package org.rackspace.stingray.client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.Client; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.bandwidth.Bandwidth; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.config.Configuration; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.counters.VirtualServerStats; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.counters.VirtualServerStatsProperties; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.exception.StingrayRestClientException; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.exception.StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.glb.GlobalLoadBalancing; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.list.Child; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.list.Children; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.location.Location; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.manager.RequestManager; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.manager.StingrayRestClientManager; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.manager.impl.RequestManagerImpl; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.monitor.Monitor; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.persistence.Persistence; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.pool.Pool; import; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.rate.Rate; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.ssl.client.keypair.ClientKeypair; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.ssl.keypair.Keypair; import; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.traffic.ip.TrafficIp; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.util.ClientConstants; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.virtualserver.VirtualServer; import org.rackspace.stingray.client.virtualserver.VirtualServerProperties; import; import; import; import; import java.util.List; public class StingrayRestClient extends StingrayRestClientManager { private RequestManager requestManager = new RequestManagerImpl(); public StingrayRestClient(URI endpoint, Configuration config, Client client) { super(config, endpoint, client, false, null, null); } public StingrayRestClient(URI endpoint, Configuration config) { super(config, endpoint, null, false, null, null); } public StingrayRestClient(URI endpoint) { super(null, endpoint, null, false, null, null); } public StingrayRestClient(URI endpoint, String adminUser, String adminKey) { super(null, endpoint, null, false, adminUser, adminKey); } public StingrayRestClient(URI endpoint, boolean isDebugging, String adminUser, String adminKey) { super(null, endpoint, null, isDebugging, adminUser, adminKey); } public StingrayRestClient(boolean isDebugging) { super(null, null, null, isDebugging, null, null); } public StingrayRestClient(Configuration configuration) { super(configuration, null, null, false, null, null); } public StingrayRestClient(String adminKey){ super(null, null, null, false, null, adminKey); } public StingrayRestClient() { super(null, null, null, false, null, null); } public void setRequestManager(RequestManager requestManager) { this.requestManager = requestManager; } /** * This method will check that a path is defined in one of the constants described in REST api documentation * * @param path Variable holding the path used in a request * @return Result from checking the path's validity */ private Boolean isPathValid(String path) { return path.equals(ClientConstants.RATE_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.PERSISTENCE_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.POOL_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.ACTIONSCRIPT_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.BANDWIDTH_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.CACRL_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.CLIENTKEYPAIR_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.EXTRAFILE_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.GLB_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.IP_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.KEYPAIR_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.LOCATION_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.MONITOR_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.MONITORSCRIPT_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.PROTECTION_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.TRAFFICMANAGER_PATH) || path.equals(ClientConstants.TRAFFICSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * Generic method to retrieve a list of the object at the specified path * * @param path Path to object endpoint in the rest client * @return the generic list retrieval method * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException , StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private List<Child> getItems(String path) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { if (isPathValid(path)) { ClientResponse response = requestManager.getList(endpoint, client, path); Children children = interpretResponse(response, Children.class); return children.getChildren(); } else { throw new StingrayRestClientException("There was an error communicating with the resource endpoint: " + path); } } /** * Generic method to retrieve an item at the specified path * * @param name Name of the object to retrieve * @param clazz Class type of the object being retrieved * @param path Path to the object * @param <T> Object generic declaration * @return Calls another method to retrieve an item of a specified type * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException , StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T getItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, clazz, path, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE); } /** * Overloaded method to retrieve an item at the specified path * * @param name Name of the object to retrieve * @param clazz Class type of the object being retrieved * @param path Path to the object * @param <T> Object generic declaration * @param cType Type of request being sent (IE application/json) * @return Return object of a specified type * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException , StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T getItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, clazz, path, endpoint, cType); } /** * Overloaded method to retrieve an item at the specified path * * @param name Name of the object to retrieve * @param clazz Class type of the object being retrieved * @param path Path to the object * @param endpoint Endpoint for object * @param <T> Object generic declaration * @return Return object of a specified type * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException , StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T getItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, URI endpoint) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, clazz, path, endpoint, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE); } /** * Overloaded method to retrieve an item at the specified path and endpoint * * @param name Name of the object to retrieve * @param clazz Class type of the object being retrieved * @param path Path to the object * @param endpoint Endpoint for object * @param <T> Object generic declaration * @param cType Type of request being sent (IE application/json) * @return Return object of a specified type * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException , StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T getItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, URI