package org.molgenis.compute.test.executor; import app.DatabaseFactory; import org.molgenis.compute.runtime.ComputeTask; import org.molgenis.compute.test.sysexecutor.SysCommandExecutor; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Database; import org.molgenis.framework.db.DatabaseException; import; import java.util.List; /** * Created with IntelliJ IDEA. User: georgebyelas Date: 22/08/2012 Time: 14:26 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class ComputeExecutorPilotDB implements ComputeExecutor { public static final String BACK_END_GRID = "grid"; public static final String BACK_END_CLUSTER = "cluster"; public static final String BACK_END_LOCALHOST = "localhost"; private ExecutionHost host = null; SysCommandExecutor localExecutor = new SysCommandExecutor(); private Database db = null; public ComputeExecutorPilotDB() { startDB(); } private void startDB() { try { db = DatabaseFactory.create(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } //actual start pilots here public void executeTasks(String backend, String backendType) { //evaluate if we have tasks ready to run on a specific back-end int readyToSubmitSize = 0; try { db.beginTx(); // List<ComputeTask> generatedTasks = db.find(ComputeTask.class, new QueryRule(ComputeTask.STATUSCODE, QueryRule.Operator.EQUALS, "generated")); List<ComputeTask> generatedTasks = db.query(ComputeTask.class) .equals(ComputeTask.STATUSCODE, "generated") .equals(ComputeTask.BACKENDNAME, backend).find(); readyToSubmitSize = evaluateTasks(generatedTasks); // List<ComputeTask> readyTasks = db.find(ComputeTask.class, new QueryRule(ComputeTask.STATUSCODE, QueryRule.Operator.EQUALS, "ready")); List<ComputeTask> readyTasks = db.query(ComputeTask.class) .equals(ComputeTask.STATUSCODE, "ready") .equals(ComputeTask.BACKENDNAME, backend).find(); readyToSubmitSize = readyTasks.size(); } catch (DatabaseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("task ready for execution " + readyToSubmitSize); //create free pilots for one actual task //readyToSubmitSize = readyToSubmitSize * 3; //start as many pilots as we have tasks ready to run for (int i = 0; i < readyToSubmitSize; i++) { try { if (backendType.equalsIgnoreCase(BACK_END_GRID)) host.submitPilotGrid(); else if (backendType.equalsIgnoreCase(BACK_END_CLUSTER)) host.submitPilotCluster(); else if (backendType.equalsIgnoreCase(BACK_END_LOCALHOST)) submitPilotLocalhost(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } //sleep, because we have a strange behavior in pilot service try { Thread.sleep(10000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void submitPilotLocalhost() throws IOException { String str = System.nanoTime() + ""; String command = "sh /Users/georgebyelas/Development/molgenis_modules/maverick_demo/ " +str; System.out.println(">>> " + command); try { localExecutor.runCommand(command); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } String cmdError = localExecutor.getCommandError(); String cmdOutput = localExecutor.getCommandOutput(); System.out.println(cmdError); System.out.println(cmdOutput); } private int evaluateTasks(List<ComputeTask> generatedTasks) throws DatabaseException { int count = 0; for (ComputeTask task : generatedTasks) { boolean isReady = true; List<ComputeTask> prevSteps = task.getPrevSteps(); for (ComputeTask prev : prevSteps) { if (!prev.getStatusCode().equalsIgnoreCase("done")) isReady = false; } if (isReady) { System.out.println(">>> TASK " + task.getName() + " is ready for execution"); //count++; task.setStatusCode("ready"); db.commitTx(); } } return count; } public void startHost(String name) { } public void startHostWithCredentials(String h, String user, String password, int port) { try { host = new ExecutionHost(h, user, password, port); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }