package org.molgenis.ngs.ui; import; import; import java.sql.Date; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import; import org.molgenis.contribution.Person; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Database; import org.molgenis.framework.db.Database.DatabaseAction; import org.molgenis.framework.db.DatabaseException; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.EasyPluginController; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.ScreenController; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.ScreenView; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.ActionInput; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.EntityTable; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.FileInput; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.MolgenisForm; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.Newline; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.Paragraph; import org.molgenis.framework.ui.html.TextInput; import org.molgenis.ngs.Array; import org.molgenis.ngs.Flowcell; import org.molgenis.ngs.LibraryLane; import org.molgenis.ngs.Machine; import org.molgenis.ngs.NgsBarcode; import org.molgenis.ngs.NgsCapturingKit; import org.molgenis.ngs.NgsPrepKit; import org.molgenis.ngs.NgsSample; import org.molgenis.ngs.NgsStudy; import org.molgenis.util.CsvFileReader; import org.molgenis.util.CsvReader; import org.molgenis.util.CsvStringReader; import org.molgenis.util.Tuple; import org.molgenis.util.ValueLabel; /** * ImportWorksheetController takes care of all user requests and application * logic. * * <li>Each user request is handled by its own method based action=methodName. * <li>MOLGENIS takes care of db.commits and catches exceptions to show to the * user <li>ImportWorksheetModel holds application state and business logic on * top of domain model. Get it via this.getModel()/setModel(..) <li> * ImportWorksheetView holds the template to show the layout. Get/set it via * this.getView()/setView(..). */ public class ImportWorksheet extends EasyPluginController<ImportWorksheet> { Map<String, Person> persons = new LinkedHashMap<String, Person>(); Map<String, NgsStudy> studies = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsStudy>(); Map<String, NgsSample> samples = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsSample>(); Map<String, Flowcell> flowcells = new LinkedHashMap<String, Flowcell>(); Map<String, LibraryLane> liblanes = new LinkedHashMap<String, LibraryLane>(); Map<String, NgsBarcode> barcodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsBarcode>(); Map<String, NgsCapturingKit> capturingKits = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsCapturingKit>(); Map<String, NgsPrepKit> prepKits = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsPrepKit>(); Map<String, Machine> machines = new LinkedHashMap<String, Machine>(); Map<String, Array> arrays = new LinkedHashMap<String, Array>(); public enum State { UPLOAD, REVIEW }; private State state = State.UPLOAD; private static final long serialVersionUID = 6075389492409205677L; public ImportWorksheet(String name, ScreenController<?> parent) { super(name, parent); this.setModel(this); // the default model } @Override public void reload(Database db) throws Exception { // nothing todo } // handle the upload public void uploadWorksheet(Database db, Tuple request) throws IOException, DataFormatException, ParseException { CsvReader reader = null; if (!request.isNull("filefor_worksheetFile")) { reader = new CsvFileReader(new File(request.getString("filefor_worksheetFile"))); } else { reader = new CsvStringReader(request.getString("worksheetCsv")); } persons = new LinkedHashMap<String, Person>(); studies = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsStudy>(); samples = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsSample>(); flowcells = new LinkedHashMap<String, Flowcell>(); liblanes = new LinkedHashMap<String, LibraryLane>(); barcodes = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsBarcode>(); capturingKits = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsCapturingKit>(); prepKits = new LinkedHashMap<String, NgsPrepKit>(); machines = new LinkedHashMap<String, Machine>(); arrays = new LinkedHashMap<String, Array>(); int counter_total = 0; int counter_ignored = 0; // iterate for (Tuple row : reader) { counter_total++; // parsing validation String study_identifier = capitalizeFirstOnly(row.getString("project")); String study_contact = nameCasing(row.getString("contact")); String seqType = row.getString("seqType"); String flowcell_identifier = row.getString("flowcell"); String flowcell_run = row.getString("run"); String flowcell_machine = row.getString("sequencer"); String sample_identifier = row.getString("internalSampleId"); String sample_externalIdentifier = row.getString("externalSampleID"); String lib_lanes = row.getString("lane"); String lib_barcode = row.getString("barcode"); String