package org.bouncycastle.openpgp; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERInteger; import org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence; import org.bouncycastle.bcpg.*; import org.bouncycastle.util.BigIntegers; import org.bouncycastle.util.Strings; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; /** *A PGP signature object. */ public class PGPSignature { public static final int BINARY_DOCUMENT = 0x00; public static final int CANONICAL_TEXT_DOCUMENT = 0x01; public static final int STAND_ALONE = 0x02; public static final int DEFAULT_CERTIFICATION = 0x10; public static final int NO_CERTIFICATION = 0x11; public static final int CASUAL_CERTIFICATION = 0x12; public static final int POSITIVE_CERTIFICATION = 0x13; public static final int SUBKEY_BINDING = 0x18; public static final int PRIMARYKEY_BINDING = 0x19; public static final int DIRECT_KEY = 0x1f; public static final int KEY_REVOCATION = 0x20; public static final int SUBKEY_REVOCATION = 0x28; public static final int CERTIFICATION_REVOCATION = 0x30; public static final int TIMESTAMP = 0x40; private SignaturePacket sigPck; private Signature sig; private int signatureType; private TrustPacket trustPck; private byte lastb; PGPSignature( BCPGInputStream pIn) throws IOException, PGPException { this((SignaturePacket)pIn.readPacket()); } PGPSignature( SignaturePacket sigPacket) throws PGPException { sigPck = sigPacket; signatureType = sigPck.getSignatureType(); trustPck = null; } PGPSignature( SignaturePacket sigPacket, TrustPacket trustPacket) throws PGPException { this(sigPacket); this.trustPck = trustPacket; } private void getSig( Provider provider) throws PGPException { try { this.sig = Signature.getInstance(PGPUtil.getSignatureName(sigPck.getKeyAlgorithm(), sigPck.getHashAlgorithm()), provider); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PGPException("can't set up signature object.", e); } } /** * Return the OpenPGP version number for this signature. * * @return signature version number. */ public int getVersion() { return sigPck.getVersion(); } /** * Return the key algorithm associated with this signature. * @return signature key algorithm. */ public int getKeyAlgorithm() { return sigPck.getKeyAlgorithm(); } /** * Return the hash algorithm associated with this signature. * @return signature hash algorithm. */ public int getHashAlgorithm() { return sigPck.getHashAlgorithm(); } public void initVerify( PGPPublicKey pubKey, String provider) throws NoSuchProviderException, PGPException { initVerify(pubKey, PGPUtil.getProvider(provider)); } public void initVerify( PGPPublicKey pubKey, Provider provider) throws PGPException { if (sig == null) { getSig(provider); } try { sig.initVerify(pubKey.getKey(provider)); } catch (InvalidKeyException e) { throw new PGPException("invalid key.", e); } lastb = 0; } public void update( byte b) throws SignatureException { if (signatureType == PGPSignature.CANONICAL_TEXT_DOCUMENT) { if (b == '\r') { sig.update((byte)'\r'); sig.update((byte)'\n'); } else if (b == '\n') { if (lastb != '\r') { sig.update((byte)'\r'); sig.update((byte)'\n'); } } else { sig.update(b); } lastb = b; } else { sig.update(b); } } public void update( byte[] bytes) throws SignatureException { this.update(bytes, 0, bytes.length); } public void update( byte[] bytes, int off, int length) throws SignatureException { if (signatureType == PGPSignature.CANONICAL_TEXT_DOCUMENT) { int finish = off + length; for (int i = off; i != finish; i++) { this.update(bytes[i]); } } else { sig.update(bytes, off, length); } } public boolean verify() throws PGPException, SignatureException { sig.update(this.getSignatureTrailer()); return sig.verify(this.getSignature()); } private void updateWithIdData(int header, byte[] idBytes) throws SignatureException { this.update((byte)header); this.update((byte)(idBytes.length >> 24)); this.update((byte)(idBytes.length >> 16)); this.update((byte)(idBytes.length >> 8)); this.update((byte)(idBytes.length)); this.update(idBytes); } private void updateWithPublicKey(PGPPublicKey key) throws PGPException, SignatureException { byte[] keyBytes = getEncodedPublicKey(key); this.update((byte)0x99); this.update((byte)(keyBytes.length >> 8)); this.update((byte)(keyBytes.length)); this.update(keyBytes); } /** * Verify the signature as certifying the passed in public key as associated * with the passed in user attributes. * * @param userAttributes user attributes the key was stored under * @param key the key to be verified. * @return true if the signature matches, false otherwise. * @throws PGPException * @throws SignatureException */ public boolean verifyCertification( PGPUserAttributeSubpacketVector userAttributes, PGPPublicKey key) throws PGPException, SignatureException { updateWithPublicKey(key); // // hash in the userAttributes // try { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); UserAttributeSubpacket[] packets = userAttributes.toSubpacketArray(); for (int i = 0; i != packets.length; i++) { packets[i].encode(bOut); } updateWithIdData(0xd1, bOut.toByteArray()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PGPException("cannot encode subpacket array", e); } this.update(sigPck.getSignatureTrailer()); return sig.verify(this.getSignature()); } /** * Verify the signature as certifying the passed in public key as associated * with the passed in id. * * @param id id the key was stored under * @param key the key to be verified. * @return true if the signature matches, false otherwise. * @throws PGPException * @throws SignatureException */ public boolean verifyCertification( String id, PGPPublicKey key) throws PGPException, SignatureException { updateWithPublicKey(key); // // hash in the id // updateWithIdData(0xb4, Strings.toByteArray(id)); this.update(sigPck.getSignatureTrailer()); return sig.verify(this.getSignature()); } /** * Verify a certification for the passed in key against the passed in * master key. * * @param masterKey the key we are verifying against. * @param pubKey the key we are verifying. * @return true if the certification is valid, false otherwise. * @throws SignatureException * @throws PGPException */ public boolean verifyCertification( PGPPublicKey masterKey, PGPPublicKey pubKey) throws SignatureException, PGPException { updateWithPublicKey(masterKey); updateWithPublicKey(pubKey); this.update(sigPck.getSignatureTrailer()); return sig.verify(this.getSignature()); } /** * Verify a key certification, such as a revocation, for the passed in key. * * @param pubKey the key we are checking. * @return true if the certification is valid, false otherwise. * @throws SignatureException * @throws PGPException */ public boolean verifyCertification( PGPPublicKey pubKey) throws SignatureException, PGPException { if (this.getSignatureType() != KEY_REVOCATION && this.getSignatureType() != SUBKEY_REVOCATION) { throw new IllegalStateException("signature is not a key signature"); } updateWithPublicKey(pubKey); this.update(sigPck.getSignatureTrailer()); return sig.verify(this.getSignature()); } public int getSignatureType() { return sigPck.getSignatureType(); } /** * Return the id of the key that created the signature. * @return keyID of the signatures corresponding key. */ public long getKeyID() { return sigPck.getKeyID(); } /** * Return the creation time of the signature. * * @return the signature creation time. */ public Date getCreationTime() { return new Date(sigPck.getCreationTime()); } public byte[] getSignatureTrailer() { return sigPck.getSignatureTrailer(); } /** * Return true if the signature has either hashed or unhashed subpackets. * * @return true if either hashed or unhashed subpackets are present, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasSubpackets() { return sigPck.getHashedSubPackets() != null || sigPck.getUnhashedSubPackets() != null; } public PGPSignatureSubpacketVector getHashedSubPackets() { return createSubpacketVector(sigPck.getHashedSubPackets()); } public PGPSignatureSubpacketVector getUnhashedSubPackets() { return createSubpacketVector(sigPck.getUnhashedSubPackets()); } private PGPSignatureSubpacketVector createSubpacketVector(SignatureSubpacket[] pcks) { if (pcks != null) { return new PGPSignatureSubpacketVector(pcks); } return null; } public byte[] getSignature() throws PGPException { MPInteger[] sigValues = sigPck.getSignature(); byte[] signature; if (sigValues != null) { if (sigValues.length == 1) // an RSA signature { signature = BigIntegers.asUnsignedByteArray(sigValues[0].getValue()); } else { try { ASN1EncodableVector v = new ASN1EncodableVector(); v.add(new DERInteger(sigValues[0].getValue())); v.add(new DERInteger(sigValues[1].getValue())); signature = new DERSequence(v).getEncoded(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PGPException("exception encoding DSA sig.", e); } } } else { signature = sigPck.getSignatureBytes(); } return signature; } public byte[] getEncoded() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); this.encode(bOut); return bOut.toByteArray(); } public void encode( OutputStream outStream) throws IOException { BCPGOutputStream out; if (outStream instanceof BCPGOutputStream) { out = (BCPGOutputStream)outStream; } else { out = new BCPGOutputStream(outStream); } out.writePacket(sigPck); if (trustPck != null) { out.writePacket(trustPck); } } private byte[] getEncodedPublicKey( PGPPublicKey pubKey) throws PGPException { byte[] keyBytes; try { keyBytes = pubKey.publicPk.getEncodedContents(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new PGPException("exception preparing key.", e); } return keyBytes; } }