package org.bouncycastle.tsp; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1InputStream; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERObjectIdentifier; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.PKIFailureInfo; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.tsp.TimeStampReq; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Extension; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Extensions; /** * Base class for an RFC 3161 Time Stamp Request. */ public class TimeStampRequest implements { private TimeStampReq req; private X509Extensions extensions; public TimeStampRequest(TimeStampReq req) { this.req = req; this.extensions = req.getExtensions(); } /** * Create a TimeStampRequest from the past in byte array. * * @param req byte array containing the request. * @throws IOException if the request is malformed. */ public TimeStampRequest(byte[] req) throws IOException { this(new ByteArrayInputStream(req)); } /** * Create a TimeStampRequest from the past in input stream. * * @param in input stream containing the request. * @throws IOException if the request is malformed. */ public TimeStampRequest(InputStream in) throws IOException { try { this.req = TimeStampReq.getInstance(new ASN1InputStream(in).readObject()); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IOException("malformed request: " + e); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new IOException("malformed request: " + e); } } public int getVersion() { return req.getVersion().getValue().intValue(); } public String getMessageImprintAlgOID() { return req.getMessageImprint().getHashAlgorithm().getObjectId().getId(); } public byte[] getMessageImprintDigest() { return req.getMessageImprint().getHashedMessage(); } public String getReqPolicy() { if (req.getReqPolicy() != null) { return req.getReqPolicy().getId(); } else { return null; } } public BigInteger getNonce() { if (req.getNonce() != null) { return req.getNonce().getValue(); } else { return null; } } public boolean getCertReq() { if (req.getCertReq() != null) { return req.getCertReq().isTrue(); } else { return false; } } /** * Validate the timestamp request, checking the digest to see if it is of an * accepted type and whether it is of the correct length for the algorithm specified. * * @param algorithms a set of String OIDS giving accepted algorithms. * @param policies if non-null a set of policies we are willing to sign under. * @param extensions if non-null a set of extensions we are willing to accept. * @param provider the provider to confirm the digest size against. * @throws TSPException if the request is invalid, or processing fails. */ public void validate( Set algorithms, Set policies, Set extensions, String provider) throws TSPException, NoSuchProviderException { if (!algorithms.contains(this.getMessageImprintAlgOID())) { throw new TSPValidationException("request contains unknown algorithm.", PKIFailureInfo.badAlg); } if (policies != null && this.getReqPolicy() != null && !policies.contains(this.getReqPolicy())) { throw new TSPValidationException("request contains unknown policy.", PKIFailureInfo.unacceptedPolicy); } if (this.getExtensions() != null && extensions != null) { Enumeration en = this.getExtensions().oids(); while(en.hasMoreElements()) { String oid = ((DERObjectIdentifier)en.nextElement()).getId(); if (!extensions.contains(oid)) { throw new TSPValidationException("request contains unknown extension.", PKIFailureInfo.unacceptedExtension); } } } int digestLength = TSPUtil.getDigestLength(this.getMessageImprintAlgOID()); if (digestLength != this.getMessageImprintDigest().length) { throw new TSPValidationException("imprint digest the wrong length.", PKIFailureInfo.badDataFormat); } } public void validate( Set algorithms, Set policies, Set extensions) throws TSPException { if (!algorithms.contains(this.getMessageImprintAlgOID())) { throw new TSPValidationException("request contains unknown algorithm.", PKIFailureInfo.badAlg); } if (policies != null && this.getReqPolicy() != null && !policies.contains(this.getReqPolicy())) { throw new TSPValidationException("request contains unknown policy.", PKIFailureInfo.unacceptedPolicy); } if (this.getExtensions() != null && extensions != null) { Enumeration en = this.getExtensions().oids(); while(en.hasMoreElements()) { String oid = ((DERObjectIdentifier)en.nextElement()).getId(); if (!extensions.contains(oid)) { throw new TSPValidationException("request contains unknown extension.", PKIFailureInfo.unacceptedExtension); } } } int digestLength = TSPUtil.getDigestLength(this.getMessageImprintAlgOID()); if (digestLength != this.getMessageImprintDigest().length) { throw new TSPValidationException("imprint digest the wrong length.", PKIFailureInfo.badDataFormat); } } /** * return the ASN.1 encoded representation of this object. */ public byte[] getEncoded() throws IOException { return req.getEncoded(); } X509Extensions getExtensions() { return extensions; } public boolean hasExtensions() { return extensions != null; } public X509Extension getExtension(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid) { if (extensions != null) { return extensions.getExtension(oid); } return null; } public List getExtensionOIDs() { return TSPUtil.getExtensionOIDs(extensions); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see */ public byte[] getExtensionValue(String oid) { X509Extensions exts = req.getExtensions(); if (exts != null) { org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Extension ext = exts.getExtension(new DERObjectIdentifier(oid)); if (ext != null) { try { return ext.getValue().getEncoded(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("error encoding " + e.toString()); } } } return null; } private Set getExtensionOIDS( boolean critical) { Set set = new HashSet(); X509Extensions extensions = req.getExtensions(); if (extensions != null) { Enumeration e = extensions.oids(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { DERObjectIdentifier oid = (DERObjectIdentifier)e.nextElement(); org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.X509Extension ext = extensions.getExtension(oid); if (ext.isCritical() == critical) { set.add(oid.getId()); } } return set; } return null; } public Set getNonCriticalExtensionOIDs() { return getExtensionOIDS(false); } public Set getCriticalExtensionOIDs() { return getExtensionOIDS(true); } public boolean hasUnsupportedCriticalExtension() { return false; } }