lib_capturingKit = capitalizeFirstOnly(row.getString("capturingKit")); String lib_prepKit = capitalizeFirstOnly(row.getString("prepKit")); String barcodeType = row.getString("barcodeType"); String arrayFile = row.getString("arrayFile"); String arrayID = row.getString("arrayID"); if (lib_lanes == null) { counter_ignored++; // System.out.println(">> Row ignored because Lane was null: " + // row); // Do same here as when we did find a lane.. // 1. create function calls to do work below // 2. also call functions here // Now, flowcell-lane-barcode-SAMPLE is unique, so we can also // store a new sample without specifying its Flowcell (may be // NA), // its lane (then also NA), its barcode (may be NA)...! // which makes sense because two different samples may be on // same FLCLL-LANE-BARCODE! } else { for (String lib_lane : lib_lanes.split(","))// laneList) { lib_lane = lib_lane.trim(); String lib_identifier = flowcell_identifier + "_L" + lib_lane + "_" + lib_barcode + "_" + sample_identifier; // if Google-docs-validation script produced error, then // insert null in barcode if (barcodeType != null) { boolean validBarcodeType = false; for (ValueLabel vl : (new NgsBarcode().getBarcodeTypeOptions())) if (barcodeType.equalsIgnoreCase((String) vl.getValue())) validBarcodeType = true; if (!validBarcodeType) { lib_barcode = null; barcodeType = null; } } // parsing dates sucks Date flowcell_startDate = null; DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd", Locale.US); if (!row.isNull("sequencingStartDate")) flowcell_startDate = new java.sql.Date(formatter.parse( row.getString("sequencingStartDate")).getTime()); // validation if (study_identifier == null) throw new DataFormatException("project is required for row: " + row); if (study_contact == null) throw new DataFormatException("contact is required for row: " + row); if (sample_identifier == null) throw new DataFormatException( "internalSampleId is required for row: " + row); // object creation, based on identifiers if (persons.get(study_contact) == null) { Person person = new Person(); person.setName(study_contact); persons.put(study_contact, person); } // required: study if (studies.get(study_identifier) == null) { NgsStudy study = new NgsStudy(); study.setIdentifier(study_identifier); // FIXME? Why is seqType a propertie of study?! MD // thinks seqType should be a property of lane-barcode. if (seqType == null) { if (flowcell_startDate == null) { study.setSeqType("PE"); } else { // guesstimate: (date < 10 Nov 2010 ? SR : PE) if (flowcell_startDate.before(new java.sql.Date(formatter.parse("101110").getTime()))) { study.setSeqType("SR"); } else { study.setSeqType("PE"); } } } else { study.setSeqType(seqType); } // check seq type if (study.getSeqType().equalsIgnoreCase("PE") && flowcell_machine != null && flowcell_machine.equalsIgnoreCase("HWUSI-EAS536")) { throw new DataFormatException(">>> Paired end was never run on HWUSI-EAS536 >>> " + row); } study.setContact_Name(study_contact); studies.put(study_identifier, study); } // required: sample if (studies.get(sample_identifier) == null) { NgsSample sample = new NgsSample(); sample.setIdentifier(sample_identifier); sample.setExternalIdentifier(sample_externalIdentifier); sample.setStudy_Identifier(study_identifier); samples.put(sample_identifier, sample); } // optional: flowcell if (flowcell_identifier != null && flowcells.get(flowcell_identifier) == null) { Flowcell flowcell = new Flowcell(); flowcell.setIdentifier(flowcell_identifier); flowcell.setRun(flowcell_run); flowcell.setMachine_Name(flowcell_machine); flowcell.setStartDate(flowcell_startDate); flowcells.put(flowcell_identifier, flowcell); } // optional: libraryLane if (lib_identifier != null && liblanes.get(lib_identifier) == null) { LibraryLane lib = new LibraryLane(); lib.setIdentifier(lib_identifier); lib.setFlowcell_Identifier(flowcell_identifier); lib.setLane(lib_lane); lib.setBarcode_Name(lib_barcode); lib.setCapturingKit_Name(lib_capturingKit); lib.setPrepKit_Name(lib_prepKit); lib.setSample_Identifier(sample_identifier); liblanes.put(lib_identifier, lib); } // System.out.println(">> " + barcodeType); if (lib_barcode != null && barcodes.get(lib_barcode) == null) { NgsBarcode bc = new NgsBarcode(); bc.setName(lib_barcode); // if (barcodeType != null) { // // bc.getBarcodeTypeOptions(); // } bc.setBarcodeType(barcodeType); barcodes.put(lib_barcode, bc); } if (lib_capturingKit != null && capturingKits.get(lib_capturingKit) == null) { NgsCapturingKit c = new NgsCapturingKit(); c.setName(lib_capturingKit); capturingKits.put(lib_capturingKit, c); } if (lib_prepKit != null && prepKits.get(lib_prepKit) == null) { NgsPrepKit c = new NgsPrepKit(); c.setName(lib_prepKit); prepKits.put(lib_prepKit, c); } if (flowcell_machine != null && machines.get(flowcell_machine) == null) { Machine c = new Machine(); c.setName(flowcell_machine); machines.put(flowcell_machine, c); } System.out.println(">> Array: " + arrayFile); if (arrayFile != null && arrays.get(sample_identifier) == null) { Array a = new Array(); a.setSample_Identifier(sample_identifier); a.setArrayFile(arrayFile); a.setArrayID(arrayID); a.setIdentifier(sample_identifier); arrays.put(sample_identifier, a); } } } } System.out.println(">> REPORT: total number of lines: " + counter_total); System.out.println(">> REPORT: number of lines IGNORED: " + counter_ignored); state = State.REVIEW; } /** * Capitalize only the first character of name */ private String capitalizeFirstOnly(String name) { String result = ""; if (name != null) for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); result += (i == 0 ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c)); } return result; } /** * Capitalize first letter and each letter followed by a whitespace */ private String nameCasing(String name) { String result = ""; boolean capitalize = true; for (int i = 0; i < name.length(); i++) { char c = name.charAt(i); result += (capitalize ? Character.toUpperCase(c) : Character.toLowerCase(c)); capitalize = c == ' '; } return result; } public void saveUpload(Database db, Tuple request) throws DatabaseException { try { int count = 0; count += db.update(new ArrayList<Person>(persons.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "name"); count += db.update(new ArrayList<NgsStudy>(studies.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "identifier"); // System.out.println(">> " + barcodes.values()); count += db .update(new ArrayList<NgsBarcode>(barcodes.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "name"); count += db .update(new ArrayList<NgsPrepKit>(prepKits.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "name"); count += db.update(new ArrayList<Machine>(machines.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "name"); // System.out.println(">> " + capturingKits.values()); count += db.update(new ArrayList<NgsCapturingKit>(capturingKits.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "name"); count += db.update(new ArrayList<NgsSample>(samples.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "identifier"); count += db.update(new ArrayList<Flowcell>(flowcells.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "identifier"); // System.out.println(">> " + liblanes.values()); count += db.update(new ArrayList<LibraryLane>(liblanes.values()), DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "identifier"); // count += db.update(new ArrayList<Array>(arrays.values()), // DatabaseAction.ADD_UPDATE_EXISTING, "identifier"); for (Array a : arrays.values()) { System.out.println(a); db.add(a); } state = State.UPLOAD; this.setSuccess("Added or updated " + count + " records succesfully"); } catch (DatabaseException e) { state = State.UPLOAD; throw e; } } public void resetUpload(Database db, Tuple request) { state = State.UPLOAD; } @Override public ScreenView getView() { MolgenisForm view = new MolgenisForm(this); if (state == State.UPLOAD) { view.add(new TextInput("worksheetCsv")); view.add(new Newline()); view.add(new FileInput("worksheetFile")); view.add(new Newline()); view.add(new ActionInput("uploadWorksheet")); } if (state == State.REVIEW) { view.add(new Paragraph("<h2>Please review uploaded data:</h2>")); view.add(new ActionInput("resetUpload", "reset")); view.add(new ActionInput("saveUpload", "save")); EntityTable s = new EntityTable("studies", studies.values(), false, "identifier", "contact_name"); s.setLabel("<h3>Studies:</h3>"); view.add(s); EntityTable p = new EntityTable("persons", persons.values(), false, "name"); p.setLabel("<h3>Persons:</h3>"); view.add(p); EntityTable sa = new EntityTable("samples", samples.values(), false, "study_identifier", "identifier", "externalIdentifier", "sampletype"); sa.setLabel("<h3>Samples:</h3>"); view.add(sa); EntityTable fc = new EntityTable("flowcells", flowcells.values(), false, "identifier", "machine_name", "run", "startDate"); fc.setLabel("<h3>Flowcells:</h3>"); view.add(fc); EntityTable l = new EntityTable("libraryLanes", liblanes.values(), false, "flowcell_identifier", "lane", "barcode_name", "sample_identifier", "prepKit_name", "capturingKit_name"); l.setLabel("<h3>Libraries loaded on lanes</h3>"); view.add(l); EntityTable m = new EntityTable("machines", machines.values(), false, "name"); m.setLabel("<h3>Machines used:</h3>"); view.add(m); EntityTable b = new EntityTable("barcodes", barcodes.values(), false, "name", "barcodeType"); b.setLabel("<h3>Barcodes used:</h3>"); view.add(b); EntityTable c = new EntityTable("capturingKits", capturingKits.values(), false, "name"); c.setLabel("<h3>Capturing kits used:</h3>"); view.add(c); EntityTable k = new EntityTable("prepKits", prepKits.values(), false, "name"); k.setLabel("<h3>Prep kits used:</h3>"); view.add(k); EntityTable a = new EntityTable("Arrays", arrays.values(), false, "identifier"); a.setLabel("<h3>ArrayFiles used:</h3>"); view.add(a); } return view; } }