package plugins.searchingForProxy; import gcc.catalogue.ShoppingCart; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import jxl.Workbook; import jxl.WorkbookSettings; import jxl.write.Label; import jxl.write.WritableSheet; import jxl.write.WritableWorkbook; import jxl.write.WriteException; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Database; import org.molgenis.framework.db.DatabaseException; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Query; import org.molgenis.framework.db.QueryRule; import org.molgenis.framework.db.QueryRule.Operator; import org.molgenis.framework.server.MolgenisRequest; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.PluginModel; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.ScreenController; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.ScreenMessage; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.JQueryTreeView; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.JQueryTreeViewElement; import org.molgenis.organization.Investigation; import org.molgenis.pheno.Category; import org.molgenis.pheno.Measurement; import org.molgenis.pheno.ObservedValue; import org.molgenis.protocol.Protocol; import org.molgenis.util.Entity; import org.molgenis.util.HttpServletRequestTuple; import org.molgenis.util.Tuple; import plugins.emeasure.EMeasureEntityWriter; //import org.molgenis.util.XlsWriter; public class treeViewProxyPlugin extends PluginModel<Entity> { private static final long serialVersionUID = -6143910771849972946L; private JQueryTreeView<JQueryTreeViewElement> treeView = null; private HashMap<String, Protocol> nameToProtocol; private HashMap<String, JQueryTreeViewElement> protocolsAndMeasurementsinTree; private List<Measurement> shoppingCart = new ArrayList<Measurement>(); private List<Investigation> arrayInvestigations = new ArrayList<Investigation>(); private List<String> listOfJSONs = new ArrayList<String>(); private JSONObject inheritance = new JSONObject(); private String selectedInvestigation = null; private String selectedPredictionModel = null; // private String InputToken = null; private String selectedField = null; private String SelectionName = "empty"; private boolean isSelectedInv = false; private List<String> arraySearchFields = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> listOfPredictionModels = new ArrayList<String>(); private List<String> SearchFilters = new ArrayList<String>(); private String Status = ""; private String appLoc; /** * Multiple inheritance: some measurements might have multiple parents * therefore it will complain about the branch already exists when * constructing the tree, cheating by changing the name of the branch but * keeping display name the same */ private HashMap<String, Integer> multipleInheritance = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); private List<JQueryTreeViewElement> directChildrenOfTop = new ArrayList<JQueryTreeViewElement>(); private List<String> listOfMeasurements = new ArrayList<String>(); public treeViewProxyPlugin(String name, ScreenController<?> parent) { super(name, parent); } public String getCustomHtmlHeaders() { return "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" style=\"text/css\" href=\"res/css/download_list.css\">"; } @Override public String getViewName() { return "plugins_searchingForProxy_treeViewProxyPlugin"; } @Override public String getViewTemplate() { return "plugins/searchingForProxy/treeViewProxyPlugin.ftl"; } @Override public void handleRequest(Database db, Tuple request) throws Exception { System.out.println(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Handle request<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<" + request); appLoc = ((MolgenisRequest) request).getAppLocation(); List<Measurement> allMeasList = db.find(Measurement.class, new QueryRule(Measurement.INVESTIGATION_NAME, Operator.EQUALS, selectedInvestigation)); // for now the cohorts are investigations if ("cohortSelect".equals(request.getAction())) { System.out.println("----------------------" + request); selectedInvestigation = request.getString("cohortSelectSubmit"); this.setSelectedInvestigation(selectedInvestigation); System.out.println("The selected investigation is : " + selectedInvestigation); arrayInvestigations.clear(); } else if (request.getAction().equals("chooseInvestigation")) { selectedInvestigation = request.getString("selectedStudy"); selectedPredictionModel = request.getString("selectedModel"); this.setSelectedInvestigation(selectedInvestigation); arrayInvestigations.clear(); } else