simppVM) { throw new IllegalStateException("ForMeReplyHandler asked to send vendor message"); } /** * Returns <tt>true</tt> to indicate that this node is always stable. * Simply the fact that this method is being called indicates that the * code is alive and stable (I think, therefore I am...). * * @return <tt>true</tt> since, this node is always stable */ public boolean isStable() { return true; } public String getLocalePref() { return ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.get(); } /** * drops the message */ public void reply(Message m){} public byte[] getClientGUID() { return applicationServices.getMyGUID(); } }