package org.molgenis.compute.test.util; import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.CmdLineException; import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.CmdLineParser; import org.molgenis.util.cmdline.Option; public class ImportWorksheetOptions { public ImportWorksheetOptions(String[] args) throws CmdLineException { CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(this); parser.parse(args); } @Option(name = "McId", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "This is the run identifier for this run") public String McId = null; @Option(name = "worksheet_file", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "This is the worksheet file path") public String worksheet_file = null; @Option(name = "workflow_name", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "This is the workflow name as in database") public String workflow_name = null; @Option(name = "backend_name", param = Option.Param.STRING, type = Option.Type.REQUIRED_ARGUMENT, usage = "This is the back-end name, where tasks should be submitted") public String backend_name = null; }