package com.limegroup.gnutella.messages.vendor; import; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import; import org.limewire.core.settings.ApplicationSettings; import; import org.limewire.service.ErrorService; import org.limewire.util.ByteUtils; import org.limewire.util.StringUtils; import; import; import; import com.limegroup.gnutella.ConnectionManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.Constants; import com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.Connection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.connection.RoutedConnection; import com.limegroup.gnutella.dht.DHTManager; import com.limegroup.gnutella.util.LimeWireUtils; @Singleton public class UDPCrawlerPongFactoryImpl implements UDPCrawlerPongFactory { private final Provider<DHTManager> dhtManager; private final Provider<ConnectionManager> connectionManager; @Inject public UDPCrawlerPongFactoryImpl(Provider<DHTManager> dhtManager, Provider<ConnectionManager> connectionManager) { this.dhtManager = dhtManager; this.connectionManager = connectionManager; } public UDPCrawlerPong createUDPCrawlerPong(UDPCrawlerPing request) { return new UDPCrawlerPong(request, derivePayload(request)); } private byte [] derivePayload(UDPCrawlerPing request) { //local copy of the requested format byte format = (byte)(request.getFormat() & UDPCrawlerPing.FEATURE_MASK); //get a list of all ultrapeers and leafs we have connections to List<RoutedConnection> endpointsUP = new LinkedList<RoutedConnection>(); List<RoutedConnection> endpointsLeaf = new LinkedList<RoutedConnection>(); //add only good ultrapeers or just those who support UDP pinging //(they support UDP ponging, obviously) boolean newOnly = request.hasNewOnly(); for(RoutedConnection c : connectionManager.get().getInitializedConnections()) { if (newOnly) { if (c.getConnectionCapabilities().remoteHostSupportsUDPCrawling() >= 1) endpointsUP.add(c); } else if (c.isGoodUltrapeer()) { endpointsUP.add(c); } } //add all leaves.. or not? for(RoutedConnection c : connectionManager.get().getInitializedClientConnections()) { //if (c.isGoodLeaf()) //uncomment if you decide you want only good leafs endpointsLeaf.add(c); } //the ping does not carry info about which locale to preference to, so we'll just //preference any locale. In reality we will probably have only connections only to //this host's pref'd locale so they will end up in the pong. if (!request.hasLocaleInfo()) { //do a randomized trim. if (request.getNumberUP() != UDPCrawlerPing.ALL && request.getNumberUP() < endpointsUP.size()) { //randomized trim int index = (int) Math.floor(Math.random()* (endpointsUP.size()-request.getNumberUP())); endpointsUP = endpointsUP.subList(index,index+request.getNumberUP()); } if (request.getNumberLeaves() != UDPCrawlerPing.ALL && request.getNumberLeaves() < endpointsLeaf.size()) { //randomized trim int index = (int) Math.floor(Math.random()* (endpointsLeaf.size()-request.getNumberLeaves())); endpointsLeaf = endpointsLeaf.subList(index,index+request.getNumberLeaves()); } } else { String myLocale = ApplicationSettings.LANGUAGE.get(); //move the connections with the locale pref to the head of the lists //we prioritize these disregarding the other criteria (such as isGoodUltrapeer, etc.) List<RoutedConnection> prefedcons = connectionManager.get().getInitializedConnectionsMatchLocale(myLocale); for(RoutedConnection c : prefedcons) { endpointsUP.remove(c); endpointsUP.add(0, c); } prefedcons = connectionManager.get().getInitializedClientConnectionsMatchLocale(myLocale); for(RoutedConnection c : prefedcons) { endpointsLeaf.remove(c); endpointsLeaf.add(0, c); } //then trim down to the requested number if (request.getNumberUP() != UDPCrawlerPing.ALL && request.getNumberUP() < endpointsUP.size()) endpointsUP = endpointsUP.subList(0,request.getNumberUP()); if (request.getNumberLeaves() != UDPCrawlerPing.ALL && request.getNumberLeaves() < endpointsLeaf.size()) endpointsLeaf = endpointsLeaf.subList(0,request.getNumberLeaves()); } //serialize the Endpoints to a byte [] int bytesPerResult = 6; if (request.hasConnectionTime()) bytesPerResult+=2; if (request.hasLocaleInfo()) bytesPerResult+=2; if (request.hasReplies()) bytesPerResult += 4; int index = 3; if(request.hasNodeUptime()) { index += 4; } if(request.hasDHTStatus()) { index++; } byte [] result = new byte[(endpointsUP.size()+endpointsLeaf.size())* bytesPerResult+index]; //write out metainfo result[0] = (byte)endpointsUP.size(); result[1] = (byte)endpointsLeaf.size(); result[2] = format; if(request.hasNodeUptime()) { long currentAverage = connectionManager.get().getCurrentAverageUptime()/1000L;//in sec if(currentAverage > Integer.MAX_VALUE) currentAverage = Integer.MAX_VALUE; ByteUtils.int2leb((int)currentAverage, result, 3); } if(request.hasDHTStatus()) { byte dhtStatus = 0x00; DHTManager manager = dhtManager.get(); if(manager.isRunning()) { switch (manager.getDHTMode()) { case ACTIVE: dhtStatus |= UDPCrawlerPong.DHT_ACTIVE_MASK; break; case PASSIVE: dhtStatus |= UDPCrawlerPong.DHT_PASSIVE_MASK; break; case PASSIVE_LEAF: dhtStatus |= UDPCrawlerPong.DHT_PASSIVE_LEAF_MASK; break; } if(!manager.isMemberOfDHT()) { dhtStatus |= UDPCrawlerPong.DHT_WAITING_MASK; } } result[index-1] = dhtStatus; } //cat the two lists endpointsUP.addAll(endpointsLeaf); //cache the call to currentTimeMillis() cause its not always cheap long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); for(RoutedConnection c : endpointsUP) { //pack each entry into a 6 byte array and add it to the result. System.arraycopy( NetworkUtils.getBytes(c.getInetAddress(), c.getPort(), java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN), 0, result, index, 6); index+=6; //add connection time if asked for //represent it as a short with the # of minutes if (request.hasConnectionTime()) { long uptime = now - c.getConnectionTime(); short packed = (short) ( uptime / Constants.MINUTE); ByteUtils.short2leb(packed, result, index); index+=2; } if (request.hasLocaleInfo()){ //I'm assuming the language code is always 2 bytes, no? System.arraycopy(StringUtils.toAsciiBytes(c.getLocalePref()),0,result,index,2); index+=2; } if (request.hasReplies()) { // pack the # of replies as reported up to Integer.MAX_VALUE ByteUtils.int2leb(ByteUtils.long2int(c.getConnectionMessageStatistics().getNumQueryReplies()), result,index); index += 4; } } //if the ping asked for user agents, copy the reported strings verbatim //in the same order as the results. if (request.hasUserAgent()) { StringBuilder agents = new StringBuilder(); for(Connection c : endpointsUP) { String agent = c.getConnectionCapabilities().getUserAgent(); agent = StringUtils.replace(agent,UDPCrawlerPong.AGENT_SEP,"\\"+UDPCrawlerPong.AGENT_SEP); agents.append(agent).append(UDPCrawlerPong.AGENT_SEP); } // append myself at the end agents.append(LimeWireUtils.getHttpServer()); //zip the string ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { GZIPOutputStream zout = new GZIPOutputStream(baos); byte [] length = new byte[2]; ByteUtils.short2leb((short)agents.length(),length,0); zout.write(length); zout.write(StringUtils.toAsciiBytes(agents.toString())); zout.flush(); zout.close(); }catch(IOException huh) { ErrorService.error(huh); } //put in the return payload. byte [] agentsB = baos.toByteArray(); byte [] resTemp = result; result = new byte[result.length+agentsB.length+2]; System.arraycopy(resTemp,0,result,0,resTemp.length); ByteUtils.short2leb((short)agentsB.length,result,resTemp.length); System.arraycopy(agentsB,0,result,resTemp.length+2,agentsB.length); } return result; } }