package org.molgenis.generator; import freemarker.template.Configuration; import freemarker.template.Template; import freemarker.template.TemplateException; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.molgenis.compute.ComputeJob; import org.molgenis.compute.ComputeParameter; import org.molgenis.compute.ComputeProtocol; import org.molgenis.gridhandler.CommandLineImputationGridHandler; import org.molgenis.gridhandler.GridHandler; import org.molgenis.pheno.ObservationTarget; import org.molgenis.protocol.Workflow; import org.molgenis.protocol.WorkflowElement; import org.molgenis.util.Pair; import org.molgenis.util.Tuple; import*; import java.util.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: georgebyelas * Date: 05/04/2012 * Time: 09:46 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ //class with proper folding public class Compute3JobGenerator implements JobGenerator { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Compute3JobGenerator.class); //parsing/making folding story private FoldingMaker foldingMaker = new FoldingMaker(); private FoldingParser foldingParser = new FoldingParser(); //to reuse few methods ModelLoader loader = new ModelLoader(); //grid specific imputation handler private GridHandler gridHandler = null; private boolean workflowHasDependencies = false; //template sources private String templateGridHeader; private String templateGridDownload; private String templateGridDownloadExe; private String templateGridUpload; private String templateGridJDL; private String templateGridAfterExecution; private String templateGridUploadLog; private String templateGridDAGNode; private String templateMacro; private String templateClusterSubmission; private String templateClusterHeader; private String templateClusterFooter; //template filenames private String fileTemplateGridHeader = "templ-grid-head.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridDownload = "templ-download-grid.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridDownloadExe = "templ-exe-grid.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridUpload = "templ-upload-grid.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridUploadLog = "templ-upload-grid-log.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridJDL = "templ-jdl-grid.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridAfterExecution = "templ-after-exe.ftl"; private String fileTemplateGridDAGNode = "templ-jdl-dag-node.ftl"; private String fileTemplateClusterHeader = "templ-pbs-header.ftl"; private String fileTemplateClusterFooter = "templ-pbs-footer.ftl"; private String fileTemplateClusterSubmission = "templ-submit.ftl"; private String fileTemplateMacro = "templ-macro.ftl"; //used for grid generation private Hashtable<String, GridTransferContainer> pairJobTransfers = null; //used for cluster generation - submit script private Hashtable<WorkflowElement, ComputeJob> pairWEtoCJ = null; private Hashtable<ComputeJob, WorkflowElement> pairCJtoWE = null; //submission script for the cluster - filled when processing jobs for cluster private String submitScript = null; //dag file for submission for the grid private String dagScript = null; //dag dependencies list - filled when processing jobs for grid private String dagDependencies = null; private Hashtable<String, String> config; private List<Tuple> worksheet = null; public void setWorksheet(List<Tuple> worksheet) { this.worksheet = worksheet; } public Vector<ComputeJob> generateComputeJobsFoldedWorksheet(Workflow workflow, List<Tuple> f, String backend) { //create the table with targets, which is equal to worksheet if there are no targets List<Hashtable> table = null; //check if workflow elements have dependencies workflowHasDependencies = hasDependencies(workflow); //remove unused parameters from the worksheet List<Hashtable> worksheet = foldingMaker.transformToTable(f); foldingMaker.setWorkflow(workflow); worksheet = foldingMaker.removeUnused(worksheet, (List<ComputeParameter>) workflow.getWorkflowComputeParameterCollection()); //result jobs Vector<ComputeJob> computeJobs = new Vector<ComputeJob>(); //if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID)) pairJobTransfers = new Hashtable<String, GridTransferContainer>(); pairWEtoCJ = new Hashtable<WorkflowElement, ComputeJob>(); pairCJtoWE = new Hashtable<ComputeJob, WorkflowElement>(); if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) { submitScript = ""; } else if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID) && workflowHasDependencies) { dagScript = "Type=\"dag\";\n\n"; dagDependencies = ""; } Collection<ComputeParameter> parameters = workflow.getWorkflowComputeParameterCollection(); Collection<WorkflowElement> workflowElements = workflow.getWorkflowWorkflowElementCollection(); for (WorkflowElement el : workflowElements) { ComputeProtocol protocol = (ComputeProtocol) el.getProtocol(); String template = protocol.getScriptTemplate(); //chack if we have any targets List<ComputeParameter> targets = foldingMaker.findTargets(protocol.getScriptTemplate()); if (targets != null) { table = foldingMaker.fold(targets, worksheet); } else table = worksheet; //here, we prapare some information about folded table //in particular, we find what parameters are Martijn's folded constants foldingParser.evaluateTable(table); //we set all parameters to foldered parser, which are used for reducing foldered constants //this comment does give any clue to what is going on :) foldingParser.setParametersList(parameters); //now we start to use foldered worksheet //all our parameters, that depend on foldered worksheet, will become lists as well, that upset me a lot :( for (int i = 0; i < table.size(); i++) { //because Hashtable does not allow null keys or values used for weaving Hashtable<String, Object> values = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); //parameters which are templates and do directly depend on worksheet values Vector<ComputeParameter> complexParameters = new Vector<ComputeParameter>(); //hashtable with simple values, we need it for initial weaving Hashtable<String, String> simpleValues = new Hashtable<String, String>(); //job naming String id = "id"; Hashtable<String, Object> line = table.get(i); if (targets != null) { //use targets to create name Enumeration ekeys = line.keys(); while (ekeys.hasMoreElements()) { String ekey = (String) ekeys.nextElement(); if (isTarget(ekey, targets)) { Object eValues = line.get(ekey); values.put(ekey, eValues); String vvv = eValues.toString(); vvv = vvv.replaceAll(" ", "_"); id += "_" + vvv; } } } else { //use the whole line to create name Enumeration ekeys = line.keys(); while (ekeys.hasMoreElements()) { String ekey = (String) ekeys.nextElement(); Object eValues = line.get(ekey); values.put(ekey, eValues); String vvv = eValues.toString(); vvv = vvv.replaceAll(" ", "_"); id += "_" + vvv; } } for (ComputeParameter parameter : parameters) { if (parameter.getDefaultValue() != null) { if (parameter.getDefaultValue().contains("${")) { complexParameters.addElement(parameter); } else { values.put(parameter.getName(), parameter.getDefaultValue()); simpleValues.put(parameter.getName(), parameter.getDefaultValue()); } } } logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "simple parameters before: " + values.size()); //we transform complex parameters to unweaved values, because unweaved value can folded Hashtable<String, Object> unweavedValues = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); for (ComputeParameter par : complexParameters) { Pair<String, Object> value = processDependentParameter(par, line, simpleValues); if (foldingParser.isValueSimple(value)) { values.put(par.getName(), value.getB()); } else { unweavedValues.put(par.getName(), value.getB()); } } logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "simple parameters after " + values.size() + " parameters to weave: " + complexParameters.size()); Vector<String> vecToRemove = new Vector<String>(); int weavingCount = 0; logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "loop " + weavingCount + " -> " + unweavedValues.size()); //in a loop weave complex parameters with values while (unweavedValues.size() > 0 && weavingCount < 100) { Enumeration unkeys = unweavedValues.keys(); while (unkeys.hasMoreElements()) { String unkey = (String) unkeys.nextElement(); Object eValue = unweavedValues.get(unkey); Pair<String, Object> value = null; if (eValue instanceof Collection<?>) { List<String> unweavedLines = (List<String>) eValue; value = processUnweavedCollection(unkey, unweavedLines, values); } else { String unweavedLine = (String) eValue; value = processUnweavedLine(unkey, unweavedLine, values, 0); } if (foldingParser.isValueSimple(value)) { values.put(value.getA(), value.getB()); vecToRemove.add(unkey); } else unweavedValues.put(value.getA(), value.getB()); } for (String str : vecToRemove) unweavedValues.remove(str); weavingCount++; logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "loop/parameters to weave " + weavingCount + " -> " + unweavedValues.size()); } String jobListing = foldingMaker.weaveFreemarker(template, values); ComputeJob job = new ComputeJob(); String jobName = config.get(JobGenerator.GENERATION_ID) + "_" + workflow.getName() + "_" + el.getName() + "_" + id; job.setName(jobName); job.setProtocol(protocol); job.setComputeScript(jobListing); computeJobs.add(job); //fill containers for grid jobs to ensure correct data transfer // and for cluster to generate submit script //if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID)) { GridTransferContainer container = fillContainer(protocol, values); pairJobTransfers.put(job.getName(), container); } //else if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) { pairWEtoCJ.put(el, job); pairCJtoWE.put(job, el); } logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "----------------------------------------------------------------------"); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, el.getName()); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, jobListing); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "----------------------------------------------------------------------"); } } return computeJobs; } private boolean hasDependencies(Workflow workflow) { Collection<WorkflowElement> workflowElements = workflow.getWorkflowWorkflowElementCollection(); for (WorkflowElement el : workflowElements) { if (el.getPreviousSteps().size() > 0) return true; } return false; } private boolean isTarget(String ekey, List<ComputeParameter> targets) { for (ComputeParameter par : targets) { String name = par.getName(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(ekey)) return true; } return false; } private Pair<String, Object> processUnweavedLine(String unkey, String unweavedLine, Hashtable<String, Object> values, int i) { Pair<String, Object> pair = new Pair<String, Object>(); Hashtable<String, String> hashtable = prepareSimpleValues(values, i); String value = foldingParser.doByHand(unweavedLine, hashtable); pair.setA(unkey); pair.setB(value); return pair; } private Hashtable<String, String> prepareSimpleValues(Hashtable<String, Object> values, int i) { Hashtable<String, String> result = new Hashtable<String, String>(); Enumeration unkeys = values.keys(); while (unkeys.hasMoreElements()) { String unkey = (String) unkeys.nextElement(); Object eValue = values.get(unkey); String vvv; if (eValue instanceof Collection<?>) { List<String> list = (List<String>) eValue; vvv = list.get(i); } else { vvv = (String) eValue; } result.put(unkey, vvv); } return result; } private Pair<String, Object> processUnweavedCollection(String unkey, List<String> unweavedLines, Hashtable<String, Object> values) { Pair<String, Object> pair = new Pair<String, Object>(); List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < unweavedLines.size(); i++) { String input = unweavedLines.get(i); Pair<String, Object> aPair = processUnweavedLine(unkey, input, values, i); list.add((String) aPair.getB()); } pair.setA(unkey); pair.setB(list); return pair; } //here, we also identify what parameters should be foldered private Pair<String, Object> processDependentParameter (ComputeParameter par, Hashtable<String, Object> line, Hashtable<String, String> simpleValues) { Pair<String, Object> pair = new Pair<String, Object>(); pair.setA(par.getName()); int lineFolderedSize = foldingParser.getFolderedLineSize(line); String parTemplate = par.getDefaultValue(); foldingParser.setNotList(); foldingParser.checkIsList(parTemplate); boolean isList = foldingParser.getIsList(); if (lineFolderedSize > 1 && isList) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < lineFolderedSize; i++) { String value = foldingParser.parseTemplateLineByHand(parTemplate, line, i, simpleValues); values.add(value); } pair.setB(values); } else { String value = foldingParser.parseTemplateLineByHand(parTemplate, line, 0, simpleValues); pair.setB(value); } return pair; } private GridTransferContainer fillContainer(ComputeProtocol protocol, Hashtable<String, Object> values) { GridTransferContainer container = new GridTransferContainer(); List<ComputeParameter> inputs = protocol.getInputs(); for (ComputeParameter input : inputs) { String name = input.getName(); String value = (String) values.get(name); container.addInput(name, value); } List<ComputeParameter> outputs = protocol.getOutputs(); for (ComputeParameter output : outputs) { String name = output.getName(); String value = (String) values.get(name); container.addOutput(name, value); } List<ComputeParameter> exes = protocol.getExes(); for (ComputeParameter exe : exes) { String name = exe.getName(); String value = (String) values.get(name); container.addExe(name, value); } List<ComputeParameter> logs = protocol.getLogs(); for (ComputeParameter log : logs) { String name = log.getName(); String value = (String) values.get(name); container.addLog(name, value); } return container; } public Vector<ComputeJob> generateComputeJobsDB(Workflow workflow, List<ObservationTarget> worksheet, String backend) { return null; } public boolean generateActualJobsWithMacros(Vector<ComputeJob> computeJobs, String backend, Hashtable<String, String> config) { //read templates String templatesDir = config.get(JobGenerator.TEMPLATE_DIR); readTemplates(templatesDir); for (ComputeJob computeJob : computeJobs) { GridTransferContainer container = pairJobTransfers.get(computeJob.getName()); String strMacrosInput = makeMacros(container, computeJob.getComputeScript(), "input", backend); String strMacrosOutput = makeMacros(container, computeJob.getComputeScript(), "output", backend); System.out.println(">>> generation job: " + computeJob.getName()); if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) { generateActualJobCluster(computeJob, config, strMacrosInput, strMacrosOutput); } else if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID)) { generateActualJobGridMacro(computeJob, config, strMacrosInput, strMacrosOutput); } } //write cluster submit script if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "submit_" + config.get(JobGenerator.GENERATION_ID) + ".sh", submitScript); return true; } //here we create macros listing private String makeMacros(GridTransferContainer container, String script, String type, String backend) { String text = ""; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("input")) { text += JobGenerator.SOURCE_SCRIPT + "\n"; Vector<String> nameInputs = loader.findFlagValues(script, ModelLoader.FLAG_INPUTS); Hashtable<String, String> inputs = container.getInputs(); for (String s : nameInputs) { String macroline = makeMacroLine(s, inputs, type, backend); text += macroline; } Vector<String> nameExes = loader.findFlagValues(script, ModelLoader.FLAG_EXES); Hashtable<String, String> exes = container.getExes(); for (String s : nameExes) { String macroline = makeMacroLine(s, exes, JobGenerator.EXE, backend); text += macroline; } } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("output")) { text += "\n"; Vector<String> nameOutputs = loader.findFlagValues(script, ModelLoader.FLAG_OUTPUTS); Hashtable<String, String> outputs = container.getOutputs(); for (String s : nameOutputs) { String macroline = makeMacroLine(s, outputs, type, backend); text += macroline; } } return text; } private String makeMacroLine(String s, Hashtable<String, String> inputs, String type, String backend) { String macro = null; if (s.contains(".*")) { String prefix = s.substring(0, s.lastIndexOf(".")); Enumeration keys = inputs.keys(); boolean isPathSet = false; Hashtable<String, String> weaveValues = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String extensions = ""; while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) keys.nextElement(); if (name.contains(prefix)) { int prefixIndex = name.indexOf(prefix); if (prefixIndex == 0) { String value = inputs.get(name); //here we chack is it the path or this variable here by mistake of naming conventions if (value.lastIndexOf("/") > -1) { //to set path and other variables only once if (!isPathSet) { weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_BACKEND, backend); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_TYPE, type); int lastSlash = value.lastIndexOf("/"); String path = value.substring(0, lastSlash + 1); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_PATH, path); String actualName = value.substring(lastSlash + 1, value.length()); int firstDot = actualName.indexOf("."); String vvv = actualName.substring(0, firstDot); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_NAME, vvv); String extension = actualName.substring(firstDot, actualName.length()); extensions += " " + "\"" + extension + "\""; isPathSet = true; } else { int lastSlash = value.lastIndexOf("/"); String actualName = value.substring(lastSlash + 1, value.length()); int firstDot = actualName.indexOf("."); String extension = actualName.substring(firstDot, actualName.length()); extensions += " " + "\"" + extension + "\""; } } } } } weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_EXTENSIONS, extensions); macro = weaveFreemarker(templateMacro, weaveValues); int z = 0; } else { Enumeration keys = inputs.keys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) keys.nextElement(); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { String value = inputs.get(name); Hashtable<String, String> weaveValues = new Hashtable<String, String>(); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_BACKEND, backend); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_TYPE, type); int