package; import; import; // Usefull for testing when you need to connect to untrusted endpoints // Read endpoints that didn't pay for a valid cert. // Do not run bork() in production. Staging maby but not production. public class SecurityBorker { private static int borkedCallCount = 0; private static boolean isBorked = false; public static void bork() { if (!isBorked) { Security.addProvider(new OverTrustingTrustProvider()); Security.setProperty("ssl.TrustManagerFactory.algorithm", "TrustAllCertificates"); } HttpsURLConnection.setDefaultHostnameVerifier(new TrustAllHostsVerifier()); borkedCallCount++; } public static boolean getIsBorked() { return isBorked; } public static int getBorkCallCount() { return borkedCallCount; } }