package org.openstack.atlas.service.domain.usage; public enum BitTag { SSL(1), SERVICENET_LB(2), SSL_MIXED_MODE(4), // This can only be 'on' if the SSL tag is on /* Reserved bits for future use. We should * have a total of 31 bit flags. */ /* The int data type is a 32-bit signed two's complement integer. * It has a minimum value of -2,147,483,648 and a maximum value * of 2,147,483,647 (inclusive). For integral values, this data * type is generally the default choice unless there is a reason * to choose something else. This data type will most likely be * large enough for the numbers your program will use, but if you * need a wider range of values, use long instead.*/ BIT_TAG_RESERVED_2(8), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_3(16), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_4(32), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_5(64), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_6(128), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_7(256), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_8(512), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_9(1024), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_10(2048), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_11(4096), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_12(8192), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_13(16384), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_14(32768), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_15(65536), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_16(131072), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_17(262144), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_18(524288), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_19(1048576), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_20(2097152), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_21(4194304), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_22(8388608), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_23(16777216), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_24(33554432), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_25(67108864), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_26(134217728), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_27(268435456), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_28(536870912), BIT_TAG_RESERVED_29(1073741824); private final int tagValue; BitTag(int tagValue) { this.tagValue = tagValue; } public int tagValue() { return tagValue; } }