lastSlash = value.lastIndexOf("/"); String path = value.substring(0, lastSlash + 1); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_PATH, path); String actualName = value.substring(lastSlash + 1, value.length()); int firstDot = actualName.indexOf("."); if (firstDot < 0) { String vvv = actualName.substring(0, actualName.length()); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_NAME, vvv); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_EXTENSIONS, ""); } else { String vvv = actualName.substring(0, firstDot); weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_NAME, vvv); String extension = actualName.substring(firstDot, actualName.length()); extension = "\"" + extension + "\""; weaveValues.put(JobGenerator.MACRO_EXTENSIONS, extension); } macro = weaveFreemarker(templateMacro, weaveValues); } } } return macro; //To change body of created methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } private void generateActualJobGridMacro(ComputeJob computeJob, Hashtable<String, String> config, String strMacrosInput, String strMacrosOutput) { Hashtable<String, String> values = new Hashtable<String, String>(); values.put("script_name", computeJob.getName()); values.put("error_log", "err_" + computeJob.getName() + ".log"); values.put("output_log", "out_" + computeJob.getName() + ".log"); values.put("script_location", config.get(JobGenerator.BACK_END_DIR)); values.put("node_name", computeJob.getName()); //create jdl String jdlListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridJDL, values); //write jdl (new File(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR))).mkdirs(); writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + computeJob.getName() + ".jdl", jdlListing); //create shell String shellListing = templateGridHeader; String initialScript = computeJob.getComputeScript(); GridTransferContainer container = pairJobTransfers.get(computeJob.getName()); //generate downloading section (transfer inputs and executable) //and change job listing to execute in the grid Hashtable<String, String> inputs = container.getInputs(); Enumeration actuals = inputs.elements(); while (actuals.hasMoreElements()) { String actualName = (String) actuals.nextElement(); String justName = giveJustName(actualName); //escapes are required to avoid $ sign processing in String replaceAll method justName = "\\" + justName; //commented out - but I keep it if I need to sho somebody the problem of replacement with wild cards // System.out.println("actual " + actualName); // System.out.println("just " + justName); // // System.out.println("------------- before"); // System.out.println(initialScript); initialScript = initialScript.replaceAll(actualName, justName); // System.out.println("------------- after"); // System.out.println(initialScript); } Hashtable<String, String> exes = container.getExes(); actuals = exes.elements(); while (actuals.hasMoreElements()) { String actualName = (String) actuals.nextElement(); String justName = giveJustName(actualName); justName = "\\" + justName; initialScript = initialScript.replaceAll(actualName, justName); } shellListing += strMacrosInput; shellListing += initialScript; String outputsString = ""; Hashtable<String, String> outputs = container.getOutputs(); actuals = outputs.elements(); while (actuals.hasMoreElements()) { String actualName = (String) actuals.nextElement(); String justName = giveJustName(actualName); justName = "\\" + justName; shellListing = shellListing.replaceAll(actualName, justName); } shellListing += strMacrosOutput; //write shell writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + computeJob.getName() + ".sh", shellListing); } public boolean generateActualJobs(Vector<ComputeJob> computeJobs, String backend, Hashtable<String, String> config) { int generationCount = -1; //read templates String templatesDir = config.get(JobGenerator.TEMPLATE_DIR); if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID)) { readTemplatesGrid(templatesDir); gridHandler = new CommandLineImputationGridHandler(); gridHandler.setWorksheet(worksheet); generationCount = gridHandler.getNextJobID(); //adding dag dependencies if (workflowHasDependencies) { dagScript += "nodes = [\n"; } } else if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) readTemplatesCluster(templatesDir); for (ComputeJob computeJob : computeJobs) { System.out.println(">>> generation job: " + computeJob.getName()); //generate files for selected back-end if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID)) generateActualJobGrid(computeJob, config, generationCount); else if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) generateActualJobCluster(computeJob, config); generationCount++; } //write cluster submit script if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.CLUSTER)) writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "submit_" + config.get(JobGenerator.GENERATION_ID) + ".sh", submitScript); else if (backend.equalsIgnoreCase(JobGenerator.GRID) && workflowHasDependencies) { //produce targetsListFile gridHandler.writeJobsLogsToFile(config); //finilize dag dagScript += "\n];"; // cut last coma and new line dagDependencies = dagDependencies.substring(0, dagDependencies.length() - 2); dagDependencies = "\ndependencies = {\n" + dagDependencies + "\n}"; dagScript += dagDependencies; //write dag file writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + "dag_" + config.get(JobGenerator.GENERATION_ID) + ".jdl", dagScript); } return true; } private void generateActualJobCluster(ComputeJob computeJob, Hashtable<String, String> config) { //create values hashtable to fill templates Hashtable<String, String> values = new Hashtable<String, String>(); ComputeProtocol protocol = (ComputeProtocol) computeJob.getProtocol(); values.put(JobGenerator.JOB_ID, computeJob.getName()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_CLUSTER_QUEUE, protocol.getClusterQueue()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_CORES, protocol.getCores().toString()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_NODES, protocol.getNodes().toString()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_MEMORY, protocol.getMem()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_WALLTIME, protocol.getWalltime()); //create actual cluster job String header = weaveFreemarker(templateClusterHeader, values); String main = computeJob.getComputeScript(); String footer = weaveFreemarker(templateClusterFooter, values); String actualJob = header + main + footer; //write script (new File(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR))).mkdirs(); writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + computeJob.getName() + ".sh", actualJob); //create job submission part WorkflowElement el = pairCJtoWE.get(computeJob); if (el.getPreviousSteps().size() > 0) { String dependency = JobGenerator.DEPENDENCY_HEAD; for (WorkflowElement wEl : el.getPreviousSteps()) { ComputeJob cJ = pairWEtoCJ.get(wEl); dependency += ":" + cJ.getName(); values.put(JobGenerator.JOB_DEPENDENCIES, dependency); } } else values.put(JobGenerator.JOB_DEPENDENCIES, ""); String strSubmit = weaveFreemarker(templateClusterSubmission, values); submitScript += strSubmit; } private void generateActualJobCluster(ComputeJob computeJob, Hashtable<String, String> config, String macrosInput, String macrosOutput) { //create values hashtable to fill templates Hashtable<String, String> values = new Hashtable<String, String>(); ComputeProtocol protocol = (ComputeProtocol) computeJob.getProtocol(); values.put(JobGenerator.JOB_ID, computeJob.getName()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_CLUSTER_QUEUE, protocol.getClusterQueue()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_CORES, protocol.getCores().toString()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_NODES, protocol.getNodes().toString()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_MEMORY, protocol.getMem()); values.put(ModelLoader.FLAG_WALLTIME, protocol.getWalltime()); //create actual cluster job String header = weaveFreemarker(templateClusterHeader, values); String main = computeJob.getComputeScript(); String footer = weaveFreemarker(templateClusterFooter, values); String actualJob = header + macrosInput + main + macrosOutput + footer; //write script (new File(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR))).mkdirs(); writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + computeJob.getName() + ".sh", actualJob); //create job submission part WorkflowElement el = pairCJtoWE.get(computeJob); if (el.getPreviousSteps().size() > 0) { String dependency = JobGenerator.DEPENDENCY_HEAD; for (WorkflowElement wEl : el.getPreviousSteps()) { ComputeJob cJ = pairWEtoCJ.get(wEl); dependency += ":" + cJ.getName(); values.put(JobGenerator.JOB_DEPENDENCIES, dependency); } } else values.put(JobGenerator.JOB_DEPENDENCIES, ""); String strSubmit = weaveFreemarker(templateClusterSubmission, values); submitScript += strSubmit; } //todo: method contains few constants that should be moved to interface private void generateActualJobGrid(ComputeJob computeJob, Hashtable<String, String> config, int generationCount) { //create values hashtable to fill