package resources; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.experimental.runners.Enclosed; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.openstack.atlas.atomhopper.util.UUIDUtil; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.UUID; @RunWith(Enclosed.class) public class XsdMarshallTest { public static class WhenMarshallingGeneratedXML { private UUID uuid; private Calendar cal; @Before public void standUp() { String uString = "DFW" + "234" + "2346"; try { cal = Calendar.getInstance(); uuid = UUIDUtil.genUUIDMD5Hash(uString); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {; } } @Test public void shouldSomething() { } // @Test // public void shouldSuccessfullyMarshallEntry() { // //Builds fake data and tests the xsd/xml validation // try { // EntryPojo entry = new EntryPojo(); // // //core // UsageV1Pojo usageV1 = buildUsageCore(DC.DFW_1, "loadBalancer", "1", "23456", "1234", // EventType.USAGE, AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), false); // // //product specific // usageV1.getAny().add(buildProductEntry("1")); // // //Atom specific // entry.setTitle(buildTitle()); // entry.getCategory().add(buildCategory()); // buildContent(usageV1, entry); // // unmarshallEntry(entry); // } catch (Exception e) { // //If Failure occurs here its most likely because of validation, this should pass if object is valid... see stack trace to verify... // e.printStackTrace(); //; // } // } // // @Test // public void shouldValidateDeleteEventTimeEntry() { // //Builds fake data and tests the xsd/xml validation // try { // EntryPojo entry = new EntryPojo(); // // //core // UsageV1Pojo usageV1 = buildUsageCore(DC.DFW_1, "loadBalancer", "1", "23456", "1234", // EventType.DELETE, AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), true); // // //product specific // usageV1.getAny().add(buildProductEntry("1")); // // //Atom specific // entry.setTitle(buildTitle()); // entry.getCategory().add(buildCategory()); // buildContent(usageV1, entry); // // unmarshallEntry(entry); // } catch (Exception e) { // //If Failure occurs here its most likely because of validation, this should pass if object is valid... see stack trace to verify... // e.printStackTrace(); //; // } // } // // @Test(expected = UnmarshalException.class) // public void shouldFailWhenVersionDoesNotMatchSchema() throws DatatypeConfigurationException, JAXBException, SAXException { // //Builds fake data and tests the xsd/xml validation // EntryPojo entry = new EntryPojo(); // // //core // UsageV1Pojo usageV1 = buildUsageCore(DC.DFW_1, "loadBalancer", "37", "23456", "1234", // EventType.USAGE, AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), false); // // //product specific // usageV1.getAny().add(buildProductEntry("1")); // // //Atom specific // entry.setTitle(buildTitle()); // entry.getCategory().add(buildCategory()); // buildContent(usageV1, entry); // // unmarshallEntry(entry); // } // // @Test(expected = UnmarshalException.class) // public void shouldFailWhenProductVersionDoesNotMatchSchema() throws DatatypeConfigurationException, JAXBException, SAXException { // //Builds fake data and tests the xsd/xml validation // EntryPojo entry = new EntryPojo(); // // //core // UsageV1Pojo usageV1 = buildUsageCore(DC.DFW_1, "loadBalancer", "1", "23456", "1234", // EventType.USAGE, AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal), false); // // //product specific // usageV1.getAny().add(buildProductEntry("345345")); // // //Atom specific // entry.setTitle(buildTitle()); // entry.getCategory().add(buildCategory()); // buildContent(usageV1, entry); // // unmarshallEntry(entry); // } // // @Ignore //This validation is on server side... // @Test // public void shouldFailWhenNotEventTimeAndStartEndTimeEqual() { // //Builds fake data and tests the xsd/xml validation // try { // EntryPojo entry = new EntryPojo(); // // Calendar now = AHUSLUtil.getNow(); // // //core // UsageV1Pojo usageV1 = buildUsageCore(DC.DFW_1, "loadBalancer", "1", "23456", "1234", // EventType.USAGE, AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(now), AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(now), false); // // //product specific // usageV1.getAny().add(buildProductEntry("1")); // // //Atom specific // entry.setTitle(buildTitle()); // entry.getCategory().add(buildCategory()); // buildContent(usageV1, entry); // // unmarshallEntry(entry); // } catch (Exception e) { // //If Failure occurs here its most likely because of validation, this should pass if object is valid... see stack trace to verify... // e.printStackTrace(); //; // } // } // // private UsageV1Pojo buildUsageCore(DC datacenter, String resourceName, String version, String tenantId, String resourceId, EventType eventType, XMLGregorianCalendar startTime, XMLGregorianCalendar endTime, boolean isEvent) throws DatatypeConfigurationException { // UsageV1Pojo usage = new UsageV1Pojo(); // usage.setDataCenter(datacenter); // usage.setResourceName(resourceName); // usage.setVersion(version); // usage.setTenantId(tenantId); // usage.setResourceId(resourceId); // // usage.setType(eventType); // usage.setId(uuid.toString()); //// System.out.println("Cal before :: " + startTime); //// System.out.println("Cal after :: " + AHUSLUtil.processCalendar(cal)); // // if (!isEvent) { // usage.setStartTime(startTime); // usage.setEndTime(endTime); // } else { // usage.setEventTime(startTime); // } // return usage; // } // // private LBaaSUsagePojo buildProductEntry(String version) { // LBaaSUsagePojo lu = new LBaaSUsagePojo(); // lu.setVersion(version); // lu.setBandWidthIn(4); // lu.setBandWidthInSsl(4); // lu.setBandWidthOut(4); // lu.setBandWidthOutSsl(4); // lu.setAvgConcurrentConnections(30000); // lu.setResourceType(ResourceTypes.LOADBALANCER); // lu.setServiceCode("CloudLoadBalancers"); // lu.setVipType(VipTypeEnum.PUBLIC); // lu.setSslMode(SslModeEnum.MIXED); // lu.setStatus(StatusEnum.ACTIVE); // return lu; // } // // private Unmarshaller createUnmarshaller() throws JAXBException, SAXException { // //Test purpose only, not needed for any code functionality.. // // //Unmarshall and verify against schema // JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(UsageEntry.class); // //For Tests... //// Schema factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI).newSchema(new File("jobs/src/main/resources/META-INF/xsd/entry.xsd")); // //For jenkins... // Schema factory = SchemaFactory.newInstance(XMLConstants.W3C_XML_SCHEMA_NS_URI).newSchema(new File("src/main/resources/META-INF/xsd/entry.xsd")); // Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); // unmarshaller.setSchema(factory); // return unmarshaller; // } // // private void unmarshallEntry(EntryPojo entry) throws JAXBException, SAXException { // Unmarshaller unmarshaller = createUnmarshaller(); // // ByteArrayInputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(UsageMarshaller.marshallObject(entry).getBytes()); // unmarshaller.unmarshal(input); // System.out.print(UsageMarshaller.marshallObject(entry)); // } // // private Title buildTitle() { // Title title = new Title(); // title.setType(Type.TEXT); // title.setValue("LBAAS"); // return title; // } // // private UsageCategory buildCategory() { // UsageCategory category = new UsageCategory(); // category.setLabel("loadBalancerUsage"); // category.setTerm("term"); // category.setScheme("PLAIN"); // return category; // } // // private UsageContent buildContent(UsageV1Pojo usageV1, EntryPojo entry) { // UsageContent usageContent = new UsageContent(); // usageContent.setEvent(usageV1); // entry.setContent(usageContent); // entry.getContent().setType(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML); // return usageContent; // } // } } }