package org.openstack.atlas.util.crypto; import; import; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.openstack.atlas.util.config.LbConfiguration; import org.openstack.atlas.util.crypto.exception.DecryptException; import org.openstack.atlas.util.crypto.exception.EncryptException; public class CommandLine { private static final int PAGESIZE = 4096; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { String prog = getProgName(); String usage = getUsage(prog); String mode; String val; String result; if (args.length < 2) { System.out.printf("%s", usage); return; } mode = args[0]; val = args[1]; if (mode.toLowerCase().equals("encrypt")) { try { result = org.openstack.atlas.util.crypto.CryptoUtil.encrypt(val); System.out.printf("\n\n\nencrypted =\"%s\"\n", result); return; } catch (EncryptException ex) { System.out.printf("Could not encrypt %s\n\n", val); System.out.printf("%s", getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); return; } } else if (mode.toLowerCase().equals("decrypt")) { try { result = org.openstack.atlas.util.crypto.CryptoUtil.decrypt(val); System.out.printf("\n\n\ndecrypted=\"%s\"\n", result); return; } catch (DecryptException ex) { System.out.printf("Could not decrypt %s\n\n", val); System.out.printf("%s", getExtendedStackTrace(ex)); return; } } else { System.out.printf("You must specify eith encrypt or decrypt for arg 1\n"); System.out.printf("\n"); System.out.printf("%s", usage); return; } } public static String getUsage(String prog) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(PAGESIZE); sb.append(String.format("Usage is java -jar %s <encrypt|decrypt> <text>\n", prog)); sb.append(String.format("\n")); sb.append(String.format("Encrypt or decrypt the passwd for the cluster based on the key ")); sb.append(String.format("configured in your \"%s\" file\n\n", LbConfiguration.defaultConfigurationLocation)); return sb.toString(); } public static String getProgName() { int li; String sep; String path; String prog; URI uri; File file; try { uri = CommandLine.class.getProtectionDomain(). getCodeSource(). getLocation(). toURI(); file = new File(uri); path = file.getAbsolutePath(); sep = File.separator; li = path.lastIndexOf(sep) + 1; prog = path.substring(li, path.length()); } catch (Exception ex) { prog = "prog"; } return prog; } public static String getExtendedStackTrace(Throwable th) { Throwable t; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(PAGESIZE); Exception currEx; String msg; t = th; while (t != null) { if (t instanceof Exception) { currEx = (Exception) t; sb.append(String.format("Exception: %s:%s\n", currEx.getMessage(), currEx.getClass().getName())); for (StackTraceElement se : currEx.getStackTrace()) { sb.append(String.format("%s\n", se.toString())); } sb.append("\n"); t = t.getCause(); } } return sb.toString(); } }