package org.openstack.atlas.api.helpers.JsonSerializer; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerator; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonProcessingException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.codehaus.jackson.type.JavaType; import org.openstack.atlas.api.helpers.reflection.ClassReflectionTools; import org.openstack.atlas.api.helpers.reflection.ClassReflectionToolsException; import; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; /** * This serializer overrides any custom serializers defined for types via a * CustomSerializerFactory (or similar) and uses the BeanSerializerFactory for * serializing types. It also creates a clean SerializerProvider, which ensures * that any previously registered custom serializers are not used. This * particular serializer is really valuable when you want collections to be * serialized naturally and single objects to be serialized differently (e.g. * with a wrapper). * <p/> * Optionally, a wrapperFieldName can be supplied that will be used to write a * wrapping object around the JSON output. */ public class PropertyCollectionSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Object> { private SerializationConfig config; private String wrapperFieldName; private String getterName; private Boolean hasLinks = false; public PropertyCollectionSerializer(SerializationConfig config, Class someClass, String getterName) { this.config = config; this.wrapperFieldName = (someClass == null) ? null : ClassReflectionTools.getXmlRootElementName(someClass); this.getterName = getterName; } public PropertyCollectionSerializer(SerializationConfig config, Class someClass, String getterName, Boolean links) { this.config = config; this.wrapperFieldName = (someClass == null) ? null : ClassReflectionTools.getXmlRootElementName(someClass); this.getterName = getterName; this.hasLinks = links; } @Override public void serialize(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider sp) throws IOException { String valClassName = value.getClass().getName(); List propList; try { propList = (List) ClassReflectionTools.invokeGetter(value, getterName); } catch (ClassReflectionToolsException ex) { String format = "Error Failed to dynamically invoke %s.%s() during serialization of %s"; String errMsg = String.format(format, valClassName, getterName, value.toString()); throw new org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException(errMsg, ex); } CustomSerializerFactory csf = new CustomSerializerFactory(); csf.addSpecificMapping(GregorianCalendar.class, new DateTimeSerializer(config, null)); if (this.wrapperFieldName != null) { jgen.writeStartObject(); jgen.writeFieldName(this.wrapperFieldName); writeJsonArray(jgen, propList, true); } else { writeJsonArray(jgen, propList, false); } if (hasLinks) { writeLinks(value, jgen, valClassName); } if (wrapperFieldName != null) { jgen.writeEndObject(); } } private void writeLinks(Object value, JsonGenerator jgen, String valClassName) throws IOException { List propList; String format; String errMsg; String linksGetMethod = "getLinks"; try { propList = (List) ClassReflectionTools.invokeGetter(value, linksGetMethod); } catch (ClassReflectionToolsException ex) { format = "Error Failed to dynamically invoke %s.%s() during serialization of %s"; errMsg = String.format(format, valClassName, linksGetMethod, value.toString()); throw new org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException(errMsg, ex); } writeJsonArrayWithFieldName(jgen, propList, false, "links"); } private void writeJsonArray(JsonGenerator jgen, List propList, boolean writeWhenNullOrEmpty) throws IOException { if (propList != null && !propList.isEmpty()) { jgen.writeStartArray(); for (Object childObj : propList) { childSerialize(childObj, jgen); } jgen.writeEndArray(); } else if (writeWhenNullOrEmpty) { jgen.writeStartArray(); jgen.writeEndArray(); } } private void writeJsonArrayWithFieldName(JsonGenerator jgen, List propList, boolean writeWhenNullOrEmpty, String fieldName) throws IOException { if (writeWhenNullOrEmpty || !propList.isEmpty()) jgen.writeFieldName(fieldName); writeJsonArray(jgen, propList, writeWhenNullOrEmpty); } // Cause I kept getting confused when this was done in the serializer method directly private void childSerialize(Object obj, JsonGenerator jgen) throws JsonProcessingException, IOException { SerializerProviderBuilder providerBuilder = new SerializerProviderBuilder(); //BeanSerializerFactory csf = BeanSerializerFactory.instance; CustomSerializerFactory csf = new CustomSerializerFactory(); csf.addSpecificMapping(GregorianCalendar.class, new DateTimeSerializer(config, null)); SerializerProvider childProvider; JavaType childType = TypeFactory.type(obj.getClass()); BasicBeanDescription childBeanDesc = this.config.introspect(childType); JsonSerializer<Object> childSerializer = csf.findBeanSerializer(childType, config, childBeanDesc); childProvider = providerBuilder.createProvider(config, csf); childSerializer.serialize(obj, jgen, childProvider); } }