package org.molgenis.mutation.util; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.molgenis.mutation.dto.ExonDTO; public class SequenceUtils { private static final transient Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SequenceUtils.class.getSimpleName()); public static enum AminoAcid { GCT("A", "Ala"), GCC("A", "Ala"), GCA("A", "Ala"), GCG("A", "Ala"), CGT("R", "Arg"), CGC("R", "Arg"), CGA("R", "Arg"), CGG("R", "Arg"), AGA("R", "Arg"), AGG("R", "Arg"), AAT("N", "Asn"), AAC("N", "Asn"), GAT("D", "Asp"), GAC("D", "Asp"), TGT("C", "Cys"), TGC("C", "Cys"), CAA("Q", "Gln"), CAG("Q", "Gln"), GAA("E", "Glu"), GAG("E", "Glu"), GGT("G", "Gly"), GGC("G", "Gly"), GGA("G", "Gly"), GGG("G", "Gly"), CAT("H", "His"), CAC("H", "His"), ATT("I", "Ile"), ATC("I", "Ile"), ATA("I", "Ile"), TTA("L", "Leu"), TTG("L", "Leu"), CTT("L", "Leu"), CTC("L", "Leu"), CTA("L", "Leu"), CTG("L", "Leu"), AAA("K", "Lys"), AAG("K", "Lys"), ATG("M", "Met"), TTT("F", "Phe"), TTC("F", "Phe"), CCT("P", "Pro"), CCC("P", "Pro"), CCA("P", "Pro"), CCG("P", "Pro"), TCT("S", "Ser"), TCC("S", "Ser"), TCA("S", "Ser"), TCG("S", "Ser"), AGT("S", "Ser"), AGC("S", "Ser"), TAA("X", "Ter"), TAG("X", "Ter"), TGA("X", "Ter"), ACT("T", "Thr"), ACC("T", "Thr"), ACA("T", "Thr"), ACG("T", "Thr"), TGG("W", "Trp"), TAT("Y", "Tyr"), TAC("Y", "Tyr"), GTT("V", "Val"), GTC("V", "Val"), GTA("V", "Val"), GTG("V", "Val"); private final String code_1; private final String code_3; AminoAcid(String code_1, String code_3) { this.code_1 = code_1; this.code_3 = code_3; } public String getCode_1() { return this.code_1; } public String getCode_3() { return this.code_3; } } public static String getAminoAcid1(String codon) { for (AminoAcid aminoAcid : AminoAcid.values()) if ( return aminoAcid.getCode_1(); return "?"; } public static String getAminoAcid3(String codon) { for (AminoAcid aminoAcid : AminoAcid.values()) if ( return aminoAcid.getCode_3(); return "???"; } public static String toAminoAcid3(String code1) { for (AminoAcid aminoAcid : AminoAcid.values()) if (aminoAcid.getCode_1().equals(code1)) return aminoAcid.getCode_3(); return "???"; } /** * Convert a amino acid sequence in one-letter-notation to * three-letter-notation * * @param one * -letter-notation * @return three-letter-notation */ public static String convAaSequence(String seq) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); for (char aminoAcid : seq.toCharArray()) buf.append(SequenceUtils.toAminoAcid3(new Character(aminoAcid).toString())); return buf.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { String one = "MSVGELYSQCTRVWIPDPDEVWRSAELTKDYKEGDKSLQLRLEDETILEYPIDVQRNQLPFLRNPDILVGENDLTALSYLHEPAVLHNLKVRFLESNHIYTYCGIVLVAINPYEQLPIYGQDVIYTYSGQNMGDMDPHIFAVAEEAYKQMARDEKNQSIIVSGESGAGKTVSAKYAMRYFATVGGSASETNIEEKVLASSPIMEAIGNAKTTRNDNSSRFGKYIQIGFDKRYHIIGANMRTYLLEKSRVVFQADDERNYHIFYQLCAAAGLPEFKELALTSAEDFFYTSQGGDTSIEGVDDAEDFEKTRQAFTLLGVKESHQMSIFKIIASILHLGSVAIQAERDGDSCSISPQDVYLSNFCRLLGVEHSQMEHWLCHRKLVTTSETYVKTMSLQQVINARNALAKHIYAQLFGWIVEHINKALHTSLKQHSFIGVLDIYGFETFEVNSFEQFCINYANEKLQQQFNSHVFKLEQEEYMKEQIPWTLIDFYDNQPCIDLIEAKLGILDLLDEECKVPKGTDQNWAQKLYDRHSSSQHFQKPRMSNTAFIIVHFADKVEYLSDGFLEKNRDTVYEEQINILKASKFPLVADLFHDDKDPVPATTPGKGSSSKISVRSARPPMKVSNKEHKKTVGHQFRTSLHLLMETLNATTPHYVRCIKPNDEKLPFHFDPKRAVQQLRACGVLETIRISAAGYPSRWAYHDFFNRYRVLVKKRELANTDKKAICRSVLENLIKDPDKFQFGRTKIFFRAGQVAYLEKLRADKFRTATIMIQKTVRGWLQKVKYHRLKGATLTLQRYCRGHLARRLAEHLRRIRAAVVLQKHYRMQRARQAYQRVRRAAVVIQAFTRAMFVRRTYRQVLMEHKATTIQKHVRGWMARRHFQRLRDAAIVIQCAFRMLKARRELKALRIEARSAEHLKRLNVGMENKVVQLQRKIDEQNKEFKTLSEQLSVTTSTYTMEVERLKKELVHYQQSPGEDTSLRLQEEVESLRTELQRAHSERKILEDAHSREKDELRKRVADLEQENALLKDEKEQLNNQILCQSKDEFAQNSVKENLMKKELEEERSRYQNLVKEYSQLEQRYDNLRDEMTIIKQTPGHRRNPSNQSSLESDSNYPSISTSEIGDTEDALQQVEEIGLEKAAMDMTVFLKLQKRVRELEQERKKLQVQLEKREQQDSKKVQAEPPQTDIDLDPNADLAYNSLKRQELESENKKLKNDLNELRKAVADQATQNNSSHGSPDSYSLLLNQLKLAHEELEVRKEEVLILRTQIVSADQRRLAGRNAEPNINARSSWPNSEKHVDQEDAIEAYHGVCQTNSKTEDWGYLNEDGELGLAYQGLKQVARLLEAQLQAQSLEHEEEVEHLKAQLEALKEEMDKQQQTFCQTLLLSPEAQVEFGVQQEISRLTNENLDLKELVEKLEKNERKLKKQLKIYMKKAQDLEAAQALAQSERKRHELNRQVTVQRKEKDFQGMLEYHKEDEALLIRNLVTDLKPQMLSGTVPCLPAYILYMCIRHADYTNDDLKVHSLLTSTINGIKKVLKKHNDDFEMTSFWLSNTCRLLHCLKQYSGDEGFMTQNTAKQNEHCLKNFDLTEYRQVLSDLSIQIYQQLIKIAEGVLQPMIVSAMLENESIQGLSGVKPTGYRKRSSSMADGDNSYCLEAIIRQMNAFHTVMCDQGLDPEIILQVFKQLFYMINAVTLNNLLLRKDVCSWSTGMQLRYNISQLEEWLRGRNLHQSGAVQTMEPLIQAAQLLQLKKKTQEDAEAICSLCTSLSTQQIVKILNLYTPLNEFEERVTVAFIRTIQAQLQERNDPQQLLLDAKHMFPVLFPFNPSSLTMDSIHIPACLNLEFLNEV"; System.out.println(">>> three==" + SequenceUtils.convAaSequence(one)); String