package; import com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientResponse; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openstack.atlas.restclients.auth.IdentityClientImpl; import org.openstack.atlas.restclients.dns.DnsClient1_0; import org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.exceptions.RdnsException; import; import; import; import; import org.openstack.atlas.util.b64aes.Aes; import org.openstack.atlas.util.config.LbConfiguration; import org.openstack.atlas.util.config.MossoConfigValues; import org.openstack.atlas.util.debug.Debug; import org.openstack.client.keystone.KeyStoneException; import org.openstack.client.keystone.auth.AuthData; import org.openstack.client.keystone.user.User; import*; import; import; public class RdnsHelper { private static final int BUFFSIZE = 1024 * 16; private static final int PAGESIZE = 4096; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(RdnsHelper.class); private static final String LB_SERVICE_NAME = "cloudLoadBalancers"; private int accountId = -1; private String lbaasBaseUrl; private String rdnsPublicUrl; private String rdnsAdminUrl; private String rdnsAdminUser; private String rdnsPasswd; private String authAdminUrl; private String authPublicUrl; private String authAdminUser; private String authAdminKey; private boolean useAdminAuth; public RdnsHelper(int aid) { this.accountId = aid; LbConfiguration conf = new LbConfiguration(); lbaasBaseUrl = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.base_uri); rdnsPublicUrl = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.rdns_public_url); rdnsAdminUrl = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.rdns_admin_url); rdnsAdminUser = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.rdns_admin_user); authAdminUrl = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.auth_management_uri); authAdminUser = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.basic_auth_user); //authPublicUrl = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.auth_public_uri); authPublicUrl = authAdminUrl; // So wayne doesn't need to duplicate configs. authAdminKey = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.basic_auth_key); useAdminAuth = Boolean.parseBoolean(conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.rdns_use_service_admin)); String key = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.rdns_crypto_key); String ctext = conf.getString(MossoConfigValues.rdns_admin_passwd); try { rdnsPasswd = Aes.b64decrypt_str(ctext, key); } catch (Exception ex) { String stackTrace = Debug.getEST(ex); String fmt = "Error decrypting rDNS admin passwd. Call to delete " + "PTR record will fail: %s"; rdnsPasswd = "????"; } } // Cause typing "newRdnsHelper().delPtrRecord(aid,lid,ip) doesn't looks as " // silly as of "(new RdnsHelper()).delPtrRecord(aid,lid,ip)" public static RdnsHelper newRdnsHelper(int aid) { return new RdnsHelper(aid); } public static byte[] readFile(String fileName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { byte[] bytesOut; byte[] buff; int nbytes; File file = new File(fileName); FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(file); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); while (true) { buff = new byte[BUFFSIZE]; nbytes =; if (nbytes < 0) { break; } os.write(buff, 0, nbytes); } bytesOut = os.toByteArray(); is.close(); os.close(); return bytesOut; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(PAGESIZE); sb.append(String.format("accountId=%d\n", accountId)); sb.append(String.format("lbaasBaseUrl=%s\n", lbaasBaseUrl)); sb.append(String.format("rdnsPublicUrl=%s\n", rdnsPublicUrl)); sb.append(String.format("rdnsAdminUrl=%s\n", rdnsAdminUrl)); sb.append(String.format("rdnsUser=%s\n", rdnsAdminUser)); sb.append(String.format("rDnsPasswd=%s\n", "CENSORED")); sb.append(String.format("authAdminUrl=%s\n", authAdminUrl)); sb.append(String.format("authPublicUrl=%s\n", authPublicUrl)); sb.append(String.format("authAdminUser=%s\n", authAdminUser)); sb.append(String.format("authAdminKey=%s\n", "CENSORED")); return sb.toString(); } public ClientResponse delPtrManRecord(int lid, String ip) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { DnsClient1_0 dns = new DnsClient1_0("", rdnsAdminUrl, rdnsAdminUser, rdnsPasswd, "", accountId); return dns.delPtrRecordMan(buildDeviceUri(accountId, lid), LB_SERVICE_NAME, ip); } public ClientResponse delPtrPubRecord(int lid, String ip) throws RdnsException { String tokenStr; if (useAdminAuth) { tokenStr = getLbaasToken2(); } else { AuthUserAndToken aut = stealUserToken(); tokenStr = aut.getTokenString(); } DnsClient1_0 dns = new DnsClient1_0(rdnsPublicUrl, tokenStr, accountId); return dns.delPtrRecordPub(buildDeviceUri(accountId, lid), LB_SERVICE_NAME, ip); } public String buildDeviceUri(int aid, int lid) { return String.format("%s/%d/loadbalancers/%d", lbaasBaseUrl, aid, lid); } public String relativeUri(int aid, int lid) { return String.format("/%d/loadbalancers/%d", aid, lid); } public AuthUserAndToken stealUserToken() throws RdnsException { AuthUserAndToken aut; User u; AuthData t; String accountIdStr = Integer.valueOf(accountId).toString(); KeyStoneConfig ksc = new KeyStoneConfig(this); try { AuthAdminClient adminClient = new AuthAdminClient(ksc); AuthPubClient pubClient = new AuthPubClient(ksc); u = adminClient.listUser(accountIdStr, "mosso"); t = pubClient.getToken(u.getId(), u.getKey()); aut = new AuthUserAndToken(u, t); return aut; } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(ex, accountId); } catch (KeyStoneException ex) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(ex, accountId); } } public AuthUserAndToken getLbaasToken() throws RdnsException { AuthUserAndToken aut; User u; AuthData t; KeyStoneConfig ksc = new KeyStoneConfig(this); try { AuthAdminClient adminClient = new AuthAdminClient(ksc); AuthPubClient pubClient = new AuthPubClient(ksc); u = adminClient.getUserKey(authAdminUser); t = pubClient.getToken(u.getId(), u.getKey()); aut = new AuthUserAndToken(u, t); return aut; } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(ex, accountId); } catch (KeyStoneException ex) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(ex, accountId); } } public String getLbaasToken2() throws RdnsException { try { return (new IdentityClientImpl()).getAuthToken(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(e, accountId); } catch (org.openstack.identity.client.fault.IdentityFault identityFault) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(identityFault, accountId); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw logAndThrowRdnsException(e, accountId); } } public static RdnsException logAndThrowRdnsException(Exception ex, int aid) { String stackTrace = Debug.getEST(ex); String fmt = "Error retriving user token for account %d:%s"; String msg = String.format(fmt, aid, stackTrace); return new RdnsException(msg, ex); } public String getLbaasBaseUrl() { return lbaasBaseUrl; } public String getRdnsPublicUrl() { return rdnsPublicUrl; } public String getRdnsAdminUser() { return rdnsAdminUser; } public String getRdnsPasswd() { return rdnsPasswd; } public String getRdnsAdminUrl() { return rdnsAdminUrl; } public int getAccountId() { return accountId; } public String getAuthAdminUrl() { return authAdminUrl; } public String getAuthPublicUrl() { return authPublicUrl; } public String getAuthAdminUser() { return authAdminUser; } public String getAuthAdminKey() { return authAdminKey; } public Boolean getUseAdminAuth() { return useAdminAuth; } }