package org.molgenis.compute.workflowgenerator; import org.molgenis.compute.ComputeJob; import org.molgenis.compute.ComputeParameter; import org.molgenis.compute.ComputeProtocol; import org.molgenis.compute.monitor.*; import org.molgenis.compute.pipelinemodel.*; import org.molgenis.compute.scriptserver.MCF; import org.molgenis.compute.monitor.ComputeAppPaths; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Database; import org.molgenis.framework.db.DatabaseException; import org.molgenis.pheno.ObservedValue; import org.molgenis.protocol.Workflow; import org.molgenis.protocol.WorkflowElement; import org.molgenis.protocol.WorkflowElementParameter; import org.molgenis.util.HttpServletRequestTuple; import org.molgenis.util.Tuple; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. User: georgebyelas Date: 18/10/2011 Time: 10:43 To * change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class WorkflowGeneratorDB { private static final String INTERPRETER_BASH = "bash"; private static final String INTERPRETER_R = "R"; private static final String INTERPRETER_JDL = "jdl"; public static final String ENV_CLUSTER = "cluster"; public static final String ENV_GRID = "grid"; private String env = null; private boolean flagJustGenerate = false; private static final String LOG = "log";// reserved word for logging feature // type used in ComputeFeature private static final String DATE_FORMAT_NOW = "yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss"; private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_NOW); // format to run pipeline in compute private Pipeline pipeline = null; private Step currentStep = null; private String strCurrentPipelineStep = "INITIAL"; private int pipelineElementNumber = 0; private int stepNumber = 0; private List<ComputeParameter> allComputeParameters = null; // compute private MCF mcf = null; private DatabaseUpdater updater = null; // map of all compute features/values private Hashtable<String, String> weavingValues = null; Hashtable<String, String> userValues = null; // whole workflow application private ComputeJob wholeWorkflowApp = null; // some necessary values private Workflow target = null; private String applicationName = null; private ParameterWeaver weaver = new ParameterWeaver(); private String remoteLocation = null; private boolean isToWriteLocally = false; private String localLocation = "/"; public void processSingleWorksheet(Database db, Tuple request, Hashtable<String, String> userValues, Workflow workflow, String applicationName /* should be unique somehow */, String environment) throws Exception { this.env = environment; this.userValues = userValues; = workflow; this.applicationName = applicationName; if (!db.inTx()) db.beginTx(); if (mcf == null) { HttpServletRequestTuple req = (HttpServletRequestTuple) request; ServletContext servletContext = req.getRequest().getSession().getServletContext(); mcf = (MCF) servletContext.getAttribute("MCF"); createDatabaseUpdater(mcf); } System.out.println(">>> generate apps"); // create new pipeline and set current step to null pipeline = new Pipeline(); currentStep = null; stepNumber = 0; pipelineElementNumber = 0; // application for the whole workflow wholeWorkflowApp = new ComputeJob(); // get the chosen workflow // Workflow workflow = db.query(Workflow.class).find().get(0); wholeWorkflowApp.setProtocol(workflow); wholeWorkflowApp.setInterpreter("WorkflowInterpreter"); // it would be nice to select compute features of only selected workflow allComputeParameters = db.query(ComputeParameter.class).equals(ComputeParameter.WORKFLOW, workflow.getId()) .find(); // allComputeParameters = db.query(ComputeParameter.class).find(); System.out.println("we have so many features: " + allComputeParameters.size()); System.out.println("workflow" + workflow.getName()); // add few parameters wholeWorkflowApp.setTime(now()); // set app name everywhere and add to database wholeWorkflowApp.setName(applicationName); pipeline.setId(applicationName); weaver.setJobID(applicationName); // db.beginTx(); db.add(wholeWorkflowApp); // process workflow elements List<WorkflowElement> workflowElements = db.query(WorkflowElement.class) .equals(WorkflowElement.WORKFLOW, workflow.getId()).find(); for (int i = 0; i < workflowElements.size(); i++) { WorkflowElement workflowElement = workflowElements.get(i); processWorkflowElement(db, request, workflowElement); } String logfile = weaver.getLogfilename(); pipeline.setPipelinelogpath(logfile); db.commitTx(); executePipeline(db, pipeline); } private void createDatabaseUpdater(MCF mcf) { if (env.equalsIgnoreCase(ENV_CLUSTER)) { if (mcf.getBasis().equalsIgnoreCase(MCF.GRID)) updater = new DatabaseUpdaterGridGain(mcf); else if ((mcf.getBasis().equalsIgnoreCase(MCF.SSH))) updater = new DatabaseUpdaterSsh(mcf); } else if (env.equalsIgnoreCase(ENV_GRID)) { updater = new DatabaseUpdaterGrid(mcf); } } public Date now() { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); return cal.getTime(); } public void executePipeline(Database db, Pipeline pipeline) { if (mcf != null && !flagJustGenerate) { if (env.equalsIgnoreCase(ENV_CLUSTER)) mcf.setClusterPipeline(pipeline); else if (env.equalsIgnoreCase(ENV_GRID)) mcf.setGridPipeline(pipeline); if (!updater.isStarted()) { updater.setSettings(20, 20); updater.setDatabase(db); updater.start(); } } else System.out.println(pipeline.toString()); } private void processWorkflowElement(Database db, Tuple request, WorkflowElement workflowElement) throws DatabaseException, ParseException, IOException { weavingValues = new Hashtable<String, String>(); weavingValues.putAll(userValues); System.out.println(">>> workflow element: " + workflowElement.getName()); // create complex features, which will be processed after simple // features Vector<ComputeParameter> featuresToDerive = new Vector<ComputeParameter>(); // get protocol and template ComputeProtocol protocol = db.findById(ComputeProtocol.class, workflowElement.getProtocol_Id()); // process compute features for (ComputeParameter computeFeature : allComputeParameters) { if (computeFeature.getIsUser()) continue; else if (computeFeature.getDefaultValue().contains("${")) { featuresToDerive.addElement(computeFeature); } else { weavingValues.put(computeFeature.getName(), computeFeature.getDefaultValue()); } } // process workflow element parameters List<WorkflowElementParameter> workflowElementParameters = db.query(WorkflowElementParameter.class) .equals(WorkflowElementParameter.WORKFLOWELEMENT, workflowElement.getId()).find(); for (WorkflowElementParameter par : workflowElementParameters) { ComputeParameter feature = findComputeFeature(par.getParameter_Name()); weavingValues.put(par.getParameter_Name(), feature.getDefaultValue()); } generateComputeApplication(db, request, workflowElement, protocol, weavingValues, featuresToDerive); } private ComputeParameter findComputeFeature(String targetName) { for (ComputeParameter f : allComputeParameters) { if (f.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(targetName)) return f; } return null; } private void generateComputeApplication(Database db, Tuple request, WorkflowElement workflowElement, ComputeProtocol protocol, Hashtable<String, String> weavingValues, Vector<ComputeParameter> featuresToDerive) throws IOException, DatabaseException, ParseException { ComputeJob app = new ComputeJob(); app.setProtocol(protocol); app.setWorkflowElement(workflowElement); app.setTime(now()); String appName = applicationName + "_" + workflowElement.getName() + "_" + pipelineElementNumber; app.setName(appName); System.out.println("---application---> " + appName); String protocolTemplate = protocol.getScriptTemplate(); // weave complex features for (int i = 0; i < featuresToDerive.size(); i++) { ComputeParameter feature = featuresToDerive.elementAt(i); String featureName = feature.getName(); String featureTemplate = feature.getDefaultValue(); String featureValue = weaver.weaveFreemarker(featureTemplate, weavingValues); weavingValues.put(featureName, featureValue); } String result = weaver.weaveFreemarker(protocolTemplate, weavingValues); app.setComputeScript(result); app.setInterpreter(protocol.getInterpreter()); db.add(app); List<ComputeJob> res = db.query(ComputeJob.class).equals(ComputeJob.NAME, app.getName()).find(); if (res.size() != 1) throw new DatabaseException("ERROR while inserting into db"); app = res.get(0); Set entries = weavingValues.entrySet(); Iterator it = entries.iterator(); // this is used for database update with ComputeAppPaths Vector<String> logpathfiles = new Vector<String>(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry); String name = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); ObservedValue observedValue = new ObservedValue(); observedValue.setValue(value); observedValue.setProtocolApplication(app); observedValue.setTarget(target.getId()); ComputeParameter feature = findComputeFeature(name); if (feature.getDataType().equalsIgnoreCase(LOG)) { logpathfiles.addElement(value); } observedValue.setFeature(feature.getId()); System.out.println(feature.getName() + "->" + value); db.add(observedValue); } pipelineElementNumber++; // create compute pipeline String scriptID = app.getName(); weaver.setScriptID(scriptID); weaver.setDefaults(); if (protocol.getWalltime() != null) { weaver.setWalltime(protocol.getWalltime()); // quick fix for the cluster queue if (protocol.getWalltime().equalsIgnoreCase("00:30:00")) { weaver.setClusterQueue("short"); } else weaver.setClusterQueue("nodes"); } if (protocol.getCores() != null) weaver.setCores(protocol.getCores() + ""); if (protocol.getMem() != null) weaver.setMemoryReq(protocol.getMem() + ""); // at some point of time can be added for the verification weaver.setVerificationCommand("\n"); weaver.setDatasetLocation(remoteLocation); String