endpoint, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { if (isPathValid(path)) { ClientResponse response = requestManager.getItem(endpoint, client, path + name, cType); T obj = interpretResponse(response, clazz); return obj; } else { throw new StingrayRestClientException("There was an error communicating with the resource endpoint: " + path); } } /** * @param name * @param clazz * @param path * @param obj * @param <T> * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T createItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, T obj) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, clazz, path, obj, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE); } /** * @param name * @param clazz * @param path * @param obj * @param cType * @param <T> * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T createItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, T obj, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, clazz, path, obj, cType); } /** * @param name * @param clazz * @param path * @param obj * @param <T> * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T updateItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, T obj) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, clazz, path, obj, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE); } /** * @param name * @param clazz * @param path * @param obj * @param cType * @param <T> * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private <T> T updateItem(String name, Class<T> clazz, String path, T obj, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { if (isPathValid(path)) { ClientResponse response = requestManager.updateItem(endpoint, client, path + name, obj, cType); return interpretResponse(response, clazz); } else { throw new StingrayRestClientException("There was an error communicating with the resource endpoint: " + path); } } /** * @param name * @param path * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ private Boolean deleteItem(String name, String path) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { if (isPathValid(path)) return requestManager.deleteItem(endpoint, client, path + name); else throw new StingrayRestClientException(); } public VirtualServer createVirtualServer(String name, VirtualServer vs) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, VirtualServer.class, ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH, vs); } /** * @return A list of children representing individual virtual server names and URI's * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getVirtualServers() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH); } /** * @param name * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public VirtualServer getVirtualServer(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, VirtualServer.class, ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH); } /** * @param name * @param virtualServer * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public VirtualServer updateVirtualServer(String name, VirtualServer virtualServer) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, VirtualServer.class, ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH, virtualServer); } /** * @param name * @return * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public boolean deleteVirtualServer(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for pools providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getPools() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.POOL_PATH); } /* * POOLS */ /** * @param name the virtual server name for pool retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Pool getPool(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Pool.class, ClientConstants.POOL_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the pool * @param pool The pool object used to create a Stingray Pool * @return The configured pool object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Pool createPool(String name, Pool pool) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Pool.class, ClientConstants.POOL_PATH, pool); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the pool * @param pool The pool object used to create a Stingray Pool * @return The configured pool object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Pool updatePool(String name, Pool pool) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, Pool.class, ClientConstants.POOL_PATH, pool); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the pool * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deletePool(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.POOL_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for actionScripts providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getActionScripts() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.ACTIONSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for action script retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File getActionScript(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, File.class, ClientConstants.ACTIONSCRIPT_PATH, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the actionScript * @param actionScript The actionScript object used to create a Stingray Action Script * @return The configured Action Script object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File createActionScript(String name, File actionScript) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, File.class, ClientConstants.ACTIONSCRIPT_PATH, actionScript, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the action script * @param actionScript The action script object used to create a Stingray action script * @return The configured action script object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File updateActionScript(String name, File actionScript) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, File.class, ClientConstants.ACTIONSCRIPT_PATH, actionScript, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the action script * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteActionScript(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.ACTIONSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for bandwidths providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getBandwidths() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.BANDWIDTH_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for bandwidth retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Bandwidth getBandwidth(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Bandwidth.class, ClientConstants.BANDWIDTH_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the bandwidth * @param bandwidth The bandwidth object used to create a Stingray bandwidth * @return The configured Bandwidth object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Bandwidth createBandwidth(String name, Bandwidth bandwidth) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Bandwidth.class, ClientConstants.BANDWIDTH_PATH, bandwidth); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the bandwidth * @param bandwidth The bandwidth object used to create a Stingray bandwidth * @return The configured bandwidth object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Bandwidth updateBandwidth(String name, Bandwidth bandwidth) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, Bandwidth.class, ClientConstants.BANDWIDTH_PATH, bandwidth); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the bandwidth * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteBandwidth(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.BANDWIDTH_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for extra files providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getExtraFiles() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.EXTRAFILE_PATH); } /** * @param fileName the virtual server name for extra file retrieval * @return File * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File getExtraFile(String fileName) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getExtraFile(fileName, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName * @param cType * @return File * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File getExtraFile(String fileName, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.EXTRAFILE_PATH, cType); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the extra file * @param extraFile The extra file object used to create a Stingray extra file * @return The configured ExtraFile object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File createExtraFile(String fileName, File extraFile) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createExtraFile(fileName, extraFile, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param name * @param extraFile * @param cType * @return File * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File createExtraFile(String name, File extraFile, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, File.class, ClientConstants.EXTRAFILE_PATH, extraFile, cType); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the extra file * @param extraFile The extra file object used to create a Stingray extra files * @return File * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File updateExtraFile(String fileName, File extraFile) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateExtraFile(fileName, extraFile, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName * @param extraFile * @param cType * @return File * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File updateExtraFile(String fileName, File extraFile, MediaType cType) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.EXTRAFILE_PATH, extraFile, cType); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the extra file * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteExtraFile(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.EXTRAFILE_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for global load balancers providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getGlbs() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.GLB_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for global load balancing retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public GlobalLoadBalancing getGlb(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, GlobalLoadBalancing.class, ClientConstants.GLB_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the Glb * @param globalLoadBalancing The global load balancing object used to create a Stingray global load balancer * @return The configured ExtraFile object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public GlobalLoadBalancing createGlb(String name, GlobalLoadBalancing globalLoadBalancing) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, GlobalLoadBalancing.class, ClientConstants.GLB_PATH, globalLoadBalancing); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the Glb * @param globalLoadBalancing The global load balancing object used to create a Stingray global load balancer * @return The configured global load balancing object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public GlobalLoadBalancing updateGlb(String name, GlobalLoadBalancing globalLoadBalancing) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, GlobalLoadBalancing.class, ClientConstants.GLB_PATH, globalLoadBalancing); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the global load balancing * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteGlb(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.GLB_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for locations providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getLocations() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.LOCATION_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for extra file retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Location getLocation(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Location.class, ClientConstants.LOCATION_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the extra file * @param location The location object used to create a Stingray location * @return The configured Location object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Location createLocation(String name, Location location) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Location.class, ClientConstants.LOCATION_PATH, location); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the location * @param location The extra file object used to create a Stingray locations * @return The configured Location object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Location updateLocation(String name, Location location) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, Location.class, ClientConstants.LOCATION_PATH, location); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the location * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteLocation(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.LOCATION_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for extra files providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getMonitors() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.MONITOR_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for monitor retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Monitor getMonitor(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Monitor.class, ClientConstants.MONITOR_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the monitor * @param monitor The monitor object used to create a Stingray monitor * @return The configured Monitor object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Monitor createMonitor(String name, Monitor monitor) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Monitor.class, ClientConstants.MONITOR_PATH, monitor); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the monitor * @param monitor The monitor object used to create a Stingray monitors * @return The configured Monitor object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Monitor updateMonitor(String name, Monitor monitor) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, Monitor.class, ClientConstants.MONITOR_PATH, monitor); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the monitor * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteMonitor(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.MONITOR_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for monitor scripts providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getMonitorScripts() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.MONITORSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * @param fileName the virtual server name for monitor script retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File getMonitorScript(String fileName) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.MONITORSCRIPT_PATH, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the monitor script * @param monitorScript The monitor script object used to create a Stingray monitor script * @return The configured MonitorScript object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File createMonitorScript(String fileName, File monitorScript) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.MONITORSCRIPT_PATH, monitorScript, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the monitor script * @param monitorScript The monitor script object used to create a Stingray monitor scripts * @return The configured MonitorScript object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File updateMonitorScript(String fileName, File monitorScript) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.MONITORSCRIPT_PATH, monitorScript, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the monitor script * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteMonitorScript(String fileName) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(fileName, ClientConstants.MONITORSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for persistences providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getPersistences() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.PERSISTENCE_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for persistence retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Persistence getPersistence(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Persistence.class, ClientConstants.PERSISTENCE_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the extra file * @param persistence The persistence object used to create a Stingray persistence * @return The configured Persistence object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Persistence createPersistence(String name, Persistence persistence) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Persistence.class, ClientConstants.PERSISTENCE_PATH, persistence); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the persistence * @param persistence The persistence object used to create a Stingray persistence * @return The configured Persistence object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Persistence updatePersistence(String name, Persistence persistence) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, Persistence.class, ClientConstants.PERSISTENCE_PATH, persistence); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the persistence * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deletePersistence(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.PERSISTENCE_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for protections providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getProtections() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.PROTECTION_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for protection retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Protection getProtection(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Protection.class, ClientConstants.PROTECTION_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the protection * @param protection The protection object used to create a Stingray protection * @return The configured Protection object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Protection createProtection(String name, Protection protection) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Protection.class, ClientConstants.PROTECTION_PATH, protection); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the bandwidth * @param protection The protection object used to create a Stingray protections * @return The configured Protection object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Protection updateProtection(String name, Protection protection) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(name, Protection.class, ClientConstants.PROTECTION_PATH, protection); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the extra file * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteProtection(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.PROTECTION_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for rates providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getRates() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.RATE_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for rate retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Rate getRate(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Rate.class, ClientConstants.RATE_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the rate * @param rate The rate object used to create a Stingray rate * @return The configured Rate object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Rate createRate(String name, Rate rate) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Rate.class, ClientConstants.RATE_PATH, rate); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the rate * @param rate The rate object used to create a Stingray rates * @return The configured Rate object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Rate updateRate(String name, Rate rate) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Rate.class, ClientConstants.RATE_PATH, rate); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the rate * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteRate(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.RATE_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for cacrls providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getCacrls() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.CACRL_PATH); } /** * @param fileName the virtual server name for cacrl retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File getCacrl(String fileName) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.CACRL_PATH, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the cacrl * @param cacrl The cacrl object used to create a Stingray cacrl * @return The configured Cacrl object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File createCacrl(String fileName, File cacrl) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.CACRL_PATH, cacrl, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the cacrl * @param cacrl The cacrl object used to create a Stingray cacrl * @return The configured Cacrl object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File updateCacrl(String fileName, File cacrl) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return updateItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.CACRL_PATH, cacrl, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the cacrl * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteCacrl(String fileName) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(fileName, ClientConstants.CACRL_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for client keypairs providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getClientKeypairs() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.CLIENTKEYPAIR_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for client keypair retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public ClientKeypair getClientKeypair(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, ClientKeypair.class, ClientConstants.CLIENTKEYPAIR_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the client keypair * @param clientKeypair The client keypair object used to create a Stingray client keypair * @return The configured ClientKeypair object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public ClientKeypair createClientKeypair(String name, ClientKeypair clientKeypair) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, ClientKeypair.class, ClientConstants.CLIENTKEYPAIR_PATH, clientKeypair); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the clientkeypair * @param clientKeypair The client keypair object used to create a Stingray client keypairs * @return The configured ClientKeypair object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public ClientKeypair updateClientKeypair(String name, ClientKeypair clientKeypair) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, ClientKeypair.class, ClientConstants.CLIENTKEYPAIR_PATH, clientKeypair); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the client keypair * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteClientKeypair(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.CLIENTKEYPAIR_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for keypairs providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getKeypairs() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.KEYPAIR_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for keypair retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Keypair getKeypair(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, Keypair.class, ClientConstants.KEYPAIR_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the keypair * @param keypair The keypair object used to create a Stingray keypair * @return The configured Keypair object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Keypair createKeypair(String name, Keypair keypair) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Keypair.class, ClientConstants.KEYPAIR_PATH, keypair); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the keypair * @param keypair The keypair object used to create a Stingray keypairs * @return The configured Keypair object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Keypair updateKeypair(String name, Keypair keypair) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, Keypair.class, ClientConstants.KEYPAIR_PATH, keypair); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the keypair * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteKeypair(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.KEYPAIR_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for traffic managers providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getTrafficManagers() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.TRAFFICMANAGER_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for rate retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public TrafficManager getTrafficManager(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, TrafficManager.class, ClientConstants.TRAFFICMANAGER_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the traffic manager * @param trafficManager The traffic manager object used to create a Stingray traffic manager * @return The configured TrafficManager object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public TrafficManager createTrafficManager(String name, TrafficManager trafficManager) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, TrafficManager.class, ClientConstants.TRAFFICMANAGER_PATH, trafficManager); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the traffic manager * @param trafficManager The traffic manager object used to create a Stingray traffic manager * @return The configured TrafficManager object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public TrafficManager updateTrafficManager(String name, TrafficManager trafficManager) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, TrafficManager.class, ClientConstants.TRAFFICMANAGER_PATH, trafficManager); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the rate * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteTrafficManager(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.TRAFFICMANAGER_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for trafficscripts providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getTrafficscripts() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.TRAFFICSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * @param fileName the virtual server name for trafficscript retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File getTraffiscript(String fileName) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.TRAFFICSCRIPT_PATH, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param fileName The virtual server name related to the trafficscript * @param trafficscript The rate object used to create a Stingray trafficscript * @return The configured Trafficscript object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File createTrafficscript(String fileName, File trafficscript) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(fileName, File.class, ClientConstants.TRAFFICSCRIPT_PATH, trafficscript, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the trafficscript * @param trafficscript The trafficscript object used to create a Stingray trafficscript * @return The configured Trafficscript object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public File updateTrafficScript(String name, File trafficscript) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, File.class, ClientConstants.TRAFFICSCRIPT_PATH, trafficscript, MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the trafficscript * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteTrafficscript(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.TRAFFICSCRIPT_PATH); } /** * @return the generic list for TrafficIps providing the name and the endpoint for a specific request * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public List<Child> getTrafficIps() throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItems(ClientConstants.IP_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for rate retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public TrafficIp getTrafficIp(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return getItem(name, TrafficIp.class, ClientConstants.IP_PATH); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the Traffic Ip * @param trafficIp The rate object used to create a Stingray Traffic Ip * @return The configured TrafficIp object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public TrafficIp createTrafficIp(String name, TrafficIp trafficIp) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, TrafficIp.class, ClientConstants.IP_PATH, trafficIp); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the Traffic Ip * @param trafficIp The Traffic Ip object used to create a Stingray Traffic Ip * @return The configured TrafficIp object * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public TrafficIp updateTrafficIp(String name, TrafficIp trafficIp) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return createItem(name, TrafficIp.class, ClientConstants.IP_PATH, trafficIp); } /** * @param name The virtual server name related to the TrafficIp * @throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public Boolean deleteTrafficIp(String name) throws StingrayRestClientException, StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException { return deleteItem(name, ClientConstants.IP_PATH); } /** * @param name the virtual server name for stats retrieval * @throws StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException */ public VirtualServerStats getVirtualServerStats(String name, URI endpoint) { VirtualServerStats stats = new VirtualServerStats(); try { stats = getItem(name, VirtualServerStats.class, ClientConstants.V_SERVER_PATH, endpoint); } catch (StingrayRestClientObjectNotFoundException e) { stats.setStatistics(getZeroStats()); } catch (StingrayRestClientException e) { stats.setStatistics(getZeroStats()); } return stats; } /** * Destroy the StingrayRestClient */ public void destroy() { client.destroy(); } private VirtualServerStatsProperties getZeroStats() { VirtualServerStatsProperties props = new VirtualServerStatsProperties(); props.setConnect_timed_out(0); props.setConnection_errors(0); props.setConnection_failures(0); props.setData_timed_out(0); props.setKeepalive_timed_out(0); props.setMax_conn(0); props.setCurrent_conn(0); return props; } }