two = "erPheGluGlnPh"; System.out.println(">>> fulls==" + SequenceUtils.getNumFullAminoAcids(two) + ", parts==" + SequenceUtils.getNumPartAminoAcids(two)); } /** * Get the number of amino acids in given sequence, excluding the ones only * partially present * * @param sequence * @return Number of amino acids * @throws Exception */ public static int getNumFullAminoAcids(String sequence) { String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(sequence); if (tokens.length < 1) return 0; int numFullAas = tokens.length; if (tokens[0].length() < 3) numFullAas--; if (tokens[tokens.length - 1].length() < 3) numFullAas--; return numFullAas; } /** * Get the number of amino acids in given sequence, including the ones only * partially present * * @param sequence * @return Number of amino acids * @throws Exception */ public static Integer getNumPartAminoAcids(String sequence) { String[] tokens = StringUtils.splitByCharacterTypeCamelCase(sequence); return tokens.length; } /** * Get the number of Gly-X-Y repeats, i.e. the number of GlyXxxYyy repeats. * * @param sequence * @return number of Gly-X-Y repeats */ public static Integer getNumGlyXYRepeats(String sequence) { int numGly = 0; // counter for total number of Gly in sequence for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length(); i++) { int localNumGly = 0; int glyPos = StringUtils.indexOf(sequence, "Gly", i); while (glyPos + 8 < sequence.length()) { localNumGly++; glyPos = glyPos + 9; if (!StringUtils.substring(sequence, glyPos, glyPos + 3).equals("Gly")) break; } if (localNumGly > numGly) numGly = localNumGly; } return numGly; } /** * Splice sequence, i.e. remove intronic part which has to be in lowercase * letters * * @param sequence * @return spliced sequence */ public static String splice(String sequence) { String sequence2 = sequence; sequence2 = StringUtils.replace(sequence2, "a", ""); sequence2 = StringUtils.replace(sequence2, "c", ""); sequence2 = StringUtils.replace(sequence2, "g", ""); sequence2 = StringUtils.replace(sequence2, "t", ""); // TODO: Hardcoded removal of UTR of exon 1 // sequence2 = StringUtils.substring(sequence2, 108); return sequence2; } /** * Get the amino acid sequence (translate) for a spliced nucleotide sequence * * @param nuclSequence * @return amino acid sequence */ public static String translate(String nuclSequence) { String aaSequence = ""; for (int i = 0; i < nuclSequence.length() - 1; i = i + 3) { String codon = StringUtils.substring(nuclSequence, i, i + 3); aaSequence = aaSequence + SequenceUtils.getAminoAcid3(codon); } return aaSequence; } /** * Get index of first occurence of codon after given startCodonNum * * @param sequence * @param startCodonNum * @return codon number of first occurence, -1 if no match or null sequence * input */ public static int indexOfCodon(String sequence, String codon, int startCodonNum) { if (sequence == null || codon == null) return -1; int codonPos = StringUtils.indexOf(sequence, codon, startCodonNum * 3) + 1; // NT // pos // starts // at // 1 // not // 0 return SequenceUtils.getCodonNum(codonPos); } /** * Get the nucleotide at the given position starting at 1 * * @param sequence * @param indexOf * @return nucleotide */ public static String getNucleotide(String sequence, int indexOf) { return StringUtils.substring(sequence, indexOf - 1, indexOf); } /** * Get number of codon at given position * * @param position * @return codon number */ public static int getCodonNum(int position) { return new Double(Math.ceil(position / 3.0)).intValue(); } /** * Get the codon with the given number starting at 1 * * @param sequence * @param codonNum * @return codon */ public static String getCodon(String sequence, int codonNum) { int start = codonNum * 3 - 3; int end = start + 3; // 2; logger.debug("getCodon: start==" + start + ", end==" + end); return StringUtils.substring(sequence, start, end); /* * for (int i = 0; i < sequence.length(); i = i + 3) if ((i + 3) / 3 == * codonNum) return sequence.substring(i, i + 3); return ""; */ } /** * Get the codon at the given position starting at 0 * * @param sequence * @param position * @return codon */ public static String getCodonByPosition(String sequence, int position) { if (sequence == null) return ""; return StringUtils.substring(sequence, position, position + 3); } /** * Get the cDNA position. In case of an intronic position remove additive * part (e.g. 1234+5 -> 1234) * * @param position * @return cDNA position * @throws RESyntaxException */ public static int getCDNAPosition(String position) { Pattern reExon = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)$"); Pattern reIntron = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)([+-])(\\d+)$"); Matcher mExon = reExon.matcher(position); Matcher mIntron = reIntron.matcher(position); if (mExon.matches()) return new Integer(; else if (mIntron.matches()) return new Integer(; else return 0; } /** * Get position where 'add' has been added. * * @param position * @param add * @return Added position * @throws RESyntaxException */ public static String getAddedPosition(String position, Integer add) { Pattern reExon = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)$"); Pattern reIntron = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)([+-])(\\d+)$"); Matcher mExon = reExon.matcher(position); Matcher mIntron = reIntron.matcher(position); if (mExon.matches()) return new Integer(new Integer( + add).toString(); else if (mIntron.matches()) if ("-")) if (add < new Integer( return mIntron .group(1) + + (new Integer( - add.intValue()); else return String.valueOf(new Integer( - new Integer( + add.intValue()); else return + + (new Integer( + add.intValue()); else return "0"; } /** * Get the gDNA position. * * @param position * @param exon * @return gDNA position * @throws RESyntaxException */ public static int getGDNAPosition(String position, ExonDTO exonDTO) { Pattern reExon = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)$"); Pattern reIntron = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)([+-])(\\d+)$"); Matcher mExon = reExon.matcher(position); Matcher mIntron = reIntron.matcher(position); if (mExon.matches()) { if ("R".equals(exonDTO.getOrientation())) { // exon.gDNA - (mutation.cDNA - exon.cDNA) return Math.abs(exonDTO.getGdnaStart() - (Integer.valueOf( - exonDTO.getCdnaStart())); } else { // exon.gDNA + (mutation.cDNA - exon.cDNA) return Math.abs(exonDTO.getGdnaStart() + (Integer.valueOf( - exonDTO.getCdnaStart())); } } else if (mIntron.matches()) { if ("+")) { if ("R".equals(exonDTO.getOrientation())) { // intron.gdnaPos + 1 (back to exon) - difference ('+' means // downstream) return Math.abs(exonDTO.getGdnaStart() + 1 - Integer.valueOf(; } else { // intron.gdnaPos - 1 (start at last position of exon) + // difference ('+' means upstream) return Math.abs(exonDTO.getGdnaStart() - 1 + Integer.valueOf(; } } else { if ("R".equals(exonDTO.getOrientation())) { // intron.gdnaPos - intron.length + difference ('-' means // upstream) return Math.abs(exonDTO.getGdnaStart() - exonDTO.getLength() + Integer.valueOf(; } else { // intron.gdnaPos - difference ('-' means downstream) return Math.abs(exonDTO.getGdnaStart() - Integer.valueOf(; } } } else return 0; } /** * Get start position (in bases) of first triplet change in two sequences * * @param sequence1 * @param sequence2 * @return first triplet change position */ public static int getFirstTripletChange(String sequence1, String sequence2) { int changePos = StringUtils.indexOfDifference(sequence1, sequence2) + 1; int tripletChangePos = changePos % 3 > 0 ? changePos % 3 : 3; int tripletStart = changePos - tripletChangePos; return tripletStart; } }