templates Hashtable<String, String> values = new Hashtable<String, String>(); values.put("script_name", computeJob.getName()); values.put("error_log", "err_" + computeJob.getName() + ".log"); values.put("output_log", "out_" + computeJob.getName() + ".log"); values.put("script_location", config.get(JobGenerator.BACK_END_DIR)); values.put("node_name", computeJob.getName()); //create jdl String jdlListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridJDL, values); if (workflowHasDependencies) { String dagNodeListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridDAGNode, values); dagScript += dagNodeListing + "\n"; } //write jdl (new File(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR))).mkdirs(); writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + computeJob.getName() + ".jdl", jdlListing); //create shell String shellListing = templateGridHeader; String initialScript = computeJob.getComputeScript(); GridTransferContainer container = pairJobTransfers.get(computeJob.getName()); //get log filename Hashtable<String, String> logs = container.getLogs(); Enumeration logValues = logs.elements(); String logName = (String) logValues.nextElement(); String justLogName = giveJustName(logName); //set log name to computeJob, that will be used in grid handler computeJob.setLogFile("lfn://grid/" + logName); //generate downloading section (transfer inputs and executable) //and change job listing to execute in the grid Hashtable<String, String> inputs = container.getInputs(); Enumeration actuals = inputs.elements(); while (actuals.hasMoreElements()) { Hashtable<String, String> local = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String actualName = (String) actuals.nextElement(); String justName = giveJustName(actualName); local.put(JobGenerator.LFN_NAME, actualName); local.put(JobGenerator.INPUT, justName); local.put(JobGenerator.LOG, justLogName); String inputListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridDownload, local); //escapes are required to avoid $ sign processing in String replaceAll method justName = "\\" + justName; initialScript = initialScript.replaceAll(actualName, justName); shellListing += inputListing; } Hashtable<String, String> exes = container.getExes(); actuals = exes.elements(); while (actuals.hasMoreElements()) { Hashtable<String, String> local = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String actualName = (String) actuals.nextElement(); String justName = giveJustName(actualName); local.put(JobGenerator.LFN_NAME, actualName); local.put(JobGenerator.INPUT, justName); local.put(JobGenerator.LOG, justLogName); String inputListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridDownloadExe, local); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "-----------"); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, initialScript); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "act " + actualName); logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "just " + justName); justName = "\\" + justName; initialScript = initialScript.replaceAll(actualName, justName); shellListing += inputListing; } shellListing += initialScript; //generate uploading section //and change job listing to execute in the grid String outputsString = ""; Hashtable<String, String> outputs = container.getOutputs(); actuals = outputs.elements(); while (actuals.hasMoreElements()) { Hashtable<String, String> local = new Hashtable<String, String>(); String actualName = (String) actuals.nextElement(); String justName = giveJustName(actualName); //set output file to compute job, that will be used in grid handler computeJob.setOutputFile("lfn://grid/" + actualName); local.put(JobGenerator.LFN_NAME, actualName); local.put(JobGenerator.OUTPUT, justName); local.put(JobGenerator.LOG, justLogName); String outputListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridUpload, local); justName = "\\" + justName; shellListing = shellListing.replaceAll(actualName, justName); //shellListing += outputListing; outputsString += outputListing; } shellListing += outputsString; //add upload log Hashtable<String, String> local = new Hashtable<String, String>(); local.put(JobGenerator.LFN_NAME, logName); local.put(JobGenerator.OUTPUT, justLogName); local.put(JobGenerator.LOG, justLogName); String outputListing = weaveFreemarker(templateGridUploadLog, local); shellListing += outputListing; //write shell writeToFile(config.get(JobGenerator.OUTPUT_DIR) + System.getProperty("file.separator") + computeJob.getName() + ".sh", shellListing); //and computeJob to grid handler gridHandler.setComputeJob(computeJob); //write