scriptRemoteLocation = remoteLocation + "scripts/"; String logfile = weaver.getLogfilename(); Script pipelineScript = null; if (protocol.getInterpreter().equalsIgnoreCase(INTERPRETER_BASH)) { pipelineScript = makeShScript(scriptID, scriptRemoteLocation, result); } else if (protocol.getInterpreter().equalsIgnoreCase(INTERPRETER_R)) { pipelineScript = makeRScript(scriptID, scriptRemoteLocation, result); } else if (protocol.getInterpreter().equalsIgnoreCase(INTERPRETER_JDL)) { pipelineScript = makeJDLScript(scriptID, scriptRemoteLocation, result); } pipeline.setPipelinelogpath(logfile); if (isToWriteLocally) weaver.writeToFile(localLocation + pipelineElementNumber + scriptID, new String( pipelineScript.getScriptData())); List<String> strPreviousWorkflowElements = workflowElement.getPreviousSteps_Name(); if (strPreviousWorkflowElements.size() == 0)// script does not depend on // other scripts { if (currentStep == null) // it is a first script in the pipeline { Step step = new Step(workflowElement.getName()); step.setNumber(stepNumber); stepNumber++; currentStep = step; pipeline.addStep(step); } currentStep.addScript(pipelineScript); } else // scripts depends on previous scripts { String strPrevious = strPreviousWorkflowElements.get(0); if (!strPrevious.equalsIgnoreCase(strCurrentPipelineStep)) { // Step step = new Step("step_" + app.getName()); Step step = new Step(workflowElement.getName()); step.setNumber(stepNumber); stepNumber++; currentStep = step; pipeline.addStep(step); } currentStep.addScript(pipelineScript); strCurrentPipelineStep = strPrevious; } // here ComputeAppPaths generation ComputeAppPaths appPaths = new ComputeAppPaths(); appPaths.setApplication(app); appPaths.setErrpath(weaver.getErrfilename()); appPaths.setOutpath(weaver.getOutfilename()); appPaths.setExtralog(weaver.getExtralogfilename()); if (logpathfiles.size() > 0) for (int iii = 0; iii < logpathfiles.size(); iii++) appPaths.addLogpath(logpathfiles.elementAt(iii)); updater.addComputeAppPath(appPaths); } // here the first trial of generation for the grid // will be refactored later private Script makeJDLScript(String scriptID, String scriptRemoteLocation, String result) { String gridHeader = weaver.makeGridHeader(); String downloadTop = weaver.makeGridDownload(weavingValues); String uploadBottom = weaver.makeGridUpload(weavingValues); // while testing - hardcoded // some special fields should be specified for the jdl file // error and output logs weavingValues.put("error_log", "err_" + scriptID + ".log"); weavingValues.put("output_log", "out_" + scriptID + ".log"); // extra files to be download and upload - now empty weavingValues.put("extra_inputs", ""); weavingValues.put("extra_outputs", ""); weavingValues.put("script_location", scriptRemoteLocation); weavingValues.put("script_name", scriptID + ".sh"); // String jdlfile = weaver.makeJDL(weavingValues); System.out.println("name: " + scriptID); System.out.println("remote location: " + scriptRemoteLocation); System.out.println("command: " + result); String script = gridHeader + "\n" + downloadTop + "\n" + result + "\n" + uploadBottom; System.out.println("jdl-file: \n" + jdlfile); System.out.println("-------\nscript: \n" + script); Script scriptFile = new GridScript(scriptID, scriptRemoteLocation, script.getBytes()); FileToSaveRemotely jdlFile = new FileToSaveRemotely(scriptID + ".jdl", jdlfile.getBytes()); scriptFile.addFileToTransfer(jdlFile); if (isToWriteLocally) weaver.writeToFile(localLocation + pipelineElementNumber + scriptID + ".jdl", new String( jdlfile.getBytes())); return scriptFile; } private Script makeRScript(String scriptID, String scriptRemoteLocation, String result) { weaver.setActualCommand("cd " + scriptRemoteLocation + "\n R CMD BATCH " + scriptRemoteLocation + "myscript.R"); String scriptFile = weaver.makeScript(); Script script = new ClusterScript(scriptID, scriptRemoteLocation, scriptFile.getBytes()); FileToSaveRemotely rScript = new FileToSaveRemotely("myscript.R", result.getBytes()); script.addFileToTransfer(rScript); System.out.println(script.toString()); return script; } private Script makeShScript(String scriptID, String scriptRemoteLocation, String result) { weaver.setActualCommand(result); String scriptFile = weaver.makeScript(); return new ClusterScript(scriptID, scriptRemoteLocation, scriptFile.getBytes()); } // root remote location should be set public void setRemoteLocation(String remoteLocation) { this.remoteLocation = remoteLocation; } public void setToWriteLocally(boolean toWriteLocally) { isToWriteLocally = toWriteLocally; } public void setLocalLocation(String localLocation) { this.localLocation = localLocation; } public Pipeline getCurrectPipeline() { return pipeline; } public void setFlagJustGenerate(boolean b) { flagJustGenerate = b; } public String getFormattedTime() { // SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT_NOW); return sdf.format(now()); } }