if (request.getAction().equals("downloadButtonEMeasure")) { // do output stream ourselves MolgenisRequest req = (MolgenisRequest) request; HttpServletResponse response = req.getResponse(); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(""); Date date = new Date(); response.setContentType("application/x-download"); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "EMeasure_" + dateFormat.format(date) + ".xml"); // Make E-Measure XML file List<Measurement> selectedMeasList = new ArrayList<Measurement>(); for (Measurement m : allMeasList) { if (request.getBool(m.getId().toString()) != null) { selectedMeasList.add(m); } } EMeasureEntityWriter eMeasureWriter = new EMeasureEntityWriter(response.getWriter()); eMeasureWriter.writeMeasurements(selectedMeasList); } else if (request.getAction().equals("downloadButton")) { WorkbookSettings ws = new WorkbookSettings(); ws.setLocale(new Locale("en", "EN")); File tmpDir = new File(System.getProperty("")); File mappingResult = new File(tmpDir + File.separator + "selectedVariables.xls"); WritableWorkbook workbook = Workbook.createWorkbook(mappingResult, ws); WritableSheet outputExcel = workbook.createSheet("Sheet1", 0); int startingRow = 1; outputExcel.addCell(new Label(0, 0, "Selected variables")); outputExcel.addCell(new Label(1, 0, "Descriptions")); outputExcel.addCell(new Label(1, 0, "Sector/Protocol")); for (Measurement m : allMeasList) { if (request.getBool(m.getId().toString()) != null) { outputExcel.addCell(new Label(0, startingRow, m.getName())); if (m.getDescription() != null) { outputExcel.addCell(new Label(1, startingRow, m.getDescription())); } else { outputExcel.addCell(new Label(1, startingRow, "")); } startingRow++; } } // setMessages(new ScreenMessage("Your request has been downloaded", // true)); workbook.write(); workbook.close(); HttpServletRequestTuple rt = (HttpServletRequestTuple) request; HttpServletResponse httpResponse = rt.getResponse(); // System.out.println(">>> " + this.getParent().getName()+ // "or >>> "+ this.getSelected().getLabel()); // String redirectURL = httpRequest.getRequestURL() + "?__target=" + // this.getParent().getName() + "&select=MeasurementsDownloadForm"; String redirectURL = "tmpfile/selectedVariables.xls"; httpResponse.sendRedirect(redirectURL); } else if ("SaveSelectionSubmit".equals(request.getAction())) { if (!this.getLogin().isAuthenticated()) { this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage( "You must register in order to save a selection. Please select register from the main menu. ", true)); this.setStatus("<h4> You must register in order to save a selection. Please select register from the main menu. " + "</h4>"); } else { try { this.setSelectionName("empty"); if (request.getString("SelectionName") != null) { this.setSelectionName(request.getString("SelectionName").trim()); System.out.println("The SelectionName is >>> : " + this.getSelectionName()); System.out.println("Selection request >>>>>>" + request); } else { // this.setError("Please insert a name for your selection and try again."); this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage( "No name was inserted for the selection. An automatic name will be generated. ", true)); this.setStatus("<h4> No name was inserted for the selection. An automatic name will be generated. " + "</h4>"); } DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH:mm:ss"); Date dat = new Date(); String dateOfDownload = dateFormat.format(dat); System.out.println("selected investigaton >>>> " + selectedInvestigation); this.addMeasurementsForDownload(db, request, selectedInvestigation, dateOfDownload, this.getSelectionName()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (WriteException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } else if (request.getAction().startsWith("DeleteMeasurement")) { String measurementName = request.getString("measurementName"); measurementName = request.getAction().substring( "DeleteMeasurement".length() + 2 + "measurementName".length(), request.getAction().length()); this.deleteShoppingItem(measurementName); } } @Override public void reload(Database db) { // where is request oeo??? // request content: select='CatalogueTreePlugin' measurementId='1' // __target='main' // this.getParent().getRoot().getModel().getController() // Login login = // (Login)request.getRequest().getSession().getAttribute("login"); // db.getLogin().getClass().getGenericSuperclass().g System.out.println("-------------In reload---------------------" + appLoc); try { // if (this.request!