job dependencies to DAG WorkflowElement el = pairCJtoWE.get(computeJob); if (el.getPreviousSteps().size() > 0) { String jobName = computeJob.getName(); Vector<String> dependencyNames = new Vector<String>(); for (WorkflowElement wEl : el.getPreviousSteps()) { ComputeJob cJ = pairWEtoCJ.get(wEl); String strDependencyName = cJ.getName(); dependencyNames.addElement(strDependencyName); } String strDependency = ""; //more than one previous element if (dependencyNames.size() > 1) { for (String str : dependencyNames) { strDependency += str + ", "; } //cut last coma strDependency = strDependency.substring(0, strDependency.length() - 2); strDependency = "{ " + strDependency + " }"; } //only one dependency element else { strDependency = dependencyNames.elementAt(0); } // format string and add to DAg String toAdd = "{ " + jobName + ", " + strDependency + " },\n"; dagDependencies = toAdd + dagDependencies; } } private String giveJustName(String actualName) { int posSlash = actualName.lastIndexOf("/"); String justName = actualName.substring(posSlash + 1); return JobGenerator.GRID_TEMP_DIR + System.getProperty("file.separator") + justName; } private void readTemplatesCluster(String templatesDir) { try { templateClusterHeader = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateClusterHeader); templateClusterFooter = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateClusterFooter); templateClusterSubmission = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateClusterSubmission); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void readTemplatesGrid(String templatesDir) { try { templateGridHeader = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridHeader); templateGridDownload = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridDownload); templateGridDownloadExe = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridDownloadExe); templateGridUpload = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridUpload); templateGridUploadLog = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridUploadLog); templateGridJDL = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridJDL); templateGridAfterExecution = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridAfterExecution); templateGridDAGNode = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridDAGNode); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } private void readTemplates(String templatesDir) { try { templateClusterHeader = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateClusterHeader); templateClusterFooter = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateClusterFooter); templateClusterSubmission = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateClusterSubmission); templateGridHeader = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridHeader); templateGridDownload = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridDownload); templateGridDownloadExe = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridDownloadExe); templateGridUpload = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridUpload); templateGridUploadLog = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridUploadLog); templateGridJDL = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridJDL); templateGridAfterExecution = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateGridAfterExecution); templateMacro = getFileAsString(templatesDir + System.getProperty("file.separator") + fileTemplateMacro); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void setConfig(Hashtable<String, String> config) { this.config = config; } public String weaveFreemarker(String strTemplate, Hashtable<String, String> values) { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); Template t = null; StringWriter out = new StringWriter(); try { t = new Template("name", new StringReader(strTemplate), cfg); t.process(values, out); } catch (TemplateException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); } return out.toString(); } private final String getFileAsString(String filename) throws IOException { File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists()) { logger.log(Level.ERROR, "template file " + filename + " does not exist"); System.exit(1); } final BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream( new FileInputStream(file)); final byte[] bytes = new byte[(int) file.length()];; bis.close(); return new String(bytes); } public void writeToFile(String outfilename, String script) { try { BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(outfilename)); out.write(script); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } }