package org.molgenis.mutation.vo; import; import org.molgenis.mutation.Mutation; import org.molgenis.util.ValueLabel; public class MutationUploadVO implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1070160510535611854L; private Mutation mutation; private Integer exonId; private Boolean exonIsIntron; private Integer geneBpStart; private String geneOrientation; private String geneSeq; private String geneSymbol; // Values that are calculated but not stored in the db private String refseq; private String nt; private String codon; private String aa; private String aachange; public MutationUploadVO() { this.mutation = new Mutation(); } public Mutation getMutation() { return mutation; } public void setMutation(Mutation mutation) { this.mutation = mutation; } public Integer getExonId() { return exonId; } public void setExonId(Integer exonId) { this.exonId = exonId; } public Boolean getExonIsIntron() { return exonIsIntron; } public void setExonIsIntron(Boolean exonIsIntron) { this.exonIsIntron = exonIsIntron; } public Integer getGeneBpStart() { return geneBpStart; } public void setGeneBpStart(Integer geneBpStart) { this.geneBpStart = geneBpStart; } public String getGeneOrientation() { return geneOrientation; } public void setGeneOrientation(String geneOrientation) { this.geneOrientation = geneOrientation; } public String getGeneSeq() { return geneSeq; } public void setGeneSeq(String geneSeq) { this.geneSeq = geneSeq; } public String getGeneSymbol() { return geneSymbol; } public void setGeneSymbol(String geneSymbol) { this.geneSymbol = geneSymbol; } public String getRefseq() { return refseq; } public void setRefseq(String refseq) { this.refseq = refseq; } public String getNt() { return nt; } public void setNt(String nt) { this.nt = nt; } public String getCodon() { return codon; } public void setCodon(String codon) { this.codon = codon; } public String getAa() { return aa; } public void setAa(String aa) { this.aa = aa; } public String getAachange() { return aachange; } public void setAachange(String aachange) { this.aachange = aachange; } public java.util.List<ValueLabel> getEventOptions() { return new Mutation().getEventOptions(); } public java.util.List<ValueLabel> getConsequenceOptions() { return new Mutation().getConsequenceOptions(); } public java.util.List<ValueLabel> getInheritanceOptions() { return new Mutation().getInheritanceOptions(); } public Mutation toMutation() { this.mutation.setExon(this.exonId); // this.mutation.setGene(this.gene); return this.mutation; } public String toString() { return "Gene: " + this.getGeneSymbol() + "\n" + "Position: " + this.getMutation().getMutationPosition() + "\n" + "Nucleotide: " + this.getNt() + "\n" + "Event: " + this.getMutation().getEvent() + "\n" + "Conserved AA: " + this.getMutation().getConservedAA() + "\n" + "Splicing: " + this.getMutation().getEffectOnSplicing() + "\n" + "Founder mut: " + this.getMutation().getFounderMutation() + "\n" + "Population: " + this.getMutation().getPopulation() + "\n" + "SNP?: " + this.getMutation().getReportedSNP() + "\n" + "Inheritance: " + this.getMutation().getInheritance() + "\n" + "NT change: " + this.getMutation().getNtchange() + "\n" + "Codon: " + this.getCodon() + "\n" + "cDNA not: " + this.getMutation().getCdna_Notation() + "\n" + "gDNA not: " + this.getMutation().getGdna_Notation() + "\n" + "AA not: " + this.getMutation().getAa_Notation() + "\n" + "Consequence: " + this.getMutation().getConsequence() + "\n" + "Type: " + this.getMutation().getType() + "\n"; } }