package org.limewire.rudp; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import org.limewire.nio.NIODispatcher; import; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.RUDPMessageFactory; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.MessageFormatException; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.RUDPMessage; import org.limewire.rudp.messages.impl.DefaultMessageFactory; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; /** * <p>A default implementation of <code>UDPService</code>. * This implementation is basic and will not work in the real world. * You must provide an implementation that implements these methods correctly. * </p> * Messages are created using the <code>DefaultMessageFactory</code> * and handed off to the <code>UDPMultiplexor</code>. */ public class DefaultUDPService implements UDPService, ReadWriteObserver { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(DefaultUDPService.class); /** The MessageFactory this is using. */ private RUDPMessageFactory factory = new DefaultMessageFactory(); /** The DatagramChannel we're reading from & writing to. */ private DatagramChannel channel; /** The list of messages to be sent, as SendBundles. */ private final List<SendBundle> OUTGOING_MSGS; /** The buffer that's re-used for reading incoming messages. */ private final ByteBuffer BUFFER; /** The maximum size of a UDP message we'll accept. */ private final int BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 2; /** The dispatcher this dispatches msgs to. */ private final MessageDispatcher DISPATCHER; /** Constructs a new DefaultUDPService. */ public DefaultUDPService(MessageDispatcher dispatcher) { OUTGOING_MSGS = new LinkedList<SendBundle>(); byte[] backing = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; BUFFER = ByteBuffer.wrap(backing); DISPATCHER = dispatcher; } /** * Returns the port that the service is listening on. * This WILL NOT CORRECTLY FIGURE OUT THE EXTERNAL PORT. */ public int getStableListeningPort() { if(channel != null) return channel.socket().getLocalPort(); else return 0; } /** * Returns the address the service is listening on. * This WILL NOT CORRECTLY FIGURE OUT THE EXTERNAL ADDRESS. */ public InetAddress getStableListeningAddress() { if(channel != null) return channel.socket().getLocalAddress(); else { try { return InetAddress.getLocalHost(); } catch(UnknownHostException bad) { return null; } } } public boolean isListening() { return channel != null; } /** Always returns true. */ public boolean isNATTraversalCapable() { return true; } /** Starts the UDPService. */ public void start(int port) throws IOException { channel = getChannel(port); NIODispatcher.instance().registerReadWrite(channel, this); } /** Shuts down the UDPService. */ public void shutdown() { if(channel != null) { try { channel.close(); } catch(IOException ignored) {} } } /** Returns a new DatagramChannel that is bound to the given port. */ private DatagramChannel getChannel(int port) throws IOException { DatagramChannel channel =; channel.configureBlocking(false); DatagramSocket s = channel.socket(); s.setReceiveBufferSize(64*1024); s.setSendBufferSize(64*1024); s.setReuseAddress(true); s.bind(new InetSocketAddress(port)); return channel; } /** Notification that an IOException occurred while reading/writing. */ public void handleIOException(IOException iox) { if( !(iox instanceof java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException ) ) ErrorService.error(iox, "UDP Error."); else LOG.trace("Swallowing a UDPService ClosedChannelException", iox); } /** Notification that a read can happen. */ public void handleRead() throws IOException { while (true) { BUFFER.clear(); SocketAddress from; try { from = channel.receive(BUFFER); } catch (IOException iox) { break; } // no packet. if (from == null) break; if (!(from instanceof InetSocketAddress)) { ErrorService.error(new IllegalStateException("non inet address"), "from: " + from); continue; } InetSocketAddress addr = (InetSocketAddress) from; if (!NetworkUtils.isValidAddress(addr.getAddress())) continue; if (!NetworkUtils.isValidPort(addr.getPort())) continue; // Clone the buffer while creating, so the next message can be read using it. BUFFER.flip(); ByteBuffer clone = ByteBuffer.allocate(BUFFER.remaining()); clone.put(BUFFER); clone.flip(); RUDPMessage message = null; try { message = factory.createMessage(clone); } catch(MessageFormatException ignored) {} if(message != null) processMessage(message, addr); } } /** Processes a single message. */ protected void processMessage(RUDPMessage message, InetSocketAddress addr) { DISPATCHER.dispatch(message, addr); } /** * Sends the specified <tt>RUDPMessage</tt> to the specified host. * * @param msg the <tt>RUDPMessage</tt> to send * @param host the host to send the message to */ public void send(RUDPMessage msg, SocketAddress host) { if (msg == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null Message"); if (host == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null InetAddress"); if (!NetworkUtils.isValidSocketAddress(host)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid Port: " + host); if(channel == null || channel.socket().isClosed()) return; // ignore if not open. ByteBufferOutputStream baos = new ByteBufferOutputStream(); try { msg.write(baos); } catch(IOException impossible) { ErrorService.error(impossible); return; } ByteBuffer buffer = baos.getBuffer(); buffer.flip(); synchronized(OUTGOING_MSGS) { OUTGOING_MSGS.add(new SendBundle(buffer, host)); if(channel != null) NIODispatcher.instance().interestWrite(channel, true); } } /** Notification that a write can happen. */ public boolean handleWrite() throws IOException { synchronized(OUTGOING_MSGS) { while(!OUTGOING_MSGS.isEmpty()) { SendBundle bundle = OUTGOING_MSGS.remove(0); try { if(channel.send(bundle.buffer, bundle.addr) == 0) { // we removed the bundle from the list but couldn't send it, // so we have to put it back in. OUTGOING_MSGS.add(0, bundle); return true; // no room left to send. } } catch(IOException ignored) { LOG.warn("Ignoring exception on socket", ignored); } } // if there's no data left to send, we don't wanna be notified of write events. NIODispatcher.instance().interestWrite(channel, false); return false; } } /** Wrapper for outgoing data */ private static class SendBundle { private final ByteBuffer buffer; private final SocketAddress addr; SendBundle(ByteBuffer b, SocketAddress addr) { buffer = b; this.addr = addr; } } }