=null && this.request.getString("measurementId") // != null) { // System.out.println("-request.getString(measurementId-----------" // + request.getString("measurementId")); // } // default set selected investigation to first if (this.getSelectedInvestigation() == null) { List<Investigation> listOfInvestigation = db.query(Investigation.class).find(); if (listOfInvestigation.size() > 0) { for (Investigation inv : listOfInvestigation) { if (db.find(Protocol.class, new QueryRule(Protocol.INVESTIGATION_NAME, Operator.EQUALS, inv.getName())).size() > 0) { this.setSelectedInvestigation(inv.getName()); break; } } } } if (selectedPredictionModel == null) { List<Protocol> predictionModelInv = db.find(Protocol.class, new QueryRule(Protocol.INVESTIGATION_NAME, Operator.EQUALS, "Prediction Model")); listOfPredictionModels.clear(); for (Protocol p : predictionModelInv) { listOfPredictionModels.add(p.getName()); } if (listOfPredictionModels.size() > 0) { selectedPredictionModel = listOfPredictionModels.get(0); } } arraySearchFields.clear(); // this.searchingInvestigation = null; // this.selectedInvestigation = null; arraySearchFields.add("All fields"); arraySearchFields.add("Protocols"); arraySearchFields.add("Measurements"); arraySearchFields.add("Details"); this.arrayInvestigations.clear(); for (Investigation i : db.find(Investigation.class)) { this.arrayInvestigations.add(i); } RetrieveProtocols(db); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * This method is used to retrieve all the protocols from the database. * Protocol is a bunch of measurements in Molgenis system, some of which * could have sub-protocols. Therefore three different kinds of protocols * are defined in the method to find the topmost protocols (the ancestors of * all the protocols), which are stored in variable topProtocols. The * topmost protocols are the starting point of the tree. The tree extends to * the next level down with sub-protocols. Until the last level of tree * (last branch in the tree), the measurements are stored in there. The * topmost protocols are passed to the another method called * resursiveAddingNodesToTree, which could recursively add new branches to * the tree. * * @param db * @param mode */ public void RetrieveProtocols(Database db) { List<String> topProtocols = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> bottomProtocols = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> middleProtocols = new ArrayList<String>(); inheritance = new JSONObject(); protocolsAndMeasurementsinTree = new HashMap<String, JQueryTreeViewElement>(); multipleInheritance.clear(); listOfMeasurements.clear(); nameToProtocol = new HashMap<String, Protocol>(); try { Query<Protocol> q = db.query(Protocol.class); q.addRules(new QueryRule(Protocol.INVESTIGATION_NAME, Operator.EQUALS, this.selectedInvestigation)); // Iterate through all the found protocols for (Protocol p : q.find()) { if (!p.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("generic")) { setSelectedInv(true); List<String> subNames = p.getSubprotocols_Name(); // keep a record of each protocol in a hashmap. Later on we // could reference to the Protocol by name if (!nameToProtocol.containsKey(p.getName())) { nameToProtocol.put(p.getName(), p); } /** * Algorithm to find the topmost protocols. There are three * kind of protocols needed. 1. The protocols that are * parents of other protocols 2. The protocols that are * children of some other protocols and at the same time are * parents of some other protocols 3. The protocols that are * only children of other protocols Therefore we could do * protocol2 = protocol2.removeAll(protocol3) ----> parent * protocols but not topmost we then do protocol1 = * protocol1.removeAll(protocol2) topmost parent protocols */ if (!subNames.isEmpty()) { if (!topProtocols.contains(p.getName())) { topProtocols.add(p.getName()); } for (String subProtocol : subNames) { if (!middleProtocols.contains(subProtocol)) { middleProtocols.add(subProtocol); } } } else { if (!bottomProtocols.contains(p.getName())) { bottomProtocols.add(p.getName()); } } } middleProtocols.removeAll(bottomProtocols); topProtocols.removeAll(middleProtocols); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Create a starting point of the tree! The root of the tree! JQueryTreeViewElement protocolsTree = new JQueryTreeViewElement("Study_" + this.getSelectedInvestigation().replaceAll(" ", "_"), "", null); protocolsTree.setLabel("Study: " + this.getSelectedInvestigation()); // Variable indicating whether the input token has been found. boolean foundInputToken = false; if (topProtocols.size() == 0) { // The protocols don`t have // sub-protocols and we could directly // find the measurements of protocols recursiveAddingNodesToTree(bottomProtocols, protocolsTree.getName(), protocolsTree, db, foundInputToken); } else { // The protocols that have sub-protocols, then we recursively // find sub-protocols recursiveAddingNodesToTree(topProtocols, protocolsTree.getName(), protocolsTree, db, foundInputToken); } directChildrenOfTop = protocolsTree.getChildren(); System.out.println(protocolsTree.getName()); System.out.println(">>>Protocols tree: " + protocolsTree + "tree elements: " + protocolsTree.getTreeElements().containsKey("Questionnaire")); boolean freshTree = false; for (JQueryTreeViewElement element : directChildrenOfTop) { if (protocolsTree.getTreeElements().containsKey(element.getName())) { freshTree = true; } } if (freshTree) { // After traverse through the tree, all the elements should have // fallen // in the right places of the tree, now create the tree view treeView = new JQueryTreeView<JQueryTreeViewElement>("Protocols", protocolsTree); } else { // Search result is empty or tree is empty this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage( "There are no results to show. Please, redifine your search or import some data.", true)); this.setStatus("<h4> There are no results to show. Please, redifine your search or import some data." + "</h4>"); this.setError("There are no results to show. Please, redifine your search or import some data."); } } /** * This method is used to recursively find all the sub-protocols of topmost * protocols by recursively calling itself. The method returns a boolean * value to indicate whether the input token has been found in its * sub-nodes. * * @param nextNodes * @param parentClassName * @param parentNode * @param db * @param foundTokenInParentProtocol * found token in parent protocol but not in its sub-protocols or * measurements. * @param mode * @return */ public void recursiveAddingNodesToTree(List<String> nextNodes, String parentClassName, JQueryTreeViewElement parentNode, Database db, boolean foundTokenInParentProtocol) { // Create a findInputInNextAllToken variable to keep track of whether // the sub-nodes contain any input token. If neither of the children // contains the input token // this variable should be false. // boolean findInputTokenInNextAllNodes = false; // Create a variable to keep track of ONLY ONE sub-node of the current // node. If the variable is false, that means there is no token found in // this one branch. // Loop through all the nodes on this level. for (String protocolName : nextNodes) { Protocol protocol = nameToProtocol.get(protocolName); JQueryTreeViewElement childTree = null; if (protocol != null) { /** * Resolve the issue of duplicated names in the tree. For any * sub-protocols or measurements could belong to multiple parent * class, so it`ll throw an error if we try to create the same * element twice Therefore we need to give a unique identifier * to the tree element but assign the same value to the display * name. */ if (protocolsAndMeasurementsinTree.containsKey(protocolName)) { if (!multipleInheritance.containsKey(protocolName)) { multipleInheritance.put(protocolName, 1); } else { int number = multipleInheritance.get(protocolName); multipleInheritance.put(protocolName, ++number); } childTree = new JQueryTreeViewElement(protocolName + "_identifier_" + multipleInheritance.get(protocolName), protocolName, protocol.getId().toString() + "_identifier_" + multipleInheritance.get(protocolName), parentNode); } else { // The tree first time is being created. childTree = new JQueryTreeViewElement(protocolName, protocol.getId().toString(), parentNode); childTree.setCollapsed(true); protocolsAndMeasurementsinTree.put(protocolName, childTree); } if (protocolName.equalsIgnoreCase("GenericDCM")) { childTree.setCheckBox(true); } if (protocolName.equalsIgnoreCase("stageCatalogue")) { childTree.setCheckBox(true); } // else{ // childTree.setCheckBox(false); // } if (childTree.getParent().getCheckBox()) { childTree.setCheckBox(true); } if (!protocolName.equals(parentClassName)) { boolean subProtocolRepeatProtocol = false; // find all the sub-protocols and recursively call itself if (protocol.getSubprotocols_Name() != null && protocol.getSubprotocols_Name().size() > 0) { List<String> subProtocolNames = protocol.getSubprotocols_Name(); if (subProtocolNames.contains(protocolName)) { subProtocolRepeatProtocol = true; } if (subProtocolNames.contains(parentClassName)) { subProtocolNames.remove(parentClassName); } recursiveAddingNodesToTree(subProtocolNames, protocol.getName(), childTree, db, foundTokenInParentProtocol); } // On the last branch of the tree, we`ll find measurements // and // add them to the tree. if (subProtocolRepeatProtocol == false && protocol.getFeatures_Name() != null && protocol.getFeatures_Name().size() > 0) { // error // checking addingMeasurementsToTree(protocol.getFeatures_Name(), childTree, db, false); // .. // so // normally // it // goes // always // this way } } else if (protocolName.equals(parentClassName)) { if (protocol.getFeatures_Name() != null && protocol.getFeatures_Name().size() > 0) { // error // checking addingMeasurementsToTree(protocol.getFeatures_Name(), childTree, db, false); // .. // so // normally // it // goes // always // this way } } } } } /** * this is adding the measurements as references in * recursiveAddingNodesToTree(). * * @param childNode * @param parentNode * @param db * @throws DatabaseException */ public boolean addingMeasurementsToTree(List<String> childNode, JQueryTreeViewElement parentNode, Database db, boolean foundInParent) { // Create a variable to store the boolean value with which we could know // whether we need to skip these measurements of the protocol. // if none of the measurements contain input token, it`s false meaning // these measurements will not be shown in the tree. boolean findTokenInMeasurements = false; // indicate with the input token has been found in detail information in // the measurement. // boolean findTokenInDetailInformation = false; // This variables store the measurements that conform to the // requirements by the mode that has been selected. // For example, it only contains the measurement where the input token // has been found under mode searchingMeasurement // List<String> filteredNode = new ArrayList<String>(); try { List<Measurement> measurementList = db.find(Measurement.class, new QueryRule(Measurement.NAME, Operator.IN, childNode)); List<Measurement> filteredMeasurementsList = new ArrayList<Measurement>(); for (Measurement m : measurementList) { if (m.getName().equals("PA_ID") || m.getName().equals("ID") || m.getName().equals("BEZOEKNR")) { } else { filteredMeasurementsList.add(m); // FILTERED LIST WITHOUT // PA_ID, ID and // BEZOEKNR } } for (Measurement measurement : filteredMeasurementsList) { // reset the the variable to false // findTokenInDetailInformation = false; JQueryTreeViewElement childTree = null; // Query the display name! For some measurements, the labels // were stored in the observedValue with feature_name // "display name". If the display name is not available, we`ll // use the measurement name as label String displayName = ""; if (measurement.getLabel() != null && !measurement.getLabel().equals("")) { displayName = measurement.getLabel(); } else { displayName = measurement.getName(); } String description = ""; if (measurement.getDescription() != null) description = measurement.getDescription(); // Check if the tree has already had the treeElement with the // same name cos the name can not be duplicated in // jquery tree here. Therefore if the element already existed, a // suffix will be added at the end of string to // make the name unique // displayName = displayName.replaceAll("[%#]", ""); String uniqueName = ""; if (displayName.equalsIgnoreCase("VALCOMM_1")) { System.out.println(); } if (protocolsAndMeasurementsinTree.containsKey(displayName)) { if (!multipleInheritance.containsKey(displayName)) { multipleInheritance.put(displayName, 1); } else { int number = multipleInheritance.get(displayName); multipleInheritance.put(displayName, ++number); } childTree = new JQueryTreeViewElement(displayName + "_identifier_" + multipleInheritance.get(displayName), displayName, measurement.getId().toString() + "_identifier_" + multipleInheritance.get(displayName), parentNode); uniqueName = displayName + "_identifier_" + multipleInheritance.get(displayName); listOfMeasurements.add(uniqueName); } else { childTree = new JQueryTreeViewElement(displayName, measurement.getId().toString(), parentNode); uniqueName = displayName; listOfMeasurements.add(displayName); protocolsAndMeasurementsinTree.put(displayName, childTree); } // Query the all the detail information about this measurement, // in molgenis terminology, the detail information // are all the observedValue and some of the fields from the // measurement String