package filehandling.generic; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import; import org.molgenis.core.MolgenisFile; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Database; import org.molgenis.util.ValueLabel; import decorators.MolgenisFileHandler; import decorators.NameConvention; public class PerformUpload { /** * Generic file upload. This function assumes the MolgenisFile is already in * the database, and only a file source corresponding to this MolgenisFile * is added. * * @param db * @param mf * @param content * @throws Exception * @throws XGAPStorageException */ public static void doUpload(Database db, MolgenisFile mf, File content, boolean skipWhenDestExists) throws Exception { File storageForFileType = new MolgenisFileHandler(db).getStorageDirFor(mf.get__Type(), db); // copy the file in the right place String storageFileName = NameConvention.escapeFileName(mf.getName()); File dest = new File(storageForFileType.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + storageFileName + "." + mf.getExtension()); copyHelper(content, dest, skipWhenDestExists); } /** * Generic file upload. This function will create a new MolgenisFile object * in the database, as well as put the referenced file source for this * MolgenisFile in the correct place. The 'type' must correspond to the name * of a subclass of MolgenisFile. Fields and types are dynamically checked * and casted. * * @param db * The database to use. * @param name * Full name of the original file (eg. 'mypicture.png') * @param type * Type of the file. Must correspond to a MolgenisFile subclass. * (eg. 'Image' or 'BinaryDataMatrix') Used as part of the * storage location. (eg. {storagedir}/{deployname}/image) * @param content * Any existing file of which only the content is submitted to * the upload. * @param extraFields * A hashmap containing values of the additional fields that are * used by this subclass of MolgenisFile. For example, * 'investigation_name' for Image. * @throws Exception */ public static void doUpload(Database db, boolean useTx, String name, String type, File content, HashMap<String, String> extraFields, boolean skipWhenDestExists) throws Exception { // file checks if (content == null) { throw new Exception("File holding content is a nullpointer!"); } if (!content.exists()) { throw new Exception("File holding content does not exist: " + content.getAbsolutePath()); } // see if we need extra fields for this type of MolgenisFile ArrayList<String> extraNeededFields = getNeededExtraFields(type, db); // if so, check if they are present in the input if (extraNeededFields.size() > 0) { for (String neededField : extraNeededFields) { if (!extraFields.keySet().contains(neededField)) { throw new Exception("Missing needed field '" + neededField + "' for MolgenisFile type '" + type + "'"); } } } // perform checks on filename and extension fileNameChecks(name); // filename and extension supposed to be ok for splitting String[] split = name.split("\\."); // create new MolgenisFile --> which is actually of the subclass type! MolgenisFile mfAdd = (MolgenisFile) db.getClassForName(type).newInstance(); // set name and extension mfAdd.setName(split[0]); mfAdd.setExtension(split[1]); // copy extra fields for this type of MolgenisFile for (String extraField : extraFields.keySet()) { mfAdd.set(extraField, extraFields.get(extraField)); } // start db transaction if there is none yet, and useTx is selected, // otherwise assume the user started a transaction elsewhere and wants // to manage this him/herself! boolean txStartedHere = false; if (useTx && !db.inTx()) { db.beginTx(); txStartedHere = true; } try { // try adding to db - if add succeeds, try sorting out the file db.add(mfAdd); // get storage dir for this MolgenisFile type File storageForFileType = new MolgenisFileHandler(db).getStorageDirFor(type, db); // copy the file in the right place String storageFileName = NameConvention.escapeFileName(mfAdd.getName()); File dest = new File(storageForFileType.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + storageFileName + "." + mfAdd.getExtension()); copyHelper(content, dest, skipWhenDestExists); // commit if file is in the right place, and if the transaction is // started in this function (see comment above for beginTx) if (txStartedHere) { db.commitTx(); } } catch (Exception e) { // if something fails, rollback and throw error if (txStartedHere) { db.rollbackTx(); } throw e; } } public static void fileNameChecks(String name) throws Exception { // see if trimmed name is empty, and continue to trim if not if (name.trim().length() == 0) { throw new Exception("No filename specified"); } name = name.trim(); // we know: filename (already trimmed) has length > 0 // now check of starting or ending '.' if (name.startsWith(".") || name.endsWith(".")) { throw new Exception("Please provide proper filename (not starting or ending with '.')"); } // file name must contain 1 '.' if (name.contains(".")) { int countPeriods = 0; for (char c : name.toCharArray()) { if (c == '.') { countPeriods++; } if (countPeriods > 1) { throw new Exception("Please provide proper filename (not more than one '.') instead of '" + name + "'"); } } } else { throw new Exception("No '.' in filename '" + name + "' found - please provide an extension (ie. harry.png)"); } // split and do some extra checks String[] split = name.split("\\."); if ((split.length != 2) || split[0].length() == 0 || split[1].length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Error when splitting file name '" + name + "' using '.'. Filename doesn't consist of two parts or a part was an empty string."); } } /** * Reusable function that will return a list of fieldnames that are needed * for this subclass of 'MolgenisFile'. * * @param type * @param db * @return * @throws Exception */ public static ArrayList<String> getNeededExtraFields(String type, Database db) throws Exception { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); // create regular MolgenisFile MolgenisFile mfSuperClass = new MolgenisFile(); // add all regular fields to a list ArrayList<String> options = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ValueLabel vl : mfSuperClass.get__TypeOptions()) { options.add(vl.getValue().toString()); } // check if there is a subclass for this type if (!options.contains(type)) { throw new Exception("Type '" + type + "' is not a subclass of MolgenisFile. Maybe you should use uppercase?"); } // try to instantiate the subclass MolgenisFile mfSubClass = (MolgenisFile) db.getClassForName(type).newInstance(); // DISCUSSION: // maybe use.. // JDBCMetaDatabase meta = new JDBCMetaDatabase(); // org.molgenis.model.elements.Entity entity = meta.getEntity("Marker"); // for(org.molgenis.model.elements.Field f : entity.getFields()){ // f.isNillable(); // } // iterate through the fields of a subclassed type, and find any // additional fields however don't add them if they have a '_name' for (String subClassField : mfSubClass.getFields()) { // if the field is not in MolgenisFile if (!mfSuperClass.getFields().contains(subClassField)) { // field has no '_name' (a convenient unique xref pointer) if (!subClassField.endsWith("_name")) { // check if there is a '_name' ending field, only add if // there is no such field if (!(mfSubClass.getFields().contains(subClassField + "_name"))) { result.add(subClassField); } } else { // field has '_name', so use it in any case result.add(subClassField); } } } return result; } public static void copyHelper(File content, File dest, boolean skipWhenDestExists) throws IOException { if (skipWhenDestExists) { if (!dest.exists()) { FileUtils.copyFile(content, dest); } } else { if (dest.exists()) { throw new IOException("Destination file " + dest.getAbsolutePath() + " already exists"); } else { FileUtils.copyFile(content, dest); } } } }