htmlValue = null; htmlValue = htmlTableForTreeInformation(db, measurement, uniqueName); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); try { json.put(uniqueName.replaceAll(" ", "_"), htmlValue); inheritance.put(uniqueName.replaceAll(" ", "_"), htmlValue); // json.put("tableID", measurement.getName().replaceAll(" ", // "_") + "_table"); // json.put("table", htmlValue); } catch (JSONException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } listOfJSONs.add(json.toString()); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Return this round searching result back to the parent node return findTokenInMeasurements; } /** * This method is used to create a html table populated with all the * information about one specific measurement * * @param db * @param measurement * @return * @throws DatabaseException */ public String htmlTableForTreeInformation(Database db, Measurement measurement, String nodeName) throws DatabaseException { List<String> categoryNames = measurement.getCategories_Name(); String measurementDescription = measurement.getDescription(); String measurementDataType = measurement.getDataType(); String displayName = measurement.getName(); if (measurement.getLabel() != null && !measurement.getLabel().equals("")) { displayName = measurement.getLabel(); } // String htmlValue = "<table id = 'detailInformation' border = 2>" + String htmlValue = "<table style='border-spacing: 2px; width: 100%;' class='MeasurementDetails' id = '" + nodeName + "_table'>"; htmlValue += "<tr><td class='box-body-label'>Current selection:</th><td id=\"" + nodeName + "_itemName\"style=\"cursor:pointer\">" + displayName + "</td></tr>"; if (categoryNames.size() > 0) { List<Category> listOfCategory = db.find(Category.class, new QueryRule(Category.NAME, Operator.IN, categoryNames)); htmlValue += "<tr id='" + nodeName + "_category'><td class='box-body-label'>Category:</td><td><table>"; String missingCategory = "<tr><td class='box-body-label'>Missing category:</td><td><table>"; for (Category c : listOfCategory) { String codeString = c.getCode_String(); if (!codeString.equals("")) { codeString += " = "; } if (!c.getIsMissing()) { htmlValue += "<tr><td>"; htmlValue += codeString + c.getDescription(); htmlValue += "</td></tr>"; } else { missingCategory += "<tr><td>"; missingCategory += codeString + c.getDescription(); missingCategory += "</td></tr>"; } } htmlValue += "</table></td></tr>"; htmlValue += missingCategory + "</table>"; } htmlValue += "<tr id='" + nodeName + "_description'><td class='box-body-label'>Description:</td><td>" + (measurementDescription == null ? "not provided" : measurementDescription) + "</td></tr>"; htmlValue += "<tr id='" + nodeName + "_dataType'><td class='box-body-label'>Data type:</th><td>" + measurementDataType + "</td></tr>"; Query<ObservedValue> queryDetailInformation = db.query(ObservedValue.class); queryDetailInformation .addRules(new QueryRule(ObservedValue.TARGET_NAME, Operator.EQUALS, measurement.getName())); if (!queryDetailInformation.find().isEmpty()) { for (ObservedValue ov : queryDetailInformation.find()) { String featureName = ov.getFeature_Name(); String value = ov.getValue(); if (featureName.startsWith("SOP")) { htmlValue += "<tr><td class='box-body-label'>" + featureName + "</td><td><a href=" + value + ">" + value + "</a></td></tr>"; } else { if (featureName.startsWith("display name")) { featureName = "display name"; } // htmlValue += "<tr><td class='box-body-label'>" + // featureName + "</td><td> " // + value + "</td></tr>"; } } } htmlValue += "</table>"; return htmlValue; } public String getTreeView() { List<String> selected = new ArrayList<String>(); // don't select, is confusing... // for (Measurement m : shoppingCart) { // selected.add(m.getName()); // } String htmlTreeView = treeView.toHtml(selected); // This piece of javascript need to be here because some java calls are // needed. // String measurementClickEvent = "<script>"; // // List<String> uniqueMeasurementName = new ArrayList<String>(); // // System.out.println("listOfMeasurements>>>"+listOfMeasurements); // // for(String eachMeasurement : listOfMeasurements){ // // if(!uniqueMeasurementName.contains(eachMeasurement)){ // // uniqueMeasurementName.add(eachMeasurement); // // if(eachMeasurement.equals("Year partner son daughter 3")){ // System.out.println(); // } // measurementClickEvent += "$('#" + eachMeasurement.replaceAll(" ", // "_") + "').click(function() {" // + "getHashMapContent(\"" + eachMeasurement + "\");});" // + ""; // } // } // measurementClickEvent += "</script>"; // // htmlTreeView += measurementClickEvent; return htmlTreeView; } /** * * @param db * @param request * @param selectedInvestigation * @param dateOfDownload * @param selectionName * @param x * @throws Exception */ private void addMeasurementsForDownload(Database db, Tuple request, String selectedInvestigation, String dateOfDownload, String selectionName) throws Exception { // fill shopping cart using selected selectboxes (measurements) // the ID's and names of the selectboxes are the same as the measurement // names, // so we can easily get them from the request this.shoppingCart.clear(); List<Measurement> allMeasList = db.find(Measurement.class); for (Measurement m : allMeasList) { if (request.getBool(m.getId().toString()) != null) { this.shoppingCart.add(m); } } List<Integer> DownloadedMeasurementIds = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (this.shoppingCart.isEmpty()) { this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage("Your download list is empty. Please select item and proceed to download", true)); this.setStatus("<h4> Your download list is empty. Please select item and proceed to download" + "</h4>"); this.setError("Your download list is empty. Please select item and proceed to download"); } else { // System.out.println("DownloadedMeasurementIds >>>: " + // this.shoppingCart); for (Measurement m : this.shoppingCart) { DownloadedMeasurementIds.add(m.getId()); // x.writeRow(m);// // System.out.println("DownloadedMeasurementIds >>>: " + // m.getId()); } // REWRITE SO USERS CAN HAVE MULTIPLE SHOPPINGCARTS-- there are no // shopping carts any more . // Query<ShoppingCart> q = db.query(ShoppingCart.class); // // q.addRules(new QueryRule(ShoppingCart.USERID, Operator.EQUALS, // this.getLogin().getUserName())); // q.addRules(new // QueryRule(ShoppingCart.CHECKEDOUT, Operator.EQUALS, false)); List<ShoppingCart> result = new ArrayList<ShoppingCart>(); // q.find(); System.out.println("save selection step 0"); if (result.isEmpty()) { String shoppingCartName; // Add to database ShoppingCart shoppingCart = new ShoppingCart(); if (selectionName.compareTo("empty") == 0) { shoppingCartName = this.getLogin().getUserName() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); } else { shoppingCartName = selectionName; } shoppingCart.setName(shoppingCartName); System.out.println("save selection step1"); // shoppingCart.setMeasurements(DownloadedMeasurementIds); shoppingCart.setMeasurements_Id(DownloadedMeasurementIds); shoppingCart.setUserID(this.getLogin().getUserName()); // shoppingCart.setCheckedOut(false); // shoppingCart.setDateOfOrder(dateOfDownload); System.out.println("save selection step2"); shoppingCart.setApproved(false); // check for duplicates Query<ShoppingCart> q = db.query(ShoppingCart.class); q.addRules(new QueryRule(ShoppingCart.NAME, Operator.EQUALS, shoppingCartName)); if (q.find().size() > 0) { // if user selection already exists use an automated name String shoppingCartName2 = this.getLogin().getUserName() + "_" + System.currentTimeMillis(); this.setError("A user selection with name : " + shoppingCartName + " already exists. An automatic generated name will be used: " + shoppingCartName2); // this.getModel().getMessages().add(new // ScreenMessage("A user selection with name : "+ // shoppingCartName // +" already exists. Please insert another name for your selection and try again.", // true)); this.setStatus("<h4> A user selection with name : " + shoppingCartName + " already exists. An automatic generated name will be used: " + shoppingCartName2 + "</h4>"); shoppingCartName = shoppingCartName2; } else { try { db.add(shoppingCart); // System.out.println("Download list has been added to the DB"); this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage("Selection saved to 'My Selections' under name " + shoppingCartName, true)); this.setStatus("<h4> Selection saved to 'My Selections' under name " + shoppingCartName + "</h4>"); this.setSuccess("Selection saved to 'My Selections' under name " + shoppingCartName); } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } else { ShoppingCart shoppingCart = result.get(0); // assuming user can // have only one // shopping cart // that's NOT // checked out // shoppingCart.setMeasurements(DownloadedMeasurementIds); shoppingCart.setMeasurements_Id(DownloadedMeasurementIds); db.update(shoppingCart); this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage("Selection saved to 'My Selections' under name " + shoppingCart.getName() + "You can browse them from menu \"My selections\"", true)); this.setStatus("<h4> Selection saved to 'My Selections' under name " + shoppingCart.getName() + "You can browse them from menu \"My selections\"" + "</h4>"); this.setSuccess("Selection saved to 'My Selections' under name " + shoppingCart.getName() + "You can browse them from menu \"My selections\""); // System.out.println("Shopping cart has been updated in the DB"); } HttpServletRequestTuple rt = (HttpServletRequestTuple) request; HttpServletRequest httpRequest = rt.getRequest(); HttpServletResponse httpResponse = rt.getResponse(); // System.out.println(">>> " + this.getParent().getName()+ // "or >>> "+ this.getSelected().getLabel()); // String redirectURL = httpRequest.getRequestURL() + "?__target=" + // this.getParent().getName() + "&select=MeasurementsDownloadForm"; String redirectURL = httpRequest.getRequestURL() + "?__target=" + "Downloads" + "&select=MeasurementsDownloadForm"; httpResponse.sendRedirect(redirectURL); } } private void deleteShoppingItem(String selected) { // search the item for (int i = 0; i < this.shoppingCart.size(); i++) { if (this.shoppingCart.get(i).getName().equals(selected)) { this.shoppingCart.remove(i); this.getModel() .getMessages() .add(new ScreenMessage("The item \"" + selected + "\" has been successfully removed from your shopping cart", true)); this.setStatus("<h4> The item \"" + selected + "\" has been successfully removed from your shopping cart" + "</h4>"); } } } public List<Measurement> getShoppingCart() { return shoppingCart; } public void setArrayInvestigations(List<Investigation> arrayInvestigations) { this.arrayInvestigations = arrayInvestigations; } public List<Investigation> getArrayInvestigations() { return arrayInvestigations; } public void setSelectedInv(boolean isSelectedInv) { this.isSelectedInv = isSelectedInv; } public boolean isSelectedInv() { return isSelectedInv; } public String getSelectedInvestigation() { return selectedInvestigation; } public void setSelectedInvestigation(String selectedInvestigation) { this.selectedInvestigation = selectedInvestigation; } public void setArraySearchFields(List<String> arraySearchFields) { this.arraySearchFields = arraySearchFields; } public List<String> getArraySearchFields() { return arraySearchFields; } // public void setInputToken(String inputToken) { // InputToken = inputToken; // } // // public String getInputToken() { // return InputToken; // } public void setSelectedField(String selectedField) { this.selectedField = selectedField; } public String getSelectedField() { return selectedField; } public List<String> getFilters() { // if (!SearchFilters.isEmpty()) { // return this.SearchFilters; // } // return "filters"; return SearchFilters; } public String getInheritance() { return inheritance.toString(); } // @Override // public boolean isVisible() // { // // always visible // return true; // } // // @Override // public boolean isVisible() // { // //you can use this to hide this plugin, e.g. based on user rights. // //e.g. // //if(!this.getLogin().hasEditPermission(myEntity)) return false; // if (!this.getLogin().isAuthenticated()) { // return false; // } // return true; // } public List<String> getListOfJSONs() { return listOfJSONs; } public void setSelectionName(String selectionName) { SelectionName = selectionName; } public String getSelectionName() { return SelectionName; } public List<String> getListOfPredictionModels() { return listOfPredictionModels; } public String getSelectedPredictionModel() { return selectedPredictionModel; } public void setStatus(String status) { Status = status; } public String getStatus() { return Status; } // /** // * This function is used by the user interface template to show rules on // the // * screen. // * // * @return a list of query rules that can be managed by the user. // * @throws DatabaseException // */ // public Vector<String> getFilters() throws DatabaseException // { // Vector<String> filters = new Vector<String>(); // //Map<String, String> nameLabelMap = new TreeMap<String, String>(); // // if (mode == SEARCHINGDETAIL) filters.add("SearchingDetail"); // else if (mode != SEARCHINGPROTOCOL) filters.add("SearchingProtocol"); // else if (mode == SEARCHINGMEASUREMENT) // filters.add("SearchingMeasurement"); // else if (mode == SEARCHINGDETAIL) filters.add("SearchingDetail"); // else if (mode == SEARCHINGALL) filters.add("SearchingAll"); // // //filters.add(label + " " + rule.getOperator().toString() + " "+ // rule.getValue()); // // // // return filters; // } }